Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian
Description: A couple of years ago, the daughter of a wealthy guy was killed in his residence in Spain, by a maniac called by the medias “El Jardinero” ( see “El Jardinero” first movie). The killer has never been found and the wealthy guy decided to sell that house after the event. A company bought it to rent it to rich tourists. Time passed, and everyone forgot about the tragedy that happened there…
Till that day when a new gardener was hired by the company, a guy using a false identitity and forgot by everyone, a guy with a “special” nostalgy for this place…
Today, two girls, who rented the place for a week, are gossiping in the garden, unaware they are being watched by the gardener. Especially one of them, a “teen” looking girl in short dress. As her friend leaves her to make a call, the “gardener” feels his time has come again…he sneaks behind the young girl and quickly grabs her mouth and throat … preventing her to scream and keeping her in a sleeperhold that soon makes her pass out… Still unsure of his next move, he drags the unconscious girl away but is suddenly facing her girlfriend…He has no choice but to act fast… He overpowers her and beats her till she pases out as well…
Lolly, the youngest girl, is the first one to wake up, hands bound over her head to the ceiling and tape-gagged…she starts to struggle and try to scream through her gag when she discovers her friend tied up as well in a corner of the garage, still unconscious…
As she turns over she sees the gardener staying in front of her…she is in panic, he grabs her and tries to keep her quiet ” I will take the gag off if you promise not to scream!”…she agrees and he ungags her…He starts to fondle her, kissing and playing with her.. He does not notice that Camelia was awake as well in her corner and succeded to untie herself, but she makes noise. He turns over and jumps on her, they fight , she is stronger than lolly , but he succeeds to tear her chainblelt off and uses it to strangle her….
She soon gave her last spasms out as Lolly is frantically screaming forved to watch the scene…
Done with Camelia, the gardener returns to the horrified Lolly…. he has new things in mind for her, for months, besides his taste for raping and killing, he developped a huge fetish for doing it wearing leather gloves… He slowly put some leather gloves on, then play with the girl again , finf=gering her ass, before putting her gloved hands over her mouth and nose, suffocating her…till she passes out…
He then rapes the unconscious girl, till she wakes up, he wraps her gloved hands around her neck , and strangles her to death,..