Psycho-Thrillers – Double Lesbian Kill 4
Categories: Strangle, Hanging, Rape, Death Fetish, Maniac, RolePlay Snuff
Description: If you love double girl kills, then you’ll love this one. We choreographed Marie’s kill differently this time. We wanted to show more of a pause reaction to the pain plus a more spastic reaction to the strangulation. Hoping you like it but looking for feedback from our viewers. Filmed in FULL COLOR HD! Description: Two girls find a place to run and hide from the rest of the world so they can play out their lesbian romance inside a foreclosed home. Having not seen each other in awhile due to their families trying to keep them apart and Aiden’s recent drug arrest, they finally reunite, touching, caressing and loving on each other until a sudden clawing noise breaks their embrace. Thinking it’s a cat she’s feed a handful of times since finding the foreclosed residence, Marie shrugs it off and offers to feed the cat as she’d done multiple times before. She makes the unfortunate choice to tell Aiden she’d be back before leaving.
Marie calls out for the cat then is lured into a bedroom where the noises are seemingly coming from. Once inside she is attacked by a masked man who wraps a nylon stocking tightly around her throat. At first the shock and pain freezes her as she tries to come to terms with how to deal with it. Her hand slowly goes to her neck and she grimaces in pain before taking a seat on the edge of the bed. The killer violently slams her onto the mattress. Marie can hear Aiden come out the garage in search of her lover. She can only lift her hand in the direction of Aiden before falling silent.
Aiden makes the unfortunate choice to investigate the small bedroom and pays the price. The mask man removes the stocking from her dead friend and lunges at Aiden before Aiden can protect herself. They fight to the floor and Aiden tries to crawl away but the intruder loops the nylon around her neck. Aiden crawls but each movement is painful as he pulls her breath away. By the time she crawls the long corridor to the main door she is dead, twitching. He enjoys smelling and fondling her ass the n drags her away. Marie joins her dead lover and he has fun with them, fucking both to his satisfaction. As he dresses, Marie lets out a long stream of piss followed by Aiden. They died together.
Set-Up, Dialogue, Consensual Lesbian Sexual Content, Suspense, Nudity, Breast Views, Ass Views, Vaginal Views, Vaginal Worship, Breast Worship, Ass Worship, Bare Feet, Foot Views, Victim Luring, Surprise, Home Invasion, Masked Killer, Brief Upright Strangulation, Double Girl Strangulation, Young Girls, Death by Nylon Stocking Strangulation, Crawling Strangulation, Death Stares, Drool, Double Necrophilia Rape, Double Necrophilia Urination, OTS Carry, Body Dragging, Body Handling, Body Positioning, Body Posing, Body Pans, Double Ligature Marks
