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Seductive Studio – NIKKI INVASION

Posted by PornExtreme on 17 August 2013, 19:33

Seductive Studio – NIKKI INVASION

Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, SoftCore, Fantasy, Pretty Girls, Abusive Game, Fetish

Description: Nikki is getting ready to head out for a night out on the town. She hangs up the phone with her friend when she is set upon from behind by a man wearing a ski mask and black leather gloves. she tries to struggle,.. Her drags her to the couch where she is hog tied and duct tape placed over her mouth. He leaves to search her house for valuables… Nikki awakens and tries to free herself from her bonds, she is unable to escape and the man comes back … He leaves once more to finish his search.



Posted in Seductive Studio |

Seductive Studio – Fighting – SEXY STOMACH

Posted by PornExtreme on 17 August 2013, 19:33

Seductive Studio – Fighting – SEXY STOMACH

Categories: RolePlay, Fighting, Belly Punching, Fantasy, Pretty Girls, Abusive Game, Fetish

Description: I want you to punch me” she says seductively. “Right in my stomach” as she puts her hands over her head, daring even inviting her partner to plant a fist in her belly. As a fist smacks into the flesh of her belly she moans in pleasure “Harder, punch me in the stomach!” Her back against the wall, she puts her arms back over her head, making her ribs stick out “punch me in the stomach” “ooh” “that was a good one” “hit me again”. “Hit my lower belly” “mmmm that felt good, again” “ohhh” She then sucks in her belly “punch my tummy!” with her belly sucked in the blow has more impact “uhhh!” As each blow lands, a sexy “uhh” or “ohh” “oof” “huh!” gasp is made. She keeps asking for it “punch my stomach, go ahead sink you fist into it, that turns me on so much” “hit different parts of my belly, my solar plexus, right in my navel, below my navel” Same reactions, gasps, moans of pleasure The she says “Let’s try this on the floor. I’ll lay down, put my arms over my head and relax my belly and you punch me” The first several are with her lying flat, legs down, then some with her knees up, making her belly more relaxed so the punches go in deeper. “I need to be punched. Go ahead, right in my soft stomach” “HUH!” “Yeah, right in the gut. harder” “HO!” “A stomach punch turns me on” “kinda weird huh?, but hey let’s go with it…keep punching me” Some of the camera angles looking straight down, others from over her head looking down across her belly toward her hip bones, some low angle from the side to see her belly rising and falling as she breathes. Some footage of her lower belly moving gently up and down under the bikini bridge formed by the fabric of her bikini bottoms suspended between her hip bones…followed by some punches to the lower belly. punches continue throughout this. “I think I like it best in my lower belly”… “getting hit in the solar plexus knocks the wind out of me more” ‘I like it in the navel too, right in the middle of my stomach….go for it…punch it!” ‘Do you want to punch my stomach?” “Punch my soft sexy stomach!”



Posted in Seductive Studio |

Seductive Studio – LATEX END DEUX

Posted by PornExtreme on 17 August 2013, 19:32

Seductive Studio – LATEX END DEUX

Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, SoftCore, Fantasy, Pretty Girls, Abusive Game, Fetish

Description: Two scantily clad spies are searching for some important document in the scientist house after killing him (we dont see him). They separate. Two (again scantily clad) heroines approach the house: they separate too. First heroine finds one of the spies, wrestle with her, but second spy comes back to the scene by surprise and puts the heroine to sleep .. The spies bind tightly to a chair the unconscious heroine, then they notice the second heroine approaching (watching out of a window, or whatever). The spies decide to prepare a trap, but first heroine wakes up (tied). She understand her fellow heroine in danger of an ambush. She tries to free herself feigning sleep, but the spies notice that: they taunt and handgag her. Tied heroine tries to warn her friend anyway, screaming and moving her chair, so desperately that they have to handsmother her, shutting her nose and mouth with gloved hands, making her unconscious again. They gag and blindfold her. Then they attack second heroine entering in the room. They wrestle her to the floor and quickly smother her wrapping her head with a thin latex sheet (Probably the bravest girl should be the one getting the head wrapped with the latex sheet ) Then they tie and gag the second unconscious heroine. Heroines are on the ground, well tied, blindfolded, gagged (use tape over a cloth cleave gag). They hear villain girls speaking about getting a van to transfer them to a nearby hideout and torture them for information. They rub their faces together to get rid of the blindfolds but they can’t dislodge the gags. They start to work at their bindings with hurry but when one of them has her legs free, the spies arrive. Heroine # 1 with free legs run and tries to go outside but finds the doors closed, calls for help at the windows hoping to attract attention (use your location at best here, do what you can), but she’s jumped on by the spies. She tries to defend with kicks. CUT to the other heroine #2: she manages to break free of her ropes and finds the…used by the bad girls. She takes it, hoping to come to the help for her fellow heroine. CUT to the first heroine: she can’t keep the villain girls at bay. They menace her with the latex sheet, get hold of her, block her on a bed or table (or on the floor) and proceed to put her to sleep using the latex sheet again to wrap her head. When the heroine #1 faints and is immobile, one of the spies takes the latex sheet and goes to suffocate heroine #2 (they believe she’s still tied), the other spy stays to bind the unconscious girl. Heroine #2 ambushes the villain girl looking for her, and put her to sleep …Then she finds her mate, unconscious and being tied by the other spy. Heroine #2 uses .. to put this spy to sleep too.



Posted in Seductive Studio |

Seductive Studio – Fighting – EMILY’S INITIATION

Posted by PornExtreme on 17 August 2013, 19:32

Seductive Studio – Fighting – EMILY’S INITIATION

Categories: RolePlay, Fighting, Belly Punching, Fantasy, Pretty Girls, Abusive Game, Fetish

Description: Our newest model Emily wanted to join the gang. Daphne strung her up and told her the only way in was to take a beating from her, right in her tight belly. She says she can take it. Bring it on! *this was Emily’s first time in front of the camera so we took it easy on her as we wanted to make sure she came back! The punches aren’t as hard as some we would have given Jenny, but they are real, and she said next time she could take them way harder!*



Posted in Seductive Studio |


Posted by PornExtreme on 16 August 2013, 20:58


Categories: Fantasy Snuff, Amazons, F/F, Death Fetish, Bloody, Female Fighting

Af Ambush


Posted in AnnesDreams |

Accidents Happen

Posted by PornExtreme on 16 August 2013, 20:58

Accidents Happen

Categories: Fantasy Snuff, Amazons, F/F, Death Fetish, Bloody, Female Fighting

Accidents Happen

Accidents Happen

Posted in AnnesDreams |

A Very Dangerous Game

Posted by PornExtreme on 16 August 2013, 20:57

A Very Dangerous Game

Categories: Fantasy Snuff, Amazons, F/F, Death Fetish, Bloody, Female Fighting

A Very Dangerous Game

A Very Dangerous Game

Posted in AnnesDreams |

A New Tool

Posted by PornExtreme on 16 August 2013, 20:57

A New Tool

Categories: Fantasy Snuff, Amazons, F/F, Death Fetish, Bloody, Female Fighting

A New Tool

A New Tool

Posted in AnnesDreams |

A Neck For A Neck

Posted by PornExtreme on 16 August 2013, 20:57

A Neck For A Neck

Categories: Fantasy Snuff, Amazons, F/F, Death Fetish, Bloody, Female Fighting

A Neck For A Neck

A Neck For A Neck

Posted in AnnesDreams |

A Nasty End

Posted by PornExtreme on 16 August 2013, 20:56

A Nasty End

Categories: Fantasy Snuff, Amazons, F/F, Death Fetish, Bloody, Female Fighting

A Nasty End

A Nasty End

Posted in AnnesDreams |