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Choke Chamber – Scream Dream

Posted by PornExtreme on 14 March 2015, 16:43

Choke Chamber – Scream Dream

Categories: Strangling, Shooting, Rape, Lesbian, Snuff Fetish, Bagging

Description: Every night, pretty Yoshi tosses and turns in bed, and struggles to get to sleep. Constantly afraid that someone else is in the house, this time, her fears are not without warrant. She is awakened by a loud thump in the living room, interrupting her much needed beauty rest. Suddenly anxious, (after all, an attractive woman living alone begs for some uninvited attention) she cautiously walks out of the room to inspect her apartment. After thoroughly checking the perimeter, and seeing no one, she breathes a sigh of relief and crawls back into bed. Little does she realize, a masked intruder is just right behind her hiding in the kitchen. Then in the middle of the night, when she’s already at REM state, the masked man, armed with a knife, and bad intentions, creeps through the hallway, toward her bedroom. He slowly approaches the slumbering exotic beauty and caresses her in her unconscious state. She awakens. He suddenly grabs her and starts to instruct her to obey his every command or else! She submits to his every whim. He fondles her breasts, and caresses her legs with the sharp knife. After tiring of her, he finally grabs her by the neck, squeezes her sweet throat, and chokes her mercilessly. Despite her desperate pleas, he strangles her until she passes out. While unconscious, he starts to undress her, and fondle her. He removes her stockings, and admires her beautiful feet. She suddenly regains consciousness, and tries to make a run for the door. He takes her stocking, wraps it around his hands tightly forming a garrote, then pulls her by the neck with it. He squeezes her neck with the stocking, choking the last breath out of her. She struggles, but her efforts are futile. Within moments, Yoshi expires. Now dead, the masked man decides to enjoy his work. He removes the rest of her clothing, then toys with her lifeless body, playing with her arms and legs like a rag doll. After he is finished with her, he exits only to find his next victim.

Scream dream
Scream dream.mp4

Posted in Choke Chamber |

Choke Chamber – Clone Murders

Posted by PornExtreme on 14 March 2015, 16:42

Choke Chamber – Clone Murders

Categories: Strangling, Shooting, Rape, Lesbian, Snuff Fetish, Bagging

Description: Sexy assassin Kymberly Jane is given a mission via mail. Reading aloud, she learns that this mission will prove that she is ready to be promoted. The mission’s details involve her killing three clones of the same woman (all played by Shiva). The instructions end on the ominous note “we are watching,” but the message is clear. Failure means her immediate termination. As a gesture of her employer’s confidence in her, they’ve added a challenge; kill the clones in three different ways, and earn triple the contract’s worth. She enters the complex and comes upon the first clone, unaware of her presence. Quickly and quietly she covers the clone’s mouth, and stabs her in the back. This first kill is all business, ruthless and systematic. The clone’s moans muffled by her hand, the assassin stabs her several more times, and then slits her throat. With clone one silenced, she moves upstairs to find the second clone asleep. Realizing that she is alone Kym takes her cord out, straddles her victim, then quickly begins to strangle her. Enjoying every moment of the clone’s struggle, the assassin finds herself aroused . She begins to kiss her helpless target, eventually progressing down to her neck. When the clone finally dies, she strips her of her top and bra, and after a brief diversion playing with her breasts, she sets out to kill the third clone. This time the tables are turned, and the clone gets the drop on the assassin, ambushing her! The assassin’s main gun jams and she is forced to use her second one, hidden on her leggings. Using all three bullets she shoots the third clone fatally in the navel, and breast, both shots coming after a well placed shot to the leg. Once again taking the time to admire her hit, she taunts the last clone, the decides to kiss her goodbye. Wiping the blood off her lips and smearing over the dying clone’s, she further humiliates her by slowly striping her down as she is helpless and moaning. When she finals does die, she is topless, and down to her panties, and forced to watch her killer mock her. Her job done, and a nice bonus awaiting her, the assassin takes her mark’s dropped gun, and leaves the site.

Clone murders
Clone murders.mp4

Posted in Choke Chamber |

Choke Chamber – Sacrifice

Posted by PornExtreme on 14 March 2015, 16:41

Choke Chamber – Sacrifice

Categories: Strangling, Shooting, Rape, Lesbian, Snuff Fetish, Bagging

Description: 3 beautiful women are captured, drugged, and bound. The scene opens with Kym hanging in a barn, bound and dizzy. A henchman enters the room, strips the buxom brunette of her dress, and panties, and escorts her inside the main house. Still drugged, she enters, and walks past two other captives… Christine and Randy. Both women are laying in two circles of candles. They are obviously part of some type of religious ritual. Christine awakens, and pleads for her life. She begs to be set free. Moments later, a high priest appears, and takes charge of the situation. Randy also comes to, and starts to panic. The henchman takes her to the barn, wraps a tight noose around her neck, and hangs her up until she tip-toed. The henchman releases her, and strips her down. The high priest explains to Randy that she is there to witness and uncover a mystery. As a news reporter, she has been diligently following the story of the unresolved murders of several women. Now, she will learn the truth about their killings. The high priest strips, seduces them, and puts them in a trance with a drugged beverage, hypnotizing them to do everything, and anything he asks. He starts with Kymberly. The henchman directs her to a long table, where she lays there, writhing, and moaning sensually. The high priest performs a ritual, caresses a long knife across her naked body, then raises the blade high above his head, then rams it in the beauty’s chest. Upon her demise, the henchman carries Kymberly off, and directs Christine onto the table. Bound, tied, and sobbing uncontrollably, she lays on the table naked and helpless. The high priest towers over her, and rubs a magical oil all over her breasts, and abdomen. He then caresses the knife over her body, and stabs her in the heart with the blade. She is lifted and taken away to make room for the final victim. Randy is also in a dreamlike trance. The high priest orders the henchman to put Randy on the table. But before he takes her life, he decides to enjoy her. He spread her legs apart, and slides his manhood inside of her soft pussy. He thrusts himself into her fiercely, sending orgasms all over her body. Upon climaxing, she moans and writhes in utter pleasure. He then takes the blade, slides it all over her silky body, caressing her breasts with the blade. He then lifts it high above his head, then penetrates her on the breast with it. She bleeds out, and chokes in her own fluids. Within moments, the beauty expires. Ritual complete.


Posted in Choke Chamber |

Choke Chamber – Gangster Hit

Posted by PornExtreme on 14 March 2015, 16:40

Choke Chamber – Gangster Hit

Categories: Strangling, Shooting, Rape, Lesbian, Snuff Fetish, Bagging

Description: Buxom, blonde Kayden is not the sharpest tool in the shed. Unfortunately for her mafia boss Tony, her simpleton ways are not only annoying, but detrimental to his needs for discretion. After he over hears Kayden “accidentally” reveal some sensitive information over the phone to a local caller, he loses his patience and lectures her. Being the bimbo she is, she doesn’t retain the information, and laughs it off. Angered and fed up, he slaps her, and knocks her on the ground. He threatens to spank her with the belt, and realizes there’s no hope for her. He immediately grabs her by the throat, and squeezes mercilessly. He continues to choke her until her last dying breath. He then plays with her milky, natural breasts post -mortem. This is all she’s really good for anyway. He figures it would be easier to hire a new receptionist, than to try and train her.
Gangster hit
Gangster hit.mp4

Posted in Choke Chamber |

Choke Chamber – Wife Whisperer

Posted by PornExtreme on 14 March 2015, 16:40

Choke Chamber – Wife Whisperer

Categories: Strangling, Shooting, Rape, Lesbian, Snuff Fetish, Bagging

Description: Lolita plays a mean, controlling, overly-demanding wife. Not only is rude and bossy toward her accommodating, doting husband, she doesn’t put out! She begins to nag, and aggravate her hubby, all the while making demands. Well the man of the house has had it, and is not about to let up this time! After the blonde vixen, pushes her spouse, and tests his patience to the max, by criticizing the way he gives her back rubs, he loses all control, pulls his wife down, and starts to choke her. He grabs her by the neck, and strangles her fiercely. She’s pinned down on the couch, struggling to break free from his grasp, but his hold is too strong. Her legs kick and fight, but his hold is too strong. Within moments, the beauty expires. Upon her untimely demise, the hubby realizes that this may be the last time he can have some fun with his wife. He decides to take off her clothes, and play with the smooth, naked, canvas which he hasn’t seen in a while.
Wife whisperer
Wife whisperer.mp4

Posted in Choke Chamber |

Choke Chamber – Killing Me Softly

Posted by PornExtreme on 14 March 2015, 16:38

Choke Chamber – Killing Me Softly

Categories: Strangling, Shooting, Rape, Lesbian, Snuff Fetish, Bagging

Description: Christine plays a shrewd, savvy, hard-driving business executive for her husband’s advertising agency. After receiving several complaints from clients, she realizes that the problems all fall on the shoulders of her new assistant Stacey. Although quite lovely, the new intern is not the most reliable individual. What god blessed her in looks, she lacked in the brains department. Christine scolds her assistant, and assumes that the only logical explanation as to why she works at their agency is because she is screwing her husband. Stacey tries to justify her administrative errors, and asks for a second chance. Christine realizes there’s no point in trying to train her, or fire her since her hubby would just re-hire her. The only logical solution is to get rid of her permanently. Christine takes a curtain rope, brings it toward the blonde beauty, and spanks her gently in the backside with it. She tells Stacey that she will be reprimanded with a few lashes on her butt. Stacey agrees to the punishment. Anything is better than getting fired, or at least so she thinks. Stacey turns away and bends over. Within moments, Christine tightens the rope, and immediately wraps it around the blonde ingenue’s neck. Stacey is taken aback! She struggles, and tries to break free. Unfortunately, fueled by anger, jealous rage, and a forceful grip, Christine’s hold just too strong to fight. Shortly after, Stacey expires. Now that she’s dead, Christine decides to inspect the intern’s assets to see if she was really worth all the effort. She strips her of her dress, her hose, and her underwear. Christine admires her sexy, firm, athletic body, and understands her husband’s moment of weakness now. She plays with her feet, and caresses her body. After Christine has had her fill, she takes another business call, and walks away. On to the next order if business.
Killing me softly
Killing me softly.mp4

Posted in Choke Chamber |

Choke Chamber – Stabbing Party (5 Girls Killed)

Posted by PornExtreme on 14 March 2015, 16:38

Choke Chamber – Stabbing Party (5 Girls Killed)

Categories: Strangling, Shooting, Rape, Lesbian, Snuff Fetish, Bagging

Description: Christine plays a criminal lesbian at large who enjoys the seduction, and sadistic murder of hot blonde girls. After years of practice, the exotic beauty discovers a a drug that transforms the beauties into horny, belly button sex fiends. Christine is not only excited by the submission of her projects, she stabs her victims in the navel, and gets aroused by the penetration, the blood, and pain it inflicts. Her first victim is Kymberly, a girl she picks up at a bar. At first, Kymberly acts coy, and insists she isn’t into girls. Calm, yet assertive, Christine offers Kym a drink. Little does the busty beauty realize that her beverage is served with an usual concoction. She drinks vigorously. Moments later, she starts to feel warm, and seductive. Kym begins to rub her breasts, and take off her clothes. She doesn’t understand why she can’t stop playing with herself. Suddenly she starts fingering her pussy, and then playing with her bellybutton, getting even more turned on. After orgasming, she asks Christine to penetrate her deeper. Christine then takes a knife, and hands it to Kym. She takes the knife, rubs it over her breasts, raises it high, then stabs herself deeply in the navel. Both girls cry in pain and excitement. Blood oozes out, as Kymberly continues to stab herself. Christine joins in, and reams the blade in deeper. Within moments, Kymberly expires, then the doorbell rings. Christine collects herself, then approaches the door where she is greeted by a beautiful, blonde beauty… her next victim! Britt, the blonde is invited inside, and offered the same beverage. Oblivious to any foul play, Britt accepts the offer. Immediately, it’s intoxicating nature takes into effect. Britt starts to strip seductively, and the two girls start to play with each other. Christine plays with Britt’s navel, before ending her the same way Kym is killed. A fatal, but arousing stabbing clear on the bellybutton. Just when Christine is about to indulge in her two dead victims, the door slams open, and two hot blondes, armed storm in. It’s Randy Moore, and Lolita! Randy is the sister of the recently departed Britt, and is anxious to avenge her younger sibling’s death. Randy orders Christine to strip, and then shoots her in the navel. The asian vixen falls to floor, writhing in pain. Randy decides to put her out of her misery, grabs the knife and stabs her in the bellybutton until she dies. Now in shock, the two girls left standing decide to take a drink, before calling the police. Unfortunately for them, they ingest the mystical poison left by the sadistic Christine. The two start to get hot and heavy, and undress each other. The desire to get penetrated deep overwhelms them. Randy grabs the blood stained knife, raises it high above her head, and reams it deep in Lolita’s belly. The two exchange blows, until they both die horrible, slow, painful, bloody deaths. Alas, the room is now silent. All you see are 5 naked, dead bodies… bloodied, and gruesome.
Stabbing party
Stabbing party.mp4

Posted in Choke Chamber |

Choke Chamber – Nightmare Killer

Posted by PornExtreme on 14 March 2015, 16:37

Choke Chamber – Nightmare Killer

Categories: Strangling, Shooting, Rape, Lesbian, Snuff Fetish, Bagging

Description: Besides her better judgement, Shiva decides to watch a scary flick before bedtime. Even though she’s known to have night terrors, especially after a horror movie, she can’t resist the rush of the new release on cable. After the cheap thrill of the movie, she gets up, and walks to the bathroom to prepare for bed. While washing up, an unexpected visitor enters her home ever so quietly. The intruder is masked, and walks slowly up the stairs toward her bedroom. Shiva is now out of the bathroom, and climbs into bed, oblivious to the fact that she is no longer alone. Minutes later, she falls asleep. Suddenly, from the other side of the bed, the masked intruder appears, hovering over her sleeping body. Then without further hesitation, he climbs on top, and starts to choke her. She awakens and struggles to break free. She kicks, and fights, but alas, his grasp is too strong. Before long,the blonde vixen dies. The intruder then decides to have his way with her, and takes off her clothes. He strips her, and admires her bare naked breasts. Then suddenly, Shiva awakens. Thank heavens it was just a bad dream… or was it?
Nightmare killer
Nightmare killer.mp4

Posted in Choke Chamber |

Choke Chamber – Smoking Hot

Posted by PornExtreme on 14 March 2015, 16:34

Choke Chamber – Smoking Hot

Categories: Strangling, Shooting, Rape, Lesbian, Snuff Fetish, Bagging

Description: Scene opens with Yoshi laying in bed, wearing a seductive see through white blouse, and short, plaid mini. She is awakened by a phone call from her lawyer Alex Anderson. He informs her that her divorce is now finalized, and the judge has awarded her all of her husband’s holdings. She immediately sits up, and smiles ecstatically. The lies that she was coached to say have paid off indeed. She tells her attorney that for his efforts, she will reward him with an erotic visit at the four seasons. Alex, is not only her legal counsel, but is also her secret lover. After she gets off the call, unexpectedly, Yoshi’s soon-to-be ex walks in. Yoshi is surprised, and demands that he leave her house. The angry spouse confronts her, and calls her a lying, good for nothing gold-digger. In turn, she insults him back… targeting his manhood, his old age, and his inadequacies in the bedroom. After trading verbal jabs, alas, the husband loses his patience, pulls out a gun, and points it at the beauty. Yoshi is taken aback. She calmly lights a cigarette, and attempts to seduce him out of his rage. She slowly removes her clothing, and tries to entice him with her supple breasts and tight, body. She explains that they could be so good again. Sadly for the asian vixen, her ex wouldn’t buy it. He pulls the trigger, and shoots her twice… one bullet on each breast. The nipples are shot, and she falls on the floor. The pain is excruciating! She cries in agony, and begs for him to stop. Instead, he enjoys her misery. It’s payback for all the years of abuse he’s been through. He shoots her again, now hitting her her perfect navel. She bleeds through, and dies a slow, horrible, drawn-out death. Payback is a bitch! No quickie divorce here.
Smoking hot
Smoking hot.mp4

Posted in Choke Chamber |

Choke Chamber – Asian Wife Choke Out

Posted by PornExtreme on 14 March 2015, 16:34

Choke Chamber – Asian Wife Choke Out

Categories: Strangling, Shooting, Rape, Lesbian, Snuff Fetish, Bagging

Description: What do you get when you mix a nagging wife, with a frustrated, drunk husband???? A deadly marital cocktail for sure! Beautiful asian housewife is at home watching a little TV when her obviously inebriated spouse enters the living room. Since he’s been out all night for the fourth consecutive time this week, she greets him with visible aggravation. He tries to be demanding…she blows him off. He attempts to be amorous, she pushes him off ever more adamantly! Annoyed with her defiance, he starts to get violent. Within minutes after her final refusal, he charges toward her sleek throat and squeezes until she’s becomes unconscious. He strips her completely naked, and plays with her supple body. He caresses her skin, and moves her around playfully… then she comes to yet again! She wakes up to another painful choke session, until the strangulation takes her helpless breath away.
Asian Wife Choke Out
Asian Wife Choke Out.mp4

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