Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian
Description: We are in the darkest age of history, life doesn’t worth a penny in these times. A rebellious girl having acquaintane with some outlaws has been captured then left in the torturer’s kingdom hands…
A sect of fanatics…without limits or morality…their only purpose…is to torture, kill, and experiment everything possible inspired by “God, to defeat the devil” as they like to describe themselves…
Of course, nobody trusts that…but their practices are so scary that the people, and even the king are afraid of them…
The poor girl is tied up on the sacrifice table, Her costume is torn apart with a knife, then begins the preparation of the sacrifice itself…The victim is first penetrated… Her virginity being screwed by her tormentor using a cucumber to rape her first …
Follows a ritual within she is oiled, raped again, before to have her throat crashed till she passes out…
As she slowly recovers from this torture…The same cucumber used to rape her is plugged deep in her mouth and throat…suffocating her…
She eventually stays still, dead…
Her body is left there for 2 weeks by the sect…before to be molested, her parts being cracked ( the corpse being stiff , taken by the “rigor mortis”), and raped again…

Anno Domini 1491 Necro Ritual.mp4 503.56MB