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Max Hardcore (Rough) – Happy Mothers Day To Sage From MH

Posted by PornExtreme on 8 November 2017, 16:53

Max Hardcore (Rough) – Happy Mothers Day To Sage From MH

Categories: Ass Fucking, LQ, Deep Throat, Face Fucking, Vintage, PornStars, Gaping, Group, Lesbian, Fisting, Toys

Description: In this spectacular scene, mother Sage is super-upset that I destroyed her darling daughter Amy in Las Vegas! But mommy is also a slut so I show her exactly what I did to her baby in all the dirty ass-drilling details! This is my director’s cut from the original tapes. Enjoy! Sage sure does! This is Act One.



[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Dead End Road The Jogger

Posted by PornExtreme on 7 November 2017, 07:37

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Dead End Road The Jogger

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused

Description: A jogger gets lost on a rural trail. She tries to use her phone but no service. She hears some noises and thinks there is a house nearby. She sees a man working on his truck and approaches him. She asks if he knows the way and he tells her she took a wrong turn at the junction(really he just changed the sign). She asks if he could show her. He follows her with a heavy torque wrench in his hand and clocks her over the head on the trail and knocks her out. He scoops her up and cradle carries her to his pickup, tossing her in the back and getting her in the bed of the truck. He checks her out but wants to get off the road and back to his place. He closes the tail gate and drives with her body jiggling in the back. He arrives and cradle carries her to the house and inside. He messes with her KO’d body flopping her around, smelling her and making camel toe with her yoga pants and pussy. He undresses her down to her panties, sucking her breasts and removing her jogging shoes to sniff her feet. He is aroused after dragging her around and flopping her. He sist her up on his lap facing him and wakes her up. As soon as she comes to he does a swift neck break and she collapses to the floor and half on him. He then knows what he wants and why she is here. He loves the freshly dead gals and that is why he makes them lose their way and end up on Dead End Road. It is the only way he can find love. He has no social skills and just has to use and dispose. He flop[s her around on to the sofa, pulling off her panties and checking out her pussy, sucking and licking it. He loves the clean athletic type and she is perfect. He is horny and has sex with her dead body, passionately and warmly. After finishing inside her he gathers himself and checks her out more, explaining his reasoning for doing what he does. He grabs her clothing and sets it close then goes to gather a few things he will need to bury her deep in the woods. He then comes back in(after her naked body is panned and viewed and he re dresses her head to toe, though he keeps the panties for his collection. After dressing her he gets his vest on for the long drive and long night. He piscks her up and cradle carries her to the bed of the truck, tucking her in and eventually covering her up with a quilt so her body doesn’t start to get water logged from the rain that is coming. The end.

This is one I had to act so the camera work is very steady, long sequences, lots of full wide angles and sequences. I think it is very good and will be a great value for a Ryanne film. She is the best right now. CB


Posted in Chris Corner |

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Coldest Agent Coco

Posted by PornExtreme on 7 November 2017, 07:36

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Coldest Agent Coco

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused

Description: Agent Coco has been the best new recruit to the Agency in many years. Her partner Agent Rex has been trying to soften her up a bit, but like his former partner, Kiki, she is a cold ass bitch who gives no fucks and always gives him guff for being a douche bag womanizer. Being on a stake out for days with minimal food and crappy coffee makes Coco a bit punchy, so when they discuss certain issues, and strategies, Coco gets mean and starts in on him, telling him what a tool he really is. Rex let’s her know that the Director has instructed them to head down to the studio apartment they have been watching and see why there is no activity for many hours. They end up in a bedroom sneaking around trying to find out why it is so quiet, and still. When Coco enters she notices a cell phone, in fact it is a Blueberry, which nowadays is only used by the Agencies, and politicians. They argue who will check the phone, and Coco takes it and starts to look through the numbers. Rex says he is heading to the bathroom, and puts his phone in the bathroom, and heads out the door to the hall looking into the bedroom. When Coco sees a number she recognizes, she calls, to her surprise and chagrin, she hears a phone ringing in the bathroom and draws her service weapon smelling a rat. She grabs the still ringing phone, and heads back to the bedroom, where Rex is now by the window, with his weapon drawn. When she finally figures it out and looks up, it is too late, she tries raising her 9mm pistol but he fires 3 rounds into her right side, sending her up against the wall. She looks at him puzzled, then pissed off, and tries to dive and roll across the bed while trying to fire, but he plugs her with 2 rounds, one in her back close to her spine which furthers the immobility of her gun arm. He hovers over her as she starts to bleed out of 5 holes, burnt through her white dress shirt. He gives her a chance to stand up, and when she does, she tries to raise her gun with the help of her left arm. He shoots her once in the upper arm above the elbow, making 6 holes total, which knocks her pistol out of her hand and onto the bed. After some back and forth dialogue, and Agent coco starting to be in shock, he fires on her 4 more times, riddling her left side, chest, breast and shoulder, and sending her into shock. She is bleeding from all holes, and her white shirt is starting to look red and white. She starts to slide down the wall and he catches her, trying not to make too much mess on the wall from the wound on her back. He tosses her to the bed, and hovers over her. He tells her she is the Coldest bitch ever and has plans for her body afterwards. She starts to cough up blood and looking tough still. He plugs her one last time in the side breast, right through the heart. She convulses wildly, but then goes wide eyed and still, dead from the final fatal wound. Agent Rex knows now is his time, so he fucks her sexy body, checking out her sexy feet in the strappy high heels that show her sexy legs and toes. He fucks her hard, as her body bounces back and forth, still bleeding from all the shots. After he cums hard inside her, he moves her over to face him again, on the bed. He gets out his pointer pen and counts the wounds, the fatal one from coco’s service weapon, and the other 10 shots from his throwaway pistol. He carefully notes how many shots are counted, and even tells her dead body again how cold she was. Now he has to create a crime scene that works for him. As she is panned, he shoots himself in the shoulder with Coco’s 9mm, in obvious pain he puts the gun back in Coco’s hand, and finishes off the call to the Agency, saying Coco went Rogue, shots fired, and Agent down. He tries to control his pain, and still wants to see something, her breasts. He opens her shirt aggressively, and the buttons pop off, revealing her sexy bra, which he lowers and shows her perfect breasts, with a couple holes in them. After he pinches her nipples, and sees the blood coming out, he exits, waiting for the Ambulance to arrive. What a cold ass Agent Coco.


Posted in Chris Corner |

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Always Watching

Posted by PornExtreme on 7 November 2017, 07:36

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Always Watching

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused

Description: –


Posted in Chris Corner |

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Homeland Security

Posted by PornExtreme on 7 November 2017, 07:35

[New, Joint] Chris’ Corner – Homeland Security

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Rape, Strangle, Bagging, Shooting, Abused

Description: –


Posted in Chris Corner |

BangExtreme – Spitting Torture

Posted by PornExtreme on 7 November 2017, 07:08

BangExtreme – Spitting Torture

Categories: Extreme Porn, LQ, StreamRip, Spanking, Bondage, BDSM, Caning, Face Fucking, Abuse, Amateur, DeepThroat, Rape, Slapping, Gape, Puke

Spitting Torture


BangExtreme – Spitting Japan Whore

Posted by PornExtreme on 7 November 2017, 07:08

BangExtreme – Spitting Japan Whore

Categories: Extreme Porn, LQ, StreamRip, Spanking, Bondage, BDSM, Caning, Face Fucking, Abuse, Amateur, DeepThroat, Rape, Slapping, Gape, Puke

Spitting Japan Whore


BangExtreme – Spit Fetish And Lesbian Abuse

Posted by PornExtreme on 7 November 2017, 07:07

BangExtreme – Spit Fetish And Lesbian Abuse

Categories: Extreme Porn, LQ, StreamRip, Spanking, Bondage, BDSM, Caning, Face Fucking, Abuse, Amateur, DeepThroat, Rape, Slapping, Gape, Puke

Spit Fetish And Lesbian Abuse


BangExtreme – Spiderman Parody Porn

Posted by PornExtreme on 7 November 2017, 07:07

BangExtreme – Spiderman Parody Porn

Categories: Extreme Porn, LQ, StreamRip, Spanking, Bondage, BDSM, Caning, Face Fucking, Abuse, Amateur, DeepThroat, Rape, Slapping, Gape, Puke

Spiderman Parody Porn


BangExtreme – Spanking Video Sexy

Posted by PornExtreme on 7 November 2017, 07:06

BangExtreme – Spanking Video Sexy

Categories: Extreme Porn, LQ, StreamRip, Spanking, Bondage, BDSM, Caning, Face Fucking, Abuse, Amateur, DeepThroat, Rape, Slapping, Gape, Puke

Spanking Video Sexy