Psycho-Thrillers – Necro Banger
Categories: Strangle, Hanging, Rape, Death Fetish, Maniac, RolePlay
Contains: Small Set-Up Limited Dialogue, Arm Carry, Death by Sudden Neck Snap, Surprise, Stripper Victim, Body Positioning, Body Handling, Body Posing, Body Rag Dolling, Body Tossing, Death Stare, Drool, Fondling, Undressing, Breast Views, Ass Views, Vaginal Views, Breast Worship, Ass Worship, Vaginal Worship, Nudity, Multi-Position Necrophilia Sex, Bladder Release During Undressing, Body Pans, Neck Bruise Marks, Foyer Kill Scene
Description: Maya plays a stripper who is mislead by her pimp as to the type of party she will attend. She is barely through the door when her pimp turns on her in front of the client and suddenly snaps her neck, killing her instantly. He carries the body over to the couch and leaves. His buyer has his way with the body, stripping it, tasting it and ultimately fucking it in many positions before recalling her pimp to pick up her body. Lots of dead weight to move around and enjoy.

Necro Banger.mp4