Japan Series – Heroine Cruel Story – Beheading Pink [JMSZ-09]


Japan Series – Heroine Cruel Story – Beheading Pink [JMSZ-09]

Alternative Names: 戦隊ヒロインピンク狩り

Categories: Japan, Rape, Bizarre, SuperHeroines, Beating, Snuff Play, Parody, BDSM, Abuse, Bloody Game

Description: The space mafia named Capona feels excitement to hunt a heroine’s mask. Such Capona has hunt heroine’s masks from all sorts of planets. And this time he aims the Earth-Pink who protects the earth, and begins the move!! In front of the Ranger who fight against the Death-God day by day, Capona’s combatants stand in their way! Three of the Ranger unite the power and beat the combatants, but the Pink-Killer appears and sends only the Earth-Pink to another dimension. The Pink-Killer attacks the Earth-Pink who can’t contact with the other two members! Her strengthening suit is torn apart, and she is placed in captivity! And the Earth-Pink sees the day of fate! The Pink is set to a guillotine stand. She desperately resists it! But then!!! From the overtop of the Pink… [BAD END]

This time we made images from Mr. Yamahoushi’s plan. I felt a little difficulty on some scenes because I hardly shot the expression in my way due to the visor on the mask. I should think out a little bit more. I reckon that a scene where the Pink’s masks are lining in a hiding place of Capona deliberately shows a way of hunting the Pinks. But I feel some regrets because I couldn’t obtain a urine scene at the last! Miss Misaki couldn’t leak urine while she’s grabbling…We waited for her for about an hour, but… About that matter, I shouldn’t have been particular about grabbling, and I should have kept on the shooting. I beg your pardon… This time three Pinks appear in this work, so it is a must-see for fans of the Pink of the Fighting Unit.

今回は、山法師さんの企画を映像化してみました。 ちょっと難しかった所は、バイザーで表情がなかなか映し出せなかった事。もうちょっと工夫が必要でした。 冒頭のピンクのマスクをカポーナのアジトに並べた感じは、ピンク狩りをうまく表現出来たと思います。 ただ、心残りは最後に失禁が出来なかった事!美咲さんは四つん這いだとお漏らしが出来ないらしいです。1時間位待ったのですが・・・・。もうチョッとその辺りも四つん這いにこだわらず進めていればと思いました。すみません・・・・・。 今回は、本編の中で3人のピンクが出ていますので戦隊ピンクファンの方は是非見てください。

