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[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Her Party Girl Appetite 2

Posted by PornExtreme on 20 March 2021, 19:35

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Her Party Girl Appetite 2

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused

Description: Starring: Belle Fatale, Ashley Lane, Karma, Odette Delacroix, w/ Jigsy

Belle Fatale continues her spree as Anchorage serial killer, and most wanted. She loves to go to night clubs, and venues to find beautiful young ladies to strangle and molest, taking them back home, taking care of business, then using other people in the community as scapegoats and perps for her framing ways. She has been a bit more careful and less frequent in her attempts since her first encounter with Detective Freya, and killing of her very first victim(Prequel not yet released) so she changes up a bit for her early run to the clubs to find a victim, this time it is a couple, that just met at the bar and have been offered and have taken ecstasy(a hallucinogenic, euphoric elicit drug that enhances feelings, but hinders decision making process) so as they sit on Belle’s couch, the drug starts to take effect. As the killer makes drinks the two newcomers acknowledge the drug taking effect, and get excited about the threesome. Belle gets them started and then makes her move, getting the attention of the man, saying she should get him off while they wait for Karma to finish her drink. They all agree and she pulls out his cock and sucks him good, as the Karma party girl plays with herself and is getting rubbed off by the man. They are all excited, but the two new comers are really into it. She gets in the guys head as they undress Karma. She asks him if he wants to try something new and fun, which he replies “YES” of course, so as she licks Karma’s pussy he removes his belt and gets it around Karma’s neck, who is in the moment and not protesting at all, she is seeming to get hot from it. Belle gets closer and closer to the man, in his ear arousing him with her hands and kisses to the ear and neck, but also coaxing him to go further and further as the young party girl is choking more and more, turning different shades of red and purple as she loses air and is cut off completely. The man is getting off on it and Belle continues to coax him being in his ear. Eventually Karma can take no more loss of air and dies, her arms and painted toes twitching, her eyes bugged out and blood shot from the lack of air and pressure straining. Her eyes are wide and her tongue barely protrudes. Belle makes the euphoric and completely loaded man think she came and is laying on the floor passed out. She moves the corpse and goes straight for his cock, sucking him off until he cums so she can harvest his DNA, to plant on all the victims and look like he is the real killer, and not Belle. AS HE SHOOTS HIS LOAD IN HER MOUTH, SHE SNAPS HIS NECK AND HE DIES INSTANTLY, SHE FINISHES SUCKING TO GET ALL THE GOOD STUFF.. then lets his dick flop. She rag-dolls Karma’s body but has a lust for some new blood so she plays with Karma’s feet and licks her toes, molesting and rag-dolling the body, and moves the bodies to the South bedroom….Fade Out..

Fade in…
Ashley and Odette, traveling friends and rich party girls, up for a weekend of partying, enter with Belle into her house. They sit at the bar as Belle looks for wine she knows is not there. After some small talk Belle breaks the embarrassing news that she is completely out of alcohol. Ashley, still wanting the party to go on, so as she leaves Odette continues to explain how the two met and their trips together, as Belle is behind her removing her own heels and grabbing a thigh high out of her ottoman, and creeping behind her as she uses her soothing voice to continue the conversation. Before long Odette is up off the bar stool and in the air as Belle takes her down and back off the chair on to the floor. The tiny young lady, in a sexy dress and heels weighing 90 pounds, is going crazy, fighting like mad to get free from her clutches but Belle has her good and the stocking is wrapped tight. Up-skirt views shows Odette not wearing panties and here shaved cunt showing as she bucks and fights Belle. As she is on top of Belle fighting she kicks off one heel, then slowly starts to fade, but passes out from lack of air before Belle has a chance to finish the job. Belle is pissed this has not happened yet in all her kills, but she uses it to try something new. she rolls the body off like a pile of sticks that crumble to the rug, then undresses Odette, checking her shaved pussy and then her tiny tits as she molests the tiny young ladies body. She molests her limp playing her arms, rag-dolling Odette back and forth, showing how limp she is. As she is about to do more the car comes up the gravel driveway. It is Ashley, so belle hurries to pick up the body, stocking still around her neck and takes her to the bed with the other bodies. She hurries back to the kitchen and Ashley comes in with the bottle of wine, and as she gets to the bar, sees that Odette is not there. Belle explains that Odette wasn’t feeling well so she let her pass out in her bed, and points to the Bedroom right by the front door, and “while she opens the wine, Ashley should check on her friend.” The scene fades as she walks towards the bedroom and Belle grabbing a cable from a laptop, comes behind her……..Scene fades

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Her Party Girl Appetite 2.mp4

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[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Storm Party Stranglers

Posted by PornExtreme on 20 March 2021, 19:34

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Storm Party Stranglers

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused

Description: Starring: Belle Fatale, Baby, Coco, and Jessica Rose
w/ Chris B.

A group of small town girls are gathering at Coco’s house to ride out a huge storm. They have all been away at college or away from home, except Belle, who has remained in the area but has been reclusive and anti-social and is known as the bi-polar biker chick. Baby and Jessica Rose are best friends and go everywhere together. When they all meet up at Coco’s place, they start to talk then Coco wants to check the furnace to see why there is a chill in the air and Jessica wants to call home to check on her mom, so they both leave the room. Baby and Belle talk and catch up, somehow Baby hits a nerve with Belle and she starts to get moody and bitter. Baby is just a party girl so she excuses herself to the head to powder her nose. Belle has an evil look as she says under her breath, “I should go check on Coco, she probably needs help.”, as she walks down the hall she pulls a length of para cord out of her pocket and starts wrapping her hands and leaves a nice loop. She creeps up on Coco who is over the furnace looking in and asking herself what to do. Belle peers in the vent, and enters the room asking Coco if she needs help and wrapping the garotte around her neck at the same time. She strangles Coco hard with the cord, full of rage and definitely strong. Coco flails hard, tongue out, vibrating and bucking until she slows to death. After she is still she removes the cord for the next victim, then puts Coco in the corner behind the door and covers her body up with a sheet,m tucking in the limbs and toes to hide her. She says she will come back for her, and heads to the door. She cracks the door and Jessica Rose is getting off the phone. She comes up behind her, but asks her if everything is okay, Belle says, “Look outside, it’s going to be fine..” As the girl turns to look out the blinds, she is hauled in with the cord across her neck. She pulls hard and the gal claws and bucks hard, she pulls tighter and the gal chokes more and eventually bucks herself out of the chair and to the floor where she slowly dies from the cord and belle’s evil will to finish them all off. After the girl is dead she picks her up and throws her to the bed, then wraps her in a blanket, ruffing her up a bit, then smiling saying, “I love redheads”, as she heads towards the bathroom where Baby is still there. She knocks, baby hears her over the fan, “Can I pee, Coco is using the other bathroom and I got to go.”, Baby lets her in sniffing and covering her nose. Belle asks her to share and to cut it up for her. When she goes towards the mirror, Belle wraps her hard and fast with the parachute cord, pulling her back. Baby is strong and pushes her back and they both fall into the tub, Belle still pulling and has Baby in place. Baby claws at her neck and gags a bit as she can’t get any air in. She fights pulling down the shower rod and curtains, and eventually kicking them off as she kicks her heels. As she dies, her eyes stay wide and her tongue barely sticks out. She finishes her off and pushes her off, and leaves her in the tub. She takes the shower curtain and plastic clear liner over Baby’s face, where the eyes are still showing. She goes to grab her first victim to have some fun while she rides this storm out. She uncovers Coco and drags her by her feet towards the living room, setting her on the floor she starts to check her out and make out with her dead body. As she fondles her she realizes that she could have all 3 and have a female necro orgy, so she heads to get Jessica and drag her in, she doesn’t notice the neighbor, Chris, who really likes Coco and has known them all for years, was looking in the window as she got up to go get the body. He sneaks inside and as she drags Jessica Rose’s body to the living room he comes up and says firmly, “WHAT IN THE ****?” He grabs her by her neck and throttles her hard, she fights him but looks like a doll in his arms as he over powers her. She turns her body to get free, but he wraps her long hair around her neck and starts to strangle her for a bit. She is feisty and tries to move out of the hold so he picks her up by her neck, off the ground and throws her up against the wall hitting her head, but she kicks and fights as he throttles her against the wall. She gets heavy and slides down to the floor, but keeps fighting as he one arm throttles her until she is dead and her eyes go crossed, tongue sticking out. She is finally dead. He goes to all the gals, checking them out and especially Coco. He sees that Jessica is here but he doesn’t see baby, he goes and finds her in the tub covered in curtains. He carries her to the living room where he places them all on the couch and chairs in the room. He starts to leave, but wants to check out all these gal’s boobs since he hasn’t seen them before. He goes to them all and cops a feel exposing and pinching their breasts, then heads to get the Sheriff. They are all panned and viewed in detail as a group and individually. Then they are in a body pile on the rug, like one pile of flesh..

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Storm Party Stranglers.mp4

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[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – The Equestrian Visitor

Posted by PornExtreme on 20 March 2021, 19:33

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – The Equestrian Visitor

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused

Description: Introducing: Freya w/ Jake Evans

Out in the woods, miles from any sort of community, or population, Freya is riding her horse Thunder. Ironically enough, Thunder got spooked and threw her off far away from where she was parked, and she walks to the nearest place she can find. She walks up the gravel road and hears someone clanging a shovel, digging, and approaches the man in the cowboy hat. She tells him what happened and asks if she can use his phone, her cell line has no service. He is quiet and standoffish, but he obliges her by saying yes to the phone. He invites her inside and points her to the phone and she sit down to make a call. Behind her he has already grabbed a chloroform bottle and a rag, soaking it real good as he replies to her saying the phone doesn’t work. He explains that sometimes those storms knock out the lines but it will be back up. He surprises her with the rag over her nose and mouth. She bucks and flails as her eyes go wide with terror. He holds firm and her eyes flutter, then she passes out, completely limp. He makes himself comfortable by taking off his hat and jacket so he can enjoy this sexy visitor. He scoops her up off of the floor and carries her to the couch. He tosses her down and starts to molest her body, slowly working his hands over every inch. He sees the boots and the boot covers and starts to take them off, as he removes each boot and sock, he takes in her perfect soles and feet, sniffing them and rubbing them on his face. He has more to do before she comes to, so he starts to remove her shirt, then plays with her face, moth, and tongue. He kisses her chest, then he takes off the tight jeans and shows her perfect ass and sexy thin legs going to those perfect soles. Her matching bra and panties drive him wild with excitement. He kneads and caresses her ass and legs before flipping her back over to her back to remove the bra. He plays with her showing her sexy nipples, then taking off the bra and sitting her up, checking how limp her body is. He starts to remove her panties and notices that she is starting to stir a bit and he needs to get moving. He isn’t too worried about it so he lifts her legs so he can see her perfect mound, ready for him. He wants to fuck her but he knows what he must do. As she wakes up and starts to figure out what is going on, he has already pulled a thin black cord from his pocket and wrapped it around her neck. Her eyes go wide in horror and she tries to get out of it and claws at him and her neck. She is still a bit groggy from the chloroform but still slowly fights him. He has her deep, dug into her neck the cord is tight, her face turning different shades of red as she bucks. After a few moments she comes to and really realizes she must try to survive, so she turns it on, bucking and kicking so high trying to get free, she goes completely nuts all over him and the floor, bucking her pussy high in the air and rolling on to her stomach, but he is so strong he handles her and she fights and fights, but eventually even the horse rider is not enough for a cowboy. After a long bout for her life, she is merely a pile of sweatty twitches, and her feet and legs twitch for a bit after she is dead. Here eyes and mouth open and he sits her up and throws her off like trash. It is time to have more fun and no worries about her coming back to struggle. He flops her around a bit checking her limp body, then he tosses her up on to the couch and pulls his pants down. He fucks her body hard and fast for a good long while, playing with her tits and mouth as he pounds her pussy. After he cums inside her, he positions her on the couch so he can see her sexy face, eyes, and soles. He heads out to the jeep to get a tarp, her body is viewed and panned from many different angles. When he returns he spreads out the tarp on the floor, then puts her in the middle. He takes all of her clothing and puts it in the tarp with her and rolls it up, leaving her sexy soles and face visible. He scoops her up and takes her out to the jeep and stuffs her in the back, then closes the door smiles and goes back inside to get cleaned up and have a beer. What a sexy visitor and like he said, “I don’t get many visitors up here.”

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The Equestrian Visitor.mp4

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[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Cocos Belt Morgue

Posted by PornExtreme on 20 March 2021, 19:32

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Cocos Belt Morgue

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused

Description: Starring: Coco w/ Chris B

The story continues as Dr. B does a full examination on the Jane Doe that Asphyxiated herself, whilst masturbating, ending up dying with her fingers inside her vagina. Chris has to triple check to make sure there is no foul play. He checks all of her, including; her temperature, swabbing her fingernails, vagina, and mouth for evidence. When he knows she is clean, and very hot, he fucks her body after his exam. he leaves to get some cleaner and wipes, where she is panned. He returns, cleans her and his mess up, then does COD, and then exits for more views of this super sexy belt lover!

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Cocos Belt Morgue.mp4

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2F Studio – Doctor An Impostor

Posted by PornExtreme on 19 March 2021, 14:40

2F Studio – Doctor An Impostor

Categories: China Execution, Strangle, Snuff Fetish, Bagging, Maniac, 2F Asphyx-Sleepy-Final F, Naked Body, Limp, PantyHose, Body Dragging

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2F Studio – Barbara Was Strangled

Posted by PornExtreme on 19 March 2021, 14:40

2F Studio – Barbara Was Strangled

Categories: China Execution, Strangle, Snuff Fetish, Bagging, Maniac, 2F Asphyx-Sleepy-Final F, Naked Body, Limp, PantyHose, Body Dragging

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2F Studio – Crime Scene – Laura

Posted by PornExtreme on 19 March 2021, 14:39

2F Studio – Crime Scene – Laura

Categories: China Execution, Strangle, Snuff Fetish, Bagging, Maniac, 2F Asphyx-Sleepy-Final F, Naked Body, Limp, PantyHose, Body Dragging

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2F Studio – Peek

Posted by PornExtreme on 19 March 2021, 14:39

2F Studio – Peek

Categories: China Execution, Strangle, Snuff Fetish, Bagging, Maniac, 2F Asphyx-Sleepy-Final F, Naked Body, Limp, PantyHose, Body Dragging

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2F Studio – Kill Roommate

Posted by PornExtreme on 19 March 2021, 14:38

2F Studio – Kill Roommate

Categories: China Execution, Strangle, Snuff Fetish, Bagging, Maniac, 2F Asphyx-Sleepy-Final F, Naked Body, Limp, PantyHose, Body Dragging

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AssumeThePositionStudios – School Shenanigans – Maddy Marks Ruler Spanking

Posted by PornExtreme on 19 March 2021, 14:19

AssumeThePositionStudios – School Shenanigans – Maddy Marks Ruler Spanking

Categories: Spanking, Discipline, Red Ass, Hand Spank, Bottom, OTK, Paddle, Some Sexy Girl, Corporal Punishment

Description: Maddy Marks is a frequent troublemaker and no stranger to the principals office. Reporting after class she receives a brief lecture before assuming the position with her hands against the wall. Her skirt is flipped up to reveal crisp white cotton panties. Measuring a long wood ruler shaped paddle across her pretty cheeks, before crashing down on her voluptuous cheeks. Not phased by the first set, her panties are lowered for the second set. She begins to whimper and cry out as her bare bottom is paddled. Finally allowed to stand up and rub her throbbing bottom before pulling her panties up and returning to class. A bonus camera angle gives you a very intimate view of her bare bottom being paddled, as well as standard views of her pretty face and swats as she endures her punishment.

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