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Peachy Keen Films – Naughty Schoolgirls

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 09:54

Peachy Keen Films – Naughty Schoolgirls

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: At Shagwater School for Girls they have a zero tolerance policy with regards to the strict dress code the Dean maintains. However, two girls, Heidi and Emily Robbins, have chosen to push the limits of this dress code by modifying there attire to accentuate their hot little bodies.

Monday morning and the girls are eating breakfast, getting ready for school. Their wealthy parents are off to Europe again and Emily and Heidi discuss what sort of deviant activity will ensue while they are away. Meanwhile, the Dean has dispatched two violent thugs to the girls’ home to make examples of them. The men come up and over the deck railing and peer in at the two horny young girls. Excited about their prospects, they break in through the bathroom window. The men burst in — each one attacking a girl as they try to run away.

At first, both girls are stubborn, fighting, kicking, name-calling. The seriousness of what is going on has not been outweighed by their prude nature. But, things change fast when each man grabs their girl’s neck and start to squeeze. Reality catches up and both girls start to show fear and panic. With the desired reaction, the first guy takes Emily, bends her over the couch and violates her from behind. After a while, the other guy emerges from the kitchen with Heidi. He throws her to the floor in front of her sister and begins to do her.

After they finish with both girls, Heidi is dragged out of the room. Then Emily is picked up an carried out and downstairs. Now as Emily watches, tied to a chair, Heidi is lifted up by a rope around her neck. She kicks and jerks wildly at first, but as her air is cut off she starts to lose the battle. Emily watches as her sister slowly dies. Heidi’s mouth is open, tongue out and drooling — her eyes bug out and the rope cuts into her neck. Finally, she is dead. Her killer lets her down and lays her on the stairs behind. Emily is then brought up, forcibly pulled by the rope around her neck. She is yanked out of the chair and as she climbs the first step is pulled off the ground. Like her sister, she kicks her bare feet wildly. Her toes can just barely grab at the steps, but she cannot maintain her footing. Her face turns reddish/purple. Her mouth open and eyes bulging, she slowly looses her fight to live as well. Finally, she is dead and taken down.

They move Heidi to the top of the stairwell where her dead body is violated by one of the men while the other holds Emily’s dead body and watches. Then Heidi is dragged to the side and Emily is spread out on the landing and violated by the other guy. Once both guys have finished they leave. We are then treated to lingering camera views of the schoolgirls bodies which are now posed together for their parents to find.

Naughty Schoolgirls

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Peachy Keen Films – Rental Agreement

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 09:53

Peachy Keen Films – Rental Agreement

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A pretty young woman looking for a new apartment happens on a little place that just might fit her no-budget needs. The apartment manager seems open to her flirtations and before the tour is finished, they are on each other in hot throes of passion. While regaining her composure she notices another woman’s undergarment on the dresser and asks a harmless question…”Have you done this before?” Wrong question, apparently, as the apartment manager turns extremely violent and starts throttling the poor girl with his bare hands. Both covered in sweat, entwined in a ferocious struggle, they battle to be the winner. She manages to get her legs curled up and pummels him in his chest and face, but she does not last long as he squeezes the life out of her. Through most of it, her face is beet read and her eyes are bloodshot — showcasing her extreme lack of air. Finally, she succumbs — still, lifeless, eyes half open, staring at nothing at all. He quickly rips her panties off then leaves her for someone else to find. Another body discovered in a dingy apartment complex, killed by some druggy.

Rental Agreement
Rental Agreement.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Necromancer

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 09:53

Peachy Keen Films – Necromancer

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Alexander has a panoche for dead girls. He is also a Warlock. He has spent years perfecting the art of re-animation. He has discovered by having sex with a freshly buried girl he can bring them back to be his sexual servant.

Jizzabelle was a nice girl. She liked shinny things & men with fast cars. She also liked cocaine–a lot. When her latest fling dumps her for a 18 year old nymphomaniac, she just had to do a big pile of blow. Her heart exploded.

Alexander, during a obituary perusing session, finds Jizzabelle’s story. Party time. A shovel, his lucky rain gear & he is off to do some digging.

Once she is free from her earthen grave, Alexander takes his prize to his ceremony spot. His meticulously planned rite is performed to perfection. After fucking her dead, limp, cold corpse for a while–she comes alive. Hornier than most in life so is Jizzabelle in death. Her postmortem sexual appetite is voracious. Unlike any Alexander has experienced.

Alexander does his best to keep up with Jizzabelle, but 2 days of solid hard sex has left him in need of some rest. He stores his dead girl in the fridge. After some rest, he retrieves the dead girl for some more sex. Again her sexual appetite is to much for Alexander & he put her back in the fridge for some more rest.

Jizzabelle scratches at the door until she is freed to seek cock. She finds it & goes at it again. Alexander has had enough & viciously strangles the dead girl until she is, um–dead–AGAIN.

But, she comes back. She wakes him again. He draws his weapon & double taps the dead girl in the belly & boob. She flies back &….. Dies?…… Or? Alexander is not sure what is going on–he just wants to rest. He knew she was dead for sure this time.

She comes back again. This time Alexander takes a page from every zombie movie ever made. Head shot. She falls like a rock. DEAD!

The End?


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Peachy Keen Films – Groupie

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 09:52

Peachy Keen Films – Groupie

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Tiffany was super excited. It was her birthday and she gets to see her favorite rock star in his private dressing room. She won a local radio call in contest — she called over 80 times.

Entering the dressing room, she was spastic as she ran toward him. He was deep in thought… writing lyrics for what was bound to be his next hit. Yes, he was that good. She waited while he wrote, hardly able to contain her excitement; almost ready to explode. Then he was done and he looked up at her — eye contact. She freaked out, started talking a million miles an hour about how she was his greatest fan, etc.

When he got her calmed down, he started the usual screening process with these “special” girls that were brought into his dressing room. He had to make sure she fit the criteria. Was she pretty? Yes. Was she young? Yes, as young as they come. Was she stupid? No, but not smart either — a nice mix that he could work with. Now he grilled her about family. Raised in foster care — score. Runaways were sometimes better, but defiantly smarter — this girl had the perfect combination and certainly would not be missed either. He made his move.

Yuck, she reacted harshly to his attempts to kiss her, slapping his chest. Wow, normally the girls jumped at the chance. In two minutes, he would usually have the bitch over the massage table banging the shit out of her. Oh well, he would just have to change the order of events. No problem, he was flexible. He put on his game face. Intense, telling her to never, never take a swing at him again. She was petrified. Little bitch had no idea — but she was about to find out.

He lunged at her, covering her mouth and nose with his large, rough hand. Her air was immediately cut off and she reacted intensely, so much so that he lost his grip unexpectedly and she slipped free and was lurching herself away from him. As she clung to the massage table for stability, he pulled her off and she fell roughly to the floor, smacking her head. He pulled her into him like a spider does a fly and he placed his hand right back over her mouth as he positioned her between his legs to stabilize her.

Her eyes grew wide as her air was cut off again. This time she twisted and squirmed the other direction, catching him off guard again. She flipped over on her stomach, ass grinding the air. He flipped with her, keeping his grip over her mouth, not giving her a break. Now that she was slightly weaker, he was able to flip her over and get her back into position. He had her now, and worked toward the endgame.

He kept the pressure over her nose and mouth steady. Her eyes were wide. She grabbed at his wrists and hands, but he would not budge. Her body in reaction to being slowly suffocated heaved and bucked. Her legs would spread wide, then draw themselves up. One of her stockings was bunched up and after digging and kicking at the floor for a bit, one shoe came off. She dug her toes in, but could not get any leverage.

Weaker and weaker she became, her eyes starting to roll up. She bucked, her muscles locked and spasmed, her chest tried to heave. Her hands became incoherent and finally just lay to the side. Her body slowed and slowed. Finally, she was still.

He removed his hand from the dead girl. She stared blankly. He pulled her up, carried her to the massage table and flopped her over it. He removed her panties and looked at her pretty, shaven, tight pussy. He leaned in and sucked her perfect-looking tits. Then he lifted her legs, and slipping himself inside her tight, warm pussy, fucked her for a while until finally cumming inside.

He called the usual roadie who helps him take care of these things and sits down to once again write lyrics. Now it was a new song, a song about a groupie named Tiffany.


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Peachy Keen Films – Pawn Shop — Micah

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 09:52

Peachy Keen Films – Pawn Shop — Micah

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Two weeks later, the pawn shop owner cleans his counter with the shirt from the woman he killed back then. Her body, long disposed of. The door opens and a hot girl enter.

She is on her way to spring break, but just looking around. She is traveling alone. Perfect.

He smashed her head against the counter. She stumbles back and falls to the ground. He is on her, covering her mouth with duct tape, zip tieing her, then dragging out through his secret door to his game room.

He rubs her and fondles her. She tries to escape, but that just make him mad and he strangles her unconscious.

Stripped, he suspends her upside down, then explores her young body.

She wakes up when he tries to shove his cock into her mouth. Now she was not about to cooperate at all, so he got a rope and wrapped it around her neck.

Hanging upside down, he pulled the rope tight. She tried to fight, but the blood was rushing to her head, her body jerked and tongue lashed out. The rope dig into the girl neck. She had no chance, but fought to stay alive as long as she could, and it took a while.

As she finally slowed down, he crouched down next to her to watch the last bit of life leave her face–then, he let her swing loosely.

He explored her dead body some more.

Once lowered, he kept her legs in the air for easier access as he fucked her corpse. She was warm and very tight. He came over her big tits, then left the room to wait for new customers.

Pawn Shop -- Micah
Pawn Shop — Micah.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – My Revenge

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 09:51

Peachy Keen Films – My Revenge

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: My plan was simple: Kill her. After she left me, the harsh words, the restraining order, it was all I wanted to do, take what was mine and silence her–forever.

She was staying at her friends–she had been for a few days. She was going to start again, pick up the pieces. I hated her friend. She helped drive us apart. She would pay, and I would take something from her in the process.

I kicked the door in and found them in the kitchen. My ex was fast, grabbed and twisted my ear and I let her go, but not for long. I went to the stairs, saw her go up and turn just it time to knock out her girlfriend. I dragged that bitch up to the bedroom where I knew my ex was hiding…either the closet or the bathroom. It didn’t matter–she would eventually come out. All I had is time.

I did not waste any time. I wrapped the rope I had around her friends neck. She came too when I started pulling. I strangled that fucking bitch so hard, her tongue was sticking out and her legs were spasming….I noticed she was quite muscular and that added to the excitement of anticipating her death. Such a pretty, healthy young woman–I would fucking end that right now.

When she was dead, it was suddenly very, very quiet. I could almost hear my ex breathing in the room–where was she hiding?

I stripped this dead bitches body, got to touch her for the first time after so many times, so many boring dinners and nights out looking at her–wondering. She was nice, and so I fucked her. God, she felt good. I fucked her hard, I was getting close, so close, then the door opened and my ex came running out. I dropped what I was doing, and grabbed her.

I dragged her on the bed over her dead friends violated body and got my rope around her. I started strangling her. Oh, she fought hard, she knew this was it, I was not fucking around like the other times. This was the end game.

She kicked and struggled, bucking her hips, tensing up, her muscles quivering and relaxing over and over. Her tongue was out, her eyes big and scared. This is it honey, this is the big sleep.

It took a while–both these women were strong, healthy. When she went, she went slowly, eyes settling half open, mouth slightly agape–tongue a little out.

I spent the next while playing with her, It would be my last time. I moved her around, posed her. She fell off the bed and I starting stripping her. Once she was naked, I flopped her over her girlfriend, then I fucked her. This is what I was taking from her–the chance to say no. No more. I would fuck her like I did her friend and there was nothing she could do about it.

I fucked my dead ex until I came inside her warm tight pussy. Then, I posed her one last time. She was so beautiful. They both were. Somehow they would have me believe that I fucked it all up. I know it my heart is was their fault and now they have paid the ultimate price.

Fuck you both, I am OUT!!!

My Revenge
My Revenge.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Gun Fun–Ryanne

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 09:51

Peachy Keen Films – Gun Fun–Ryanne

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: This is mostly good girl, a few spy and bad girl. Mostly pistol shots and with a mix of silenced and standard. There are 2-3 machine-gunnings. Various locations–livingroom, office, warehouse. Lots of hit variety–breasts, belly, head, etc. Clutching and moaning reactions as well as quick deaths.

There are over 30 Deaths Scenes!!!

Ryanne has had the best reactions I have ever seen of the “gun fun” series.

There are a variety of styles and reactions–this is packed full of great content that should appeal to everyone who has enjoy my past “gun fun” releases.

In addition, I added sound muzzle effects to all scenes and many scenes have hit and blood effects.

3 costume changes, peek-a-boo, disheveled, and full nude.

Gun Fun--Ryanne
Gun Fun–Ryanne.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – More Gun Fun–Micah

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 09:50

Peachy Keen Films – More Gun Fun–Micah

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: This is all single and double pistol shots. There is a mix of begging, accidental deaths. Many of the body positions end with ass views. This is all nude.

More Gun Fun--Micah
More Gun Fun–Micah.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Gun Fun–Lexxi

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 09:50

Peachy Keen Films – Gun Fun–Lexxi

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: This is a fan-requested movie, not a custom. Basically, it’s a “toy-gun” themed video. There are no effects, but tons of Lexxi’s 34C natural breasts jiggling. She wears some different outfits and partial and full nude. Part AK47 and Part handgun shootings. Lexxi dies 41 TIMES!!! Note: Some slight pixel degradation on the right side of screen might be noticeable during some sequences. Fetish Elements: Nudity, Lots of Shooting, Lots of Body Views and butt views.

Gun Fun--Lexxi
Gun Fun–Lexxi.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Gun Fun–Elise

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 09:49

Peachy Keen Films – Gun Fun–Elise

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Elise is shot OVER 120 TIMES + Almost all scenes have special effects!!!

This was a custom and the specifics are that she is in a dress with boots and wearing gloves. The majority of shots are single and multi-shots with a silenced gun.

The scenarios are varied as usual from good girl and executions to bad girl role-play. She is shot everywhere, from her kneecap to her ear.

Gun Fun--Elise
Gun Fun–Elise.mp4

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