Psycho-Thrillers – Double Girl Kill 11 [Ai Upscale]
Categories: Different Studios, Rape, Abduction, Bloody Game, ChloroFormed, Execution, Amazons, Asphyxiation, Assassination, Bagging, Death Fetish, Drowning, Fighting, Hanging, Maniac, Neck Break, Poison, RolePlay Snuff, Shooting, Stabbing, Strangle
Video Quality Rating (of 5): 4+
File Info: File Size : 1399.77 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:32:13
Video : H264 (Main) :: 5.82 Mb/s, 29.97 fps
Audio : AAC (LC) :: 98 kb/s, 48000 Hz, 2 channels :: Und
Description: Starring Nicky Huntsman, Ziggy Star, Tyler Nixon & Anthony
Two young girls and a young man sit on a couch, enjoying the utopian effects of good marijuana in the comforts of a remote home. Under the influence, girlfriends bicker at each other when Jessie is accused of always being overly aggressive towards the men her friend likes, leading to her performing some form of consensual sex on the men while in her presence. The time the barking of Russell’s dog disturbs them, which is unusual because the dog is quiet by nature unless someone is in their backyard. Russell uses the distraction to excuse himself to get more drugs from his smaller house. Moments later, Russell encounters a masked man holding a knife and blocking his exit. Having experienced many hallucinations from his powerful drugs, he laughs it off as a funny fantasy figure and attempts to walk through it when something sharp sticks him in the gut. He stops and realizes a knife is in her belly. Stunned, he instinctively backs off as the masked man watches him emotionlessly. Russell falls to the floor and dies moments later. Unable to get along, Jesse leaves Nicky ion the living room in search for why Russell is taking so long and discovers a dead Russell covered up on the top bunk bed. Horrified, she slowly backs off and steps right into the killer who grabs her. She screams and tries to fight but he grabs her by the throat and lifts her off her feet then tosses her to a nearby couch. She continues to squirm and tries to wiggle away but he is stronger and he manages to rip off her bikini and jam his hard cock right up her cunt. He fucks her, ripping through her and pinning her as she cries out before he places a hand over her nose and mouth and presses down. With no way to breath, she fights for her life but feels the back of her head sinking into the soft couch. A lack of air drains her until she breaths her last a she feels his cock drilling deep and hard, her leg stretched far back to allow open access to her cunt. Once she surrendered herself to him fully, he positioned her on her knees then forced his cock in and out of her mouth and down her warm, slimy throat. He’d just placed her back on the couch and had tucked his cock away to prepare to kill the last girl when she made it easy for him by delivering herself into his midst. The girl opens the door, screams then tries to escape but the killer beats her to the door and pulls her inside. She puts up a fight but his strong arms wrap her up while maintaining pressure on her throat. Like a lion choking out its prey, he allows her to punch herself out, her feet wobbling as she fights to remain standing but he wins and drives her down to her knees before eventually driving her back to the floor and her death. He scoops her up and has her sit on his hard rod while Jesse waits in a doggy position, her cunt ready and willing. The killer hops the girl up and down his boner then fucks out his vast amount of semen into and all over Jesse’s round ass. He pulls away and moments later, she unleashes a volley of urine that floods the couch and the floor. He poses both bodies together then leaves.
Set-up, Dialogue, Fantasy Drug Use, Double Girl Kill, Young Victims, Petite Victim, Bikini Fashion, Voyeur Views, Consensual Blow Job, Masked Killer, Gloved Killer, Suspense, Home Invasion, Man vs. Man Violence, Male Death Stab, Male Death via Stab Wound, Surprise, Brief Suspension Hand Strangle, Fondling, Undressing, Nudity, Breast Views, Ass Views, Vaginal Views, Breast Worship, Vaginal Worship, Ass Worship, Begging & Pleading, Terrorizing, Multi Position Live Rape, Bare Feet, Foot Views, Female Death by Hand Smothering, Death Twitching, Death Stare, Body Handling, Body Positioning, Body Posing, Body Pans, necrophilia Blow Job, Drool, Second Victim Escape Attempt, Upright Hand Strangulation, Multi Position Hand Strangulation, Death by Hand Strangulation, Neck bruising, Death Stare, Double Necrophilia Rape, Multi Position Necrophilia Rape, Limp Body, Necrophilia Urination

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