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Category Archives: Chris Corner
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[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Escape From Ninja House
Posted by PornExtreme on 22 June 2023, 12:20[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Escape From Ninja House
Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused
File Info: File Size : 1257.99 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:19:26
Video : H264 (Main) :: 8.42 Mb/s, 29.97 fps
Audio : AAC (LC) :: 163 kb/s, 48000 Hz, 2 channels :: 2 tracks2x Eng
Description: Starring: Belle Fatale, Hannah Perez, Ryanne Redd, Ryanne Purple, and Freya w/ Jigsy as “mild mannered hiker”
Focus on: Henchwomen, Martial Arts, Hand to Hand Combat, Ninja Clones, Shooting/Postmortem undressing and handling, and face down deaths(only some) We did Blood FX on the last round of kills. Same crowd as Operation Empty Quiver. The fight scenes are reminiscent of old Kung Fu films. This was supposed to be a group project but ended up just being one customer and myself footing the bill leaving us with limited budget and space, time and props. I am so proud of cast, crew, and the actor for making this way bigger and better than I could imagine with these limitations. Imagine this type of scenario with 10 or 12 gals in a large open setting with different actors. Jussayin Anti up!
A mild mannered young man is making his way to his grandfather’s house to visit and care for him in his old age. He decides to take a short cut through someone’s property. As he steps over the fence he is engaged by two ninja Henchowmen on patrol who tell him he will be detailed. He is very kind and gentle but this man has been taught by his grandfather to defend himself and take action if needed. He tells them he needs to go and he is sorry. They look at each other and get in stance to fight. He uses his walking stick to block them and when he feels cornered, he returns blows with his stick, almost effortlessly knocking the henchwomen out. After the second one is knocked down the one ninja left calls out intruder, and then droves of ninjas come to fight and the young man defends himself with very little motion, blocking most of what they throw at him or kick at him, then knocking them down with a stick. He just wants to make it out because his grandpa needs him. After several battles with many ninjas he finally knocks them all out and kills some with blows to the head and to the heart with his staff. He tries to use his phone but there is no service due to a scrambler the henchwomen have at their compound. He leaves to his grandpas house, but drops his phone in haste, not wanting to fight any longer. When he gets to grandpas, he has been captured. The Ninja’s call him on his phone and let him know they have his grandpa. He is not happy and makes his way to their place. The ninjas are now armed with machine guns and pistols, pacing all over the outside and inside of the compound.
One is pacing back and forth in the main room armed with a mac11, she doesn’t notice the man sneaking up behind her, setting his staff against the wall because he is meaning business now and this is death, not defense. He stealthily cracks the neck of the buxom ninja and she crumbles over an ottoman on to the floor. He hears the stamping of many ninjas headed his way, and they are not holding hands, but machine guns and pistols. He grabs the mac11 on the floor and takes them out as they come around the corner firing at him, he miraculously never gets shot. The man keeps firing as they keep coming then heads to the other parts of the house to sweep the place of ninjas and find his grandpa. He takes two out in a side room as they fall face first into the pile of boxes and clothing in the junk room. He keeps searching and eventually ends up back in the main room. He hears them coming so he checks the mac, but its empty, so he grabs the revolver on the floor and waits, picking them off as they come into the room with fatal shots, 2 of them to the heart/breast, and 2 of them with fatal shots to the head, killing them fairly instantly, aside from some twitching which is totally sexy. He takes stock checking around for others, but he thinks this is the last patrol, for now so he goes to each of the ninjas and exposes their breasts, rolling them and checking them for any information, or his phone he misplaced. After not finding anything but naked breasts and gun wounds, he places them all in a body pile, next to each other so he can remember their faces, just incase the spawn again and he will recognize the clones anytime. Body pans are shown throughout for each of the kills, and group kills, the final pans are with f/x and makeup/blood. Like I said before, we did a really stellar job for lack of space, time, budget, and crew, not to mention me having to take many breaks due to being weak and ill. Just shows you what we can do with nothing but talent and the will to be better.
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Posted in Chris Corner
Tagged Belle Fatale, Hannah Perez
[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Ragdoll Trainer
Posted by PornExtreme on 22 June 2023, 12:19[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Ragdoll Trainer
Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused
File Info: File Size : 564.13 MB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:42:12
Video : H264 (Main) :: 1.69 Mb/s, 25 fps
Audio : AAC (LC) :: 130 kb/s, 44100 Hz, 2 channels :: Eng
Description: Starring: Mercy West w/ Trainer Rex
Mercy is a dancer and is auditioning for a role in the stage version of “Dark Swan”, a sexy ballet where she will play one of the lead roles, and is a shoe in for the part. She is very nervous though and asked her director to refer her to a personal trainer who can help her to limber up and strengthen for the role. Her director Chris has the perfect guy, Rex Hardcastle, a very Zen personal trainer and strengthening coach, who has helped some of the best on the stage. Chris knew she would be great for him too because she is exactly “his type” and would also enjoy the session very much. She comes out of the changing room with her yoga pants and sports top, and socks, ready but still nervous. Rex is stretching on the floor and asks if she is comfortable as she enters. She answers a few questions and he tells her to do some stretches she would do before dancing on stage. She says she doesn’t have a regiment, but is willing to learn and trusts Chris. Rex stands and starts out slow, stretching her in a few different positions, slowly getting her limber. She moans and you hear a couple pops and grunts as he limbers her, stretching her to the point where she is in pain and uncomfortable because his hands are all over her in her sensitive areas. He just acts like it is part of routine, which it is, he still is the best at getting people dialed in. After some standing stretches he takes her to the floor asking her to get down for some more stretches. He gets her all twisted up, flopping her limbs as he does, and then getting very touchy feeler with her, using his bracing hands on her crotch or on her breasts. When he lifts her legs he uses her vagina a a fingerhold which makes her very uncomfortable. He explains to her he must have total commitment to his regiment, or not at all.
He asks her if she wants the role or not and she bucks up and he continues. He grinds into her leg as he pushes his pelvis, and erection in his sweats, up against hers using it as a hold, he also rubs her sexy socks on his dick before he goes to his next pose and stretch. As he tells her to relax and close her eyes, he slowly and slyly grabs a pillow that is on the edge of the mantle and slowly puts it next to her head. he tells her to take a deep breath then let out all the air, and when she does he puts the pillow over her head and smothers her, She slowly reacts but when he tells her to go to a happy lace, she freaks and starts to fight. he is straddling her arms and body so she can only kick and squirm under him, getting him more aroused. She fights hard but passes out before he can kill her. She is quiet and eyes closed when he removes the pillow. Her last second twitches were done and she was completely limp. The stretching made her even more limber too, so he thinks for a minute about what he will do as he checks her out, smelling her and touching her to see how she reacts, he takes off her socks and sees her perfect size five and a half toes and feet, he scoots over to her head and moves it to see if she is limp. He now knows he will have fun with her for a bit until she wakes up. He moves her leg to check her ass and whacks it hard, slapping so hard it pops. He rolls her over checking her soles and mashing them with his fists, grabbing her roughly and pinching her skin and nipples. He removes the yoga pants to the knees and bites and gropes her ass, he bites and smells her cunt. He immediately starts to treat her like a rag doll, flopping her all over the room, sitting her up and making her arms sway back and forth, they look as if they go past the threshold of mobility, she is amazingly limp and double jointed, and now stretched out to all the way. Rex is so excited and now knows what Chris meant when he said she was special.
He flops her around, picking her up by the hips off the ground, so she dangles, throwing her back and forth so her arms swing to and fro. he takes off his shirt, knowing this is going to be a long, fun day full of playing with her, and a long night of playing with her. He rolls her over and starts to rough handle her front. He grabs her hard on the pussy pinching it through her booty shorts. He is very aggressively messing with her limp body, he picks her up so her ass is on his dick and tosses her back and forth making her sway and swing, he dances around with her for a few, then goes to the floor, laying her on top of him. He kicks her legs up so they fall limp, he grabs them and tosses them to the side playing with her sexy limp body. He grabs her tits and side hard, then her legs and her neck. he squeezes hard on her neck and she remains passed out. He wants some action so he starts to stick both hands down her booty shorts, then she starts to stir and wake a bit, fluttering her eyes and groaning lightly. Whe she finally realizes what is happening her has both hands around her neck, still underneath her. He chokes her hard and she drools all over him as he grabs the life out of her as she tries to fight back. He is toying with her and she rolls out of it and tries to break for the door, but she is like a mouse to this Tom cat, and he laughs as he pulls her by one foot as she screams in terror. She is no bitch and won’t go down without a fight, she elbos him in the ribs and gets away again, he follows her down the hall after an ouch and he comes and grabs her by the hair, picking her up and yarding her back to the room, he steps on her to hold her down and then he steps on her throat, as she gags and chokes spit out of her mouth, her face is so red and she is coughing and choking on the ground.
She punches him in the nuts and tries again to escape but he grabs her hair again and pulls her back to his arena. He lets her go and she is on all fours, but looking as if she is ready to react, she loses it for a second, breaking down but when he waves her to come at him, she does with an Amazon like warrior cry and tries lunging at him, his martial arts background immediately renders her helpless and covered by him. He gets her in a choke hold from behind, pulling her head back so far she chokes and gags, turning beet red as she drools and gags on the floor, spit flowing from her mouth. He pulls back and takes her all the way to the floor, on top of him to finish her off and does, he finishes her with the choke hold, and gets on their side, as she dies and goes limp, he makes sure by doing a couple quick neck breaks, he is ready to play more and wants to be sure she is one hundred percent limp and dead. She is just that as he rolls her off of his body. He picks her up under her hips and carries her around the room, spinning her so her body is flying through the air. He does this for a minute then tosses her on to the couch in the room. He is hungry for her and lusting to fuck her dead, limp body. He picks her head up by her hair and looks at her eyes. he plays with her mouth and lips, teeth and then pulls her tngue out, pinching it, then letting go. he drags her by the feet to the edge and arm of the couch, then pulls his dick out and fucks her limp corpse from behind. he bumps and grinds her, her feet bouncing and dangling, her booty shorts hanging from her foot, and her head being held up by his hand, pulling her hair so he can feel her body straighten as he hits it.
After he finishes his fuck and orgasm, he drops her head to the couch. He lifts her up against him, swaying her back and forth, her ass against his pelvis, dancing for a moment before he lets her limp fall to the floor. He moves the hair from her eyes as she lays on the floor after crumbling like glass. He opens her mouth again and checks her face out one more time, then goes to grab a blanket to stuff her in so he can dispose of her body before anyone gets wind. While he is gone, her sexy, dead, eyes wide open stare and sexy limp body is panned and viewed from all angles, including sexy foot views throughout. He returns and lays out the sheet, then drags her body on to it, picking her up by one arm and one leg. He sets her down and rolls her up, leaving the feet sticking out so he can see them. He rolls her all the way and then looks at her face again, one last time before he picks the blanketed corpse up and carries her off into darkness.
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Posted in Chris Corner
Tagged Mercy West
[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Poor Dating Choice
Posted by PornExtreme on 22 June 2023, 12:18[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Poor Dating Choice
Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused
File Info: File Size : 262.45 MB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:18:27
Video : H264 (Main) :: 1.81 Mb/s, 25 fps
Audio : AAC (LC) :: 130 kb/s, 44100 Hz, 2 channels :: Eng
Description: Starring: Ryanne w/ Jackson
“Rarely do we get the chance to relax, have fun, and make films that are not customs. This film is a prime example of the quality performances we get from models and actors, and the way they can follow an idea and make it spectacular. I wanted to have as much awkwardness and reaction to said awkwardness, these two hit it on the head of the nail. This has so much content and things that we all love, especially with Ryanne”. -Chris. Ryanne has moved 4 times in the last 5 years. The reason: Poor dating choices on the internet and finding guys on kindling, and other hook up sites, those dates not always working out and some so awkward they make even an awful date seem legitimate. But, in Ryanne’s mind this was to be a different date. This time she spent a few weeks getting to know the guy, instead of just a few hours. As she gets ready for him to arrive she makes them both coffee, to break the ice. She is dressed elegantly in her long, plum dress, black high heeled pumps, and some really sexy dark red lip gloss, plus her toes and fingers to match. She loved paying attention to details because when she does find the right man, she wants him to be satisfied. The new guy Jackson is from out of town on the coast and has been driving for hours to go on the date. Her only real mistake is going from flirting, to texting, to sexting, sending pics back and forth of each others’ junk, and getting off, but only after cocktails, or a rough day at work.
When she opens the door and meets him face to face she is taken a back, and thrown off by a few different things; but mainly just his height, looks, and the cheap rags he was wearing, not to mention that he drives an old van with no windows and she can smell his halitosis from the doorway. The first meeting is awkward and he goes in for the hug after the handshake. She asks him to have a seat on the sofa as she grabs the coffee, she takes a sip not noticing that he has turned to check her ass out, then scurries to sit on the couch, like a weasel. She sits on the opposite end of the couch trying to stay away from his B.0. He says the coffee is great but asks if she has some “hooch” to throw in, she has no clue what that even means. She tries to get through it, suggesting they go out to the local Thai place for cocktails and food, which he asks if they have burgers or a kid menu because he doesn’t have much money. She tries to keep calm and not get him too excited but he just keeps coming back with jaw dropping comments and she says she needs to freshen up and heads to the bathroom. When she gets in and closes the door she throws her hands up and gives herself a pep talk in the mirror, saying that she would get him out to dinner then send him home and not ever text him again. She puts on more lip gloss and manufactures a smile to take back to the living room. When she gets to the edge of the room she sees him removing his boots and catches a whiff of his dirty feet smell which sets her back and makes her pinch her nose. She asks him nicely, but stuttering, why he is dressing down. He says that he has driven a long way and is tired, not to mention “really horny from the texts”. He unbuttons his shirt and tells her to come sit down because she is “making him feel uncomfortable…”.
She seems to think he is the one making her uncomfortable but doesn’t want to cause a rift so she sits on the couch as requested, but not within reach. She comments on his chest tattoo which gives him ample opportunity to scoot over to her and tell her to feel it because it still has texture after a few years. The tattoo of the mechanical heart that the fuel gauge is on empty, she gives up on hope at that point. He gets really aggressive and starts to move in, grabbing her breasts and telling her it is okay, she knows she wants it and he will give it to her good. He holds her down on the sofa kissing her neck she says, “NO! No means No!”, but he replies that when they were texting No meant Yes, so he advances. She yells at him to leave but he is in too deep and takes his forearm to her throat, holding her pinned to the sofa arm just enough to keep grabbing at her and getting up her long dress. He pins her to the sofa, groping her as she chokes and kicks her heels off while thrashing revealing her sexy bare feet and painted toes. After a minute or so she starts to flutter her eyes and twitch until she is knocked out. After she is out he feels her up, hiking up her dress, then pulling the dress down to see the boobs, very awkwardly flopping her long limbs and sexy frame. He flops her arms to get her dress off but is unsuccessful, so he goes behind the couch and pulls it up over her head and takes the bra off too, checking out her enormous and perfect breasts. Very excited to finally fuck her and give her what she needs, he goes around and removes the panties, after rolling her on her tummy on the sofa, and knees on the floor.
He leaves her panties on her soles and spreads her ass cheeks and pussy lips, seeing what perfection he was about to embark into. As he flips her over and gets her into position, ragdolling and limp flopping her the entire time, he unzips his trousers and that immediately springs her eyes open, she slowly comes to and realizes she is naked and he is on top of her ready to put it in her. She freaks out and backs up over the back of the couch running toward the side door to the garage, but he comes around and grabs her, spinning her around on to the heavy door. He grabs her by her throat and starts to throttle her hard. He squeezes hard and her eyes bug out of her head. He uses the other hand to firm up his grip and get her whole neck, her tongue protrude and her eyes bulge from her head as she chokes to death, her feet come off the floor and kick hard as he lifts her up and pushes his knee into her crotch to feel her. He is getting tired of the choking and is ready to fuck her now, so even though she is winding down and her face is red, eyes bloodshot and bulging, he takes a deep breath, choke with one hand and grabbing the other side with the other hand and cranking on it with a quick, crunch, crack…she crumbles to the floor like a sack full of sand, dead and wide eyed, tongue showing from being swollen from the choke out.
He scoops her limp frame up from the floor in a cradle carry, holding and hovering her over the back of the sofa for a few seconds before dropping her. He is now ready for his feast. He heads around the sofa to her, moving her so she is sitting on the sofa but drags her ass up to the edge so he can get maximum penetration as he necro fucks her still warm corpse. He puts it in her and starts to pump which make her breasts jiggle back and forth and his pelvis slapping against her thighs gives him extra pleasure. He knows she has perfect feet so he lifts them over his shoulders so he can lick and suck them while he necro fucks her. He fucks her hard for a good while, enjoying her and cums hard, passionately orgasming into her. When he is done he tosses her aside, removing himself and showing a swollen, used, pussy that he banged out hard. He hits the bathroom to get straightened up for round two. After the sexy, dead, necro fucked corpse is viewed and panned from many angles the date returns from the bathroom and puts her high heels back on her feet, then takes the sexy lip gloss from the bathroom and gives her a second coat, doing a great job as he makes her even sexier dead. He tells the corpse that now he needs a drink and will be back soon from the liquor store for a long night ahead. The corpse obviously has no say in it so.
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Posted in Chris Corner
[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Her Party Girl Appetite 5
Posted by PornExtreme on 22 June 2023, 12:18[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Her Party Girl Appetite 5
Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused
File Info: File Size : 422.34 MB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:17:05
Video : H264 (Main) :: 2.96 Mb/s, 29.97 fps
Audio : AAC (LC) :: 163 kb/s, 48000 Hz, 2 channels :: 2 tracks2x Eng
Description: Starring: Belle Fatale, Hannah Perez, Ryanne, Genetica, and Kiki
Belle is a serial killer who loves the party scene. Summers in Alaska are lots of fun, but people love to drink, dance, and there are lots of bisexual women, so it is a haven for a killer like Belle. She has worked her way through the party scene, killing a select few, but after she kills the detective that is on her tail, she has a clean slate and a new lease on her killer life. She will not stop until someone, or something stops her. She is a charming, but brutal killer. As Kiki is sitting in the chair taking selfies for her instagrand, Belle sneaks behind her, pretending to photobomb her and say “cheese”, and at the same time wrapping the cord hard around Kikis neck and pulling back. She strangles Kiki so hard on the chair, lifting her as she tries to get away but instead gets herself further choked by the cord. Kikis huge tits and her cleavage bounce around and her eyes bug out. You can almost hear her thoughts she is so expressive and kicks her legs hard but slowly she loses her battle. Her luscious ass cheeks bounce against the chair. She claws at the cord, her blonde hair tangled in her death. Her sexy mound bouncing up and down her luscious ass cheeks, where they meet her pussy hang out of her panties as they buck against the chair leather. Eventually she dies and twitches a few times before she is done. Writhing around and dead from the cord strangle. Belle is tired but she knows it is not over. She releases Kikis tits from her bra feeling and squeezing them.
She thinks all the tits in this house are incredible. She thinks she has time for fun and scoops up Kiki off the chair and dropping her on the floor. She rolls her over and flops her around before dragging her to the room and tossing her on the top of the bed with the others. Belle starts to fondle and talk to the corpses. She grabs all the boobs, especially checking out the new Kiki still saving Hannah for when she is awake. As she plays with Kiki’s tits on the bed, Hannah starts to stir, quietly, then when she realizes she is laying on a bed with 3 corpses and a crazy broad, she jumps up and blood curdling screams her way into the living room, but Belle is fast as a cheetah and comes out the door behind her and lassoing the pantyhose around her neck and taking her down to the sofa. She pounces on her and gets the stocking tight before she tries to get behind her in her favorite position. Hannah fights so hard and she figured as much. That is why Belle saved her for last and let her get a small head start. Hannahs eyes are wide and she claws at the tightly wound pantyhose on her neck. She fights and kicks, her feet pointing flexing and kicking at the end of the sofa arm. Belle uses her feet to move Hannahs top down so she can watch her big tits bounce as she is being strangled to death.
Belle tells her to look into her eyes and show them, and as she strangles Hannah looks back, trying not to be defeated but it is tough, Belle is strong and a pro at killing women with her hands and some sort of garrote. As Hannah winds down, Belle savors the moment, loving her twitch on top of her and her bucking against her groin.Hannah winds down to twitches and kicks, random and slowing. Eventually Belle finishes her off and Hannah is still, eyes wide and tongue lolling out. Belle gets out from under her and lets her flop back to the sofa like a pile of dirty laundry. She catches her breath and grabs Hannahs arms pulling her up to her and throwing the petite but built Hannah over her shoulder and taking her to the bed with the rest of the sexy dead bodies. She arranges her with the others and starts to check them all out, grabbing tits and fondling mounds through the sexy panties. She goes to each one surveying her best work and then decides she needs to freshen up before she will come finish her job and move on to the next bunch of party girls. There is no end to the tragedies this serial killer causes. She is ruthless, but charming. Intense, but compassionate, until she has you in her clutches. Maybe you are next? Don’t worry folks, there are plenty of females that come through our neck of the woods to not run out of victims, and the day we do, there may be a cop or someone wanting revenge, but until then, she kills. Belle is by far my favorite killer in this genre, even moire than myself.
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Posted in Chris Corner
Tagged Belle Fatale, Hannah Perez
[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Cheerleader Advice
Posted by PornExtreme on 22 June 2023, 12:17[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Cheerleader Advice
Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused
File Info: File Size : 242.58 MB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:17:03
Video : H264 (Main) :: 1.81 Mb/s, 25 fps
Audio : AAC (LC) :: 131 kb/s, 48000 Hz, 2 channels :: Eng
Description: Starring: Genetica
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Posted in Chris Corner
[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – My Retched Brother Part 1 And 2
Posted by PornExtreme on 20 April 2023, 20:53[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – My Retched Brother Part 1 And 2
Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused
File Info: File Size : 1332.81 MB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:48:12
Video : H264 (Main) :: 3.64 Mb/s, 29.97 fps
Audio : AAC (LC) :: 131 kb/s, 44100 Hz, 2 channels :: Eng
Description: Starring: Kiki w/ Rex & Chris
Kiki has been alone with her half-brother Rex for almost a year since her parents passed. After the loss, Rex changed from an evil brother, which is normal, to a retched son of a bitch that uses his sister to pay for his own fun, and everything else that wasn’t left behind. He makes her wear certain clothing, nightgowns and a pink teddy. He whips her, beats her, makes her clean, and cook, do all the housework, not to mention doing his bidding. He also invites a couple friends over to pay for some fun, like beating her breasts, and whipping her with a bull whip, not to mention some hardcore fingering of her tight pussy, face fucking, and cock sucking. When she tries to escape he smashes her in the head with a rolling pin, then again to make sure she is out cold, so he can fuck her and she won’t cry and complain. He checks her out a bit before he fucks her as she is passed out, from the front and from behind, her tits swing and bounce back and forth to his fuck rhythm. He cums inside her and as he dismounts her cum oozes from her tight snatch, onto the kitchen floor. He picks her up and carries her off to her room to wake up. Later that evening he has his friends over to make some money off of her, and so he let’s them watch her dance, grab and abuse her big breasts, slap and punch her and then crack her with the whip. He leads her out in a black, tight, revealing, sheer nighty. They beat her good with the whip and she shows marks on her boobs from whipping.
They then whip her breasts bloody with the sharper whip, the thin wire on the end ripping the skin and instantly blooding them up. She begs for them to stop as she cries in pain, she finally gets them to quit by saying, “Please stop whipping me, I will suck your cock real good”. She obliges and they get their dicks sucked so good, for a long time, and the last guy gets his so good that he cums a huge load all over her face and in her mouth, making her suck it all off and lick his shaft. He hands her off to her brother and he takes it from there, making her crawl around the room with the cum soaked, bloody face from all the whipping and beating. He eventually makes her crawl to her room as the scene fades… After all the abuse and whipping; breast punching, nipple twisting, face slapping, and punching, not to mention rape and face fucking, hardcore, gagging blowjob, and facial, Kiki is in the open room where she was assaulted and raped, scrubbing the floor. She scrubs in her black Teddy that is stained and soaked with blood and semen. She scrubs and her tits bounce back and forth, her pussy and ass exposed, an coated in sweat. She is scrubs as Rex comes into the room, yelling at her that she is not done yet, and that she needs to put on the pink Teddy as he requested. He smacks her around explaining that she looks horrible, and the place is unshowable as is she to his friends, so he says he will have to punish her a bunch. After she changes into the pink Teddy, he leads her back into the room where he canes her and slaps and beats her breasts, caning her breasts, tormenting her. He whips her with a bamboo cane, whipping her tits and ass, legs and tummy with the cane. He smacks her a bunch and kicks her, grabbing and punching her tits. She pleads with him not to whip her, she is so sore form the days before. She asks him “Please don’t whip me brother, fuck me instead”…”please brother?” He says she is a dirty whore and puts her to the wall as he feels her up, and turns her around so he can tie her hands behind her back. He puts her down on her knees as she begs not to be whipped. He fucks her mouth hard, ramming her face with his cock, gagging and choking her.
He deep throats her as she gags on his dick. He grabs her hair as he pulls her towards him. He takes her down to the floor, on a matt, and fingers her hard, getting her warmed up for his dick. He puts her face first into the mat and fucks her doggy, arms tied behind her, she screams and pleads that he is too big for her tight pussy. He fucks her very hard as he pulls on her caning her as he fucks her. He removes the rope behind her back so he can flip her over for a hard fuck. he bends her legs up to her chest and rams her in and out, pounding her pussy as he rams her. He lays her down and fucks her hard as she protests. He takes the cane and puts it to her neck, choking her as he fucks her. She tries to ask him why, and beg, but it is gravely voice that slowly fades, as does she. She tries to claw at the cane as he chokes her and fucks her harder and harder. Eventually he chokes her almost to death and as he blows his load he flexes and crushes her throat and neck under the pressure of the cane and the weight, her eyes wide and rolling back as he crushes her.. Her legs fly out and go limp, her eyes widen, roll back, then stay still as he finishes cumming the first time, then he fucks her dead body some more, for a long while, pounding the dead gal as she stares, dead and wide eyed. moving her around, flipping her on her side as he fucks faster and then cums all over her ass cheek. He fucks her dead body raw, leaving her there as he complains about having to fix his own dinner, and “that the neighbors will pay more for a bitch that doesn’t complain when you fuck her!” He drags the mat a bit to see her dirty bare feet, then he exits, leaving the body to be viewed and panned.
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Posted in Chris Corner
[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – The Best Therapy
Posted by PornExtreme on 20 April 2023, 20:52[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – The Best Therapy
Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused
File Info: File Size : 424.89 MB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:30:47
Video : H264 (Main) :: 1.75 Mb/s, 25 fps
Audio : AAC (LC) :: 130 kb/s, 44100 Hz, 2 channels :: Eng
Description: Starring: Ryanne Redd w/ Chris B.
This is a homage to the dynamic relationship between Tony Soprano and his Therapist Ms. Malfi, and the sexual tension that leads to her demise, and him getting his way. We did not impersonate the characters, they are far better actors and have way more time to prepare, but we studied and prepared our characters so that we were ourselves, but with the same types of issues, and therapeutic techniques. This is a very feet, legs, pantyhose, high heels, and foot fetish driven video with obvious strangling and fondling as big part of the film. There are lot’s of still framed sequences mixed with tons of POV, both from the patient/killer and therapist/victim, even after she is dead to show that point of view. Very long and detailed strangle scene with all kinds of angles, foot views, POV, and lot’s of POV fondling of the breasts. Even the long silence between them in the beginning is powerful.
A local mobster who is going through a rough time in his work and personal life meets with his Psychiatrist to figure out why his dreams involve legs, feet, pantyhose, shoe play, and high heels, and every woman in his dreams have her legs and feet. She tries to help him through it but he has been going to her for years and has little faith of her results at this point. He goes for broke after getting nowhere with his therapy and asks her if he can have some therapy with her sexy feet. As they discuss things she is playing with her shoes, crossing her legs popping the shoe back on the heel and a lot of activity with her legs and feet. It finally drives him wild and as he asks her one last time and she puts him in his place, he excuses himself to the bathroom, only to return quietly, sneaking up from behind and strangling her with a stocking that he came prepared with. He has a great time strangling her and watching her pantyhosed legs and feet dance in the office chair. She fights hard and her tongue and mouth open wide like her eyes. After a long strangle, she dies, eyes wide open tongue out and twitching in her chair. He takes his time to caress, smell, and mouth her legs and feet, then her sexy breasts after unbuttoning her shirt. He leaves the stocking around her neck and checks her out more, handling and pinching her boobs and nipples. He tears the crotch in her pantyhose so he can check out her pussy and ass, then tears only the feet out so he can taste and fuck her bare soles until he cums all over them and then fucks them more, rubbing his cock and cum all over her soles and toes. After he has his way with her feet, he sets her so she looks hot dead on the couch where he did his sessions for years and fantasized about this day, the strangle being the bonus, and that he won’t ever have to hear how he needs to open up, but when he does he is judged. He walks out after long body pans of the corpse and the cum soaked toes and soles, saying That was the best Therapy Session ever.
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Posted in Chris Corner
[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Fall Of The Guards 10
Posted by PornExtreme on 20 April 2023, 20:51[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Fall Of The Guards 10
Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused
File Info: File Size : 365.51 MB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:15:33
Video : H264 (Main) :: 3.07 Mb/s, 29.97 fps
Audio : AAC (LC) :: 131 kb/s, 44100 Hz, 2 channels :: Eng
Description: Starring: Belle Fatale & Kiki
She is back at it again, the sexy Spy taking out another clone, this one a Sexy Kiki in a skirt, topless, and looking sexy with her .45 raised and ready. She sneaks around and clears the rooms, talking to her dispatcher on her earpiece. Her headquarters alerts her of an intruder so she is ready, but the Sentry is too quick and stealth, coming up behind her with one swoop, a chokehold, the guard drops her gun and starts to struggle. The Sentry knows she has a live one, so pulls out a large syringe, plunging it into the guard’s hip, starting the process immediately and in seconds she is melting, jerking, and writhing down to the floor. Her eyes roll back in her head as she starts to slowly pass out from the choke hold and the sleep serum that the Sentry concocted. She waits till she is still, then starts to check her out, rolling her over playing with her ass, touching and squeezing her tits, kissing her neck and getting her ready for some real play time. As she feasts on her nice tits and gropes, slaps her perfect ass. She looks up at her partner and says, “She’s a real hot one, time to have some fun.” The Sentry drags her underarm, to the bedroom, then tosses her on the bed. She pulls her down to the edge of the bed, getting ready for some more groping, nipple sucking, and pinching, and to kiss her sexy neck and lips. At this point the guard starts to respond a bit and as the Sentry gets closer to her zones, the more she responds in her sleepy way. She is lightly moaning and softly breathing with each lick of the nipple and kiss behind the ear. The Sentry tells her partner(POV) “She is all mine and I can do whatever I want to.” She does just that and more of the same, kissing and sucking on her in different positions. She then knows she is getting too close to waking up, and must finish the job. She climbs off of the guard, moving to her head and neck, crouches down and starts to move her neck slowly back and forth, then she snaps the girls neck. She snaps it again just to be sure, then pays with her neck a bit, seeing that it is loose. She opens the guards eyes because she has barely seen them. She drags her up on to the bed and positions her to see the eyes. She checks her out one more time, kissing her a couple times, then exits, heading back to the room to pick up the guns and empty syringe. It’s time to go to the next quadrant and meet up with her Partner.
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Tagged Belle Fatale
[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – The Grace X Factor / To Kill A Detective 1
Posted by PornExtreme on 20 April 2023, 20:51[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – The Grace X Factor / To Kill A Detective 1
Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused
File Info: File Size : 272.13 MB
Resolution : 720x480
Duration : 00:19:50
Video : H264 (Main) :: 1.77 Mb/s, 29.97 fps
Audio : AAC (LC) :: 97 kb/s, 44100 Hz, 2 channels :: Eng
Description: Starring: Belle(as Grace X), Starli(as Starla the twin ), w/ Thor as…The Detective
Grace X and her sidekick Starla are on a mission to get some answers from the Head Detective Thor. They wait for him to arrive at his office and ambush him. They ask him questions but he is reluctant to say a thing except, “I am a detective, it is what I do”. So Grace Gives the nod and Starla shoots him in the chest, he twitches and goes limp. Starla says he is gone and to do what they had planned. The two hot killers go at it, unbelting his pants, pulling them down, and going after his cock. The two sexy assassins play with their pussies with the detective’s pistol and get hot and heavy, sucking Thor’s cock, till Grace cums gun in her pussy. While the two are basking in the glow of the orgasms, Thor grabs both guns and holds them at point. As they tease him that guns make them horny and fear makes them cum. Then, at the same time, he blasts both clits straight on with hot slugs. They both jump up and writhe around the desk, getting off on the pussy shot, near orgasming at the shots. It gets more intense as they get deeper and deeper into the grunting and orgasmic feelings, twitching, bucking, and heaving ,and when they are both about to climax, he shoots them both in the pussy a second time. The two bitches take the shots hard but still orgasm as they are dying. They twitch till death each one going out with toughness and sexiness. Then the detective has his way with the two dead killers, giving his dick to their mouths, and having necro sex with them both until he is satisfied, then positions them for the coroner.
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Tagged Grace X
[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Please Strangle Me Again
Posted by PornExtreme on 20 April 2023, 20:50[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Please Strangle Me Again
Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused
File Info: File Size : 222.95 MB
Resolution : 720x476
Duration : 00:23:26
Video : H264 (Main) :: 1.2 Mb/s, 24 fps
Audio : AAC (LC) :: 99 kb/s, 44100 Hz, 1 channel :: Und
Description: Starring: Coco, Scarlet and Doc Chavez
Coco waits in her apartment for her girlfriend and lover to come home. They both love men, but feel that rooming with one is not their style. After a long day at work, both gals discuss unwinding, and their days. Coco has that twinkle in her eye, so she is the first to remove her long, leather, boots. Scarlet removes hers, then Coco takes off her blouse, and starts to make out with Scarlet, softly kissing her lips and caressing her body, as the two start to breath and moan with passion. They kiss each other, then panties start coming off, fingers start to play with pussies, and they are both dripping wet, taking turns fingering each other fiercely. As Scarlet finger fucks Coco, she requests that Scarlet strangle her with her white thigh high stocking. Scarlet loves to make her cum, and that seems to be a sure fire way, and even though it scares Scarlet a bit, she still goes through with it, wrapping the stocking fairly tight around her sexy neck. She pulls, and Coco starts to finger herself and play with her own clit. She is feeling it now, but wants it tighter, so that is her request. Scarlet pulls tight, cutting off the air, Coco responds by pulling against the stocking. It is still not tight enough so Scarlet gets to her knees, then her feet, pulling tight on the stocking, after catching her breath for a sec, Coco is fully cut off from air, Scarlet thinks she is cumming hard with her spasms, Scarlet flips Coco on to her back, because that is usually how she finishes, and Scarlet was really getting into it.
Coco claws at her neck, trying to grab the stocking but she is fading fast, bucking, sticking her legs and toes straight out, tensing her muscles, then slowly she twitched until her eyes stopped to move, and her body went still. Scarlet was so caught up she didn’t realize until it was too late. Coco was dead. Scarlet removes the stocking, calling out to Coco, trying to revive her. She tries CPR, then calls their best guy friend Doc, who she knows can keep a secret. She tries mouth to mouth, then CPR, but she is not responding. Doc finally shows up, he is not himself when he sees what happened, checking Coco for a pulse, trying to find out what happened, he is so upset, he grabs Coco’s panties off the bed and strangles Scarlet hard with the panties, not even paying attention that Coco’s dead body is sandwiched between the two struggling people. Doc is so livid, he chokes Scarlet so hard, her legs kick out and her tongue protrudes, so hard that her face is beet red, and she dies withing a few minutes. After she is dead he explains how he had plans to marry Coco, and the three of them would have had so much fun as a team, but she screwed it all up, never will he feel Coco’s warm breath on his neck, or watch her sleep, or worship her sexy feet. Doc is so upset, he caresses his now dead girl. He tries to think of positive things but there is nothing but sorrow. He was so excited about the romance and the fun they would have as a couple and a group. He decides that he wants to have a last ride, so he moves both girls to the edge of the bed and has postmortem(simulated) sex with both of them, then positions them looking into each others eyes. He will leave them to gaze, dead, still, as he goes to the bar to drown his sorrows, then come back to deal with the aftermath. What a tragedy!
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Tagged Doc Chavez