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Peachy Keen Films – Good Morning Massacre

Posted by PornExtreme on 16 December 2015, 13:38

Peachy Keen Films – Good Morning Massacre

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Starring Lily LaBeau, Mona Wales and Pepper Kester
Directed By JohnM


Lily and Mona work on getting Pepper up. Time to get ready for work. A groggy Pepper finally starts getting dressed as do the other girls. Nice clothes, pantyhose, stockings, etc.

A man bursts in waving a gun. His only agenda is terror. He gets Lily to start stroking him and when Pepper won’t do the same, he shoots her dead to the horror of the other girls.

Lily suddenly becomes much more accommodating, doing all she can to save her life.. Mona soon joins in while Pepper lay dead nearby.

After the while the guy gets antsy and kills Lily. Mona does her best to please him, but ultimately she dies too.

The man likes the quiet and spend hims time positioning and playing with the bodies. He gets he cock wet in Lily’s mouth, uses their feet a bit, then fucks Mona and later Lily.

When it is over, the pretty girls are mostly stripped, all sexy and dead. He is satisfied and leaves to find more innocent victims.

Fetish Elements: Violence, Nudity, Explicit Sexual Content, Forced HJ, Forced BJ, Headshot X3, Stripping, Positioning, Fondling, Foot Play, Foot Job, Hosiery, Necro Fucking, Necro BJ, Posing, Foot Views, Body Views.

Good Morning Massacre
Good Morning Massacre.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Fuck Her Corpse 5

Posted by PornExtreme on 16 December 2015, 13:37

Peachy Keen Films – Fuck Her Corpse 5

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Don’t Bring a Knife to a Gun Fight!
Starring Ashlee

Note: This is the follow up to “Fuck Her Corpse 1, 2, 3 and 4”. Usually, there is a lot of blood and gore–as in the previous 4 movies. However, this time, we are trying it with less blood for better views of the bullet wounds and good necro views. If you like shootings and you like lots of necro—this is for you!


Ashlee wanted revenge. The douchebag she was fucking right now, had murdered her husband–had him killed by his band of thugs. This guy, the guy whose cock she sucked and whole she was now getting her brains fucked out by–was the head crime boss.

After the sex, she went off to freshen up.

He knew there was something familiar about her. He couldn’t place it, but checked her purse. He pulled out the 357 revolver and unloaded it.

She came back. They shared a drink and now the conversation got interesting. She was asking him about his work—about what he did. He tried to be vague, but she pushed, and he figured she must know anyhow.

She did.

She got up, reached into her purse and had the gun pointing right at his head. She blabbered something about killing her husband and how she had double insurance. He didn’t care. He just showed her the bullets right after her gun went “click”.

She was fucked.

He whipped an Uzi out, pointing right at her. She just smiled, pulled at a dinking fucking switchblade knife. She had balls, he thought. Then, he fired.

She crashed hard to the ground, but was still alive. All the rounds went into her belly. She managed to get back up, still holding the knife. Rat-tat-tat–he let her have it again, this time filling up her right breast.

Down again she went, but still, she manages to stand back up.

He sweeps her across the abdomen–figuring that will finish her. But, slowly, with pain and sweat, she manages to get up–stands before him, grimacing, determined–holding that knife.

3 final shots in the center of her chest, and she was down. Dead. Not gonna get back up this time.

He fucked her on the bed a couple ways until he cam on her ass.

Later, back at his office, he realized what she had meant by double insurance. He quickly called his boys to go dig her up and bring her to him.

She was sitting in a chair wrapped in a white bloody sheet when he arrived from lunch. he looked her over. What a mess. He tilted her head forward–cum poured out. His men must have fucked her every-way before dumping her.

He looked her over–searched for whatever she had. She was in rigger.

Examining on of her feet, he discovered it. A micro recorder. She had meant to bait him into a confession. She must have known she was on a suicide mission. He respected her for that—she had cojones.

He had her taken to the morgue and cleaned up. He arrived a few hours later to look her over. She was so attractive to him–even in death. He had to have her. So, he fucked her again, several ways until he came all over her belly. Then he left.

Fetish Elements: Violence, Nudity, Explicit Sexual Content, Multi-Machinegunning, BJ, Fucking, Necro Fucking x2, Postmortem, Foot w/Shoe Play, Body Views.

Fuck Her Corpse 5
Fuck Her Corpse 5.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Fetish Killer 3

Posted by PornExtreme on 16 December 2015, 13:37

Peachy Keen Films – Fetish Killer 3

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: A young woman comes to a photo shoot. The photographer pays special attention to her feet during the shoot. She enjoys the attention and after some time, things turn heated and they end up having sex. Afterwords, he comes back and surprises her by wrapping a wire garrote around her neck and her until she is unconscious.

Later, he has her tied up on a bed. Her legs are together, and her wrists are bound. He spends time caressing her entire body.

Then, he slides her up against him and wraps a rope around her neck. As soon as there is pressure, she wakes up and starts struggling. He cinches it tight and her air is cut off. Her body squirms and bucks, the ropes holding her starts to loosen. Soon, she has her hands free and claws at him, grabbing his arms, trying to get him off her her. He does not let go. Tighter the garrote digs into her neck. She fight hard, struggling, her eyes wide, mouth open and tongue desperately trying to draw air in. She struggles for a long time, but finally succumbs.

Dead, he explores her body, using her for his sexual gratification, then leaving her awkwarly posed on the bed.

Fetish Killer 3
Fetish Killer 3.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Emergency Gassing

Posted by PornExtreme on 16 December 2015, 13:36

Peachy Keen Films – Emergency Gassing

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Starring Leilani and Max CoXXX

Max is the janitor at an urgent care center. It’s Saturday evening and he’s sweeping the floors like he always does on Saturday evenings when he hears a knock on the door. This is confusing because the clinic is closed on the weekends after 5. So he tries to ignore the knock and goes back to sweeping. But it’s very persistent. So he throws on a white lab coat an opens the door to find a girl frantically clutching her stomach and asking for help.

Putting on his best professional doctor voice, Max grabs her and places her on the gurney and puts a gas mask on her face. He turns on the gas and she passes out almost immediately. She’s completely limp now. Max’s favorite. Now he can play with her. He undresses her slowly, playing with her limp body in the process. Her limpness makes him hard.

When he’s got her completely undressed, he pulls out his cock and uses her hand to jerk himself off. Then he slides his dick in her mouth. He drags her around on the gurney and fucks her in a few different positions before cumming on her belly.

When he’s finished he realizes she has been very still this whole time. He checks her pulse. Whoops. Oh well, she was probably dying anyway. At least one of them had an enjoyable time with it.

Fetish Elements: Explicit Sexual Content, Limp Fetish, Medical Fetish, Limp Play, Body Flopping, Dragging, Necro, Blowjobs, Face Fucking, Clothing Removal, Gassing, Poisoning, Rape, Foot Views, Body Views.

Emergency Gassing
Emergency Gassing.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Documentation Of Necrophilia

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 December 2015, 22:14

Peachy Keen Films – Documentation Of Necrophilia

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: A groupe of friends are rafting. They have had some booze & when one of the girls falls out of the raft another one jumps into save her. They both drowned. The swift current makes it impossible for their friend to save them.

A couple Necrophiliacs are hanging out by the river when they see a couple dead chics floating by. Shit… What the fuck do you think they do? Ya… Snatch the dead hot girls & get them back to their pad.

Once at the pad. Suckin & fuckin necro style. Oh ya!!!

Documentation Of Necrophilia
Documentation Of Necrophilia.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Death Watch 2

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 December 2015, 22:13

Peachy Keen Films – Death Watch 2

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Starring Pepper Kester

Note: A good part of this film is watching Pepper as she goes through her last few hours before execution and seeing her emotional state change.

Pepper is on death row. She has been their for years for murder–a crime of passion. She does not want to die, but knows it’s going to happen and resigned to it.

She wakes up from another nightmare—she’s had them every night since being put in the hole—waiting for her death. She is cold, but sweat glistens off her her smooth skin.

The guards come. They are sympathetic to her and have been good to her all these years. She asks about the process of her execution and they explain it to her calmly. She cannot keep control of her of her emotions and is crying by the end.

Later, they bring her a bucket with water and a wash cloth. She slowly, washes her body.

Then, it is time. They come in and cuff her, then lead her to the execution chamber. They then get her secured in the chair, while the executioner looks on, covered by a hood.

Then, it is time. The executioner pulls the switch. She tenses up, shaking for a while, her teach bit hard on the bit. The juice is cut off and she relaxes. He flips the switch again. Again, she shakes and jerks. They open her top and check for life, then decide to shock her some more. After that, they shock her one more time to be sure.

They unstrap her from the chair and lift her onto the gurney. They strip her clothes, then wheel her off.

Fetish Elements: Nudity, Sexual Content, Waiting, Crying, Panic, Stripping, Washing, Electrocution, Gurney, Foot Views.

Death Watch 2
Death Watch 2.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Deadly Interrogation 5

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 December 2015, 22:11

Peachy Keen Films – Deadly Interrogation 5

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Starring Tegan Mohr
Directed By John Marshall

The intense 5th installment of the “Deadly Interrogation” series. Tegan’s performance and intensity is awesome. And, the long STRANGLING scene at the end is tragic, brutal and brilliant with awesome necro!!!

She was a spy that had information. That is all that mattered to him. That was all he was tasked to do–get the information by any means. In this case, it was a memory card. She knew about it. She knew it’s location.

This girl was tough, a fighter. Sitting before him, he beat her and beat her, but she would not talk. It was expected. He was prepared.

The stimulant he injected in her neck periodically was to keep her alive–alert, but even that, sometime, could not stop her from passing out. Admittedly, he was pretty rough with her….but nothing he would not have done to any captive agent—pretty or not.

But, after a while, she was not to pretty. He pummeled her over and over and when that did not work, he started shocking her. First with the wet sponge and battery. Then, with teh special leads attached to her. She kept of the resistance though. She was a tough motherfucker.

After a time though, she started showing signs of weakness. He smashed her shin with a bat–then beat her some more to seal her weakening resolve. After she went out again, he suspended her by her wrists. Then, he hit her and beat her with the bat.

For variety, he switched to a cattle prod. Not just any cattle prod, but one of his own design, powerful. He shocked her all over, even her armpits, pussy and neck.

But after all that—hours and hours of torture, this sobbing girl that was once an elite spy—would not talk. So, he started beating her pussy with a bat.

It worked. She swallowed the card.

While he waited for her to pass it, he forced her to suck his cock. She was good—gagging on it, drooling. It made him hot. He wanted her. But he had a job to do.

Then, he had a brilliant idea. He knew how to get the card faster, and get his rocks off. He wrapped a rope around the broken, beaten girls neck and strangled her. Her energy cam back momentarily and she fought like it was for her life–it was. Struggling, kicking, grabbing at the rope—but nothing could save her and after a long struggle, she relaxed. Dead.

He now had what he came for. And, with time to spare before the meeting with the bosses, he fucked her cooling corpse for a good while until he came over her dead, bruised body.

Contains: Nudity, Spy, Espionage, Extreme Torture and Violence, Explicit Sexual Content, Suspension, Beating, Drugs, Hitting, Punching, Cattle Prod, Hitting with Bat, Electrocution, Bondage, Restraints, Forced BJ, Garrote Strangling, Necro Fucking, Cum Shot, Body Views.

Deadly Interrogation 5
Deadly Interrogation 5.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Uncomfortable Mystery

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 December 2015, 22:09

Peachy Keen Films – Uncomfortable Mystery

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: This movie is a masterpiece. It hits everything perfectly. The details of the story, set, and clothing are near perfect, the acting is great, the editing and camera work are fantastic. Great work with the makeup. The quick opening scene, the cut to the body. Great positioning of the body. Eyes closed are great, then opened much later. I like that the body is not gratuitously molested, but everything is played straight in that sense — all business! At the same time, there’s a bit of dark humor injected into it — the goofy guy with the coffee mug, the deadpan line “what’s going on here doc? You into sniffing dead girls’ feet now?” Awesome, made me laugh out loud. If you are a CSI/morgue fan, this one is a must.

Uncomfortable Mystery
Uncomfortable Mystery.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Tour Group Execution

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 December 2015, 22:09

Peachy Keen Films – Tour Group Execution

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Synopsis: A group of young tourists are lined up and shot one by one in the chest area. 9 girls receives two shots, and 2 girls receive 1 shot. 4 girls that are still twitched are then shot again. Then the girls are exposed.


11 scantly dressed tourists from America lined up accused of treason

One by one, they are shot right in front of the next girl in line to die

20 total chest shots

4 additional finishing shots

Disheveling, i.e. “push up, pull down” of clothing on each girl

Long, slow body pans in three distinct montages of each girl and wide shots

Alternative version of the main shooting sequence


Slow Motions recap of the main shooting sequence

Almost 30 minutes of content

Tour Group Execution

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Peachy Keen Films – Tommygun-Lydia

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 December 2015, 22:08

Peachy Keen Films – Tommygun-Lydia

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: In sequence 1, a woman is thrown into a holding cell, then interrogated about her knowledge of a moon-shining operation. He forces her to remove her clothes. When she fails to give him the information, he gives her a quick burst of 4 shots with the Tommygun. She is slammed up against the wall, then slides down. She is in pain an shock as she looks down at her wounds. Slowly, she falls to the side and starts convulsing, rolling on her back. After a few moments, she slows down, lets out a last breath, and is dead.

In sequence 2, a woman is in a holding cell crying when a man comes in and grills her for information. He tried to humiliate her by making her show him some skin. When the dame still won’t spill the beans, he fills her belly full of lead. She lurches forward, blood pouring from her mouth, then she falls back, and slides down the wall. She is in pain, making all kinds of sounds. She falls to her side, then rolls to her back, her body shaking and her making sounds of agony. She tear her dress off, exposing many, many bullet holes in her belly and abdomen. She jerks and spasms, then slowly relaxes, finally letting out a last breath. She is dead.


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