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Truly Rough Productions – Halloween Night

Posted by PornExtreme on 10 October 2018, 19:21

Truly Rough Productions – Halloween Night

Categories: RolePlay, SuperGirl, Snuff Fetish, Strangle, Bagging, Suffocation, Teen, Rape, Other Studios

Description: Starring Hanababy Doll, Rod Rammit

It is Halloween night. Hana is handing out candy to trick or treaters. A small group comes by and she enthusiastically gives them their candy. Noticing she’s down to two pieces of candy, she decides to eat one when the doorbell rings again.

She goes to the door and a solitary man dressed in black is quietly waiting for her. She notes that he has no kids with him and that she’d rather give her last piece of candy to a child. He stares at her in silence and holds out his bag. She relents and cautiously gives him her last piece of candy.

She is creeped out by him, but tries to put the incident behind her. She is done handing out candy for the night, and decides to undress for bed. She looks at her reflection in the TV when she hears the doorbell ring again. Thinking it’s more trick or treaters, she goes to the peephole and sees nobody is there. She announces she’s out of candy hoping to discourage whoever came by.

As she’s walking away, the doorbell suddenly rings again startling Hana! Trembling, she reaches out to the door handle and quickly opens the door. She peeks outside, nobody is there.

Hana closes the door and tries to talk herself into calming down. It’s only Halloween. It’s just trick or treaters playing a prank on her. Suddenly a loud banging comes from her bedroom, and she screams bloody murder! She creeps into the bedroom and searches for the source of the sound, but finds nothing. She hears the sound of running water, and leaves the bedroom. As she walks away, the face of her evil trick or treater is in the window!

Hana goes into the kitchen and finds the source of the noise: her kitchen faucet. She is quite freaked out now, but decides to take action. She turns out all the lights in the apartment and huddles on the floor next to a Halloween decoration. She scans the room and freezes in fear when she sees a shadow moving across the floor in the bedroom.

She slowly gets up to investigate, cautiously creeps to the bedroom and sees nothing. She tries to return to her hiding place when the masked trick or treater suddenly grabs her from behind and viciously stabs her in the back! He rips her shirt open, exposing her breasts and drops her to the floor. She frantically crawls to get away, but he grabs her by her hair and slams her against the wall!

The killer crouches down, pulls out his bloody knife and shows it to her. She cries out in fear as he slams the knife into her chest! She gurgles blood while he saws away with the knife, cutting around her breast. More blood spurts from her mouth as he reaches inside her chest and rips her heart out! She looks up at him, and then to her still beating heart and goes still.

The killer drops the heart, and it settles next to Hana’s body, and he leaves to go find more victims.

Halloween Night.mp4

Posted in Truly Rough Productions | Tagged |

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Orphan Red Grace Vs Gypsy

Posted by PornExtreme on 9 October 2018, 19:07

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Orphan Red Grace Vs Gypsy

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused

Description: Kiki killed Coco in the last fight to the death, and her sister wants to find the bitch responsible and off her, well, after a good fight that is. Coco’s sister Grace is waiting in the seedy motel room by the river for her opponent, who she fought and lost to in the ring a few nights before. She is surprised Gypsy showed up, but is licking her chops knowing she will get some info and kill Kiki’s sparring partner. After some serious shit talking, the two girls agree to the terms of the fight, 4 rounds to kn0ock out, and in the last round, loser dies, by whatever means necessary. They dance around looking like they are both warming up, smirks on their faces, and after Gypsy swings and misses, Grace laughs too soon and finds herself taking a few punches. They fight hard back and forth, Gypsy is tough for her size, and Grace is just tough period, taking all kinds of blows, being punched, tackled, kicked, head banged, and kicked in the ribs. Gypsy takes the first KO and her top is removed as Grace treats her like trash. Talking smack to her limp KO’d body. She squeezes Gypsy’s perfect breasts, and slaps her awake, Gypsy gets up and is dazed, but quickly throws a couple punches that stun Grace, and body shots, right and left crosses, to uppercut KO, which puts Grace face first into the carpet. Gypsy smacks her around, banging her head, she removes Grace’s top and beats her while she is unconscious, then she puts the grip on her tits just like was done to her. Grace wakes up screaming in pain, but gets out of it and they both get to their feet and go for another round. After a knee to the pussy Grace goes down hard and Gypsy kicks her and beats her down. She knocks Grace out as she mumbles. Gypsy goes to grab her things saying she may fight dirty, but she is not a killer. That is her mistake, Grace comes to and stumbles upright as Gypsy gets her things together to leave. Grace attacks her from behind, spinning her around and giving her a couple combos to the face and then kneeing her in the groin a couple times, making her KO. She kicks her while she is down, punting her ribs, but knows that this has to end now. She drags Gypsy by her braided pony tail and drags her to the edge of the bed. She remembers her training at the Academy, and snaps Gypsy’s neck as she is knocked out. After the bitch is dead, she opens her eyes checking to see if there are any signs of life which there are not. She drags Gypsy up to the bed and starts to ragdoll her around, fondling and smacking her tits and ass around, treating her like garbage. Her phone rings in a strange tone, she picks it up and it is Kiki, talking shit asking where Gypsy is and why she is not dead. Grace just tells her she is coming for her for what she did to her sister Coco. She throws her phone into the wall and goes back to ragdolling, and poses Gypsy for Kiki to find, spread eagle and eyes open.

He body and face are viewed and panned. Grace leaves to prepare to meet Kiki when they determine a location, too bad for Gypsy.

Orphan Red Grace Vs Gypsy.mp4

Posted in Chris Corner |

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner (Taboo Cinema) – Brutal Pussy Payback

Posted by PornExtreme on 9 October 2018, 19:07

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner (Taboo Cinema) – Brutal Pussy Payback

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused

Description: Rico is a pimp and a drug lord. he makes most of his money running hot prostitutes on every corner in town. He is a very strange guy and when one of his hos doesn’t have his money, he puts the Mack hand down. Rico sent his right hand man Kevin to go find Trixie and bring her back by telling her he has a surprise for her. When Kevin gets back with Trixie, he tells her how hot she looks in her super short skirt, high heels and a button down top that is tied up above the waist to make the boobs pop out. She looks hot and ready. He feels her up as he asks how she has been doing and suggesting she must be making tons of money. She stutters a bit, telling Kevin that things are weird and guys haven’t been paying what she wants. All the while Rico is listening in the other room and as she spills the beans about not having Rico’s money, he pops out and says hi. He is chewing on some other person’s left over body part, a leg or something and asks Trixie where his fucking money is. She stammers and stutters into him as Kevin pulls out his .357 magnum and points it at her. She doesn’t have a clear answer but she knows she can get her way out of it like she has before. She tells Rico she will do anything he wishes and then some. Rico just suggests they eat and leads her to the kitchen where there is a table, covered in plastic and a set of knives. She is really nervous clacking her heels on the floor walking towards the kitchen. Kevin slams her to the table and they interrogate her about the money and how many Johns she had taken without cash. Rico has had enough and says he is going to make her into sausage. He starts by having Kevin remove her clothes and then he tosses her back on the table. He holds her legs spread open as Rico orders him to punch her in the face a few times. He punches her hard and Rico punches her in the pussy hard, over and over again. They abuse her pussy pounding her hard over and over. She gasps and moans and screams in pain as they beat her pussy with their fists. After she finally tells Rico she doesn’t have his money but will get it soon, he decides he wants to scramble her up inside so he plays a game, having her pick the bullet that will take her pussy out. He spins the cylinder and flips it back in then hands it to Kevin. “Shoot her in the pussy”, “Right here” Rico points at her MONS PUBIS, centering it on her. Kevin pulls the trigger and “click” no shot is fired but you wouldn’t know it by Trixies reaction she lets out a yell and pisses herself. As she pees all over the table and it starts to dribble down to the floor, He tells Kevin to spin the barrel and he does, he points the gun to the same spot and “POW”, pops her right in the pubic mound, making her buck up and down, she grasps down at her mound and blood starts to come out and a lot of it. She screams in pain and pleasure as Rico insists she says she likes it. As they hold her down and she writhes in severe pain he tells him to load up the second round. He does and chambers the round, unbeknownst to trixie. Kevin sticks the barrel right in between her labia majora and pulls the trigger. The bullet causes immediate blood to flow and now she is hit deep inside her cunt and her mound. As she bleeds and bucks and kicks in pain, Rico pulls out his cock and starts to fuck her bloody. As her pain intensifies he pounds her harder making her moan and scream in pain while Kevin makes her look at what Rico is doing to her. Rico doesn’t take long to finish and cums inside her. He puts his bloody dick away and pulls his pants up and loads the rest of the 4 rounds into the gun. As she writhes in pain asking to be taken to the hospital, the two men laugh and Rico tells her, your pussy is destroyed, you are no use to me anymore. He spins the cylinder of the magnum revolver and hands it to Kevin, who asks what he should do with her. Rico flies off the handle and yells at Kevin, telling him he wasn’t talking to him so why is he talking at all. Kevin is pissed but still follows instructions from his psycho boss and pulls her up to her ass as she screams in pain. He puts the gun point blank to her right breast, teasing her for a minute before he pulls the trigger, leaving a big bloody hole in her tit. It knocks her to the table but he grabs her back up to sitting. Rico tells Kevin to finish her, but Kevin is disgusted that he would ruin such a hot piece of ass so he raises his hands up, saying, you do it. Rico snatches the gun from him and tells him to go away, but Kevin holds the hooker down while Rico finishes his job. He teases her by yelling bang as he fakes pulling the trigger, but then soon after pulls it for real, popping a gushing hole through her left breast and her heart. She slams to the table, kicking and bleeding out of all 4 holes and through her mouth. Blood gushes on to the table and on to her face. She lays in a pool of her own blood and urine as she shutters and twitches, kicking her legs and high heels that are still on her feet. She bucks hard and as she is dying Rico grabs her face and Kevins head averting his eyes to hers, “watch her die Kevin”. Kevin is already done with this and starts to leave, but Rico shoots him between the eyes and he hits the floor dead. Rico surveys the damage he did to Trixie and then exits for pans of the dead, sexy, pussy abused, prostitute who was short on her money. Kevin lays on the floor dead from a gunshot to the head. Body pans follow.

This is a brutal one. The actors and model always do their best top make things better. They did so well on this, not your average clip or film, but it has so many elements and of course the PUSSY ABUSE and PUSSY SHOTS are key to the story. I was shooting customs the other day and this script was confused with another one that is similar, and same actress…oops guess i have to do the other one next. Happy Holidays! CB

Brutal Pussy Payback.mp4

Posted in Chris Corner |

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner (Taboo Cinema) – Agent Druthers Vs Jolene Hexx

Posted by PornExtreme on 9 October 2018, 19:06

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner (Taboo Cinema) – Agent Druthers Vs Jolene Hexx

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused

Description: Agent Druthers enters her flat dressed in a long, sheer Peignoir, g string, heels and a scarf. She walks to the desk and sits down, she admires the knife for protection and puts it within reach as she starts to type on the computer, sending a message to the director about a possible breach. As she stretches and thinks what to say next, a double agent sneaks up behind her, looking at the knife, but seeing she is wearing a long scarf, so she uses it to strangle her. As she unravels the scarf and uses it like a garrote, wrapping it tight and right as she strangles the special agent. Both asses jugle and shake as the strangle ensues. Agent Druthers fights for her life but can not seem to take control, no matter how much Druthers tries to get away, Jolene follows with a brilliant move and bearing down harder. She grabs both ends of the garrote with one hand freeing the other for fondling and groping. Jolene gets her fill laughing and loving every minute of Druthers demise. After a long strangle where they change positions a few times, Druthers weakens and slowly dies with her ass up and head hanging from the edge of the bed. After making sure Jolene takes her time feeling up and fondling her ass and tits, as well as her crotch. When she has her fill of groping and grinding on the dead agent, she licks the knife clean and takes it with her, taking one last look as she leaves. Agent Druthers lies there dead and her sexy body is panned and viewed from every angle.

I love working with these pros, and wow Jolene Hexx is absolutely stunning and wow, charismatic. Caroline is always looking hot and a wonderful performer. I am so looking forward to Jolene coming to my place next month and getting her naked and…well dead. This is her first ever scene in any type of Erotic Death Fetish.

Agent Druthers Vs Jolene Hexx.mp4

Posted in Chris Corner |

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Ragdoll Girlfriend Part 1

Posted by PornExtreme on 9 October 2018, 19:03

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Ragdoll Girlfriend Part 1

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused

Description: Salang just broke up with Chris a week ago, he is pretty broken up about it, especially since she has been dating some schmuck from uptown. She is in her living room, reading a magazine on the floor, in flip flops, a skirt, and a tank top. Her toes are freshly painted, and her feet are recently pedicured, just the way Chris loved them when they were together. He would worship the feet she walked on, everyday, but he let infidelity take control. He made a mistake of cheating on her and she ended it, and he is shocked. e comes in while she is reading, sneaks in and punches her in the head, knocking her out cold, and immediately limp. He proceeds to play with her body, checking to see if she is out, then shaking her, sitting her up, checking her eyes, by opening them, then rolling her over, removing flip-flops, playing with her feet and legs, peeking every once in a while to her lacy panties beneath her jean skirt. She is very thin, so gorgeous, and especially out cold. Chris loves her so much that he has to stay for a while and make sure he gets to spend time with her sexy body and feet. He drags her to the bedroom, after much limp play and foot worship on the hard wood floor, then picks her up, ragdolling her limbs and flopping her feet. he picks her up and tosses her on the bed, then rolls her over, then face up again. he clears her long, curly, dark hair from her eyes and face, so he can see her lovely mouth and teeth, eyes, and tongue as he play with her limp body. He plays with her tits and her cute little ass, looking at her pussy through the underwear, before setting her up and straightening her so he can go look for a watch she gave him then took back, and just in case she wakes up, he wants her to not be disheveled. After a minute she starts to stir, looking puzzled, and dazed, as well as having a massive headache. She walks to the door of her room, puts on her flip flops and heads to get some fresh air. As she gets to front door she hears something drop in the other room. She walks toward the back rooms and calls out, “anyone there?” Chris comes around the corner and goes into a fit of rage, lifting her up by her neck with his hands and walking her to the couch as she dangles and kicks, choking. He gets her to the sofa where he chokes her to death, she kicks and bucks, he lifts her up and her legs go up onto the arm rest and her soles are visible as she twitches and bucks to her death. Her last gasp from the intense throttle leaves her still, but Chris continues to shake her like a doll, grabbing her neck hard and squeezing. (Note: This custom strangle only lasts one and a half minutes, per customer’s request)

After she is dead, he snaps to, and tries to see if she is actually dead. When he is sure, he fights his intuition to leave and decides to stay for a while and do some more stuff with her body and feet. He plays with her limp dead body some more playing with her tits and checking her eyes and mouth, feet and toes…He cant wait to fuck her feet as he checks out her sexy body. He takes her to the bedroom by Fireman carry, and flops her limp dead body down….

Now what happens next, is in the 33 minute part two, where she is played with, positioned, dragged, flopped, flipped, carried, molested, foot worshiped, oiled up, foot fucked in several positions to finish, then she is cleaned up, ragdolled and played with more, carried and dragged to the living room for more limp play and foot fetish, toes tied together, posed, redressed, posed and left to be looked at and found.

Salang is amazing, and has the uncanny ability to keep her eyes open and not breath for long periods of time..This will be a great beginning for her, and you!!!

Ragdoll Girlfriend Part 1.mp4

Posted in Chris Corner |

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Obliterated For Pleasure

Posted by PornExtreme on 9 October 2018, 19:03

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Obliterated For Pleasure

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused

Description: From the same writer as: SHOT TO HELL, BEATDOWN BETRAYAL, and HUNG DEAD LOVER, this one being his favorite so far.

It is focused on a brutal hitman who gets the pleasure of a great, and very long BJ by using the gun to shoot the body over and over in different places to feel the jolts, jerks, spasms, twitches, on his dick while he shoots her. It is very erotic and Freya is amazing at staying dead and is so convincing in being shot over and over after dying in the first few minutes.

A well dressed hit man sits on a couch, looking at the doorway, and the plastic, towels, and absorbent materials he has compiled around the folding table that is also taped up in plastic. He knows that in a few seconds his mark will come through the door and not even know what is going on. She comes in and asks him, “who the f are you, what do you want?” He has a simple, “I almost feel sorry for you but I am going to have so much fun, thwerplunk…she grasps at the base of her neck, which squirts blood on the door as she gurgles and is knocked back in the corner, she bleeds and tries to make any sense of it, but he is on her grabbing her hair and dragging her on her feet to the table, where he tosses her onto the table and pulls out a survival blade, cutting her straps and then middle of her shirt to see her perfect tits as she bleeds profusely from her throat. He is calm and collective, enjoying every moment as he sucks her brown nipples and rubs her pussy through her jeans. He puts his knife down and replaces it with the gun and goes back to enjoying her kissing her face, brushing her body and tits, licking her and getting horny. He takes his dick out and sticks it hard in her mouth, he strokes it inside and out a few times, bending it in her cheek as she gags like a fish, causing it to feel like he is getting a grade A blow job. He lets her gag a while on his cock as she drips blood from her throat and a bit from her mouth. He fucks her face and slides his dick over her face and mouth to get some extra pleasure, grabbing the silenced pistol and pointing down at her lower pelvis in her jeans, as he gets his dick in and out he stills for a moment to shoot her in the pelvis and feel the jerk on his dick. He shoots a couple of quick rounds in her pelvis in the same hole, making it bloody and large, he feels her move on his dick and he needs more. As he fires in her pelvis again she jerks hard and her eyes flutter back in her head and she dies with a nice jiggle and she pisses herself. Her blue jeans get dark and piss comes from her underside onto the plastic, dripping off her boots. All the while he is getting his dick sucked by a now dead mark, that is very appealing and now that she is finally dead, he will enjoy her more. He fucks her face and continues to shoot rounds into her, even changing out his magazine a few times to reload. He shoots her everywhere on her body he can reach, shooting into many of the same holes multiple times which just opens them wider and causes more hemorrhaging and the blood flows from the body. After 60 or more shots into her and he needs to blow his load into her mouth, he shoots her a few more times in the temple, and pelvis, breast and chest, as he cums and fucks her face, popping her here and there as the cum and blood drip from her mouth as he rams his dick in and out. Loving his long orgasm and watching the bitch jolt when he shoots her, he wants to do more. The hit man goes down to her pussy and shoots her in the cunt a few times, around the same hole, digging it out and soaking the table in blood, pools of it. She pisses herself again. Each time he loves to see her body jerk and her boots kick out and hands flail up and down as he shoots her over and over for his own pleasure. After he amuses himself with the multiple shots he decides he needs to unload another clip into her so he moves up to her head and sticks the gun in her mouth, fucking her mouth really good with the silencer. He pulls the trigger once as her head jerks, then lays it down.He grabs her head by the hair and shoots her over and over in the forehead before shooting her in the mouth several times again as the blood puddles up under her hair. He lets her head fall after looking at her, then pops his last few rounds into her pelvis and pussy, then checks them with his fingers before exiting while removing the suppressor. The totally shot to pieces and violated over and over in her mouth lays dead on the table, covered in blood and piss from multiple shots and multiple bladder releases throughout her obliteration. Brutal. Body pans follow.

Awesome film and they are great actors, wow that really took it out of me editing all thje gunshots..lol Enjoy this it will NOT disappoint! CB

Obliterated For Pleasure.mp4

Posted in Chris Corner |

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner (Taboo Cinema) – Grace X Double Exposure

Posted by PornExtreme on 9 October 2018, 19:02

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner (Taboo Cinema) – Grace X Double Exposure

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused

Description: Grace is on the phone with a very big Mobster, who she has stolen documents from to blackmail him for money. She holds the envelope full of testimonies and pictures, proving he made major hits on another crime family. She wants the money delivered where she wants him to, or she will go to the State’s attorney. After her confident conversation she decides she needs to take a bath and get dressed for her voyage. She heads to the tub, slinking off her silk nighty and bending to fill the tub. As she is filling her bath, Faith walks through the door, calling for Grace, but no answer. Grace’s car is hidden around the block so she thinks she must be out doing shenanigans, hustling for money. She is tired from her job as a high powered defense attorney, she slowly removes her Jacket, then her top, revealing her sexy breasts, and the coffee colored sheer pantyhose she wears. She sits to finish the hosiery and gets undressed to her panties. She looks in the mirror, and then decides to head upstairs to freshen up. When she does she sees an envelope full of information, and she starts to read it. A hitman enters the house, seeing the hose on the floor he grabs them for a strangle of Grace. He looks at the picture he has printed of Grace, and heads up the steps. He identifies who he thinks is Grace, but it is Faith. He quickly takes her from behind with one leg of the pantyhose. He yards hard on her standing above her strangling her as she fights for her life. She slaps and gags as he pulls her and holds her up to him by the hose. She tries to get air but just bugs her eyes and tongue comes way out. She fights the whole way but he is a pro, as he makes sure she is dead, hanging there limp eyes wide open, he lets her drop face first into the bed. He inspects her body and gets her panties off so he can fuck her; warm, dead, hot, body. He starts to loosen his drawers when he hears a faint moaning coming from below, could it be another woman in the house?

He grabs his photo, looking at the woman on the bed, “That’s her”. He heads to the noise which is coming from the far bathroom. It is a woman masturbating, getting louder and louder with every step, and as he looks at the photo, she starts to climax, throwing her head back far enough for him to see that she is a twin, and THIS must be Grace. He takes the pantyhose he removed from Faith’s neck and wraps it quickly around Grace’s neck. She goes nuts, thrashing about in the tub, soaps and bottles flying about, and water flooding out of the tub with her thrashing. He pulls her hard bracing his feet on the outside of the tub. He pulls hard and she goes crazy, he gets a bit closer to take more control, he is soaked and wants to kill her good. He pulls harder, choking the woman harder and harder as she convulses, her feet flopping out of the tub. She fights but loses a long battle, her last twitches leave her with a blank stare as she passes. He lifts her head up like a rag-doll, grabbing the garotte from her neck to sign his name to the hit. He heads back up the steps, leaving Grace in the tub for later. He has a dry one upstairs, and heads up, tying the panty hose leg to her neck and leaving it. He is horny so he fucks the dead body of Faith in the bed, several ways until he finishes, grabs the documents, and leaves. He definitely got Grace this time! And got to do her sister as well! Maybe he will get paid extra!? Both sexy bodies are viewed and panned, one on the bed, and one in the tub! Now That Is Double Exposure!

Grace X Double Exposure.mp4

Posted in Chris Corner | Tagged |

Peachy Keen Films – Such A Bad Girl

Posted by PornExtreme on 6 October 2018, 22:31

Peachy Keen Films – Such A Bad Girl

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Daddy’s coming home drunk again, that little twitch in his pants putting him in the mood to get his dick wet. It’s a good thing he has a little angel at home. Peeking into her room, he sees her fast asleep, innocent and adorable, snuggled underneath the covers. Pulling the blanket off her, he gazes at her tiny body, dressed in her pink and black nightie. It’s almost a shame to wake her, but Daddy has needs.

He caresses the girl gently, before pulling her panties to the side and licking her smooth, pink labia and sucking on her young, tender clit. She awakens to the intoxicating, new sensations flooding her womanhood making her feel so, so good. She knows Daddies like to spoil little girls and she’s more than happy to return the favor. New tingles of excitement fill her when he gets up and she sees the stiff pole hanging between his legs. It’s so big, but she knows she can take it. This isn’t his first, drunken, nighttime visit.

The small and innocent waif is unprepared for the intense fucking that she receives that evening, the hard cock stretching her out, making her moan and touching her in places that she couldn’t have imagined. Multiple orgasms shake her slender body, turning her into a little whore. Daddy’s little whore. When he begins breathing hard and pulls out of her tight cunt, she knows he’s going to cum. Shifting around so that her face is under the throbbing shaft, she wraps her little hand around his member and jerks out a fountain of creamy goo, painting her own face with his salty seed.

Daddy grabs a nearby wash cloth and starts to tenderly wipe little Angel’s face, but a sudden, drunken impulse takes the evening down a dark path. Grabbing her by her fragile neck, Daddy’s big hands nearly twist her head off, snapping her cervical spine. When he let’s go, her lifeless body falls limply to the bed. He plays with her dead body for a while, lifting her up and letting her fall back down, rolling her over and dragging her around the bed. He shoves his cock into her sweet mouth and throat fucks her, before cramming himself once more into her pummeled pussy. I wonder if Daddy will remember using little Angel so roughly when he wakes up the next day. At least she’ll now have other little angels to talk to.

Fetish Elements: Explicit Sexual Content,Lingerie, Taboo, Daddy Talk, Limp Fetish, Flop Fetish, Limb Play, Dragging, Cum Shot, Facial, Pussy Licking, Handjob, Face Fuck, Sex, Neck Snap, Necro Face Fuck, Necro Handjob, Necro Sex, Body Play, Body Views, Foot Views.

Such A Bad Girl.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Wondergirl Meets The Supervixens

Posted by PornExtreme on 6 October 2018, 22:31

Peachy Keen Films – Wondergirl Meets The Supervixens

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Wondergirl is attacked at an office where she stopped by to make sure everything was safe. She was asked to keep an eye on things while the owner was away. The Supervixens have been following her for days and now was their chance. After a long hard struggle the finally get the best of Wondergirl and she then finds her self back at their lair. They both decide she needs a good ass kicking and they give it to her. After a while they chain her up and take their special vibrator to her, then remove her clothing using a special sonic weapon they purchased for just such an occasion and force her into pleasure. The Supervixens decide maybe a little slap and tickle might be fun for a while. As our villain Dr. Wayne Brennen enters to pay the Supervixens for kidnapping her, she escapes and starts to kick the Supervixens ass. When Dr. Wayne Brennen pulls out his ray gun, she is stunned and he grabs her and strangles her while the Supervixens masturbate while watching and enjoying Wondergirl die. The 3 leave her and are off to cause more mayhem.

Fetish Elements: Nudity, Kidnapping, Sexual Content, Killing, Strangled, Forced Masturbation, Death, Body Views, Bondage, Superheroine

Wondergirl Meets The Supervixens.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Sentry Showdown 6

Posted by PornExtreme on 6 October 2018, 22:30

Peachy Keen Films – Sentry Showdown 6

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: They are part of the embassies elite guard force. The small county this embassy represents, with its corrupt leader hires these bad ass female mercenaries to protect his prize possessions. This day, in the upper floors of the facility, are such possessions. Rumor of an attack has circulated and drones keep careful watch over the buildings exterior.

When one of the sentries heres a noise, she goes to check it out. Upon entering the room, she is attacked by a stealth operative. She is no match for his brute strength. She is taken down to struggle on the floor, sweating profusely as she fights to get free.

But the garrote digs tighter and she weakens. He is able to rub her sexy body and soon has his cock in her—fucking her warm, tight pussy as he kills her.

Once she is dead, he shoves her off, the gets to work, violating her body. He fucks her every way until he cums on her belly.

He hears a noise and hides. The other girl comes in and he goes to take her out, but she turns and fights. There is a brief struggle, but he manages to get the upper hand, knocking her in the head with the butt of her own rifle. He yanks her up by the rope around her neck, strangling her, partially off the ground for a time before she is finally a lifeless fuck honey.

He lays her head on her dead partners torso, then goes about fucking her corpse in several ways before cumming.

But, still filling unsatisfied, he repositions her so her head is buried in the other girls pussy then fucks her some more. He ends by fucking the first girls mouth until forcing his load deep down her throat.

He reports in, then leaves the bodies to meet the rest of the team and finishing storming this bitch and getting the goods.

Fetish Elements: Violence, Nudity, Explicit Sexual Content, Espionage, Garrote Strangle, Lift Up Garrote Strangle, Sweat, Necro BJ, Necro Sex, Body Views.

Sentry Showdown 6.mp4

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