Peachy Keen Films – Killing Ultragirl
Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra
Description: Ultragirl explores a dark storage room. Suddenly, a crystal placed in the room weakens her and she is dragged away.
She wakes up, arms suspended above her, cuffed, and unable to get away from the crystals draining power. Her enemy is a killer of superheros and today was her day to die. He tries to run her through with her own blade, but her skin will not break.
He knows it is only a matter of time, so he waits for her to weaken. She will die eventually, they always do.
The next day, he comes back. She is begging to be freed, but he taunts her, then thrusts her knife into her again–still, it will not break the skin. Frustrated, he takes out his gun and shoots at her several times. The bullets bounce off–tearing holes in her costume, then ricocheting around the room.
He pulls out his Uzi, fired it directly into her stomach. Nothing but sparks. But he knows she is starting to feel the pain as she reacts wildly to each barrage of bullets. He shoot her point blank in the face. Still nothing.
Next, the shotgun. He fires right into her gut and she is thrown back, smoke and sparks flying. Then he shoots her twice in the face. Finally, blood starts to appear. She will be on her way soon.
He comes back later, then beats her for a while. He hits her so hard he knocks a tooth out. That just makes him all the more excited. He continues to beat her.
Later, he rips open her costume, then removes her mask, revealing her to be a poor, sobbing, sad girl. She is nothing without her powers and masked identity. He plays with her body, fingering her tight pussy, squeezing her perfect breasts.
He torments her with the crystal, which glows as if to taunt her. When she knocks it out of his hand, he is infuriated, and burns her body with it by placing it directly on her skin.
Frustrated that she is taking so long to die, he leaves her. In a week, he returns. She is clearly very weak. Sweat dripping off her body, bruised and battered. In her weakness, she begs for her life. He takes her blade and pushes it into her breast like a knife through butter. It pierces her heart and she shutters and dies, blood oozing out of her mouth, dripping off her blade. He tosses the knife down at her feet and leaves her hanging there, bleeding on the floor. Ultragirl is dead.

Killing Ultragirl.mp4