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Peachy Keen Films – Timely Termination

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 December 2015, 22:08

Peachy Keen Films – Timely Termination

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: An assassin from the future enters a woman’s home. Upon confirming her identity, he tried to kill her, but she runs away. A chase ensues–he shoots up her home eventually injuring her.. He then shoots her at close range. She pretends to be dead, but manages to escape again, but this time he finishes her off in the stair-well by pumping her full of led with his MP-5. She tumbles the rest of the way down the stairs and he continues to riddle her with bullets. Then he checks over her body again to make final visual confirmation that she is the correct person. Once complete he carries her back through the time vortex.

Timely Termination
Timely Termination.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Throttle My Daughter

Posted by PornExtreme on 9 December 2015, 22:55

Peachy Keen Films – Throttle My Daughter

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: A drunken man works late on a painting project in a local office building. The phone rings, it is his teenage daughter asking for money for cheerleader camp. He is a bastard to her as usual and hangs up. She calls back, begging her daddy to give her the money. He tells her to come over. Later, the door opens and she timidly walks in. Seeing her dad, she quickly walks up to him. He is a large man, sweaty, and obviously drunk. He questions her about the choices she is making at school, then stumbles out of the room to get more to drink. As usual, she just waits, knowing he will be back and she will get the money. He does come back, but not with the money–not yet anyway. He forces his young 18yo daughter to her knees and takes out his cock–forcing her to suck it. She does–she has before and this is not new to her, but it has been a long time–she thought those days had past. She does a good job, taking it all in, sucking it fast and hard, practically gagging like he likes her to. She looks up, asking to stop, but he makes her keep going–earning her money. She is sobbing as she sucks her daddy off. Then, in a moment of either strength or stupidity, she bits down on her dads cock. He arches over in pain and she runs. He is quickly after her–the booze numbing the pain. He catches her down a hall in an office and slams her up against the wall–the light switch tearing into her back and soft skin. He starts to choke her as he feels his daughters young tits and rubs her crotch. It is a loose hold and she keeps getting a reprieve for some air. Wanting more, he forces her over a counter, arching her back roughly on the counter edge as he pulls off her pants. He starts fucking her, while keeping a firm but not fatal hold on her neck. She makes noise–he does not want her looking at him, so he flips her over and starts to do her doggy-style. She keeps making noise and he cannot get a good grip on her. He pulls out his retractable lighter clip, pulls the thin cord out and wraps it around her neck. That’s much better–he yanks it tight with one hand as he thrusts his cock deep inside his nubile daughters pussy. As he fucks her, he pulls tighter and tighter. Her air cut off and already lightheaded from her bent position, all she can do is try to grab at the garrote and fish for air. Her eyes are wide, her mouth opens and closes–drool slobbers out. Her face is red, her eyes pink with veins–her dad continues to fuck her tight pussy from behind. After a while she starts to weaken and eventually slumps on the counter. He reaches his climax shortly after she dies and cums all over her ass. He admirers his dead daughter, the picks her cum soaked body up and carries it out to his work area. He lays her down on some plastic then goes to change his clothes. The camera take a while and slowly pans her dead body. He comes back out, clean and ready to get rid of her. He wraps her in plastic and drags her off.

Throttle My Daughter
Throttle My Daughter.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Therapy Killer 1

Posted by PornExtreme on 9 December 2015, 22:55

Peachy Keen Films – Therapy Killer 1

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: He sits quietly in her office, trying to share his deepest troubles, but is only scratching the surface of his problem. She has seen so many like this one, a loner, quiet, grief and pain kept deep inside. She wants to know what is troubling him. She has a way of finding out — hypno-therapy. It has worked before, it will work with him. She asks him to remember his lost love, Sarah. He does, and then she climbs up on the desk in front of him, asking him to imagine she is Sarah and to do the things he used to do to her. He does. Getting up, he moves toward her, licking her, feeling her wet warmth. He moves around her, behind her, starts to massage her neck. She is in ecstasy, her plan working. How many men has she done this to before, satisfying her sexual deviancy? He does not care, this is the moment and he pulls the intercom cord around her neck while she is distracted with her pleasure. Tight he pulls it — but not too tight. Her air is almost cut off and she, still in ecstasy, struggles to either continue or to fight against it. But, before she can make that decision, the cord is digging tightly into her flesh. Her face, turning red, veins popping out and eyes going blood shot — instincts take over and she fights for her life. But, now her energy is waning. She tries to comprehend what is happening, but can no longer think or focus. Her hands move wildly, but inflict no damage to him and he keeps his steady, maniacal hold on the cord, pulling as tight as it will go. She weakens and weakens. Her body quivers and slows. She is dead. He lets her flop on her desk and he sets about to explore her body. Kissing her, sucking her nipples, and tasting her again. He rolls her body over and explores her from the back, then sets her up and lays her back down. He gives her a kiss and says his goodbyes.

Therapy Killer 1
Therapy Killer 1.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Thief And The Corpse 1

Posted by PornExtreme on 9 December 2015, 22:54

Peachy Keen Films – The Thief And The Corpse 1

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: A thief searches in the dark through an apartment and trips over something. Turing on his light, he sees a beautiful woman and she is dead, the stocking used to strangle her still around her neck. Her body is warm and he spends time slowly exploring it. He carries her into the bedroom and explores her some more — then cuddles with her. Waking up several hours later, he realizes he must leave. He says his goodbyes and poses her.

The Theif And The Corpse
The Theif And The Corpse.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – The Seduction Of Summer 2

Posted by PornExtreme on 9 December 2015, 22:54

Peachy Keen Films – The Seduction Of Summer 2

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: A man finds a dead teenage girl. He spends teh next hour fantasizing that she might be alive and goes through the process of trying to wake her. Ultimately, he commits the final act–having sex with her, to ensure that she is truly dead.

The Seduction Of Summer 2
The Seduction Of Summer 2.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Hogtie Killer 2

Posted by PornExtreme on 9 December 2015, 22:53

Peachy Keen Films – The Hogtie Killer 2

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Notes: From the person that wrote the customs for “The Hogtie Killer I”, “The Reporter”, “Penance”, “Penance II”, and “Revenge”, this takes brutality to a whole new level. If you like beating, hair pulling, graphic forced sex, humiliation, taser torture, cock choking/gagging, and ultimately, a fucking awesome hogtie strangle and posing…THIS IS FOR YOU!!!

A man, recently out of prison, found out that several members of his family were incarcerated due to testimony from a few key witnesses. So, with nothing else to lose, he hatches a revenge plan, but first, he must find out the names of those witnesses.

Last time, he interrogated the cop that testified at the trial. This time, he goes after the reporter the covered the case. He tricks her into meeting her at a vacant house and attacks her with a choke hold, the a taser to her ribs. She goes down. He fondles her for a bit, then drags her to the couch.

When he starts asking her questions, she is resistant, actually stubborn. Perhaps she was not taking him seriously. He grabs her by the hair and punches her hard several time, then does it again, finally kicking her in the side.

Now she was listening. He forces her to strip down to her underwear, then cuffs her hands behind her back. He positions her in a chair–she cannot escape.

He spends time slowly torturing her with his taser, trying to get her to give him names.

Once she goes unconscious, he finally realizes she has given him all she has. He splashes water in her face and forces his cock down her throat. He might as well get some pussy…he was in prison a long time. He takes her to the bedroom and fucks her all ways. Then, leaves her for a while.

When he returns, she want to go home, but he has her hogtied and ball gagged. He takes the gag out and forces his cock down her throat and fucks her mouth until he cums. Then, he goes around–she thinks he is going to untie her, but instead, he wraps a rope around her neck and then her boots. He forces her boot back, lifting her neck up, thereby strangling her.

She fights as best she can, but there is not much she can do. Slowly and slowly, she succumbs. Once dead, he flips her over and unties her, posing her body on the bed before leaving.

Keywords:Violence, Nudity, Explicit Sexual Content, Hitting/Beating, Forced Sex, Forced Blowjob, Cuffing, Leather Restraints, Stun Gun Torture, Garrote Strangling/Hogtie , Fondling, Cum in Mouth, Boots On, Hair Pulling, Humiliation, Lifting, Dragging, Body Views your text here

The Hogtie Killer 2
Hogtie Killer 2.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Violent Stabbing 1

Posted by PornExtreme on 9 December 2015, 22:53

Peachy Keen Films – Violent Stabbing 1

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: A young woman waiting in a reception area is attacked at gunpoint. She is forced to strip while the perp gropes her. Then, when she is turned away from him, he stabs her in the back. He continued to stab her in the belly and she collapses on the floor in agony. He molests her and watches her suffer. Then he stabs her many, many times in her belly. He leaves, letting her slowly suffer, bleed and die.

Violent Stabbing
Violent Stabbing.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – The Hangers 2

Posted by PornExtreme on 9 December 2015, 22:52

Peachy Keen Films – The Hangers 2

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: 4 girls have been hung. 3 left. When the last girl is up, she puts up a fight knowing that this is it. Once she has hung to death, she pees, just like the girl before her. The girls are cut down & let flop to the ground. Then they are piled up in a giant 7 girl body pile. Piling the girls up gets Alex a bit worked up. So he grabs 1 & sticks his cock in her dead mouth & pussy.

The Hangers 2
The Hangers 2.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – The Hangers 1

Posted by PornExtreme on 9 December 2015, 22:51

Peachy Keen Films – The Hangers 1

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: A group of women have been kidnapped. They they try to flee, but their escape is cut short when their captor’s catch them. The group is re-caged. One by one they are removed from the cage, striped & hanged until they stop twitching—dead. Piss runs down from some, dribbling off their bare feet and spattering on the cold concrete below. So far, four girls, hang dead and there are still more girls in the cage–waiting–scared.

The Hangers 1
The Hangers 1.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – The Arguement

Posted by PornExtreme on 9 December 2015, 22:50

Peachy Keen Films – The Arguement

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging


The Arguement
The Arguement.mp4

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