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New Section: Snuff From Movies over 3500 Clips!

VelvetsFantasies – Twist Of Fate

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 September 2015, 21:07
Twist Of Fate

VelvetsFantasies – Twist Of Fate

Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F

Description: Starring Megan Jones and Jacquelyn Velvets. Agent Velvets is given the task of ridding a criminal lair of a platoon of clones…all modeled after Agent Megan Jones (i.e. one of Velvets’ fiercest rivals). The well-trained agent makes her way through every inch of the house, taking out clone after clone with a barrage of lethal neck snaps (with some added necro-snaps to “make sure”), fulfilling every aspect of her mission…until the REAL Agent Jones shows up and takes Miss Velvets out with the same maneuver she used to clear the lair!

This movie contains 9 separate scenes, 9 neck snap deaths, 12 overkill neck snaps, garrote KOs, 2 slow neck snap deaths, pleading, death stares

Twist Of Fate screen
Twist Of Fate.mp4

Posted in VelvetsFantasies | Tagged |

VelvetsFantasies – Training With Niki Clones

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 September 2015, 21:07
Training With Niki Clones

VelvetsFantasies – Training With Niki Clones

Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F

Description: Starring Niki Lee Young and Jacquelyn Velvets. It’s training day for Miss Velvets when she is giving the task of taking out the beautiful but deadly Niki clones that have been armed and stationed around a house. The only weapon she is allowed however, is a pistol that will require the most skillful of shots. Jacquelyn seems to have little problem hunting down the blonde clones, and killing them off one by one with a series of gun shots to the chest, belly, and head.

Watching their sexy writhing while begging for their lives, Jacquelyn enjoys toying with each clone before putting them to death. She even helps clean up the clone mess by disposing of some of them in the back room where they can be counted as trophies for later.

It’s clear Miss Velvets has executed this challenge perfectly. Who’s next?

There are NO blood scenes or special effects just sexy girls dying over and over in various ways!

**This movie features my gas-powered machine gun props that provide realistic recoil and occasional “smoke puff” effects!!**

This movie contains 5 separate scenes, 1 over kill shot, belly shot kill, head shot kill, over the shoulder carry, dragging, pulse checks, death stares, pleading, writhing

Training With Niki Clones screen
Training With Niki Clones.mp4

Posted in VelvetsFantasies | Tagged |

VelvetsFantasies – Toying Around

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 September 2015, 21:04
Toying Around

VelvetsFantasies – Toying Around

Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F

Description: After a workout at the gym, both girls are still riding on adrenaline and need something else to do. A fun thought crosses their minds to practice their roles in an upcoming action movie they’re starring in that involves machine gunning death scenes. They break out the toy guns and reenact 34 different scenes! Each role is reversed and has a variety of being shot in the front and back, wall slides, faling down stairs, body piles, and body ridling. There are NO blood scenes, or special effects. Just the sound of the toy guns firing and both girls dancing wildly to the machine gunning.

Toying Around screen
Toying Around.mp4

Posted in VelvetsFantasies |

VelvetsFantasies – Toy Gun Fun

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 September 2015, 21:03
Toy Gun Fun

VelvetsFantasies – Toy Gun Fun

Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F

Description: Starring Jacquelyn Velvets, Dee, and Mandy. The girls decide to have some fun by reenacting some of their favorite movie scenes with toy machine guns. Each scene has a different rotation of who gets mowed down. There are NO blood scenes, or special effects. Just the sound of the toy guns firing. The performance of each girl is stellar as they dance violently while getting shot repeatedly from both the front and back in certain scenes. This movie contains 19 different shooting scenarios, body piles and riddling, frontal and back machine gunning.

Toy Gun Fun screen
Toy Gun Fun.mp4

Posted in VelvetsFantasies | Tagged |

VelvetsFantasies – The Eliminators

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 September 2015, 21:03
The Eliminators

VelvetsFantasies – The Eliminators

Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F

Description: Starring Jacquelyn Velvets and Galas. Two spies. One flash-drive chock full of sensitive and top secret information.

It’s a scenario you’ve all seen before, only this time you have spies played by the stunning Jacquelyn Velvets and Galas. Clad in black leather pants and sexy tops/gloves, these trained assassins go back and forth in several unrelated scenarios…each one ending with an effective and lethal attack! In the end, we get to witness TWO endings…with both agents taking turns winning the day…and paying the ultimate price for daring to challenger her DEADLIEST foe!

No matter who loses, we ALL win.

The Eliminators screen
The Eliminators.mp4

Posted in VelvetsFantasies | Tagged |

VelvetsFantasies – The Day The Clones Died

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 September 2015, 21:02
The Day TheClones Died

VelvetsFantasies – The Day The Clones Died

Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F

Description: In this Clone Wars style movie, we open with clone agents Sumiko and Jacquelyn infiltrating a house that is heavily guarded by Jinx clones. They proceed to take them out one by one while they make their way inside. Once in the house, a different set of Sumiko and Jacquelyn clones have already made their way in, seeking to take out more of the Jinx clones, but with each new batch of girls proves to be more challenging than the last as they compete for their lives in a series of various confrontations that ultimately prove to be no challenge for the remaining Jinx.
The final scene of this video is of epic proportion as we see Jinx take on a barrage of clones and leaves them all in path of machine gun destruction!

This movie contains 19 different scenes, army crawls, wall slide deaths, body piles, Mexican stand-offs, point-of-view machine gunning, death stares, pained and wincing expressions, overkill, limp limb manipulation

There are NO blood scenes or special effects just sexy girls dying over and over in various ways!

**This movie features my gas-powered machine gun props that provide realistic recoil and occasional “smoke puff” effects!!**

The Day The Clones Died screen
The Day The Clones Died.mp4

Posted in VelvetsFantasies |

VelvetsFantasies – S.W.A.T. She Always Wanted

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 September 2015, 21:02
S.W.A.T. She Always Wanted

VelvetsFantasies – S.W.A.T. She Always Wanted

Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F

Description: Master thief Sumiko makes her way to her lair after a successful heist, only to get tailed there by a rogue SWAT team member (played by Keri Spectrum) dead set on making her career with an amazing first-time collar. She easily breaks into Sumiko’s home renders the lovely Japanese criminal unconscious with an expertly aimed tranquilizer dart. Instead of arresting her, however, Keri starts to toy with her prey, putting her out repeatedly and chuckling when Sumiko manages to knock HERSELF out accidentally. Sumiko will not go down without a fight, but in the end, Keri’s left with a crucial decision: take this ruffian in for processing…or spend the night exploring what COULD be her newest passion? We’re guessing fans of Velvet’s Fantasies will successfully guess which one of those options our heroine chooses…

This movie contains tranq gun KOs, pistol whip KO, head wall slam KO, briefcase head slam KO, rope choke out KO, cradle carry, over the shoulder carry, rag dolling, limp limb manipulation

S.W.A.T. She Always Wanted screen
SWAT She Always Wanted.mp4

Posted in VelvetsFantasies |

VelvetsFantasies – Super Shootouts

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 September 2015, 21:01
Super Shootouts

VelvetsFantasies – Super Shootouts

Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F

Description: Wearing skin tight spandex cat suits, Jacquelyn and Tomiko are on the hunt for each other in this super spy vs spy game where shooting your opponent is the only way to win. After several scenes of gun deaths and writhing, Jacquelyn decides to try and make things fair with a final quick draw that backfires as both girls shoot one another simultaneously, causing them to writhe in pain until they manage to lift their guns, and again a simultaneous shot is fired leaving both girls in a heap on the floor leaving neither one victorious.

This movie contains 7 different scenes with role reversal so both girls get their chance to die, shoot outs, body riddling, death stares after every kill, sneak attacks, head shots, multiple bullet shots, over kill shots, sexy writhing, pleading. There are NO blood scenes or special effects just a sexy girl dying over and over!

**This movie features my gas-powered gun props that provide realistic recoil and occasional “smoke puff” effects!!**

Super Shootouts screen
Super Shootouts.mp4

Posted in VelvetsFantasies |

VelvetsFantasies – Snappy Training

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 September 2015, 20:57
Snappy Training

VelvetsFantasies – Snappy Training

Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F

Description: Starring Jinx and introducing Heather West! We fade in on Jacquelyn Velvets admiring hew newest clones, but before they can be assigned to any mission they HAVE to prove themselves in a series of practice battles. What follows is a group of varied scenes, each one ending with a clone being dispatched via a brutal neck snap…along with a few takedown/KO techniques sprinkled in for vicious flavor! In the end, only one clone stands triumphant, but we can agree that the true winner here are those who’ve witnessed the carnage!

This movie contains 9 different scenes, 9 neck snap deaths, 8 overkill neck snaps, death stares, blackjack KOs, strangulation deaths, sleeper hold KO, chloroform KO, emphasis on foot fondling after each kill

Snappy Training screen
Snappy Training.mp4

Posted in VelvetsFantasies | Tagged |

VelvetsFantasies – Sharpened Deaths

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 September 2015, 20:57
Sharpened Deaths

VelvetsFantasies – Sharpened Deaths

Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F

Description: Starring Jacquelyn Velvets and Remi. Based off a custom script, both girls are clad in heels, sexy lingerie and bikinis in 10 different scenes where they both deliver a viciously sensual stabbing to one another and themselves with intense writhing before their last breath.

This movie contains sleeper hold KO, multiple toy knife stabbing scenes, wall slides, body piling, dramatic death scenes. There is NO BLOOD or special effects, just two sexy girls acting out death scenes over and over!

Sharpened Deaths screen
Sharpened Deaths.mp4

Posted in VelvetsFantasies | Tagged |