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Peachy Keen Films – Dating Game 3

Posted by PornExtreme on 29 October 2016, 17:01


Peachy Keen Films – Dating Game 3

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: The game was nearing an end. That asshole, Mr. Pink went off procedure and got one of the best videos of a kill so far. He was not punished. Mr. Green needed this win, and he thought his plan, would be the best of them all.

He had been really dating this girl for 2 weeks now. They had been meeting at the coffee how, getting to know each other. He was taking a page from that book that all the married housewives and closet romantics are into are into—shads of grey or something. It was an acting job for sure. He had to pretend to be kind and gentle, with a hint—just a hint of a dark side to get this innocent little bitch interested.

It worked. Tonight, she was at his place and wet between the legs for him. She was ready to go to his dark place. What she didn’t know is, what she thought would be kinky fun, was going to be so much more.

She was suspended by her wrists. It is clearly evident that he had been working her over for sometime. She was sweaty. She had whip and other marks on her body.

But he was not done. Oh no. He was just getting started. With the cameras rolling, this contest was on and he was sure to come out a winner.

More punching and beating—watching her beg underneath her ball gag—bleeding now. She was so messed up, but he made him want her more. But he still had more work to do. He used the pipe on her to great effect. Almost knocked her out. That would not do. So, he switched to the cattle prod for some electric fun. She hated it of course, but he savored the reactions for the jolts he was giving her.

Now, he changed it up again. Tossing a mattress down, he raped her. He fucked her tight pussy for a good while. She screamed and pleaded through her gag. She was crying the whole time.

But, he would be running out of tape soon and needed to end this video so he could get it entered by the midnight deadline.

Time to kill her.

He wrapped the rope tightly around her neck. At first, he was tease–he would cinch the rope tight, watch—feel the intensity of her body tense and struggle, then release the tension. He did this a few times, terrorizing her beyond belief. But, he got tired of the game. It was time for her to die now. Her whole sweaty body spasmed and kicked. She went on for a while, a good fight in her. She drooled a bit, her legs and muscles would tighten and shake. He kept it tight until she was no longer moving.

A bonus time now. Most of the other contestants had done this. Some reluctantly. Some, because they wanted to. He absolutely wanted to. He spread her lets and let his cock slide into the girls still tight pussy. She was warm–yet dead. It was a conflicting situation, but it also made it even more intense. She was alive moments ago and he was fucking her. Now she was not alive–and he was fucking her again. The difference, he noted, was that when she was dead—there was much less noise, much less resistance. He could go hard and deep–like before, but he found he actually enjoyed this bitch dead a little more.

He kept fucking her until he burst. He then made his way out, grabbing his camera and off to the drop off box, leaving her dead and cooling on the mattress in the abandoned building to be found by the rats.

Fetish Elements: Violence, Nudity, Explicit Sexual Content, Beating, Torture, Crying, Sweat, Cattle Prod, Hitting, Punching, Rape, Strangle and Release, Garrote Strangle, Necro Sex, Foot Views, Body Views.

Dating Game 3.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Strangle The Nerdy Girl

Posted by PornExtreme on 29 October 2016, 17:00


Peachy Keen Films – Strangle The Nerdy Girl

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Starli burst into her friends apartment to tell her about some nerdy collage award thing. But, no one is there. She gets a call and talked to her friend while a stalker looms in the background. The moment she hangs up, the masked man attacked.

She is yanked back and struggling like crazy. All over the bed they end up in many positions as he does his best to murder the nerdy collage girl. After a long, long struggle, she is finally still and wets herself.

Certain she is dead, he takes his time to explore his kill. Strips her, rubs her, fondles her and finally starts to fuck her. But, a noise distracts him and he gathers her up and drags her into the closet with him.

Contains: Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content, Garrote Strangle, Bladder Release, Stripping, Fondling, Positioning, Necro, Dragging, Foot Views.

Strangle The Nerdy Girl.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – SIN

Posted by PornExtreme on 29 October 2016, 16:59


Peachy Keen Films – SIN

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: She had feelings for her father. He was who she thought about as she masturbated in her bed.

Today would change her life. She was going to confess to him.

He sat on the bed beside her. He knew she was tormented by something and wanted to help. Her grades had dropped and she even skipped church last Sunday. He was concerned. A pious man, he knew that God’s will would prevail.

But things went strange. Soon, she was between his legs, rubbing him and he was frozen at first, then found himself enjoying it. Before long, she had his cock out, her mouth around it. It was all over for him. The rest was a bit bit of a blur, needless to say, he had the best sex of his life—with his daughter.

Afterwards, she acted like a schoolgirl in love. Well, she was, actually. She was already thinking ahead to how there life would be together. But he felt off, and slinked to the floor while she daydreamed on the bed.

And then, he heard the voice, telling him what he must do. And in a vision of beauty and tragic, he awake, picked up her stocking and attacked his daughter.

The struggle was intense as she realized what was happening and what would happen unless she escaped–and that is what she struggled so hard to do. But his 205LBS trumped her 99LBS body and she was caught in a death struggle.

It took a while–she was a fighter. But, alas, she slowly weaked and soon all that was left was her empty shell and a blank stare.

He knew she was gone and hoped she would not be mad at him for what he had to do when he one day joined her. For now, her cooling corpse offered him solace and since her soul was not longer contained within, what could be the harm in another go round with her body.

First, he flipped her over between his legs, holding her hair to bob her head up and down, he fucked her warm mouth. After a while, he flipped her over, parted her legs and let his cock slight back in to her wet warm and very tight pussy. He fuck his dead daughters body until he was satisfied, then left her sprawled on the bed do deal with later.

Contains: Violence, Nudity, Teenage/Young, Taboo, Incest, Explicit Sexual Content, Garrote Strangle, Necro BJ, Necro Sex, Body Views.


Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Bad Bad Nurse

Posted by PornExtreme on 29 October 2016, 16:58


Peachy Keen Films – Bad Bad Nurse

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Starring Brooke Bliss and Rock

Nurse Brooke seems to have found a billing error and brings it to Dr. Bottom. There seems to be a lot of patients being overcharged, but she hasn’t contacted the insurance company. She shows him on the chart but he’s ready with a large needle filled with a special ingredient! She falls onto the table and now he can fix those “mistakes.” But first, he decides to have a little fun.

He strips her down and puts her into a wheelchair. He opens her mouth and shoves his cock deep inside. He tips the wheelchair back and slides his dick further until he cums in her mouth. He wheels her out of the room.

Fetish Elements: Sexual Content, Doctor, Nurse, Insurance, Needle, Strip, Wheelchair, Blow Job, Cumming, Death, Dead

Bad Bad Nurse.mp4

Posted in PKF | Tagged |

Inshadow – Incest Murder

Posted by PornExtreme on 28 October 2016, 19:12


Inshadow – Incestuous Murder

Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian, Strangle

Description: A burglar is is caught by a girl while robbing her house, they fight and and the intruder chokes her till she passes out. The unconscious victim is later discovered by a disturbed brother who takes advantage of the situation to fullfill an hidden fantasy and rape his sister. She wakes up during the act. Her brother is merciless and strangles her to death… leaving the body to be found as a burglary that turned wrong…

keywords : manual choking, rape, incest fantasy, home invasion,…

Incest Murder

Posted in Inshadow |

Inshadow – Pantyhose Fetisher 2

Posted by PornExtreme on 28 October 2016, 19:12


Inshadow – Pantyhose Fetisher 2

Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian, Strangle

Description: He has a fetish for pretty girls wearing pantyhose and has a very cute neighbour too. He sneaks into her loft while she is asleep, suffocates her with a pillow, then dresses the unconscious girl with pantyhose. He fondles, caresses and abuse her, playing with the pantyhose, waiting for her to recover. He then tears apart the soft material and uses a part of it to strangle his victim before abusing her , again and again…

keywords: pantyhose, lingerie, pillow suffocation, abuse, pantyhose ripped on screen, strangling using pantyhose piece


Posted in Inshadow |

Inshadow – Choke on It

Posted by PornExtreme on 28 October 2016, 19:11


Inshadow – Choke on It

Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian, Strangle

Description: She is taking a shower when surprised by an intruder. chocked till she passes out, she is tied up naked on a chair, violated, and strangled to death.


Posted in Inshadow |

Inshadow – The Set Up

Posted by PornExtreme on 28 October 2016, 19:11


Inshadow – The Set Up

Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian, Strangle

Description: Sandy has been called for a casting. She is a bit surprised to find the place empty as she shows up at the rendezvous. A masked and gloved stranger suddenly grabs her from behind and chloroforms her. She wakes up tied up on a vertical contraption, a ring-gag in her mouth. She will be slowly suffocated first, an handkerchief being stuffed in her throat, then garotted…

Keywords : chloroform, bondage, suffocation, garotte, SALIVA, jeans, camisole, naked, smoking,…


Posted in Inshadow |

SolarPlexusFilms – PREVAIL

Posted by PornExtreme on 28 October 2016, 18:58


SolarPlexusFilms – PREVAIL

Categories: Belly Punching, FLV, LQ, BDSM, Lesbian Domunation, Brasil Slut, MFX, Belly Fetish

Description: The blonde Bianca and the redhead Beatriz decide to go to the beach but they begins a discussion because Beatriz catches Bianca’s bikini. She wants her bikini back but Beatriz doesn’t want to give it to her. Bianca then begins to give hard punches in Beatriz’s soft and white belly to teach her a lesson..




Posted by PornExtreme on 28 October 2016, 18:57



Categories: Belly Punching, FLV, LQ, BDSM, Lesbian Domunation, Brasil Slut, MFX, Belly Fetish

Description: Bruna is a sexy blonde with big breasts, her friend Gabriela is completely jealous of her beauty and of her voluptuous boobs. Bruna is too arrogant to notice that and as she has gained weight recently, Gabriela will take advantage of that to punch her soft belly and make the hot blonde lose ther breath and cry with pain
