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Peachy Keen Films – Playthings

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 10:27

Peachy Keen Films – Playthings

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Two girls are hanging out discussing the lame contractor they have hired when he bursts in brandishing a gun and starts to torment them. He and forces Heidi to strangle Ashley with a tie until she passes out. Then, the scene opens with Ashley unconscious on the couch with her wrists cuffed. Heidi is noosed and then yanked up onto a chair. She pleads as the chair is pulled out from under her and she starts to hang. Behind her Ashley starts to wake up and the perp puts a bag over her head, tying it tightly with a stocking. As Ashley struggles behind, the camera concentrates on Heidi’s hanging, kicking wildly and clawing at he rope. Her mouth opens wide, tongue sticking out fishing for air. Her eyes are wide and her face turns red as her oxygen is cut off. She wildly struggles while Ashley is bagged behind her in the background. After a while, Heidi weakens and eventually is still, mouth open, eyes wide, face red. Then the camera backtracks to show the start of the bagging of poor Ashley as she watches her friend hang. The bag is put over her head and tied off with a stocking. She kicks her legs wildly and tries to grab at the plastic bag, but her gloved hands simply slip off. Her mouth and eyes are wide and her struggles are wild. The perp, while concentrating on killing Ashley, occasionally looks up to see the progress of Heidi’s death as she slowly hangs. After a while, Ashley weakens and eventually is still. He removes the bag. Then both girls are posed on the couch with lingering camera pans of the bodies.


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Peachy Keen Films – Hostages

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 10:27

Peachy Keen Films – Hostages

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Trapped in a hotel, three young women are awaiting their fate. Two captor of the most sickest, twisted nature are in their most desperate hour, however, the concentration seems more on killing and sex rather then bargaining and escape. They go through the motions, but their heart lies someplace where morality ends and evil begins. Jamie, the hot, buxom female of the killer duo selects the first girl — young sweet Emma. On vacation with her family, she was snagged before she could meet her parents for lunch. She resists and as she tells her captors off, Chris blasts her in the head before the words are complete. She is instantly dead. But the fun is just beginning. Soon, it is time for the next victim. This time, Jamie wants to try out her new toy, a .44 magnum. She has trouble holding the heavy three pound gun and errantly fires into the girl’s side, through her ribcage. The young girl is in agony. Jamie tries again with Chris’s Glock, aiming for her chest but this time hitting her in the belly. Finally, Chris uses his Glock to finish her off between the tits proper. Jamie then take some time with the body, but gets blood on her blouse and has to run to the bathroom to clean it off. Meantime, Machelle, the last survivor, has called Chris over in a desperate attempt to save herself. Making it up as she goes along, she somehow convinces him that Jamie is a double-crosser. When Jamie emerges from the bathroom, Chris levels two quick shots into her left tit — dropping her almost instantly. Machelle, hoping Chris is a man of his word, tells him how to escape in hopes that he will take her with him. Instead, he throws her to the floor amidst the other bodies and taps her twice in the left tit and gives her a postmortem tap to the head. He gathers his things and makes his escape, using the info Machelle so kindly divulged.


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Peachy Keen Films – Sentry Showdown 1

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 10:26

Peachy Keen Films – Sentry Showdown 1

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: he stands, shotgun in hand, guarding the entrance. She knows the goodguys will come and try to get past her. She is confident her stunning beauty will distract them–if only for a moment, and she will kill.

He is to his first obsticle. A sexy sentry. He knows he must take her out carefully and quietly as not to alert the others. He distracts her by throwing a pebble. She looks toward the sound.

In that moment, he is almost to her when she turns. He knocks the shotgun out of her hand and wrestles the garrote around her neck. They go down to the hard floor. He keeps the garrote tight, her body on his, he feels her warmth and can taste her sultry sweat as she struggles and grinds against him.

He manages to contain his grip on the garrote with one strong hand. With the other, he explores, running his hands along her struggling body and finding her sweet spot. He rubs and fingers her pussy as he kills her. Her body reacts grinding agains his fingers. Her face tells a different story, struggling violently against the wire garrote tight agains her neck.

She slows, still grinding, her juices flowing. Now her body is shutting down, she is shuttering and spasming slower and slower until finally, she is still. No one had heard. He is in the clear. He needs to know her more intimately before he moves on.

He finds some tarp, spreads it out and drags her dead body onto it. He fucks her warm wet mouth for a while them movies on to her warm wet pussy. It feels so good hugging his throbbing cock. He trusts in and out, pounding her hard and changing positions a few times. Then he fucks her mouth some more, then goes back to fucking her until finally cumming all over her belly.

Satisfied, he gets up, grabs her shotgun and exits through the door she was guarding–leaving her sprawled out and dead.

One down, more to go.

Sentry Showdown 1
Sentry Showdown 1.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Senseless Robbery

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 10:26

Peachy Keen Films – Senseless Robbery

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A young woman arrives home from school. She and her roommates attend the local community college. She has some groceries and was putting them away when her cell rang. It was a good friend. Suddenly, the conversation was interrupted by a man rushing down the stairs. The girl only had a fleeting moment to see him before he fired two 9mm rounds into her chest. The phone flew out of her hand, as she went down to the floor hard on her back. Without so much as a pause he double tapped her twice more and she was dead. He barely observed the girl as her wounds bled out and spread across her cotton shirt and the floor beneath her as he rifled through her purse.

He was a petty thief, but he always came prepared. He did not like surprises and she was a surprise to him. Suddenly the lock on the front door turned and he bolted into another room. Another girl entered, the first girls roommate. She saw her friend and rushed to help. It was obvious that she was dead. She backed away, thinking of calling for help. Behind her, the thief leveled his Glock. She felt his presence and turned, then started to run. He shot her in the leg, then through the lower back and upper abdomen in 3 quick shots. She flew into the couch then landed hard on the floor on her stomach–face down.

He checked her out, dragging her over half-way by her jeans, inspecting his work. The bullets passed right through her. She stared blankly, clearly she was dead. As he rolled her back down the wounds started to bleed, staining her shirt.

He went back over to the first girl. One thing he liked besides robbing and killing innocent girls, was feet. He admired the first girls soles, then rolled her over against the cabinets. the back of her shirt was stained solid with her blood. The bullets had passed all the way through, the exit wounds clearly visible. He left her there in that awkward position.

Another girl entered, she saw her friend in the living room and went to help her. The thief was waiting, taking aim. She begged for his mercy. He fired three shots into her chest and she collapsed on her side–dead.

He was tired of interruptions. he saw a laptop case and started rifling through it. The 2nd girl was only playing dead. She, though gravely wounded, managed to lift herself up to a crawling position and was backing away from the thief, who was turned away from her–otherwise occupied. But, that was not the case, he was very attune to his surroundings and before she was even a foot away, he blindly points the gun behind him and fires into her side. She goes down, this time really dead.

He finished his work and decided to have a look once more at his marksmanship. He went back to the first girl in the kitchen, leaning against the cabinets and rolled her back over. He lifted her shirt and admired his accuracy. He then went to the 2nd girl and did the same.

He decided it was time to go and grabbed his stash and left the 3 dead college girls for the neighbors, friends or family to find.

Senseless Robbery

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Peachy Keen Films – Schoolgirl Stalker

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 10:25

Peachy Keen Films – Schoolgirl Stalker

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Sam has been watching Amber for weeks. She was just so cute that she just wanted to have her to herself. She watched Amber walk by, unaware Sam was hiding in the bushes.

Sam followed Amber all the way home, then watch Amber through the window as she pleasured herself through her tight jeans.

While Amber was distracted, Sam approached her, wrapping a wire garrote around her neck, she rendered Amber unconscious. Now she could have her way with her. She spent time rubbing and playing with the young schoolgirl. She especially liked rubbing her tight blue jeans against hers. She loved the way it felt. She could get off on it.

When Amber came too, Sam hand throttled her back into unconsciousness, then continued to play with her.

When Amber came to again, Sam decided to kill the bitch. She put a pillow over her face and suffocated her.

Now dead, she could have her way with her and so she played with her a bit more. But, like most teenagers, she got bored fast. She dresses and then went to leave.

An object was in her way. It turned out to be Amber’s older, just out of prison boyfriend. And, he had no trouble lifting Sam off the ground—by her neck.

He throttled Sam and she choked and struggled–kicking her feet as they dangled off the floor. When she was finally dead, he tossed her to the bed. Then, checked on Amber. She was dead. Being the sentimental type, he decided to fuck her one more time.

As he was fucking his dead teenage girlfriend, he started thinking the other dead girl looked pretty hot. He started interacting with the other girl as he fucked Amber. At one point he grabbed Sams hand and used it to help stimulate him.

Then, he was really horny. He pealed Sams tight jeans off and flipped her body over on top of Amber. He slipped his juice-covered cock out of Amber and slid it into Sam. He fucked Sam for a while then switched back to Amber.

Finally, he ended by coming all over Sams ass. He said his goodbyes and left the two dead girls posed together.

Schoolgirl Stalker
Schoolgirl Stalker.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Late Night Tow

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 10:25

Peachy Keen Films – Late Night Tow

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A girl stops by a club after close to try to use the phone. While she waits, the owner knocks her out. She waked up tied to a counter by a rope around her neck. He pulls on it, strangling her to death. Then, him and his buddy check her out.

Late Night Tow

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Peachy Keen Films – Poetry Club

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 10:07

Peachy Keen Films – Poetry Club

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Lexxi’s punishment for mouthing off to the teacher in 3rd period English, was attend Poetry Club. The prospect of having to hang out for an hour with the nerds had her thanking the god of text messaging.

Upon arriving, she was welcomed gleefully into the group. Katie, the nerd leader, promptly started reading her poem. Lexxi rolled her eyes during all of this pathetically cutsie crap and when they asked her to stop texting on her cell phone, she promptly blew off the group and went to find a quiet place.

Unknown to the 4 girls, there was a killer lurking in the house, watching them. A product of a poetry club long ago, his poems so bad that he endured psychological ridicule from the others, he now quests to murder these poor, innocent girls. This will avenge his past, and perhaps be a little fun.

Lexxi, alone in an upstairs room does not notice the brightly colored killer approaching. Wrapping the cord around her, he brings her down to the floor. She vigorously struggles, kicking and twisting, contorted face, wide eyes. The killer doe not relent, carrying his plan through until she is motionless. He throws her body off of him like a sack of potatoes and quickly begins to strip her. Whitney called for Lexxi, and he stops, ready to kill again. But Whitney heads in a different direction. So, he leaves Lexxi for later and head down to murder the next nerd bitch.

Whitney walks into a room and the door closes behind her, locking. She looks to the only way out and stares the killer in his insane eyes. He is on her, wrapping a cord around her neck, pulling her to the floor. There is no hope for her as the cheerleader slash poetry nerd tries to buck her way out with her powerful hips.

When she is finally dead, he spends a moment to check her out, stripping her clothes off, feeling her perky tits. These poetry nerd aren’t half bad, he thought, now developing a new lust…one that is slightly more sexually driven.

But, he has to go, he has to finish things so that there will be time to enjoy his kills.

He hides upstairs as the next girl approaches. Playing with his prey, he makes a sound, signaling where he is hiding. Felicia, sees a pair of feet hiding behind a screen. She stupidly approaches them and he has got her. Lunging out, grabbing her throat. His adrenaline pumping. This is now something more then just avenging his past. This is lust. He lifts her up with unprecedented strength and throttles her. Her feet, almost a foot off the floor, kick and spasm as the life is quickly strangled out of her. He admires her tongue as he murders the teenager…..so fat and juicy, he wanted to suck it into his mouth–taste her.

In his rage and lust, the pressure crushed her throat with a noise like he had never heard before. Almost surprised at his power, he lowered her down tot he floor. Quickly, he opened her up, exposing some outta this world breasts. This nerd was hiding some D’s, and he went right down for a taste.

Finally, the last one, Katie, the poet princess of the group was wondering out to find the rest of her club. She headed downstairs and the killer waiting patiently for the screaming to commence.

It did not take long, once she got the door open downstairs, she know right away that the naked form of Whitney was indeed, very dead. She let out a blood-curtaling scream and raced up the stairs to find Felicity. Screaming again, she went up the stairs again, this time stumbling right over Lexxi’s body. More screams. Back down the stairs, screaming, screaming, then suddenly the killer had her as she went for the door.

He forced her wildly spasmadic body into the living room, straddled her and started choking her with his bare hands. But, he hands were tired from killing Felicity earlier and he saw a cord that would work. She took the moment of distraction to try to escape. Oh, but he was on point today, and was able to grab the cord, grab her legs, pull her to him and wrap the cord around her delicate young neck. She bucked and struggle in her pretty dress and sweater, now her black satin panties giving peekaboo’s.

He was raging with sexual drive now and wanted to kill her so he could have her. She took a while, but when it was over, she was still and he wend right to work. He did not move too fast, though he know time would soon be out–parents home from work, etc. He exposed her juicy young breasts and sucked them. He rubbed her pussy, then tasted it. Finally, he moved her to the couch and felt her insides, slamming her until satisfied.

With an idea in mind, he picked her up and laid her out on a pool table, posing her. He then went up to where Lexxi was. His first. He still had stamina. So, he stripped her for easier access to her fine, fine body. Funny thing was, he knew from the conversation, she was only here as punishment. Poor girl–wrong place at the wrong time. Lucky him. He licked and sucked her pussy, then fucked her. Finally, using her hand, he reached orgasm and came on her tummy. He picked her up and brought her to the pool table.

Then, he went and got Whitney, then Felicia. With them all posed on the table, he placed Katie’s lovely poem in the middle of them all. His work here was done, but his desire now would never be fulfilled. He looked to the future, to more girls, to poetry or not!!!

Poetry Club
Poetry Club.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Secretarial Obsession

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 10:06

Peachy Keen Films – Secretarial Obsession

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A legal secretary finished up a rather large project that her boss gave her and prepares to leave for a family emergency.

As she gets up, her boss, in the office after hours, confronts her with a confession. It seems that he is really attracted to her. He approaches her and starts putting the movies on her. She is reluctant to push him away, after all, he is her boss. She gives in and they have sex.

Afterwords, she feels really bad and wants to report what happened to his boss so she has a clear conscious. Unfortunately, this wound not bode well for him, so he knocks her out.

Unconscious, lying on her desk, he decides to have some more fun with his hot young paralegal. He sucks her bountiful breasts, then makes his way to her sweet young pussy, and licks and sucks her juices.

Later, he has her tied to a chair, hands bound behind her—all with various cables he found around the office.

He grabs a thin, steel wire, and puts it around her neck, then tightens it.

She wakes up, instantly struggling. The wire digs into her soft neck. Her muscles all tighten and she struggles hard and for a long, long time.

Over time, she is covered in sweat and a small trickle of blood can be seen on her nostril.

Her chest heaves and jerks, sending her breasts bouncing wildly. Her leg muscles are locked tight and shaking. Her mouth and eyes are wide and her tongue is sticking out.

Finally, the wire cuts into her neck and blood starts to ooze out, mixing with her sweat and running between her breasts.

She slows and slows and finally, her head slumps forward–a trickle of blood drips out of her mouth. Her bladder releasing and hot piss pours off the chair and soaks the carpet, staining it yellow. He removes the garrote, unties her, then lifts her up. He briefly dances with her, letting her sweat and blood soak into his shirt. he lays her on the table and repeats what he did earlier. He sucks her now sweaty, salty breasts and goes back down and licks her pussy. Then, he fucks his dead secretary until he cums way up inside her. He brings in a plastic tarp and lays her on it. Then he drags her out of the room.

Secretarial Obsession
Secretarial Obsession.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Kissing Cousins

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 10:05

Peachy Keen Films – Kissing Cousins

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: It’s family reunion time and two cousins sit alone sharing whiskey and cigarettes. Young Katie, takes to her older cousin and she lets him kiss and fondle her. But, when things go too far, she gets away and runs off. but soon he finds her resting against a tree. He wraps a thick rope around her neck and pulls until she falls unconscious. He picks her up and carries her back to their blanket. After playing with her a bit, he starts to have sex with her. She wakes up, but before she can get away again, he wraps his strong hands around her soft neck. She fights hard, but cannot get any leverage with his body over hers. Once she weakens, he is able to re-positions himself next to her so he can watch her legs and torso quiver. He especially liked to watch her big, DD-size jugs jiggle as she lay spasming in her last moments of life. After about 5 minutes, she was dead–stating lifeless at the sun-flecked tree canopy high above. He resumed his position and finish what he was doing. After finished his business, he goes to make preparations to dump her body. The camera pans over her young lifeless corpse before he returns to start to carry her away.

Kissing Cousins

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Peachy Keen Films – Prom Date

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 10:05

Peachy Keen Films – Prom Date

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: After spending an evening at their high school prom, he waits for his date in a nice hotel room. She comes in after a shower dressed in her pajamas. They flirt a while. She is very shy, never having done anything like this before. Eventually, they kiss. This leads to some heavy petting and fondling. Soon, he convinces her to give him oral.

She sucks his dick, asking him if she is doing it right. He teaches her a little bit, all the while getting more and more aroused. Soon, he is asking her to have sex with him. She does not want to. But, she is now naked and he pushes her down, crawling on top of her. She wants him off, but is reluctant to make him mad. She lets his penis rub up against her pussy. But, then he puts it in her and surprised, she slaps him hard in the face.

He is enraged, and clamps his hand around her neck. She is in shock, starts to struggle and kick. He whips her around, swinging her body across the bed with her neck, further confusing the girl. She finally gets her hand loose and smacks him again in the face. She tries to get away, falling off the bed, but he has her again, yanking her back on top of him. Both hands clamp across her neck from behind. She cannot breath, her whole body tenses up, her face darkens, she starts to convulse. Her eyes are wide, her mouth open and tongue desperately lashing for air.

After a while she grows weaker and weaker. Finally, she stops moving. He removes his hands and shoves her off of him like trash. He admires her dead form. Her neck is deeply red from his killer grip. Now that she was not complaining anymore, he could spend quality time with her.

Be rolls her over, kisses her face and neck, then sucks on her tits. He pulls his dick out and rubs it up and down her body and legs. He goes down, pushes her legs apart and licks her warm, wet pussy. Then, he fucks her. He fucks her for a good, long time, watching her tits jiggle, her lifeless face bob around. He shoots his cum all over over her tits.

Finished with her, he gets dressed and leaves.

Fetish Elements: Violence, Young/Teen, De-virgin, Nudity, Explicit Sexual Content, Rape, Hand Strangle, Necro, Lifting, Flopping, Foot Views, Uncut Director’s Version.

Prom Date
Prom Date.mp4

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