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Posted by PornExtreme on 27 March 2013, 16:45


Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian

Description: STARRING Lolly

A nurse is about to make an injection to a patient in the coma…but if he suddenly wakes up and has fantasies, in a dream sequence, about all the things he want to do to her…

He sneaks behind her and grabs her, forcing the serynge in her own neck… the nurse passes out…

The mad patient plays with her limb body… to eventually strangles her with his bandages then hides the victim in a closet…


Killing The Nurse.mp4 266.81MB

Posted in Inshadow |

Inshadow – THE SENTRY

Posted by PornExtreme on 27 March 2013, 16:44

Inshadow – THE SENTRY

Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian

Description: STARRING Newcomer : Mary-Ann

A masked and gloved infiltrator silences a female sentry, using a ligature to strangle her from behind till she passes out. He drags her and hides her, then left her bound and gagged in order to complete his mission. The girl slowly regains consciousness and hears a huge fighting outside…obviously her assaillant has been spotted. She struggles, trying to warn someone of her presence but only muffled sounds come out from her mouth… The sound of the guns suddenly stops…She first thinks it is all over and she will be free soon…till she sees the man in black coming to her again…she then understands…she is the only one still alive in the camp! She understands also why he came back…she just hopes her death will be quick…it won’t be. Considering her as a trophy for a succesfull mission, the enemy is merciless, he will tease her, rape her and slowly take her breath away…


The Sentry.mp4 253.07MB

Posted in Inshadow |

Inshadow – Pantyhose Maniac

Posted by PornExtreme on 27 March 2013, 16:44

Inshadow – Pantyhose Maniac

Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian

Description: He got a fetish for pantyhose…but still better if the girl who is wearing them is strangled by his hands….XXX hardcore, Girl strangled while raped,…


Pantyhose Maniac.mp4 262.82MB

Posted in Inshadow |

Inshadow – A pervert Client

Posted by PornExtreme on 27 March 2013, 16:43

Inshadow – A pervert Client

Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian

Description: Starring Gina Rae Michaels, who worked with us the time of a video, playing a hooker who gets in deep trouble , getting bound and gagged , then strangled…

A Pervert Client.mp4

Posted in Inshadow |


Posted by PornExtreme on 27 March 2013, 16:43


Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian

Description: We are in the darkest age of history, life doesn’t worth a penny in these times. A rebellious girl having acquaintane with some outlaws has been captured then left in the torturer’s kingdom hands…

A sect of fanatics…without limits or morality…their only purpose…is to torture, kill, and experiment everything possible inspired by “God, to defeat the devil” as they like to describe themselves…

Of course, nobody trusts that…but their practices are so scary that the people, and even the king are afraid of them…

The poor girl is tied up on the sacrifice table, Her costume is torn apart with a knife, then begins the preparation of the sacrifice itself…The victim is first penetrated… Her virginity being screwed by her tormentor using a cucumber to rape her first …

Follows a ritual within she is oiled, raped again, before to have her throat crashed till she passes out…

As she slowly recovers from this torture…The same cucumber used to rape her is plugged deep in her mouth and throat…suffocating her…

She eventually stays still, dead…

Her body is left there for 2 weeks by the sect…before to be molested, her parts being cracked ( the corpse being stiff , taken by the “rigor mortis”), and raped again…


Anno Domini 1491 Necro Ritual.mp4 503.56MB

Posted in Inshadow |

Inshadow – Security Breach

Posted by PornExtreme on 27 March 2013, 16:43

Inshadow – Security Breach

Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian

Description: A sentry is surprised and chocked from behind till she passes out. She wakes up undressed, bound and gagged, to be raped then strangled.


Security Breach.mp4 118.48MB

Posted in Inshadow |

Inshadow – DEADSNOW

Posted by PornExtreme on 27 March 2013, 16:42

Inshadow – DEADSNOW

Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian

Description: Starring NEWCOMER RIHANA

Walking in the snow, Rihana is attacked from behind and chloroformed and carried away…

Unconscious, she has her clothes taken off and her body molested… she wakes up to find herself being raped , her own bra being wrapped around her neck. She fights back being slowly strangled and succeeds to turn the table for a short moment…

She even succeeds to push away her attacker, giving her a chance of escape…but he quickly grabs a plastic bag and takes control again, suffocating her without mercy…


Deadsnow.mp4 197.71MB

Posted in Inshadow |

Inshadow – MAID’s BAD DAY

Posted by PornExtreme on 27 March 2013, 16:42

Inshadow – MAID’s BAD DAY

Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian

Description: A maid is surprised and silenced by robbers. One of them catches her throat into a sleephold till she passes out…While they search the place for some values… the man orders his friend to search other places in the house… Left alone next to the maid, he then finds a dildo in a drawer…This is enough to wake up the beast inside him…

He will use the sex toy on the innocent maid and eventually rape her…

As she slowly regains consciousness, and starts to scream for help. He has no choice but to silence her again…he grabs the first prop he finds around, the maid’s own feather duster and starts choking her with it…

As the maid frantically fights back and the duster becomes no longer usefull… the killer grabs the dildo and uses it to choke her again….


Maids Bad Day.mp4 287.08MB

Posted in Inshadow |


Posted by PornExtreme on 27 March 2013, 16:41


Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian

Description: Rihana is making coffee when suddenly assaulted by a gloved intruder and strangled to death by the cord of a kitchen device…

Her body is exposed and marked with a “dead slut” tag…


Dead In The Kitchen.mp4 131.50MB

Posted in Inshadow |


Posted by PornExtreme on 27 March 2013, 16:41


Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian

Description: A young woman stops her car in a deserted location in order to enjoy a smoke…She does not notice being watched from the distance by a strange man in black…

As she returns to her car, she is surprised from behind and slowly garotted…


Strangled In Car.mp4 60.22MB

Posted in Inshadow |