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Peachy Keen Films – Raped and Strangled 1

Posted by PornExtreme on 11 April 2015, 10:18

Peachy Keen Films – Raped and Strangled 1

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Savannah sits alone in her house. The phone rings. It’s her friend, telling her to watch the news. A killer is on the loose in her neighborhood. She locks her doors and windows while her friends waits on the line, but when she picks up the phone, no one is there. Then the first attack happens. He was hiding behind the couch and looped the garrote around her neck. She fought hard, trying her best to push at the attackers wrists, but it was no use and she eventually passed out.

He takes his sweet time, knowing he has time on his side. He slowly explores the beautiful woman, fondling her breasts, pulling her bikini bottoms to the side to peak at the treasure underneath. Then he moves slowly down her legs and too her feet, take special time to feel and fondle them as perfect as they were.

When she wakes up, he is pointing a gun at her. He forces her to suck him off. She does so reluctantly. When she is done, he garrote strangles her again. Like before, she struggles hard, her whole body flipping about like crazy. Eventually, she passes out again. He removes her tops, admiring and fondling her large breasts. He removes her bottoms, tasting her sweet pussy. He plays with her whole body flopping her unconscious form about. Then he sets her up against the couch, wraps the garrote around her neck and waits for her to wake up again.

When she wakes up, he immediately strangles her again. She kicks and bucks wildly, but is noticeably weak going on her third time. When he tires of this, he lets her go—she flops weakly forward and he shoves her over and then crawls on top of her. Getting the garrote around her neck and sliding his cock into her tight pussy, he fucks her as he strangles her. She cannot resist and just takes it. As he slides in and out, her mouth open and closes until she is eventually still, eyes wide, tongue slightly out.

He slips out of her and g=flops her dead body around then gets her back up on the couch and fucks her some more. He set her up on his lap and lets her dead form ride his cock. When he tires of this, he lets her fall to the side.

He plays with her feet some more, then poses her on the couch and leaves.
Raped and Strangled 1
Raped and Strangled 1.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Paris 2000

Posted by PornExtreme on 11 April 2015, 10:17

Peachy Keen Films – Paris 2000

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Alan is excited about his new robot. The Paris 2002 Necro-Fantasy Bot is designed to give you hours of killing pleasure. When he first activated the robot, she is rather robot-like and does not react the way he wishes. But, after calling the toll-free number and getting instructions, he is ready to test her out. First, he select the “Play Doctor” fantasy. In an instant she is giving him a shot and checking his muscle reflexes. But that is not what he bought her for. He puts the garrote around her life-like robot neck and goes to it. The is very realistic and strangles valiantly, but only just enough to make him work hard, not enough to actually escape. No — this robot is meant to die for you, over and over and over again. Later, he tests out the “Police Woman” and “Daddy’s Little Girl” fantasies. What a sicko — oh well, she is only a robot.
Paris 2000

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Peachy Keen Films – Deep South Productions – Quivers

Posted by PornExtreme on 11 April 2015, 10:17

Peachy Keen Films – Deep South Productions – Quivers

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Thats what the boobs do while she is being necro fucked!

Audrey is watching the boob tube. She has some nice boobs. Probably why the intruder shoots her in them & procedes to bang her dead corpse.

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Peachy Keen Films – Little Runaway

Posted by PornExtreme on 11 April 2015, 10:16

Peachy Keen Films – Little Runaway

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: She was just a young thing, probably barely legal, a little runaway that he picked up at the bus station. He hung out their often, it was one of his hunting grounds. This was perfect. She needed to get from Sacramento to Pensacola, but was about $70 short. Well, he swooped right in. He would help her. He would help her, but she had to do a little something for him.

He was a smooth talker, a sociopath by any definition, and, something else,–she would soon find out.

She was shy, her voice was high, with slightly broken speech–no wonder she ran away from home. What happened to her when she was a young–who knows. Her could guess though, and that made her perfect for his little game.

On the bed, she lay there and he touched her so gently, carefully…he did not want her to panic, he liked to keep them calm.

He got her to give him head. That was nice. She did ok, she was so young compared to him, it heightened the experience for him. Then it was time for sex–she actually suggested it…she was anxious, she needed to catch her bus, she wanted her money so she could go him and see her parents, her puppy, her little brother. The violins were playing.

She was a virgin. This was perfect. They were rare at this age, but he would take it, take her, for the first time. A little look came out when he broke her hymen. There was pain, discomfort in her face. It got a little better for her, she away looked uncomfortable. It was great for him as he shot his load up inside her tight, wet pussy.

They were don, she sits quietly on the bed, looking so violated and innocent. She asks for her money, she has to go now.

He pulls his gun out of the dresser, spins around and shoots her dead.

The hold appeared in the middle of her chest. It was a big hole. He had a big gun. She flew back. Twitched. Then, she was still. She had a nice stare, her mouth slightly open. Now he could have some more time with her.

He called it in. He worked at the morgue. It was the best job. He found her on the side of the road, fresh, he made up a story and he brought her in. It was late, no one was around.

Room 8 was his favorite. Quiet, except for the construction upstairs.

He got to work on her, nothing official he needed to do really, he was just a gopher with an access pass after all. It helps to have a parent who is an administrator. He loved his life.

He played around, mockingly doing the report on her. He said on the phone when he called it in that it looked like an OD. They will laugh that he missed the big gunshot wound to her chest. Oh well, he was charming, they always forgave him. Maybe next time he will poison the girl–he changes it up from time to time.

He gave her a quick mock exam, but really his interest was in her. Her body was so adorable. He loved the whole process. He found this very alive girl, so innocent, she just wanted to go home..awwww. Then, he took her virginity away and took her life away. Now he would take anything else that remained. That is what he loved and he set about exploring her, sucking and licking her. He slipped his cock into her mouth and fucked it. Then, he fucked her again. He came all over her in a massive surge, covering her from pussy to face.

He cleaned her up, got her straightened out, then said his goodbyes. It was time to go, find another. He did not always kill them, in fact, most he did not. But, he certainly liked taking advantage of them, of the innocent. Breaking them was half the fun. He could kill them anytime. Killing people was so easy. It was the other stuff that was the challenge. He bid her farewell and left.
Little Runaway
Little Runaway.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Favorite Niece 1 And 2

Posted by PornExtreme on 11 April 2015, 10:16

Peachy Keen Films – Favorite Niece

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Randy gets the call he’d been dreading for 18 years. It was time to kill his young niece. Randy is a member of a special club. Each member is assigned a newborn family member to watch over, making sure they live good lives, stay out of trouble and stay in shape. On their 18th birthday, it is their job to kill that family member, prepare them, and offer them as meat at the feast. Today was that day. Summer came over, as she did frequently, to visit with her favorite uncle Randy and talk about things high school girls talk about. While she was distracted, he wraps his guitar cable around her neck. they fall back on the couch. She kicks and bucks like a crazy bull, trying to get away, but Randy is much bigger, much stronger. Still, it was tough to kill this hot young 18 year old teenager. She had a lot of life left in her and she was not about to go out without a fight. For several minutes they struggled, but eventually, she weakened and finally was still. He took the cord off her neck and was going to go right into the preparation stage when some feelings he had been hiding all these years came up to the surface of his consciousness. His niece was very pretty and most of all, very sexy–even in death. He pulls up her shirt and starts fondling her breasts. This gets him horny and he proceeds to fondle her a lot more. He repositions her, removes all her clothes, and then tenderly eats out her young pussy–still warm and very juicy. He could not wait any longer and has makes love to his young dead niece. She felt so god and was extremely tight, perhaps he was her first. After a while, he decides he wants to explore her in even more detail and picks her up to carry her to his bed.
Favorite Neice 1.mp4Favorite Neice 2.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Pillow Suffocation

Posted by PornExtreme on 11 April 2015, 10:15

Peachy Keen Films – Pillow Suffocation

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Karina is making passionate love to her boyfriend when she accidentally shout s out another mans name. In a rage, he snuffs out her young life with a pillow.
Pillow Suffocation
Pillow Suffocation.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Guilty

Posted by PornExtreme on 11 April 2015, 10:14

Peachy Keen Films – Guilty

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A woman is condemned to die.

We see her at her sentencing.

We see her last moments in her prison cell.

We watched her get sprayed down with cold water in a dank washroom.

We watch the execution prep his station and acknowledge the witnesses.

We watch the condemned as she is led into the chamber, disrobed and strapped into the chair.

We watch the electrode inserted into her flesh that will deliver the deadly juice this will kill her.

We watch the countdown. 3…2…1.

We watch her fry.

After she is dead, the executioner checks her pulse, but is shocked to find her still alive. Quickly, he pulls the switch and fries her some more. This time, when he turns it off, she is frothing at the mouth.

As executioner and guard unstrap her, she urinates all over the chair and floor in a dramatic surge of yellow liquid.

They finish.

In the morgue, her pulse is checked on more time. She is pale white, staring blankly, no pulse. She is very dead.

The guard comes in and photographs the body.

Later, the medical examiner comes in. He goes over the body, touching her with bare hands, perhaps to get his kicks momentarily before wrapping her in plastic.

Later, her body was to be incinerated.

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Peachy Keen Films – Mafia Dad

Posted by PornExtreme on 11 April 2015, 10:14

Peachy Keen Films – Mafia Dad

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: After an argument with her mom, Sarah sits on the couch sulking, waiting to catch her bus. Noise in her father’s office prompts her to listen in. What she hears is her dad making death threats and yelling to the person on the phone. She backs away, heading up the stairs and running past her mom. Later, the mom confronts the dad about leaving his office door open and the possibility that his daughter heard the sensitive conversation. The dad consults his boss and is told to deal with the situation in the “family” way. Later, he confronts his daughter, has some small talk with her and before she even realizes it, is shot between her breasts with a silenced gun. She drops to her knees, staring blankly — stunned. Her father caresses her cheek and pushes her over. She is breathing roughly, still alive, so he puts three more shots into her. The mom comes out, sees what he has done and freaks out. He panics and pumps three shots at point blank into her belly, then as she spasms on the table, he finishes her with a shot through her breast. He calls his bosses and requests a cleaner. The cleaner arrives and is given instructions to make it look like a standard sexual assault and murder. He slowly starts stripping off or disheveling their clothing, revealing wounds and their bodies at various levels of detail. While working, a neighbor shows up. She peaks around him and sees the carnage, but before she can scream, he grabs her by the neck and yanks her in, placing one shot into her belly and tossing her on the sofa. Before she can get up, he shoots her four more times. He the, sets back to work. Once done, he goes into the dad’s office to prepare for the trip to the airport. Camera then pans the dead bodies.
Mafia Dad
Mafia Dad.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Penance 1

Posted by PornExtreme on 11 April 2015, 10:13

Peachy Keen Films – Penance 1

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Raven finished entering the data on her computer and with that, knew that it would be over soon. She called her lover, Jenny, and confirmed the good news. Soon, she would be off to meet her in a the Caymans with 3 million dollars to enjoy their life together. Upon hanging up, she was still nervous. Though her boss, whom she and Jenny had embezzled the money from, was out of the country and without knowledge of the crime yet, she still was worried. He was a smart and powerful man. What if he did know, what if his out of touch vacation spot wasn’t so out of touch. What if he knew. She sipped a glass of wine, the headed into her bedroom.

Laying in bed, she started to relax. She knew she had to pack, had to get moving, but her first diversion flight was not for 7 hours. She had time to kill. As she drifted off and started to relax, her hands flowed across her body and soon migrated over her special areas. Maybe this was the sort of relaxation she needed before packing. As she masturbated and moaned, far far away, things had been set in motion that would cause her day to go much more differently then she had planned. But she was unaware. Such a sexual being, she was very into her special time, letting her fingers work there magic while she drifted off through fields of giant cocks and wet clits.

All that noise in her head and she did not hear the garage door open into her house. The man entered swiftly, knew the layout and headed down the hallway. He stopped, listing to the whining of the dog out in the backyard, but also hearing the moaning in the room before him. He had his goodie bag as he approached to see his assignment.

She reached orgasm, moaning and shaking, but now so relaxed, she was on ecstasy. She was ready to pack and sat up and turned. She screamed and the man rushed toward her, pummeling her, beating her over and over. There was no mercy from this man, He hit her and hit her again and again. She whimpered and winced and sounded so hurt, like a child, but he did not let up. He hit her some more and it did not matter where. He punched her in the stomach, she almost threw up. He hit her several time, now concentrating on her beautiful face. He hit her over and over until she was red and bruising. When she went down to the floor, he still did not let up. He swiftly kicked her in the gut and pelvis, again, and again. Then he stopped, and went to dig though his bag. She had a break and really not knowing where she was or what she was doing, she simply started crawling and sobbing. He laughed at her feeble attempt and then shocked her with a 775,000V stun gun. She collapsed to the ground, all her muscles spasming at once, she had no control. He found a second room that had a bed and decided to do his work there.

He picked her up and dragged her into the other room then threw her on the bed. He gets down to business, and starts to molest her while she barely is able to protest. He explores her fine body, removing her clothes and paying special attention to her tits and pussy. Ahh the perks of the job. After a while she starts regaining control and motion. He flips her over and puts bondage cuffs on, criss-crossing them for a loose hogtie effect. She starts getting more and more vocal and resistance, so he yanks her up by her hair and puts a ball gag on, cinching it uncomfortably tight.

He lays her back down and sexually assaults her some more, plays with her tits and fingering and licking her pussy. Then, it is time for business. He tells her why he is here and asks her for the banking codes so that his employer can access and take back the money that was stolen. She claims she does not know the codes. He pulls out his stun gun and threatens her with it. She refuses to tell. He stuns her over and over in different spots until she decides to talk. She tells him that she does not have all the codes, that her girlfriend, Jenny has the other. She offers to give him the money she does have access to. He is not a man to bribe. He does not believe her and begins to assault her with the stun gun again, this time leaving it on even longer and touching her in areas like her neck and pussy. She eventually passes out.

He makes a call and verifies the story. When she regains consciousness, he tells her everything will be ok, but now he needs to have some special time with her. He forces her to suck his cock, then fucks her doggie and missionary on the bed, finally cumming in her mouth and making him lick his shaft clean.

He tells her it is time to give him the codes. They go back into the living room and she emails the codes to an address he gives her. He tells her everything is done and that she did good. He told her he was leaving and gets up and stands behind her while she smiles, thinking she is going to live after all. But, he pulls out a cord and wraps it around her neck. Her body reacts wildly as he cuts her air off and the rope digs into her soft flesh. Her face turns red, her mouth opens and her eyes bug out. She fights hard, trying to get leverage, but he has her in a position that gives him the most power. He hold steady as she loses her energy. After a while, she becomes weak and her eyes have a look of hopelessness. She knows she is going to die, there is nothing more she can do but wait for the process to complete itself. After a while her mind no longer knows what is even happening, but her body continues to struggle as best as it can at this stage. Weak little jerks and spasms, now the arms find their place and remain until the end. As her body becomes still, he lets her head flop and pulls the garrote off. He flips her head back to see her pretty stare, and heads back to the bedrooms to start cleaning up. Raven stares blankly, her sweat-covered body glistening in the lamp-light.
Penance 1
Penance 1.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Peeping Tom

Posted by PornExtreme on 11 April 2015, 10:13

Peachy Keen Films – Peeping Tom

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Two girls at a sleepover are playing “truth or dare” which leads to some lesbian experimenting. Soon they discover the local peeping tom is watching them. They ambush him, forcing themselves on him thinking they are doing him a favor. But, as it turns out, he doesn’t like live girls very much. He shoots one of the girls in the back while she is riding his cock. She falls forward dead. The second girl tries to run, but he shoots her in the back as well. The bullet goes through her heart and exits her left breast leaving a large bleeding hole. She crumbles to the ground and is dead. He pushed the first girl off of him, flips her over and fucks her. She has a big bloody hold right between her tits where the bullet exited. Next, he lays the other girl on the bed and fucks her, cumming on the tit with the bullet hole. He gathers his things and leaves. Both girls lie dead on the bed, shot to death, naked and violated.
Peeping Tom
Peeping Tom.mp4

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