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Japan Series – Superheroine Domination Hell Accel Girl metallic [GHPM-69]
Posted by PornExtreme on 17 February 2016, 18:52Japan Series – Superheroine Domination Hell Accel Girl metallic [GHPM-69]
Alternative Names: スーパーヒロインドミネーション地獄 アクセルガール
Categories: Japan, Rape, Bizarre, SuperHeroines, Beating, Snuff Play, Parody, BDSM, Abuse, Bloody Game
Description: The strongest soldier Dragon Crow appears before Accel Girl. His purpose is only one that he beats Accel Girl and destroy her body and soul as a soldier… Big pinch approaches to Accel Girl now. She fights with Dragon Crow desperately. Dragon Crow attacks her groin. Her body is paralyzed and she urinates. Beautiful soldier is beaten with her eyes rolled back in her head. But she tries to continue fighting. Finally she loses her power and falls down. Dirty terrorists avenge to the her lying body…SAD END[BAD END]
Posted in Full Film
Japan Series – Heroine Virgin Assault – Tales Luna – [GHPM-25]
Posted by PornExtreme on 17 February 2016, 18:52Japan Series – Heroine Virgin Assault – Tales Luna – [GHPM-25]
Alternative Names: ヒロインヴァージン強奪 ~テイルズルナ~
Categories: Japan, Rape, Bizarre, SuperHeroines, Beating, Snuff Play, Parody, BDSM, Abuse, Bloody Game
Description: Hikari Kagari was frustrated. Her sister and the Tales Fighters have gone missing one by one. Hikari too has the blood of the Tales running through her veins… The young fighter knew her power was still weak compared to the others. Meanwhile, Gaizack decides to go after Tales Luna. He too had the feeling of grudge from the previous battle. His anger lightens up and attacks the heroine. Kimika fights as the guardian to protect the light from evil. The demon kills the young girl and accomplishes his desire. Tales Luna grows drastically and her costume can no longer fit. Moving just a little makes the clothes dig in. Then the demon kidnaps Tales Luna’s friend…! No matter how much it hurts, Tales Luna cannot scream. But the reason why she couldn’t handle it was because she was a virgin. Getting lightly touched made her feel pleasure… Tales Luna is forced to masturbate for the first time!… The beautiful fighter, Tales Luna, loses her virginity and… [BAD END]
椿かなりちゃんに始まり、桜井あゆちゃん、松島れんちゃん、遠野未帆ちゃん、そして月島えみりちゃんまでのテイルズシリーズの連作のスピンオフ作品である本作。主演はGIGA初登場の佳苗るかちゃん。あたしも長いことこの世界におりますが彼女ほどの正統派美少女は見たことがありません。おまけに芝居も秀逸!とくに弱々しい表情をさせたら右に出るものはいないのではないかという才能あふれるるかちゃんが今回演じたのはまさにそんな彼女を地でゆくヴァージン戦士。今回はユーザー様の中から、ブレインとしてはっちーさん、さらにロストヴァージンコーディネーターとしてripperさんに参加をお願いをしております。るかちゃんの魅力あふれる本作、 六機オススメポインツは3つ!とにかく主演のるかちゃんの美少女っぷりとコスチュームのドンピシャぶり!さらに細密な採寸でるかちゃんの2サイズ小さめに作られたコスチューム!実際撮影中には股間にハゲしく食い込んでるかちゃんもさぞかし大変だったことでしょう!そしてロストヴァージンへのこだわり!!カット割を丁寧に計算し、乙女の純潔が悪に破られる瞬間を出来うる限りの丁寧さで描いております!是非ぜひご覧くださいませ~(^^)
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Japan Series – Heroine Belly Tortures – Bandit Night Panther [JHRZ-02]
Posted by PornExtreme on 17 February 2016, 18:51Japan Series – Heroine Belly Tortures – Bandit Night Panther [JHRZ-02]
Alternative Names: ヒロイン腹責め 怪盗ナイトパンサー編
Categories: Japan, Rape, Bizarre, SuperHeroines, Beating, Snuff Play, Parody, BDSM, Abuse, Bloody Game
Description: To retrieve the lost work of her deceased father who was a renowned artist, a female thief Knight Panther steals artifacts from gangsters illicitly collecting them in their attempt to maintain on a monopoly on art. This time Phantom-Thief Knight Panther plans to steal a jewel named ”A Saint’s Teardrop” before Hebisawa, a man connected to yakuza crime syndicates, puts his hands on it. Disguised as an art restorer, Knight Panther enters the mansion of Hebisawa. However, private security guard Kurosaki interferes, and she is blinded by pepper spray and gets knocked down onto the floor, repeatedly punched in the body until vomiting stomach juice. Hebisawa, tricked into taking a fake stone by Knight Panther, orders one of his henchmen, a huge man with a giant’s strength, to subject the girl to belly tortures. Then he penetrates the girl deprived of all the means of defense, and drips hot wax on the belly to enjoy watching her reactions. His tortures continue, with barbed wire wrapped around her body, and Knight Panther is further subjected to the hentai guy Hebisawa’s tortures, like dropping iron balls onto her belly. Thanks to her smart partner, she escapes from the enemy’s territory with the real jewel, and she returns it to the original owner, only to discover that a terrible future, worse than despair, awaits her. [BAD END]
Panther features Miss Mao Sakazaki, with a theme of ”belly torture,” or stomach-focused torture. She is quite good at reactions, and we used long takes, with as less cuts as possible, so that we could emphasize her nice reactions. Her reaction is most impressive during the torture scenes with no torture devices. In addition, there are unique tortures like hot wax on the belly of the girl while being penetrated, as well as torture with the piled-up iron balls. I hope you enjoy the realistic reactions from the realistic-looking heroine as a female thief, as well as the realistic torture scenes. I am confident that I have done something new and unique here, so please take a look and enjoy the film. [Staff Comment] If you love a girl wearing a tight bodysuit that shows her glamorous curves, this video is for you. Punching, kicking, stomping and weapons … there are many ways of torturing, but this video focuses on belly tortures. Things get heated up in the midsection of the story when more radical equipment starts to be used for belly tortures. The girl’s gorgeous body in bodysuit is so fascinating to see, even before her costume is torn up. She did a great job, perfect for belly torture scenes. Don’t miss it!
リアクション上手な坂崎さんを迎えての「腹責め」という限定的な局所討伐です。カメラを長回しして彼女のリアクションのうまさを余すところなく収録しました。特に道具を使わない責めシーンでは彼女のリアクションが際立ちます。そのほか挿入しながらの腹ろうそく責めや、鉄球積み上げ責めなどとちょっと変わった拷問にもチャレンジしました。女怪盗というリアル系のキャラですので、リアルな責めがリアルなリアクションとともに楽しめると思います。自分でもちょっとチャレンジした作品ですのでぜひご覧になっていただきたいです。 #ラインがくっきり、そんなボディスーツ好きの方にはきっと満足頂けると思います。パンチ・蹴り・踏み付け・武器・・・責めはいくらでもありますが、腹だけを責め抜きます。物語の中盤以降では更にエスカレートし、より過激な器具を使い、腹を責め続けます。ボディースーツを着ていても、破られても、とても妖艶なボディに見入ってしまいます。本当に腹責めにふさわしい女優さんでした。みなさんも是非!
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Japan Series – Magical Fighter Fontaine Noir [GIRO-15]
Posted by PornExtreme on 17 February 2016, 18:50Japan Series – Magical Fighter Fontaine Noir [GIRO-15]
Alternative Names: 魔法美少女戦士フォンテーヌ・ノワール
Categories: Japan, Rape, Bizarre, SuperHeroines, Beating, Snuff Play, Parody, BDSM, Abuse, Bloody Game
Description: When the devils of the underworld wake up, weak people are possessed by evil spirits. The god of the celestial sphere tries to create a magical fighter but the devils perceive the fighter’s soul. They decide to attack the compatible person before the soul gets transferred. The soul gets rattled and accidentally gets transferred into a tanned gal named Mutsumi Nagato. Since Mutsumi was not a compatible person for the soul, she transforms into Fontaine Noir. Derbil panics from the appearance of a new magical fighter, but he comes up with a way to lure her. [BAD END]
脚本担当GEKIMARU氏の企画から誕生した作品。正統なフォンテーヌの純白・純真なイメージを覆し、イメージ的に黒をモチーフとしたフォンテーヌを観てみたいとのことで受け取った企画だったのですが、正統派のフォンテーヌを地道に作り続けていた僕には、なかなか難しい題材でした。が、そこは視点を変えて違う角度から見たフォンテーヌとして制作してみました。ギャルが変身してフォンテーヌ・ノワールになるので一見とっつき難いと感じる方もいるかと思いますが、中身は基本的にヒロイン性を持った主人公なので是非、ビジュアルだけに捕われず興味を持ってもらえると嬉しいです。フォンテーヌ・ノワール役の相葉 レイカさんは、キュートでとても魅力的な女優さんです。難しいフォンテーヌの役を相葉 レイカさんなりに吸収し愛すべきキャラクターにしてくれました。助演の宮崎 由麻さんの好演も光ります。いつもの純白のフォンテーヌとは一味違った今回のフォンテーヌ・ノワール、是非楽しんで観て下さい。
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Japan Series – SUPER▼WOMAN.3 [JMSZ-12]
Posted by PornExtreme on 17 February 2016, 18:49Japan Series – SUPER▼WOMAN.3 [JMSZ-12]
Alternative Names: ~戦慄のフォボス714~
Categories: Japan, Rape, Bizarre, SuperHeroines, Beating, Snuff Play, Parody, BDSM, Abuse, Bloody Game
Description: Six months have passed since the terrible loss of Super▼Woman Rune. She is replaced by Lyla Coatwell, a deputy Galaxy agent for the Earth tasked to hunt down the harmful space beasts. Lyla vows to bring her best friend back to life, fighting evil every day. During the battle she is attacked by enemies using Falconium that had maimed Rune! But Lyla is uninjured because she was born on Planet Tantra, so unlike Rune, who was a Foster, Falconium is just as harmless as air to her. Lyla is thought invincible until she is confronted by a mysterious group Tempel, whose leader Garret ominously proclaims: ‘Phobos 714 … substance also known as ‘Devil’s breath’ … is lethal to you Tantras!’ Lyla, who was thought an undefeatable fighter, has a natural weakness! Garret’s nanobug the size of the little finger’s tip that is secretly put in her genital organ starts producing the deadly substance Phobos 714, and even Lyla has no chance of winning the fight with such a device inside her body. Captured Super▼Woman is strapped on an inverted cross! Because of hard-hitting and incessant punches in the stomach, Super▼Woman throws up and her glorious cape is used to wipe lots of vomit on the floor! But this is only the beginning of Tempel’s carefully laid plans…. Lots of vomit by face fuck is followed by a torture using the enormous iron walls that attacked Rune, and the walls have become much more powerful and vicious!!! Now what will become of our heroine Super▼Woman!? [BAD END]
I would like to thank kimu1988-san for sending the great idea for the ‘Heroines in Wild Dreams’ project, upon which this new film is based (^^). The idea is extending the story arc that was set up in the previous work (made for The Fifth GIGA G-1 Grand Prix), and featuring tortures using iron. The role of the heroine that is crucial to the new installment is played by Miss Hina Maeda! She plays the possibly coolest Super▼Woman ever, who has to go through hard tortures. As director of the film, I, Mutsuki, would like to recommend the following three points! First! The micro-autonomous robot that is pretty gross (^^;). Second! The way Hina-chan gets defeated and tortured that looks so real! Don’t miss it!! And the third is of course the iron walls that press in on her from both sides!!! All her bones are cracked and crushed, and the story goes straight to an ending that is so harrowing. And the ending is…. What?! Unbelievable! Am I seeing what I think I’m seeing? Please watch this film!!!!!
今回は「妄想計画」より kimu1988さんのアイデアを採用させていただきました~(^^)。曰く、『 前作(※G-1作品)の世界観の継承と鉄を使用した責め 』でアリます。そんな大役を演じていただいたのは前田陽菜ちゃん!これまでのS▼Wの中で最もクールではなかろうかという彼女をハードな責めが襲います。六機オススメポインツは3つ!そのイチ!超小型自律ロボット・ナノバグの出現。これ、かなりエグいです(^^;)。そのニ!!陽菜ちゃんのリアルなやられっぷり!これは超必見ですぞ!!そしてそのサンはなんと言ってもそう!鉄壁だあああッ!!!しかも今回は両脇から迫る壁ッ!!!全身の骨をミシミシと砕きつつ、最悪のラストに向けて状況はまっしぐらに進んでゆきます…そしてラストはなんと……マジでッ!?こんなんアリッ!!??…超乞う期待!!!!!
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Japan Series – 女戦闘員残酷物語 [JDSD-02]
Posted by PornExtreme on 17 February 2016, 18:48Japan Series – 女戦闘員残酷物語 [JDSD-02]
Categories: Japan, Rape, Bizarre, SuperHeroines, Beating, Snuff Play, Parody, BDSM, Abuse, Bloody Game
Description: no
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Japan Series – Bounty Hunter – The Overture of Doom [JMSZ-11]
Posted by PornExtreme on 17 February 2016, 18:48Japan Series – Bounty Hunter – The Overture of Doom [JMSZ-11]
Alternative Names: バウンティーハンター 破滅への序曲
Categories: Japan, Rape, Bizarre, SuperHeroines, Beating, Snuff Play, Parody, BDSM, Abuse, Bloody Game
Description: She is a bounty hunter by profession, and her name is Bounty Hunter Minako! Licensed by the Space Police, Minako has hunted down sought-for targets with her partner Clever and collected plenty of money. Minako is enjoying her vacation on a tropical island, when she receives a message from CIS. Golom, a criminal Minako convicted, has escaped from the prison! Minako and Clever quickly set out to catch Golom! But on the way someone breaks in the spaceship specially designed for her! It’s Golom, the very one she is after! The two fighters, seeing each other for the first time in a long time, lose no time in engaging hand to hand combat! After suffering several setbacks, she almost defeats Golom using a trap set, but the souped-up Golom fights back breaking her trap, and slowly corners Minako! She continues to attack, but it is all useless. The only means left to her is to activate the self-destruction device of her partner Clever! Minako betrays her faithful long-time partner to save her own life! But … when Golom stands up unscathed and starts attacking her, what will Minako do?! [BAD END]
This is the third time for Maika-san to star in GIGA-produced films. This time the film focuses on the way in which a self-centered and greedy heroine begs for her own life when she learns her life is at the mercy of her mortal enemy. Action was not really Maika-san’s forte, but she gave all she’s got, doing many takes for combat scenes until she got completely exhausted. As a director I had to drive her so hard in order to create the image of a strong heroine. The film’s heroine uses even her faithful partner Clever to save her life. Maybe she is not the kind of a heroine who is very popular in the present age. What I thought while shooting the film was that when facing her own death, even a fighting heroine would lose her great courage.
GIGA出演3作目のMaiKaさん。今回は、生意気で強欲なヒロインが自分の命を奪われそうになった時の命乞いに重点を置いた作品です。 苦手なアクションもテイクを重ねボロボロになりながら戦っていました。 強いヒロインを見せるためには必要だったので・・・・。信頼関係にある相棒のクレバーまでも自分の命を守るためなら利用するヒロイン!?今の時代に逆行した作品になっています。この撮影をして思った事は、ヒロインでも自分が死に直面すると、勇気の炎は消えてしまうと言う事です。
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Japan Series – Sexy Mask Groin Destroying Punch [JMSZ-04]
Posted by PornExtreme on 17 February 2016, 18:46Japan Series – Sexy Mask Groin Destroying Punch [JMSZ-04]
Alternative Names: セクシー仮面 股間破壊パンチ
Categories: Japan, Rape, Bizarre, SuperHeroines, Beating, Snuff Play, Parody, BDSM, Abuse, Bloody Game
Description: The punishment teachers at Goumon School(means a torture school in Japanese sound) submit their resignation one after another due to the Wide-Opened-Legs Attack by the Sexy-Mask. So, the school director plots not to make her obtain the deadly blow any longer. The school director takes the students hostage and lures the Sexy-Mask!! She gets an anesthentic shot from behind and lays asleep. Now, the school director begins to seal her deadly blow!! The school director has invited a kickboxer over, and makes the kickboxer hits, also knees and kicks between her legs, and mercilessly destroys it! And also makes her put on pants with pin support that have been developed by the school director, and tortures between her legs furthermore. Then, fresh blood flies off from between the Sexy-Mask’s legs!! And one after another she is forced to put on various pants that have been developed, and she gets serious destruction between her legs!!! [BAD END]
Miss Yui Hatano is so perfect to be cast for this character. This time she has the crotch destroyed more than enough. With punches and kicks, and after she is forced to put on pants with pin support, and then gets punches and kicks! Miss Hatano(the Sexy-Mask) has the crotch destroyed with all kinds of methods, and she moans with punches and kicks that really hit between her legs. Actually, she never had experienced a work like this, so she torn to sheds and went home after the shooting. Basically, in order not to let the heroine use the Wide-Opened-Legs Attack, the plot goes with destroying between her legs, so don’t expect insult scenes. Of course, we inserted a scene where she is beaten with an iron pipe while she is teased with an electric vibrator, but destruction between her legs is a main thing. Please take a look at the destructive punches between Miss Hatano’s legs.
このキャラクターのキャスティング的には完璧な波多野結衣さん。 今回は、股間を嫌と言うほど破壊されてしまいます。 パンチ・キック・さらに剣山パンティを履かされパンチ&キック!ありとあらゆる方法で股間を破壊されていく波多野さん(セクシー仮面)はリアルにヒットしてしまったパンチ&キックに悶絶していました。 ここまでの作品を経験されていない様なので、撮影後はボロボロになりながら帰っていった波多野さん。 基本的には、セクシー仮面のおっぴろげアタックを使わせない為に、股間を破壊していく内容なので凌辱シーンは期待しないで下さい。 勿論、バイブで責められながら鉄パイプで叩かれるシーンが入っていますが、股間破壊メインです。 波多野さんの股間パンチ破壊、是非ご覧になって下さい。
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Japan Series – Heroine Cruel Story – Beheading Pink [JMSZ-09]
Posted by PornExtreme on 17 February 2016, 18:45Japan Series – Heroine Cruel Story – Beheading Pink [JMSZ-09]
Alternative Names: 戦隊ヒロインピンク狩り
Categories: Japan, Rape, Bizarre, SuperHeroines, Beating, Snuff Play, Parody, BDSM, Abuse, Bloody Game
Description: The space mafia named Capona feels excitement to hunt a heroine’s mask. Such Capona has hunt heroine’s masks from all sorts of planets. And this time he aims the Earth-Pink who protects the earth, and begins the move!! In front of the Ranger who fight against the Death-God day by day, Capona’s combatants stand in their way! Three of the Ranger unite the power and beat the combatants, but the Pink-Killer appears and sends only the Earth-Pink to another dimension. The Pink-Killer attacks the Earth-Pink who can’t contact with the other two members! Her strengthening suit is torn apart, and she is placed in captivity! And the Earth-Pink sees the day of fate! The Pink is set to a guillotine stand. She desperately resists it! But then!!! From the overtop of the Pink… [BAD END]
This time we made images from Mr. Yamahoushi’s plan. I felt a little difficulty on some scenes because I hardly shot the expression in my way due to the visor on the mask. I should think out a little bit more. I reckon that a scene where the Pink’s masks are lining in a hiding place of Capona deliberately shows a way of hunting the Pinks. But I feel some regrets because I couldn’t obtain a urine scene at the last! Miss Misaki couldn’t leak urine while she’s grabbling…We waited for her for about an hour, but… About that matter, I shouldn’t have been particular about grabbling, and I should have kept on the shooting. I beg your pardon… This time three Pinks appear in this work, so it is a must-see for fans of the Pink of the Fighting Unit.
今回は、山法師さんの企画を映像化してみました。 ちょっと難しかった所は、バイザーで表情がなかなか映し出せなかった事。もうちょっと工夫が必要でした。 冒頭のピンクのマスクをカポーナのアジトに並べた感じは、ピンク狩りをうまく表現出来たと思います。 ただ、心残りは最後に失禁が出来なかった事!美咲さんは四つん這いだとお漏らしが出来ないらしいです。1時間位待ったのですが・・・・。もうチョッとその辺りも四つん這いにこだわらず進めていればと思いました。すみません・・・・・。 今回は、本編の中で3人のピンクが出ていますので戦隊ピンクファンの方は是非見てください。
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Japan Series – Targeted Super Heroine -Tragic Fate Awaited Shuriff Pink- [JMSZ-29]
Posted by PornExtreme on 17 February 2016, 18:43Japan Series – Targeted Super Heroine -Tragic Fate Awaited Shuriff Pink- [JMSZ-29]
Alternative Names: 狙われたスーパーヒロイン ~シェリフピンクを待ち受ける悲劇の運命~
Categories: Japan, Rape, Bizarre, SuperHeroines, Beating, Snuff Play, Parody, BDSM, Abuse, Bloody Game
Description: Sheriff Pink, she is a Super Heroine to protect the Galaxy. She captures many criminals and send them to the space prison. But one selfish man charges her destiny. There are many brutal criminals and outrageous brother who have bear the grudge against her. They drive her into a corner with the selfish man’s help. Sheriff Pink is tortured by outrageous brother. And Sheriff Pink loses her pride as a Sheriff by outrageous brother…[BAD END]
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