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Psycho-Thrillers – The Sting Of Death

Posted by PornExtreme on 5 May 2013, 15:56

Psycho-Thrillers – The Sting Of Death

Categories: Strangle, Hanging, Rape, Death Fetish, Maniac, RolePlay

Contains: Needle Injection, Choking, Drooling, Sleepy, Dragging, Fondling, Undressing, Nudity, Limp Body Play, Pantyhose, Body Handling, Body Pans

Description: An executive is walking to her job in the early morning hours of her exclusive condominium complex when she is attacked by one of her remote neighbors who has been watching her. Knowing she always passes by his door, and knowing no one else will walk by for another 45 minutes, he waits until her heel beat passes directly pass his door. He pounces on her before she knows what is happening to her and injects a needle directly into her jugular. He grabs onto her, squeezing on the big tits he had always fantasized about while she twists and thrashes. Seconds later, her mouth and throat are flooded with poisonous saliva, preventing her from crying out in pain. When the saliva subsides, she is too weak to twist away from her attacker, too weak to fight. He lays her to rest on the cold morning floor and stands back to watch. The woman starts to thrash violently as her body ties to fight off the deadly poison. After a minute of violent convulsions, she finally slows down then he drags her away into his apartment. He places her on the floor, fondles her then opens her blouse and bra to claim his prizes. His hungry hands feast on her huge, natural breasts and creep down her skirt. He is able to pull her pantyhose halfway down and play with her lifeless body. He dangles her hands limp at the wrist and shakes her head, admiring how loose and relaxed and peaceful she seems. He folds her into a fetal position and admires her hips and her soft ass before he drags her into a small, dark storage area, saving her for later.

The Sting Of Death

The Sting Of Death.mp4

Posted in Psycho-Thrillers |

Psycho-Thrillers – The Slow Torture Strangle Of Natalie

Posted by PornExtreme on 4 May 2013, 16:41

Psycho-Thrillers – The Slow Torture Strangle Of Natalie

Categories: Strangle, Hanging, Rape, Death Fetish, Maniac, RolePlay

Contains: Set-up, Brutal Violence, Necro R, Death by Asphyxiation, Urination, Ligature Marks, Drooling, Torn Blouse, Forced Undressing, Nudity, Body Handling, Arm Carrying, Dragging

Description: Karli plays a young office executive preparing for another day of work when there is a knock at the door. A man posing as a detective asks her if he can ask some questions about an assault that occurred last night. At first she refuses, pointing out she is running late for work but then aggress to answer his questions and lets him inside. Once inside, he strikes her, knocking her off her feet then kicks and stumps on her, bruising and bloodying her face before dragging her off to an open area of her home where he rips her blouse and tears at her clothing, exposing her. She tries to fight back but he manages to climb on top of her and choke her into unconsciousness. When she awakens, she is tied up to a wall and is slowly strangled to death when her killer twists a self-made garrote around the pole. She thrashes violently until the life is finally forced from her sexy, soft womanly body. Lifeless and vulnerable, the killer unties her and bends her over, fucking her tight little asshole until he blows his hot load inside her tight little ass. He then kicks her, rolling her over onto her back, admires her then leaves her there.

The Slow Torture Strangle Of Natalie

The Slow Torture Strangle Of Natalie.mp4

Posted in Psycho-Thrillers |

Psycho-Thrillers – The Lonely Hearts Killer

Posted by PornExtreme on 4 May 2013, 16:41

Psycho-Thrillers – The Lonely Hearts Killer

Categories: Strangle, Hanging, Rape, Death Fetish, Maniac, RolePlay

Contains: Set-up, Drug Injection, Belt Asphyxiation, Up skirt Shot, Body Pans, NECRO RAPE, Nudity, Fondling, Limp Arm Play, Neck Break During Strangulation

Description: A woman whose husband died a year ago is visited by a Long-time friend and neighbor she helped raise as a little boy. He swings by to check on her after working his delivery service job and brings a bottle of alcohol that he poisoned. Knowing she trusts him, she lets him in, avoiding a forced entry and watches her drink a shot of her gift while using an excuse to drink later. The poison works fast and she is rendered weak and barely able to walk. He escorts her to the couch, telling her he is going to kill her. She can barely make out the words as she fights to stay conscious. He fondles her numb body then removes her red belt from her skirt as her body slides toward the floor. He wraps the belt tightly around her that then pulls up, trying to separate her head from her huge natural breasts. He curses her, tells her how much he hated her husband as the belt tightens, trapping whatever air she has left within her mammoth juggs. She fights and claws at the belt, her strong legs trying to propel her away, to life her but her thin, sexy ass crashes the floor repeatedly as she fails to rise. She tries to run away but he trails her, pulling tighter. He won’t allow her to leave him and won’t let go of her until he is sure she is dead. He watches her heave then a fit of rage overcomes him and he pulls and jerks at the belt, snapping her neck instantly, killing her. He undresses her body, fondles it then has violent sex with her from behind, sending her body thrashing wildly about until he blows deep inside her. He pulls out and kicks her feet away in disgust, not wanting any part of her to touch him any longer. He catches his breath then places his hat on her head before admiring her still, pale form and slamming the door behind him. It would be one week before anyone would notice she was dead.

The Lonely Hearts Killer

The Lonely Hearts Killer.mp4

Posted in Psycho-Thrillers |

Psycho-Thrillers – The Hitman 2 – Wheel Of Demise

Posted by PornExtreme on 4 May 2013, 16:41

Psycho-Thrillers – The Hitman 2 – Wheel Of Demise

Categories: Strangle, Hanging, Rape, Death Fetish, Maniac, RolePlay

Content: Set-up, Recap from last episode, Neck Snap, Asphyxiation with Neck Tie, Nylon Stockings, Undressing, Nudity, Limited Necro Urination, Limited Body Positioning, Body Pans, Leg Shots, Striking

Description: To recap the last movie, a spoiled wealthy housewife hires a hit man to kill the mistress. She wants it to look like part of a recent set of rape strangling. After receiving an upfront retainer, the hit man happily does his job. The killer comes back for the balance of his retainer with digital photo proof in hand. Stunned at seeing two dead women, the wife refuses to pay for what she calls a “sloppy job.” At that point the killer strangles her then poses her body on the car before leaving her there.

The Hitman 2 - Wheel Of Demise

The Hitman 2 – Wheel Of Demise.mp4

Posted in Psycho-Thrillers |

Psycho-Thrillers – The Hitman 1 – Mistaken Identity

Posted by PornExtreme on 4 May 2013, 16:40

Psycho-Thrillers – The Hitman 1 – Mistaken Identity

Categories: Strangle, Hanging, Rape, Death Fetish, Maniac, RolePlay

Content: Set-up, Neck Snap, Live & Necro Rape, Asphyxiation & Choking, Forced Undressing, Nudity, Limited Necro Urination, Limited Body Positioning, Body Pans, Foot Shots, Terrorizing

Description: A spoiled wealthy housewife hires a hit man to kill the mistress. She wants it to look like part of a recent set of rape strangling. After receiving an upfront retainer, the hit man happily does his job. Sunset is attacked in her sleep and her neck snapped. Enjoying his kill, he hears a door open and discovers the woman killed is actually the sister of the mistress. He picks up her head to look at her then lets it drop again. She enters the home and calls for Susan but gets no response. She goes upstairs where Reno is sitting and waiting with a gun. She asks for Susan but the killer says she’s dead tired. He orders her to remove her clothing and she does as she cries. He forces her against the couch and tells her he’s going to stick his cock inside her asshole. She pleads with him not to but he does it anyway. She tries to take it and cries loudly as he slowly removes his tie and strangles her to death.

The Hitman 1 - Mistaken Identity

The Hitman 1 – Mistaken Identity.mp4

Posted in Psycho-Thrillers |

Psycho-Thrillers – The Frustrated Convict

Posted by PornExtreme on 4 May 2013, 16:40

Psycho-Thrillers – The Frustrated Convict

Categories: Strangle, Hanging, Rape, Death Fetish, Maniac, RolePlay

Contains: Surprise, Terrorizing, Home Invasion, Live & Necro Rape, Near Escape, Forced Live Posing, Forced Undressing, Nudity, Sleeper Hold Choking, Hand Choking, Death by Bagging, Strangulation, Ass Play, Sleepy, Dragging, Body Handling, Body Pans, Fondling, Body Positioning Editor’s Note: For those who like the scenes ending in a bagging, this is a solid video that also contains several quick choking scenes.

Description: Heather is a young girl is makes the mistake of bringing a convict into her home she thought went to jail for stealing a car but instead was never caught as a serial killer. As soon as her door closes, he attacks her, rendering unconscious with a sleeper hold. He drags her into her bedroom where he grabs a camera from her home and terrorizes her on film, making her undress and pose for him. He then grows angry and chokes her into unconsciousness when she tries to escape then decides to end it when he sees a bag at the end of her bed. He uses it to bag her until she suffocates to death. He then has anal sex with her dead body and leaves her there face down and ass up, spread eagle.

The Frustrated Convict

The Frustrated Convict.mp4

Posted in Psycho-Thrillers |

I Draw Pain – 108 Torture Comics

Posted by PornExtreme on 4 May 2013, 16:23


I Draw Pain – 108 Torture Comics

Categories: Guro, Death Fetish, Original ArtWork, Fantasy, Cannibalism, Rape, Extremely Torture, Cidnapping, Bloody Cunt

Description: 108 PhotoSets | Pics

Format: PDF

Comics Name:

Comics Name: SICKEST COMICS 1-17, Kidnapped cop, Glamorous stylist, Sheik of Salisbury, Valeria, The Circus, 120 Days Of Sodom, Pat Chris, Thing, Les Brigades Roses, Lara Jones story 1-5, Douces, Perils of penelope enter the scorpion, Solange Messager sur le Front, Nazi Doublecross, Die Sadistiche Markiezin, Hard Games Hotel 1-2, Hotel of Hars Encounters 1-2, Juicy Alice, Le Salon Des Chatiments 1-2, Middle Eastern Nights 1-2, Pussy In Boots, The Punishment 1-2, The Punishment Parlor 1-2, Bondage Slaves 1-3, Book Of Bondage 1-6, Diane de Grand Lieu 1-4, Hilda 1-5, Le Mistere du Harem, Beautes Dociles, Twisted Toon Tales 1-13, Twisted Toon Tales Annual, The Berger Institute, 11001 Strokes, Anitas Nightmare, Countryside, Lust, Siss in Peril, Agan Medon, Kose, Fetish World, Nameless Slave, Slave Execution, Slave Market, The Monastery, The Way, Torture Devices, The Ballerina, Circle of Cult 1-3

Language: English

I Draw Pain.rar

Example Cover:

Posted in Comics, COMICS SITERIPS, SITERIPS | Tagged , , , , , , , |

Psycho-Thrillers – Snuff 14 The Basement

Posted by PornExtreme on 3 May 2013, 14:33

Psycho-Thrillers – Snuff 14 The Basement

Categories: Strangle, Hanging, Rape, Death Fetish, Maniac, RolePlay

Contains: Dialogue, Violence, Vaginal Penetration, Fondling, Undressing, Knife play, Sweat, Foot Views, Necrophilia Rape, Multiple Choking and Strangulations, Sleepy, Body Positioning, Body Pans, Vaginal Views, Neck Snap Editor’s Note: This is the first realistic real time snuff drama we’ve produced where the victim is terrorized, sodomized then strangled to death from beginning to end. Numerous choking and strangle scenes to the very end with continuous film running. This film is made to look like the real thing and could only be pulled off with fine acting all the way around! The final strangulation is slow.

Description: Dani plays a victim who is kidnapped by neighbors she barely know and then is terrorized and tortured for over an hour before she is finally strangled to death. Dani shows lots of fear and defiance as a young girl trying to do anything to get out of her predicament but only digs herself deeper the more she tries to find the right things to say.

Snuff 14 The Basement

Snuff 14 The Basement.mp4

Posted in Psycho-Thrillers |

Psycho-Thrillers – Snuff 13 3 Girls Gone Wild

Posted by PornExtreme on 3 May 2013, 14:33

Psycho-Thrillers – Snuff 13 3 Girls Gone Wild

Categories: Strangle, Hanging, Rape, Death Fetish, Maniac, RolePlay

Contains: Montage Set-Up, Terrorizing, Home Invasion, Undressing, Extensive Triple Live & Necro Rape, Triple Bondage, Extensive Triple Nylon Strangulation, Nudity, Ligature Marks, Multiple Hand Choking, Body Handling, OTS Carry, Breast Play, Ass Play, Ligature Marks, Fondling, Body Pans Editor’s Note: This video is a sequel to MEN OF THE HOUSE 1 and features an explicit triple rape and strangulation.

Description: Three men befriend a group of girls over a period of time. Once they gain their trust, they drug their drinks and tie them up and make a snuff film of themselves raping and strangling all three girls to death. During the terror, the drugged girls act defiant and even shocked this is happening them them but it becomes a reality when Heather is taken away to be raped and strangled first, followed by Shawna. Sierra is crying and pleading by the time its her turn, the last of her defiance gone with the lives of her friends. Each girl is fondles, finger fucked and fucked strongly as they are strangled to death and abandoned.

Snuff 13 3 Girls Gone Wild

Snuff 13 3 Girls Gone Wild.mp4

Posted in Psycho-Thrillers |

Psycho-Thrillers – Snuff 12 The Hitman 3

Posted by PornExtreme on 3 May 2013, 14:32

Psycho-Thrillers – Snuff 12 The Hitman 3

Categories: Strangle, Hanging, Rape, Death Fetish, Maniac, RolePlay

Contains: Set-up, Chloroform, White Panties, Bondage, Body Punching, Two Chokings & Three Garrote Strangulations, Forced Undressing, Nudity, NO RAPE, Ligature Marks, Drool, Fondling, Graphic Urination, Vaginal Close-ups Editor’s Note: This was a customer request for a snuff series movie we blended into our HIT MAN series; features brutal body blows and a graphic strangulation. The strangulation themselves vary from 30 seconds to 3 ? minutes and are spread throughout the film.

Description: Bree plays an secret agent who has been betrayed by Reno. In an effort to make Reno confess to the murder of a member (Lisa in HITMAN 2) they accuse his most loyal agent whom he trained of treason and conspire to trap her and torture her. The blonde man is the Senator’s Son, his role featured in a long past PT movie involving the murder of a girl he dated. With all at odds with each other but secretly masking their feelings, they take it out on innocent, sweet Bree who knows nothing of the charges presented before her. She is subjected to choking and strangulation with a nylon stocking and savagely beaten about the body as Reno films it. Once they tire of her crying and suffering, they finish her off with a double strangulation. Bree is then released of her restraints and her body urinates on the floor

Snuff 12 The Hitman 3

Snuff 12 The Hitman 3.mp4

Posted in Psycho-Thrillers |