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Peachy Keen Films – Bible Tutor

Posted by PornExtreme on 23 October 2014, 17:24

Peachy Keen Films – Bible Tutor

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: –

Bible Tutor

Bible Tutor.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Double Delight

Posted by PornExtreme on 23 October 2014, 17:24

Peachy Keen Films – Double Delight

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Two young office girls at a work session in a hotel are stressing over getting their project done by deadline. Snappy banter soon turns into a foot massage. Before long, these pantyhose clad girls are engaging in full on lesbian love-making. But, afterward it’s back to work. Emma takes off for some beer and smokes while Reyja tries to make headway on the project. Noticing her pantyhose has a run, she changes into a new pair–tossing the old on the floor. With her back to the door–which never latched when Emma left, she was unaware of the intruder watching her. He perversely sniffs the hose and moves toward her. Once he attacks there is no mercy. He wraps the hose tightly around her neck and whips her around in the office chair until she falls to the ground, kicking and spreading her pantyhose-clad legs. They struggle hard for a long time and at one point, he loses his hold on her, giving her a brief moment of hope. But then he is back on her–hose digging into her soft flesh. She weakens and eventually is still. He flings her off and examines his work. He carries her to the bed and tucks her in just in time for Emma to arrive. He quickly attacks her from behind–lifting her off the ground in a -hold. He is relentless and she almost passes out. At the last moment she musters strength enough to elbow him and he lets go. She is on the ground crawling feverishly toward the door, but he is on top of her fast. She beats and kicks him–sticking hard blows to her assailant. He tries to pin her down, but she break free again with a hard smack to his face. At the door she is almost free, but he spins her around and slugs her hard in the ribs–dropping her like a sack of potatoes. Then, he has her. Wrapping the same stocking around her neck he goes to work—cutting off her air and watching her struggle. Her pantyhose clad legs whip and kick, but she has no traction on the industrial carpet. She strains for some air, but there is none. Then, she catches a break when the stocking slips. She moves away, but with barely any strength left, he is quick to catch her again. This time, he pulls her right on top of him. He feels her warm young body against him as he finishes her. Slowly she gives in until she is still. He rolls her off hard to the floor. He picks her up–taking her into the bedroom and tossing her on the bed next to her co-worker. He poses them as lovers should be and leaves.

Double Delight

Double Delight.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Deadly Interrogation 3

Posted by PornExtreme on 23 October 2014, 17:23

Peachy Keen Films – Deadly Interrogation 3

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: She was in over her head and she would pay the ultimate price. Cute, savvy, Nicole knew there were risks, but the level of risk—what they would actually do to her, was beyond her comprehension. Poor, poor girl.

It was late. The office was closed. There she was, checking desks, looking for the login at Marcys desk so she would be able to get into her her bosses desk and get the folder. Then, she would be out. A done deal and a big pay da
She always felt security at this company was a little extreme, and when Mr. Extreme himself yanked her back, demanding answer, she sputtered out lies as best she could. Unfortunately, her story was flawed and the big security man started beating the shit out of her. First, a pistol whip. Once she was on the cool floor, he cuffed her and commenced with the ass kicking. He brutally kicked and stomped her until she was blubbering and delirious. Then, he stood her up, pistol to her breast demanding she tell him who she worked for. Silence. It was her best defense–or so she was taught.

He pummeled and beat her some more and when she was on the floor he put his 45cal Desert Eagle in her mouth and asked nicely–nice for him at least. She just sobbed and he knocked her out and dragged her off.

Later, her had her over at warehouse building 6. This was his place–no employees, just the crew knew the deal. Tonight, he was alone–except for his guest. He would have some fun with her and she would tell him. They always did.

First, he gave her the shot–a special serum that enhanced stamina. He liked them awake while he was working on them. So, he beat her some more. When she spit out a tooth, he knew it was time to move on. She was a tough, albeit, whinny little bitch. Trained well. But she would break.

The plier were next. he broke 3 of her fingers before deciding she was noisy, but would scream through the 7 left before talking. So, he moved the plier to her nipples. They were poking out through her tight sweater like she was forever cold and a perfect fit between the metal jaws. It was almost as if she was daring him with her look of utter terror. Oh well. He clamped down.

What happened next was horrible—for any onlooker—for him, nipple were his breakfast and he ripped this one right off and showed it too her. Oh, oh, don’t pass out–not yet. She didn’t and with glee he moved on to the other one, same trick, different side. As he watched the blood pour out of the meaty hold that once held her subtle woman part, he looked down at his blood pliers. He knew what was next and slide the metal jaws between her legs. The crunch, the streams of blood. She went out this time.

Later, he had her tied on an x-frame. His own design just for this purpose. It was a makeshift rack and using a ratchet, her arms were being pulled tighter and tighter. She was awake and screaming every moment. He was not even asking her questions anymore–just having fun.

Next, the hot iron. Branding her on both breast and pussy. She actually talked–or tried to, but the info was nothing. Nothing. So, he kept it up. Now the metal pipe–working her over, leaving no spot un hit. The best was the one to the side of her head. Every time, blood shot–pouring, spitting out of her mouth. Her eyes rolling up, moans, screams. Guttural sounds of terror. Music to his ears.

The hammer was next. It was tapered at one end, so he used it with precision starting with her ankles–hitting them over and over and over until the flesh was torn chucks and her bones were broken. He moved on to her other ankle, breaking them both. Then, he just hit her randomly all over, making meaty bloody holes in her body. Then, he whacked her on the head. She was almost out when he decided to finish her. He grabbed her throat, strangling her as blood poured out of her mouth and her eyes rolled up. Then, she was still.

He called his boss to report what he learned. Only, in the background, he could not see, she cracked her eyes open–the quickly pretended to be dead as he untiled her and let her flop to the floor. He left.

She pushed herself up, pulling herself forward, sliding on her own blood, legs almost useless–broken ankles. She made it too the table, found his phone, and planned to grab the gun. Making the call, she was in panic mode–help, help. But, then the wood club knocked her out.

He got lucky. He will tell his bosses that he knew she was not dead but wanted her to get to the phone. Now he had the number. Actually, he was not that smart–but it worked out anyhow. He grabbed the barb wire and wrapped it around her neck. She fought vigorously against it. The wire was cutting deep into her neck and blood poured out. She was trying so hard to live–she fought so hard, took so much punishment, it would be a shame to go like this. But he would say, life is not pretty, doll, and this is it for you. He pulled tighter, watching her body go into involuntary spasms before slowing and ultimately she was still.

He left her their. She was a mess. His whole workshop was a mess with her DNA. He would call the cleaners. They always did him right. Fucking bitch…she never had a chance.
Deadly Interrogation 3

Deadly Interrogation 3.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Deadly Interrogation 2

Posted by PornExtreme on 16 October 2014, 21:32

Peachy Keen Films – Deadly Interrogation 2

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Agent St. Clair receives her next assignment. She must infiltrate a crime syndicate that is making real snuff films.
She arrives at the office, wearing almost nothing, ready for her interview. They fall for it, and once she restrains the suspect, she is able to extract the needed information. Now, all she has to do, is get back to headquarters.

Unfortunately, she thwarted when a man confronts and attacks her. After a short fight, she is out. Unconscious. They fuck her pussy with a large dildo, a wake up call, but what they don’t expect is she is right back into attack mode. It does not last long. Two large men against one small, though tough, agent girl. They beat her down then one holds her as she is threatened with a knife.

She holds her ground, spitting at her opponent–fearless. So, he stabs her. She passes out after witnessing the fresh blood leaking out of the hole in her breast. They kick her bloody, then take her to: The Warehouse.

Three days they spend torturing her.

First, the hook her up to a shock box. They put a steal dildo in her cunt–550 volts. It burns her flesh as it fries her, streams of sparks like a wielding station drip to the floor and singe in the growing puddle of blood beneath her.

But, that is just the foreplay. These men have no souls. They beat her relentlessly. The burn her with a soldiering iron. They beat her with pipes, wrenches, fists, and sledge hammers. They whip her mercilessly. They mutilate her nipples with instruments of .

All the while, they periodically turn the shock box back on, sparks pour out of her pussy. They record this on video too—so they will have a movie to sell when they are done.

Agent St. Clair is a bloody peace of meat near the end, but after all they do over the 3 days, she still will not talk.

They keep her alive all this time, by injecting her periodically with an adrenaline concoction–right to her chest.

Finally, in the end, pliers on her nipple are what gets her to talk. As a reward, he rips her nipple completely off, feeding it to her, forcing her to swallow it.

Then, her bladder releases–yellow piss all over the floor mixing with the pool of blood. She is done, no more fight. They flip on the shock box and let it go for a long, long time until she is barely twitching. Agent St. Clair is dead.

Deadly Interrogation 2

Deadly Interrogation 2.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Deadly Interrogation 1

Posted by PornExtreme on 16 October 2014, 21:31

Peachy Keen Films – Deadly Interrogation 1

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A spy is trying to unload something she stole, but before she can, she is captured. Beaten and bruised, she wakes up in a small room. For hours she is interrogated with methods of including physical beating, a baseball bat, breaking fingers, electro-shock, and shooting. The ultimate method of death is a headshot through the mouth. This video is not for the squeamish.

Deadly Interrogation 1

Deadly Interrogation 1.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Assassin Couple

Posted by PornExtreme on 16 October 2014, 21:31

Peachy Keen Films – Assassin Couple

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A poor young girl is being probed for information she does not have. Soon, the assassin discovers she has the wrong girl. Now she must this innocent girl to death. Her husband comes home to help her clean up the mess. As it turns out, he must dispatch his wife of five years as well. He wrestles her to the couch and quickly snaps his lover’s neck — tossing her to the floor like discarded trash.

Assassin Couple

Assassin Couple.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – All In The Family

Posted by PornExtreme on 16 October 2014, 21:30

Peachy Keen Films – All In The Family

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Mom is having a soak in the jacuzzi. 18yo Tegan enters in a towel after a long day at school and joins her mom. It turns out, this is some sort of opportunity mom has been waiting for. Before long, mom and daughter are licking and sucking each other like nobodies business.

Right at the end, turns out brother has been spying on them. And, him and mom had been doing there thing way before sister, so now he was major jealous. He waltzes into the little party, shocking his exposed sister—she quickly covers herself.

She sleuths around the jacuzzi and settles behind young Tegan to her chagrin. As she wonders what he is doing, it suddenly becomes plainly obvious as she wraps a extension cord around her neck.

She struggles violent as mom quickly goes from shock to excitement and then sexual lust as she masturbates to her daughter dying.

Tegan fights hard, but can gain no leverage in the warm water and after a while succumbs to the lack of air. Brother lets her float to the side, so peaceful and even quite beautiful in death.

Mother is very turned in by her sons agressive approach to the situation and is expecting things to get hot and heavy. What seems like a start to a nice massage quickly turns into her struggling for her life as well.

Her sons jealousy runs deep and proves it by violently strangling his own mother. She is a fighter as well, and as her face turns red, eyes wide and gasping for air, she bumps agains her dead daughter as she struggles to live.

But, in the end, she is a floater as well. She sinks beneath the water briefly in death–eyes wide open. he pulls her back up and lets her face float next to his sisters. Mother and daughter make a lovely nude pair in death.

He covers the jacuzzi up since dad never uses it. He wonders how long he can leave them there as he walks away.

All In The Family

All In The Family.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Bullet To Brain

Posted by PornExtreme on 16 October 2014, 21:29

Peachy Keen Films – Bullet To Brain

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Opening with the hit-man taking out his target. The rest of the move is spent undressing and admiring this young nurse.

Bullet To Brain

Bullet To Brain.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Crime Of Confidence

Posted by PornExtreme on 16 October 2014, 21:29

Peachy Keen Films – Crime Of Confidence

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: The guy arrives, cocky and arrogent and as he worked on her problem, managed to piss her off to the point that she threatened to get him fired.

He flipped out and grabbed her by the neck. In a panic, she offered a sexual favor and he accepted.

She sucked is cock for a while. When it was over, she went back to her desk, now humbled and scared. But he was not going to let her off so easily. He wrapped one of her nylons around her neck.

She stood up for a bit, as he strangled her, then they went to the floor. It as a violent struggle, but finally she was dead.

He placed her on the desk, then played with her stocking covered feet–rubbing his cock, giving himself a foot job before leaving her arched over the desk.

Crime Of Confidence

Crime Of Confidence.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Dirty Morgue

Posted by PornExtreme on 16 October 2014, 21:28

Peachy Keen Films – Dirty Morgue

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Today’s victim was found earlier, half-buried in moist dirt and covered with leaves and moss, off a trail at the local jogging park. This “Jane Doe” was discovered nude, and has a single gunshot wound to her left breast. In this preliminary examination, the morgue technician reveals her body, wrapped in a sheet of plastic within the body bag to preserve evidence. He cleans off some of the larger chunks of dirt, removes and bags the leaves and moss, then carefully removes her body from the plastic and body bag onto the stainless steel examination table. He finishes cleaning her off, then starts the process of carefully going over her body for additional exterior evidence. Once done, he then examines her body for abrasions and bruises, flipping her on her side to check her back as well. He then carefully swabs her fingers and continues to observe, check, and make written notes about her body and it’s condition. Her feet and legs are also closely examined. All her limbs are moved in some way on the process of checking for evidence or bruising. When finished, he leaves to go log in his report and “Jane Doe” will lie and wait for the medical examiner to conduct an autopsy later.

Dirty Morgue

Dirty Morgue.mp4

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