BlueStoneSilkVideos – Method Acting – Lesson #3 with Velvets
Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra
Description: Velvets next tries to teach Frank to act, but he does not take direction well!
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BlueStoneSilkVideos – Method Acting – Lesson #3 with Velvets
Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra
Description: Velvets next tries to teach Frank to act, but he does not take direction well!
BlueStoneSilkVideos – Method Acting – Lesson #2 with Tiffany
Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra
Description: Tiffany assists a fellow actor with his characterization!
BlueStoneSilkVideos – Method Acting – Lesson #1 with Suzi
Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra
Description: Suzi teaches a new actor how to act!
BlueStoneSilkVideos – Method Acting – Lesson #4 with Kerie
Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra
Description: Kerie tries to help Frank with his acting, but he is hopeless!
BlueStoneSilkVideos – Method Acting – Lesson #5 with Petra
Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra
Description: Petra gives Frank an impromptu acting lesson.
BlueStoneSilkVideos – Method Acting – Lesson #6 with Lena
Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra
Description: Lena receives acting lessons from Frank!
BlueStoneSilkVideos – The Unsuspecting Spy
Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra
Description: Jessica plays a spy who doesn’t suspect a plot involving her!
Psycho-Thrillers – Tony And Paris
Categories: Strangle, Hanging, Rape, Death Fetish, Maniac, RolePlay
Contains: Set-Up, Death by Choking, Urination, Drool, Spasms, Neck Snap, Necro Rape, Undressing, Nudity, Limp Play, Choke Marks, Body Dragging, Body Handling, Body Pans Editor’s Note: Another excellent Paris Kennedy performance containing the elements you love to watch.
Description: Part 2 of the Tony & Jessica. Tony visits his favorite wide receiver to clear his conscience and, in the process, is forced to revisit an incident that occurred at his college when he choked a feminist student to death, showing how easily he snaps when faced with stress. The struggle is brutal but Tony comes out on top as she urinates on the floor. He then has sex with her twitching body before snapping her neck to make sure she’s gone. He plays with her corpse and drags it across the room before grabbing her term papers and leaving her there.
Psycho-Thrillers – The Torture Strangle Of Hillary
Categories: Strangle, Hanging, Rape, Death Fetish, Maniac, RolePlay
Contains: Brief Set-up, Surprise, Home Invasion, Four Torture Asphyxiations with Scarf, Bondage, Nudity, Live R including Anal R at the end, Fondling, Limited Death Twitching, OTS Carrying
Description: Hillary is a young housewife who loves her husband dearly but there’s one thing that always irritates her about him…he takes too damn long to fix things in the home. The latest problem has been the rear door which cannot shut properly. After weeks of patience, Hillary finally demands that her husband fixes it over the weekend during one of their telephone conversations. Looks like it’s too late. As Hillary hangs up, she is greeted by a face full of fist as she opens the door to her living room.. Knocked cold, her attacker carries her over his shoulder to the couch. By the time Hillary awakens, her hands are cuffed behind her back and a scarf has been tightened around her throat. Hillary struggles to breath as she still feels the effect of a fist against her face but he manages to bring her to the point of unconsciousness. Once he releases her, she takes a huge breath to regain her consciousness. When she tells him she didn’t do anything wrong, he strangles her again without reason until she is nearly out cold again. He releases her in time for her to catch another breath. She asks what he wants from her and he slips his hand down her thong and onto her pussy. He wants to fuck her although she’s already taken by another man. She starts to cry and he strangles her again, this time telling her he demands her obedience. When he releases, she agrees and is thrown over the couch and fucked from behind. Once he climaxes inside her pussy, he lays her across his knee and admires her breasts as she cries to herself, hoping it will be over soon. After a few moments, he asks if she ever been fucked in the ass before. When she tells him no and tries to protect herself, he forces her over the couch again. Hillary screams and her face is a portrait of pain as she feels his fat cock being jammed unceremoniously up her tight little shitter. The pain is unbelievable but so is the tight scarf around her neck, cutting off her air supply. The sensation of being butt-fucked and strangled overwhelms Hillary and after several minutes she is gone, drooling dripping from her mouth. She dies seconds after he blows the biggest load of his young life right up her sexy ass then eases her back down onto the couch. He enjoys her body then tastes her pussy as her body twitches. Afterwards, he walks away, leaving her for her husband to find.
Psycho-Thrillers – The Tomb Of Mary
Categories: Strangle, Hanging, Rape, Death Fetish, Maniac, RolePlay
Contains: Brief set-up, Bondage, Asphyxiation with steel cord, Live R, Fondle, Body Handling, Body Disposal, Nudity, Body Pans, Ligature Marks
Description: Tom is a loving husband; he is thoughtful, considerate and loved by all his neighbors. What they don’t know is that he has a dark secret. He is a serial killer who performs his acts right under the nose of his unknowing wife! After she goes to work, so does he, walking to the far side of their large house and into a private little room where his captive and bound and gagged. With hours to play, he has sex with her several times before deciding to end it before his wife gets back. He pretends to let her go with the promise not to tell only to suddenly strangle her to death. She can fight and gets in several powerful kicks but he’s stronger and pours it on until she’d dead. He then disposes of the body, releasing her hands and rolling her into a body bag and carrying her into his garage where he loads her into his truck to be disposed of. Soon he will find another on the far side of time, placing them in his tomb of death!