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SlayMates – Deadly Daydream-Bad Books

Posted by PornExtreme on 7 September 2015, 10:42

SlayMates – Deadly Daydream-Bad Books

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Strangle, Shooting, LQ, Analog Video

Deadly Daydream-Bad Books

Deadly Daydream-Bad Books

Posted in SlayMates |

SlayMates – Deadly Daydream Twice the Amber

Posted by PornExtreme on 7 September 2015, 10:41

SlayMates – Deadly Daydream Twice the Amber

Categories: Snuff Fetish, Strangle, Shooting, LQ, Analog Video

Deadly Daydream Twice the Amber

Deadly Daydream Twice the Amber

Posted in SlayMates |

Deep South Productions – Ninja Strangler 2

Posted by PornExtreme on 7 September 2015, 01:05

Deep South Productions – Ninja Strangler 2

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: The Ninja has been activated again. This time to takedown the competitors bookie operation. The Ninja slips into the building & strangles everyone in the building one by one & shoots the guard in the face. Off the Ninja goes with all the loot.

The janitor has been cleaning this building for years. Never really thought about what they did, just cleaned. Tonight he finds the Ninjas aftermath. Turns out, yup, the janitor is a Necrophilic. Some stripping of each the dead girls & he finds his perfect match. Takes her back to his shop, stuffs his cock in her mouth & blows his wad on her.

Ninja Strangler 2
Ninja Strangler 2.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – The Fetish Killer 2

Posted by PornExtreme on 7 September 2015, 01:05

Peachy Keen Films – The Fetish Killer 2

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A high school girl who has befriended a photographer that has been hanging out around her school, goes to his home for a photo shoot. The photographer is obviously into her feet and she encourages him. Soon, things lead to more then just photos. Afterwords, he surprises her by wrapping a wire garrote around her neck and strangling her until she passes out.

Later, he has her tied up on a bed. Her legs are together, and her wrists are bound. He spends time playing with her feet and toes, caressing her entire body, and taking photos of her.

Then, he slides her up against him and wraps a rope around her neck. As soon as there is pressure, she wakes up and starts struggling. He cinches it tight and her air is cut off. Her body squirms and bucks, the ropes holding her start to loosen. Soon, she has her hands free and claws at him, grabbing his arms, trying to get him off her her. He does not let go. Tighter the garrote digs into her neck. She fight hard, struggling, her eyes wide, mouth open and tongue desperately trying to draw air in. She struggles for a long time, but finally succumbs. He flops her over to the side.

Dead, he explores her body, using her for his sexual gratification, then leaving her awkwardly posed on the bed.

The Fetish Killer 2
The Fetish Killer 2.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Random Attack

Posted by PornExtreme on 7 September 2015, 01:04

Peachy Keen Films – Random Attack

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Brandy is house-sitting for her professor, in hopes of helping her grades. When her friend calls to try to entice her to come go clubbing, she decides that she needs to be responsible and stay and watch the house.

She was definitely bored. She began to snoop around, curious about her professors’ things. Later, she danced to some music. She was wearing a pink, clingy top that accentuated her perky 20 year old breasts. She wore a short skirt and it was all tied together nicely with some stylish felt boots and classic tub-socks. This blonde was popular with her classmates—especially several of the boys. But she was a good girl—sorta.

She stopped cold and opened the small drawer before her. Pearls. She liked pearls and these were nice. She slipped them into her pocket. It was the right of the house-sitter…at least 3 things needed to go missing, she has two left. But, she was tired, and needed a nap before more snooping commenced.

A light traced it’s way across the dimly lit room….it was a person, walking with a flashlight…he was snooping as well. This man was not invited however—a common thief, looking for a quick score, pawnshop money for his alcohol addition. He searched around, oblivious to the girl on the couch.

Brandy slept soundly, a light traced up to her face, the quickly fell off. He had found a real price tonight. He set his light down, looking intensely at the young woman. She was beautiful and so peaceful. He had to touch her. He ran his hands on her leg, softly feeling her smooth young skin. He pulled the fabric away from her breast—exposing it. He started to feel her up.

She woke up, dazed, but quickly understanding she did not want this person to be here, let alone groping her. She really did not understand the danger in the situation, but would soon. He cracked the steel flashlight into her skull. She was out.

The point of no return. He has reached it, like so many times before in his past. He spends time with her now, running his hands up her perfect tone legs to her light blue panties peaking out from under her skirt. He pulls the fabric of her shirt to the side, exposing her nice breast, then licks and sucks them. He pulls her off the couch and lays her on the floor. Now the fun. He would take his time with this one.

She looked beautiful in her unconscious state. He slowly undressed her, taking in every moment of her beauty and innocence. He removed her skirt, pulled off her boots, slowly took off her socks and admired the soles of her feet. At one point, he rolled her over, removing her panties, her beautiful ass looked back at him and he visualized slamming his cock into her. Once she was undressed, he slowly explored every inch of her body, eventually settling between her legs and tasting her sweet warm pussy. He took his time, savoring her juices. There was no rush, no one around.

He pushed her legs up, looking closely at her pussy, trimmed, but unshaven…he liked the natural look…she was just a regular girl that happened to be beautiful too. He pulled her up into a sitting position and pulled off her top, the laid her back down. He slipped his fingers into her wet pussy and started finger fucking her. Finally, he had to have her. He lifts her up and set her on the couch. He spreads her legs and lets his hard cock slide in, her pussy lips wrapping tightly around it, inviting him to fuck her. He started slow at first, but soon worked himself up to a fucking frenzy, her body flopping, her tits jiggling with the motion.

It was inevitable that she regain consciousness and when she did, she was not happy about the circumstances. She started freaking out, hitting him. This was not conducive to the quiet evening he had hoped for, so he wrapped his hand around her throat and squeezed.

Her body went into full self-preservation mode. She bucked and twisted, her hands whacking him and trying to pull at his arms and hands. Her face became contorted as she fought for air and her life. Her eye were wide, mouth open trying to gasp, but only raspy choking sound would emerge. Her tongue lunged out, as if trying to sweep in additional air. None of this was working, he was going to kill her.

But somehow he lost his grip and she plowed over the top of him, crawling in the direction of the door, but he did not let her get far. He pulled her back, she let out a scream before he was back on her—hand around her throat.

She fought hard, but this was defiantly a better position to kill choke her in. He was able to put his full weight on her throat, but made sure to stay just short of crushing her larynx. He knew better. Watching her die was half of the fun. He did not want her to go too quickly, though the pain she must be feeling was, well, he certainly did not give a fuck—that was for sure. He looked into her blue eyes, they were starting to fixate, she was loosing the battle. There was never a chance for her anyhow.

She was far weaker now, her body resorting to convulsions, her leg muscles so tense, they spasmed rapidly. Pretty soon, he was just staring up at him, barely moving, little twitches, and then finally she was still. He released his grip on her neck, the marks showing clearly how tight he had her. She was beautiful in death, her eyes so blue, her lips so full. He put her back on the couch, tasted her some more, and then, in a final act of domination and power over this young woman, spewed his hot semen all over her torso.

As he left, grabbing his things and whatever else he wanted, his cum dripped down her body toward her head. She lay there, beautiful, lifeless after he is gone, waiting for her professor to return and find her. Would he be upset with her? Would you be?

Random Attack
Random Attack.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Inshadow – Last Visitor 1

Posted by PornExtreme on 5 September 2015, 23:46

Last Visitor 1

Inshadow – Last Visitor 1

Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian, Strangle

Description: Two roommates are going to be victims of home invasion… while one of the girls is enjoying herself in the bathroom, her friend is surprised and strangled to death on her couch..The masked intruder then sneaks to the bathroom and strangles the other girl till she passes out…

keywords : female masturbation, two long manual strangulations, 2 girls, home invasion,…

Last Visitor 1
Last Visitor 1.mp4

Posted in Inshadow |

Inshadow – Last Visitor 2

Posted by PornExtreme on 5 September 2015, 23:45

Last Visitor 2

Inshadow – Last Visitor 2

Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian, Strangle

Description: Now tied up to the bathroom heater, and tape gagged, the victim is helpless and forced to perform sexual acts to her captor. She is then slowly strangled, as has been her roommate…

Last Visitor 2
Last Visitor 2.mp4

Posted in Inshadow |

Inshadow – Silence of the Lambs: Escape from the Asylum

Posted by PornExtreme on 5 September 2015, 23:44

Inshadow – Silence of the Lambs: Escape from the Asylum

Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian, Strangle

Description: Gina has been locked up into a mental institution after having been found guilty of several horrific murders. A detective from the national investigation agency , gifted with some psychological skill, attempts to find out the truth about some other unsolved murder, insisting to be left alone with the convicted.

Gina, acting as usual, living in her own fairy world, takes advantage of a moment to subdue the young female detective, strangling her till she passes out…The criminal’s plan is easy…stealing her victim’s identity and get away with it… she undresses the unconscious detective..but this lesbian criminal has other needs too…so she takes some minutes from her precious time to enjoy, litteraly to rape, Jody’s body. Unfortunately for the young detective, she wakes up too early, finding herself being fucked by the murderer she had to interrogate…Gina does not hesitate a second…she grabs the latex sheet the doctors left her to play with( for some reason, that latex sheet seemed to calm her down. “Selfasphyxia fantasy” doctors said…harmless…”) …Actually what gives her pleasure…and uses that sheet to smother the agent.

Gina enjoys every moment of it…having orgasm after orgasm, suffocating Jody till she finally gave her last spasm out…

Gina can now get dressed with her victim ‘s clothes ( on screen) and escape..

TAGS: set-up, manual strangling, asphyx with latex sheet, lesbian, serial killer, ….

Silence of the Lambs - Escape from the Asylum
Silence of the Lambs – Escape from the Asylum.mp4

Posted in Inshadow |

Inshadow – THIEVES

Posted by PornExtreme on 5 September 2015, 23:44

Inshadow – THIEVES


Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian, Strangle

Description: A couple of lesbian thieves has succeeded to steal some secret and valuable files, a killer is hired to find and get rid of them…

(manual strangling, unconscious, strangling with stockings, boots, 2 girls, gloves,…)


Posted in Inshadow |

Inshadow – JUNKIES

Posted by PornExtreme on 5 September 2015, 23:42

Inshadow – JUNKIES

Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian, Strangle

Description: Syrena is laying on her bed, waiting for the providential visit of her usual drug dealer…she is trying to calm her impatience by caressing herself when he knocks at the door…

As usual…She knows she has to give more than money and to offer herself as well. But this time it really worths it. He came with a brand new quality stuff and in quantity!

The white powder now spreaded on the table and filling up their noses soon makes effect… and reality disappears…

Conventional sex is not enough for him… He wants to try a fantasy he had for longtime…he suddenly strangle the girl from behind, using her own bra…. In his trip, he even asks if she likes it….she can barely answer and plead “No…I don’t…pl…eas…stop”…but he actually does not really care…he just keeps on tightening the garrote more and more….till she kicks his balls and tries to escape…

He catches her again….and strangles her to death on the floor…

He throws the body on the bed and has his way with it…..then spreading more drug all over it…takes an ultimate shot…the last one….

Both bodies will be found a few days later….noone will ever know what actually happened in that room….



Posted in Inshadow |