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New Section: Snuff From Movies over 3500 Clips!

SlayMates – Jack Attack-The Skull Knife

Posted by PornExtreme on 28 October 2015, 14:28

SlayMates – Jack Attack-The Skull Knife

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Strangle, Shooting, LQ, Analog Video

Jack Attack-The Skull Knife

Jack Attack-The Skull Knife

Posted in SlayMates |

SlayMates – Jack Attack Poison 2

Posted by PornExtreme on 28 October 2015, 14:27

SlayMates – Jack Attack Poison 2

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Strangle, Shooting, LQ, Analog Video

Jack Attack Poison 2

Jack Attack Poison 2

Posted in SlayMates |

SlayMates – Jack Attack Poison 1

Posted by PornExtreme on 28 October 2015, 14:27

SlayMates – Jack Attack Poison 1

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Strangle, Shooting, LQ, Analog Video

Jack Attack Poison 1

Jack Attack Poison 1

Posted in SlayMates |

SlayMates – I Love Hemlock

Posted by PornExtreme on 28 October 2015, 14:26

SlayMates – I Love Hemlock

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Strangle, Shooting, LQ, Analog Video

I Love Hemlock

I Love Hemlock

Posted in SlayMates |

BlueStoneSilkVideos – Edge of Midnight #3 The Crusading District Attorney

Posted by PornExtreme on 24 October 2015, 15:11

BlueStoneSilkVideos – Edge of Midnight #3 The Crusading District Attorney

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Tina is revealed as an assistant district attorney!

Edge of Midnight 3 The Crusading District Attorney
Edge of Midnight 3 The Crusading District Attorney.mp4

Posted in BlueStoneSilkVideos |

BlueStoneSilkVideos – V.V.#35 – Ultrawoman 4: Gatecrasher

Posted by PornExtreme on 24 October 2015, 15:11

BlueStoneSilkVideos – V.V.#35 – Ultrawoman 4: Gatecrasher

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Lynda returns as Ultrawoman takes on the Seventh Sanctum!

Ultrawoman 4 Gatecrasher
Ultrawoman 4 Gatecrasher.mp4

Posted in BlueStoneSilkVideos |

BlueStoneSilkVideos – V.V.#34 – Athena: Amazon Onslaught

Posted by PornExtreme on 24 October 2015, 15:10

BlueStoneSilkVideos – V.V.#34 – Athena: Amazon Onslaught

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Athena, an amazon warrior, comes looking for her lost sisters!

Athena Amazon Onslaught
Athena Amazon Onslaught.mp4

Posted in BlueStoneSilkVideos |

BlueStoneSilkVideos – Episode 232 – Model of a Crime

Posted by PornExtreme on 24 October 2015, 15:00

BlueStoneSilkVideos – Episode 232 – Model of a Crime

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Suzi plays a model who discovers that a crime has been committed!

Model of a Crime
Model of a Crime.mp4

Posted in BlueStoneSilkVideos |

BlueStoneSilkVideos – V.V.#33 – Dark Widow 2: The Real Deal

Posted by PornExtreme on 24 October 2015, 14:59

BlueStoneSilkVideos – V.V.#33 – Dark Widow 2: The Real Deal

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Claire is the “Real Deal”… the real Dark Widow, and proves this when she takes on the Collectors!

Dark Widow 2 The Real Deal
Dark Widow 2 The Real Deal.mp4

Posted in BlueStoneSilkVideos |

Peachy Keen Films – The Daughter Executions

Posted by PornExtreme on 23 October 2015, 15:02

Peachy Keen Films – The Daughter Executions

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Backstory: In 2004, 7 daughters of prominent politicians were kidnaped for ransom. Their parents could not pay for political reasons. 24 hours later, the girl and 2 others were found murdered, executed in a DC area hotel.

In 2009, during a routine drug bust, footage was discovered linked to those murders.

Because of this footage, those guilty that were still alive were brought to justice. During the course of the trial, more footage was discovered.

The following is that raw, uncut, digitally restored footage from two other cameras recording the carnage of that day. Two men, Simpson and Baker, murdered shortly after this footage was taken, left an eerie legacy by documenting the tragic events of that day.

Over 28 minutes of footage was released into public domain after the trial for research and education purposes.

Case Notes:

7 girls, ages 18-22 were kidnapped and kept drugged for 48 hours while negotiations ensued between the kidnappers and parents.

One by one, the girls were led out of a confinement area onto a plastic mattress. A final call was placed to the parents. In each case, the parents asked for more time.

One by one, each girl was executed with a point blank shot to the temple by Mark Serokovsky (Deceased 2005). Orders for the execution were given by Maxwell Sarvinni (Convicted 2010, serving life).

After each execution, AJ Markum (19) and Stacy “Love” Cramer (24), partially stripped the bodies. Maxwell then took photos (Evidence # C234-9899). The bodies were then carried off the mattress and laid out.

Each girl is shown getting executed twice, both from the Simpson and Baker camera footage.

After all 7 girls are murdered, Maxwell throws money on the floor, payment for services rendered. As AJ and Stacy collect their earnings, they are executed.

Both Simpson and Baker then take footage of the bodies afterwards.

This is raw/uncut footage. Viewing this, you will feel like you are there–watching. There are camera glitches, shakes, distortions, and blank moments in this restored footage from 2004, however, after careful digital restoration and upscaling, the quality of the footage is superb.

The Daughter Executions
The Daughter Executions.mp4

Posted in PKF |