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New Section: Snuff From Movies over 3500 Clips!

Choke Chamber – Prime Target

Posted by PornExtreme on 10 March 2015, 18:45

Choke Chamber – Prime Target

Categories: Strangling, Shooting, Rape, Lesbian, Snuff Fetish, Bagging

Description: Beautiful and deadly Alyssa saunters home after completing yet another dangerous mission for the CIA. The exotic vixen struts her stuff wearing a tiny black mini dress, high black leather boots, and shades. Inside her bedroom, she starts to undress. She lights up a cigarette, and relishes in her successful finished project while in front of her vanity mirror. Moments later, in walks Sledge… a fellow spy and former lover. He admires the naked beauty while addressing the aggravating issue that she gets most of the assignments because of her looks, not her skills. Naturally, Alyssa disagrees. Sledge pulls a gun on his lovely counterpart. He says the only way he can get more work is if she’s out of the picture. Alyssa has no intention of going that easily. She has tricks up her own sleeve. But unfortunately for this cunning seductress, her fate is sealed.
Prime target
Prime target.mp4

Posted in Choke Chamber |

Choke Chamber – Blood Money

Posted by PornExtreme on 10 March 2015, 18:44

Choke Chamber – Blood Money

Categories: Strangling, Shooting, Rape, Lesbian, Snuff Fetish, Bagging

Description: Anya plays an entitled, spoiled, little rich girl who has just exposed her family money to the wrong man. After a luxurious, super expensive trip to Miami, Anya returns with hopes of bugging daddy for more money. After all, she’s already spent most of her monthly allowance on shopping sprees in the sunny state. While on the phone with her frustrated father, she gets a knock on the door. She hangs up, and opens the door only to receive a painful punch to the face by a masked visitor. After the hit, the blonde beauty falls flat on the floor, knocked unconscious. The intruder enters the premises, carries Anya, and takes her away. Hours later, Anya awakens to find herself in a strange room, bound by the wrists, and alone. The masked man has taken Anya, and has planned to hold her for ransom. The thief has placed a $5 million dollar bounty on her head. Sadly, the ransom is not met. The father of the blonde has refused to fork up the cash. The thief is now left with no other alternative but to dispose of the captive. But wait! Why let such a beauty go to waste? The masked thief couldn’t get money out of the girl, why not have some fun as a consolation prize?
Blood money
Blood money.mp4

Posted in Choke Chamber |

Peachy Keen Films – Meth Killer

Posted by PornExtreme on 10 March 2015, 18:36

Peachy Keen Films – Meth Killer

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A young woman is away from home, spending time alone on a Friday night in her first apartment. An intruder breaks in and attacks her, forcing himself on her and exploring her young soft body. But soon, his crazy curiosity turn homicidal and he strangles her to death.
Meth Killer
Meth Killer.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Missing Money

Posted by PornExtreme on 10 March 2015, 18:35

Peachy Keen Films – Missing Money

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A young schoolteacher acquires some drop money intended for someone else and decides to keep it to help her grandmother get some much-needed surgery. She is busy counting up a portion of it when she is chloroformed by a sexy women in a black dress. Her partner shows up shortly after to help. They gather up the money and wrap her up in the bedding and take her away. She wakes up in another room, naked, feet and wrists cuffed — a gun in her face. The team of killers work on her, trying to extract information on where the rest of the money is located. The work is slow — she will not tell them. He tells his sexy partner to kill the teacher. She is eager — her first kill. He gives her the silenced gun and she points it at her temple. The teacher pleads for her life and when she realizes that this is her last chance — she talks. She thinks she is saved, but it was all part of the plan. Now the man prepares to kill her. The young teachers arms and hands are in the way of the target shot, so he has his girl hold them. He shoots her in the heart. PFFT!!! She jerks, lets out a gasp, then is dead — eyes wide. His partner finds the young teacher sexy in death and want to play — so he lets her. As she goes down on the dead girl, he gets excited and admiring his partners sweet ass — rubbing himself against it. A while later, and feeling a bit uncomfortable about the interaction he had with is partner, he is quietly gathering up the money and his partner is now bugging him with pillow talk. He has crossed a line with her that he never meant to. Unfortunately, this is going to be a problem for him. He approaches her, his gun concealed behind him. He tells her want she wants to hear, then shoots her twice — point blank in the side. She is shocked. He lowers her to the table where she takes a last breath, then is still — eyes open. He admires her tight young body, partly sad that he has lost a good partner who was sexy too. But, he likes working alone anyhow. He positions her next to the teacher, grabs the money, and leaves to catch a plane to see a lady about some missing money.
Missing Money
Missing Money.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Deep South Productions – Hang To Fuck

Posted by PornExtreme on 10 March 2015, 18:35

Peachy Keen Films – Deep South Productions – Hang To Fuck

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A women is kidnapped, hanged & then her dead body is used like a blow up doll.
Hang To Fuck.asf
Hang To Fuck.asf

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Killing Ultragirl

Posted by PornExtreme on 10 March 2015, 18:34

Peachy Keen Films – Killing Ultragirl

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Ultragirl explores a dark storage room. Suddenly, a crystal placed in the room weakens her and she is dragged away.

She wakes up, arms suspended above her, cuffed, and unable to get away from the crystals draining power. Her enemy is a killer of superheros and today was her day to die. He tries to run her through with her own blade, but her skin will not break.

He knows it is only a matter of time, so he waits for her to weaken. She will die eventually, they always do.

The next day, he comes back. She is begging to be freed, but he taunts her, then thrusts her knife into her again–still, it will not break the skin. Frustrated, he takes out his gun and shoots at her several times. The bullets bounce off–tearing holes in her costume, then ricocheting around the room.

He pulls out his Uzi, fired it directly into her stomach. Nothing but sparks. But he knows she is starting to feel the pain as she reacts wildly to each barrage of bullets. He shoot her point blank in the face. Still nothing.

Next, the shotgun. He fires right into her gut and she is thrown back, smoke and sparks flying. Then he shoots her twice in the face. Finally, blood starts to appear. She will be on her way soon.

He comes back later, then beats her for a while. He hits her so hard he knocks a tooth out. That just makes him all the more excited. He continues to beat her.

Later, he rips open her costume, then removes her mask, revealing her to be a poor, sobbing, sad girl. She is nothing without her powers and masked identity. He plays with her body, fingering her tight pussy, squeezing her perfect breasts.

He torments her with the crystal, which glows as if to taunt her. When she knocks it out of his hand, he is infuriated, and burns her body with it by placing it directly on her skin.

Frustrated that she is taking so long to die, he leaves her. In a week, he returns. She is clearly very weak. Sweat dripping off her body, bruised and battered. In her weakness, she begs for her life. He takes her blade and pushes it into her breast like a knife through butter. It pierces her heart and she shutters and dies, blood oozing out of her mouth, dripping off her blade. He tosses the knife down at her feet and leaves her hanging there, bleeding on the floor. Ultragirl is dead.
Killing Ultragirl.mp4
Killing Ultragirl.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Fucked And Shot

Posted by PornExtreme on 10 March 2015, 18:33

Peachy Keen Films – Fucked And Shot

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: This starts out with a real hot love-making session between Karina and her boyfriend. When he is don, he abruptly leaves the room. She is annoyed and sits up calling after him. He suddenly returns with a 9mm and puts 3 rounds into her juicy left tit, causing her to fly backwards into the bedding, dead. He then explores his dead girls body, squeezing her tits and licking her moist warm pussy before leaving.
Fucked And Shot.mp4
Fucked And Shot.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Morgue Story 5

Posted by PornExtreme on 10 March 2015, 18:32

Peachy Keen Films – Morgue Story 5

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A woman is getting ready for a date. She is attacked and though she puts up a valiant effort, the killer eventually strangles her to death. His job complete, he leaves.

We see a glimpse of efforts to revive her both at home and in the hospital, but she is pronounced dead.

In the morgue, a standard exam takes place.

Later, a nosy orderly comes in to have some necro fun time with the body.
Morgue Story 5
Morgue Story 5.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Morgue Story 4

Posted by PornExtreme on 10 March 2015, 18:32

Peachy Keen Films – Morgue Story 4

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: An woman has been spying on a known criminal organization and has finished securing the data on a chip–now hidden on her person. An assassin murders her and tries to location the chip but to no avail. Later, in the morgue, he makes another attempt, this time successful.
Morgue Story 4
Morgue Story 4.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Morgue Story 3

Posted by PornExtreme on 10 March 2015, 18:31

Peachy Keen Films – Morgue Story 3

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Synopsis:

A woman is executed. Later, in the morgue, she receives the full work up–undressing, examination, and washing. Later, the soldier who shot her comes back disguised as an orderly and has his way with her lifeless corpse.
Morgue Story 3
Morgue Story 3.mp4

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