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New Section: Snuff From Movies over 3500 Clips!

Seductive Studio – AGENT KENNEDY – DAPHNE

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 September 2013, 17:48

Seductive Studio – AGENT KENNEDY – DAPHNE

Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, SoftCore, Fantasy, Pretty Girls, Abusive Game, Fetish

Description: *A remake of Agent Kennedy with Daphne in the star lead* Agent Kennedy is staking out a house that she is sent to investigate. She enters the place …drawn, and is quickly set upon by an enemy agent. The agent knocks the…from Kennedy’s hands and wrestles her to the couch and wraps his hands around her neck. She tries to fight him off but is overcome and knocked out. Agent Kennedy awakens tied to a chair where the enemy agent pulls the ribbon tying Kennedy’s hair off and starts to strangle her with it. After some struggling, Agent Kennedy is able to free herself from the ropes and tries to make a break for the door. The enemy agent catches her before she can get away and…



Posted in Seductive Studio |

Seductive Studio – Fighting – MACHINE GUN SURPRISE

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 September 2013, 17:44

Seductive Studio – Fighting – MACHINE GUN SURPRISE

Categories: RolePlay, Fighting, Belly Punching, Fantasy, Pretty Girls, Abusive Game, Fetish

Description: It’s Daphne, Hannah, and Kelly in this super sexy video of multiple spy/sentry videos packing iron. The girls are riddled, body flailing and lots of great body piles



Posted in Seductive Studio |

Seductive Studio – COSTUME PARTY

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 September 2013, 17:41

Seductive Studio – COSTUME PARTY

Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, SoftCore, Fantasy, Pretty Girls, Abusive Game, Fetish

Description: *Costume Party is a limp fetish video – lots of limp Daphne, Schoolgirls, and a few girl/girl carry scenes* Daphne and Dana are supposed to be headed to a costume party. There is a bit of an argument when the girls realize that they are both dressed as school girls and Daphne gets a bit snotty and Dana decides to shut her up. She jabs her with a .. and Daphne is soon out. Now it’s time for the real party to start. Dana has Daphne limp on the bed for a time, and then she is placed into a fireman’s carry and carried downstairs. Daphne is played with on a chair, and then thrown over Dana’s shoulder and Dana walks her around the living room before throwing her down onto the couch. Dana continues to play with Daphne’s limp body on the couch. She has always admired Daphne’s sexy body and now she can do whatever she wants with it. She tires of the couch and cradle carries Daphne to the table where she can finish. Looks like Dana is the only one who will be attending the party tonight. And Daphne will be the one with the hangover..



Posted in Seductive Studio |

Seductive Studio – Fighting – CHLOE CLONES

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 September 2013, 17:40

Seductive Studio – Fighting – CHLOE CLONES

Categories: RolePlay, Fighting, Belly Punching, Fantasy, Pretty Girls, Abusive Game, Fetish

Description: Chloe-Clones are copies of the evil original & are unleashed on missions to commit murder & mayhem on Chloe’s enemies. Jenny is an agent whose job is to track down & eliminate Chloe & all her Chloe-Clones, wherever they may be. Jenny gets a call that there are two Chloe-Clones & Chloe herself, holed up in a house that they are using as a headquarters. Jenny responds that she’s on it and knows what to do. Jenny enters the house & slowly sneaks up on a Chloe-Clone sitting at a computer. Jenny strips off her top and uses it to … the clone to d…. The clone struggles & pulls at the garrote for several minutes but then starts to weaken & goes down to her knees. Jenny remains standing & uses the standing position as leverage. Jenny pulls the garrote tighter & tighter, shaking it at times until the lifeless clone goes limp to the floor. Jenny …. her for another 30 seconds, checks for a pulse, smiles & says “One down”. The second Chloe-Clone is standing guard duty & the still topless Jenny sneaks up behind her and gets her in a tight chokehold. The struggling Chloe-clone is no match for Jenny who takes her down. The clone is thrashing about so Jenny adds a body scissors to immobilize her while continuing the chokehold. After 4-5 minutes, it’s all over as the clone slowly stops struggling then…a slow … Jenny waits a bit, squeezes her neck some more then releases her & rolls her off of her. Jenny checks her pulse and says, “Two down, now it’s time to take care of the original”. Jenny does not get the drop on the original Chloe, as both walk into the room at the same time. Chloe asks who she is & what she is doing there. Jenny responds: “You’re the original I presume?” Chloe says what about it, Jenny responds: I strangled two of your clones and now I’m going to …the .. out of you to end your evil once & for all. Chloe says: the next one getting … is going to be you! They circle each other with some more trash talk & the fight is on. It goes back & forth with each using chokeholds until Chloe gets on top of Jenny and gets both hands around Jenny’s neck in a manual ..hold. Jenny appears to be in trouble but after a few minutes, somehow recovers & gets her hands also around Chloe’s neck. Each is choking the other until Chloe can’t take it, lets go & tries to pull Jenny’s hands off her neck. She cannot & Jenny keeps up the s…, then as Chloe weakens further, Jenny, without releasing the hold, turns her over and is now on top of Chloe, continuing to …her. Chloe cannot break the chokehold and fades away, her movements slow to only heavy breathing as the relentless strangling continues. Chloe … slowly and when she gasps her last, Jenny squeezes & shakes her neck a little and asks: who was going to s.. who bitch? After choking the l.. Chloe some more, she release her, checks her pulse, smiles. Jenny calls in to her HQ. She is heard saying it’s done. I got them all. How? I strangled one clone with my top. I strangled another clone with a chokehold. I saved the best for last as I strangled Chloe herself with my bare hands. I do love my job. What’s the next mission?



Posted in Seductive Studio |

Crista Electrocuted

Posted by PornExtreme on 29 August 2013, 19:26

Crista Electrocuted

Categories: Fantasy Snuff, Amazons, F/F, Death Fetish, Bloody, Female Fighting

Crista Electrocuted

Crista Electrocuted

Posted in AnnesDreams |

Coded Message

Posted by PornExtreme on 29 August 2013, 19:25

Coded Message

Categories: Fantasy Snuff, Amazons, F/F, Death Fetish, Bloody, Female Fighting

Coded Message

Coded Message

Posted in AnnesDreams |

Clinical Trial

Posted by PornExtreme on 29 August 2013, 19:24

Clinical Trial

Categories: Fantasy Snuff, Amazons, F/F, Death Fetish, Bloody, Female Fighting

Clinical Trial

Clinical Trial

Posted in AnnesDreams |

Choking Project

Posted by PornExtreme on 29 August 2013, 19:24

Choking Project

Categories: Fantasy Snuff, Amazons, F/F, Death Fetish, Bloody, Female Fighting

Choking Project

Choking Project

Posted in AnnesDreams |


Posted by PornExtreme on 29 August 2013, 19:23


Categories: Fantasy Snuff, Amazons, F/F, Death Fetish, Bloody, Female Fighting



Posted in AnnesDreams |

Cellmate Execution

Posted by PornExtreme on 29 August 2013, 19:22

Cellmate Execution

Categories: Fantasy Snuff, Amazons, F/F, Death Fetish, Bloody, Female Fighting

Cellmate Execution

Cellmate Execution

Posted in AnnesDreams |