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Peachy Keen Films – Freaky Side

Posted by PornExtreme on 27 February 2015, 16:44

Peachy Keen Films – Freaky Side

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Micah was waiting for her new boyfriend to get done with work so they could go to dinner. When she asked him about a special locked room he had at his home, he did not want to talk about it. Micah just wanted to explore her freaky side, but he ignored her and took a phone call.

While he was on the phone, Micah drifted off into daydream-land. In her dream, she fantasized that she was in this special room and her new boyfriend was doing all kinds of freaky things to her. This dream was amazing. First, she was tied to a bench, paddled and fucked. Then, she was tied to a post and forced to orgasm. Finally, she was suspended in mid air while she was forced to cum while being fucked.

Micah abruptly woke up when her boyfriend was calling for her. She was so excited about the dream, she had to tell him that she, in fact, broke into the room earlier that day and saw all the equipment it contained. Her boyfriend, upset, but trying not to show it, told her to fix her make up so they could go out.

While she was turned away, he pulled a large chain out of his desk drawer. He kept it for such purposes as this–when the new girlfriend asked too many questions about his special room.

He pulled the chain hard against her neck. She struggled and fought for her life. In the end, her throat was crushed and blood oozed out her mouth.

Now dead, he decided to strip her before disposing her. He slowly undressed her, checking out her fine form one last time.

When he was finished, he picked her up and carried her off.

Freaky Side.mp4

Freaky Side.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Kill The Snitch

Posted by PornExtreme on 27 February 2015, 16:44

Peachy Keen Films – Kill The Snitch

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A local DEA officer responds to a call from a snitch claiming to have important information. In truth, the snitch just likes cops, and wants to use her sweet, young body to try and seduce him. It nearly works. She lures him into a back room where things start getting hot and heavy. When she finally tells him what he wants to know, things take a turn for the worse. Unfortunately for her, this cop is on the take, and he decides to take immediate action by silencing her, permanently. His brute strength renders her incapable of doing anything but struggling, quietly, as she kicks and claws at him. Her will to survive proves equally strong, however, as she fights against him for several minutes. Her legs, clothed in a pair of sparkling, tight jeans, flail vigorously about, but fail to make contact with anything that would give her leverage against him. He repositions himself behind her, to improve his grip, and finishes her off with his powerful hands. Her young body is still, now – her death stare fixed on nothing, her lips parted, her perfect body cooling. She was just an innocent with the wrong information. Satisfied, he explores her youthful form, but knows time is of the essence. Fearing being caught red-handed, he zips her up into a bodybag for disposal.

Kill The Snitch.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Liability Eliminated

Posted by PornExtreme on 27 February 2015, 16:43

Peachy Keen Films – Liability Eliminated

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Amber is part of an elite group off teenage assassins and spies. Raised from a child, she grew up in the care of her mentor and teacher and learned the ways of the company while masquerading as a normal American teenage girl. Tonight, she was preparing to go out with some non-company friends. It was part of her cover, but also, a needed break from the dangerous work she does.

Then, she received a call on her agent phone. It was Max, her mentor. He told her she had been made and that it was time for her to die. She understood, and sadly awaited his arrival.

After he arrived he explained to her what must be done. She would be killed and it would be made to look like a rape and then he would shoot her many times. He, as her mentor, had to perform the actions. He gave her a choice. He could really have sex with her, or he could simulate it with a special dildo be brought.

She was much younger, but he was the only person she grew close too. And, while he was like a father to her, he was also the only person she ever had feelings for. She wanting him to fuck her.

He helped her undress, then she gave him head until he was good and ready. Then, he gently layed her on the couch and started having sex with her. She felt good, but he could not help feeling sad about the whole situation. He would miss her.

After a while, she felt uncomfortable and decided to switch to the dildo. He inserted it in her, unexpectedly pleasuring her. When he was done, he pushed it all the way up inside her where it would stay until the end.

He had her stand up against the wall, put her arms above her head and told her to be brave. He used a special 22cal gun meant to prolong her agony as horrible as he felt, it was the companies policy when exterminating agents. He shot her in the right breast, the twice in the left. She was in agony, but per her training, continued standing against the wall. He shot er twice in the belly, then once in the belly button. She was in so much pain. He shot her again in the gun.

She begged him to finish her.

So, he shot her 4 times in the pussy. With that, she finally collapsed. She was on all fours, and he slipped the gun under her arm and shot her in the arm pit. She flipped over on her back. He went around to the other side and shot her in her other arm pit.

As she lay dying, he comforted her. Then, he pulled out the dildo, slid the silenced barrel of the gun into her pussy and shot her several times. She jerked to the shots, then slowly turned her head to the side, eyes wide, dead.

He gathered his things and left.

Note: In alternative footage, he instead spends time full-filling her last request which was to be cleaned up. So, he carefully cleans up all her wounds and then leaves.

Liability Eliminated

Liability Eliminated.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Executing Girls #1

Posted by PornExtreme on 27 February 2015, 16:43

Peachy Keen Films – Executing Girls #1

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Note: I am happy to introduce the return of Tomiko. I have worked with this Asian lovely for years back with my old company, Ruemorgue. I really enjoyed out reunion and plan for more. In addition I wan to welcome her friend Dia, a popular fetish model in her own right and someone whose acting skills, you will find, are fantastic.

This is a simple, but awesomely sexy, little scenario involving 4 girls with varying personalities kidnapped and ushered into a room where a frustrated, stereotypical English crook attempts to extract information from them. Every time he gets frustrated and executes them with a single shot to the back of the head.

Then, he strips there clothing off, cops a feel, then drags them off.

Executing Girls 1

Executing Girls 1.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Kala’s Last Night

Posted by PornExtreme on 27 February 2015, 16:42

Peachy Keen Films – Kala’s Last Night

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: I have been watching Kala for weeks now. She was beautiful, always working late. I would frequently watch her through her partly opened office door as she sat at her desk. She always looked perfect, meticulous about her appearance; frequently taking breaks to “freshen up”. As the night janitor, I had access the the entire office complex and would frequently watch her whenever she was on the move. Tonight, she was a beautiful as ever. She sat for some time, rubbing her pantyhose clad feet..sore from another hard days work and what will be another late night. She got up to get a file and when climbing down from the stepstool, tore her pantyhose. I watched as she sat down, pulled the ripped pair off and put on a brand new pair. I pulled the old pair out of the trash and moved silently behind her. I quickly wrapped it around her neck. Her reaction was sudden and violent, but I held her tight. She dug her heels in and slammed me back against the filing cabinet, but I relentlessly keep my grip and finally spin her around off the chair and onto the couch. She bucks, kicks and spasms, her eyes wide, tongue out….her body starts to jerk uncontrollably, then slows. Her eyes roll up then slowly close and she is unconscious. For a while I spend time admiring and caressing her body, then I pick her up and take her down to the basement–my home. I flop her roughly down on my mattress and strip and molest her body. Then, when she is naked, I finger her pussy for a bit before having sex with her. When I climax, she wakes up. I quickly flip her onto her stomach and pull the nylon garrote tight, placing my knee in her back, her whole body arches back—the garrote digging into her soft flesh. Again, she struggles, but not as hard as before, still woozy and in a strained position. She looses consciousness again and I let her head slowly settle into the bedding. I knew it was time to finish it. I rolled her back onto her back. This time when she woke up, I clamped my strong hands around her neck and squeezed. She had more strength…her whole body tensing up–lifting up off the mattress, legs spreading, kicking, arms flailing. Her face contorted, twisted, her beautiful face, now smudged with makeup and sweat. She was no longer the perfectly beautiful administrate assistant, but now a twisted, sweaty, beaten down, mass of tortured girl fighting for her life and perhaps knowing the fight was lost. She kept trying though….jolts of spasms twisting through her body, her tongue lashing out, her hands desperately trying to pull at my wrists, as if there was hope of moving them. I remained devoted to killing her. I felt her sticky, sweaty flesh under my fingers, the muscle and arteries pulsing in her neck. Now she was slowing. Her eyes started to fixate and her arms started to spasm and body pulse and twitch. She got slower, slower, slower, and then she did what she had done the last couple times. Her eyes fluttered and closed. This time, however, I did not let go. I few seconds passed and suddenly there was a last surge of energy as her body and perhaps mind made a last effort to live. Her hand came up to my shoulder, fingers digging into my shirt and skin beneath. But her grip quickly fail, her arm fell, her body stopped…I heard a last gurgle emerge from her mouth. I let go, seeing out red her neck was where I had my death grip on her. Though her makeup was ruined and she was drenched in sweat and fluids, she was beautiful to me. I climbed on her and fucked her one more time, cumming all over her belly. I picked her up and took her back to her office, posing her in her chair. I left her like that, then walked out, closing the door behind me.

Kala's Last Night.mp4

Kala’s Last Night.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Finally Gettin Some For Christmas

Posted by PornExtreme on 27 February 2015, 16:42

Peachy Keen Films – Finally Gettin Some For Christmas

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: –

Finally Gettin Some For Christmas.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Leotard Necro

Posted by PornExtreme on 27 February 2015, 16:41

Peachy Keen Films – Leotard Necro

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A young women is working out at the studio. She is wearing a yellow leotard and goes through her stretching routine.

Someone is watching her. He waits just around the corner, watching her stretch and bend in her tight leotard–her body perfectly formed, calling him to her.

He approaches her, gun pointed. She is startled, quickly gets up and runs–runs for her life. But, he quickly shoots her in the back. She collapses hard to the floor.

Struggling, she tries to get away, but he has her, groping her. But, she keeps struggling and after a while, he shoots her in the temple. She is dead. Silence.

He picks her up and lays her on the desk. He slowly fondles and explores her. He fingers her pussy. He fucks her mouth for a long time with his cock. He fucks her. When he is ready, he puts his engorged cock back into her mouth and cums–letting it ooze out on the desk as he pulls away.

He fondles her some more, then picks her up, takes her to the bedroom and starts to play with her.

Someone is coming. He hides.

Another young woman, in a pink leotard calls to her friends. No answer. She finds her dead, is shocks, but the man in the closet comes out and snaps her neck.

She is dead, laying over her friends corpse.

He repositions her. Then he lifts her up and dances with her.

Back on the bed he fondles her while her friends likes dead and getting cold nearby.

He fingers her pussy, then fucks her mouth for a long time. When he is ready, he cums all over both girls–one the first girls ass, and on the other girls face and chest.

With the girls posed the way he wants, he leaves.

Leotard Necro

Leotard Necro.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Deep South Productions – Jizzebelle And The Seamonster

Posted by PornExtreme on 27 February 2015, 16:40

Peachy Keen Films – Deep South Productions – Jizzebelle And The Seamonster

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: –

Jizzebelle And The Seamonster.mp4

Jizzebelle And The Seamonster.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Happy Valentines Death

Posted by PornExtreme on 27 February 2015, 16:39

Peachy Keen Films – Happy Valentines Death

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A nude woman prances through her apartment, lighting candles, getting ready for her date. When she comes back into the room, Stewart is already sitting in the sofa, holding some presents for her. She is flattered, but a little unnerved by his unannounced entry. She excuses herself to go finish getting dressed and Stewart sits on the sofa and daydreams.

His dream starts out pleasant. He is with Janice and they are making love. She is really good too and he is enjoying every minute of it. Then, partway through he starts to squeeze her neck–and she likes it. So, he keeps squeezing her neck over and over while he fucks her. She is really getting into her. Her face turns red and her veins pop out, but most of all, when he squeezes her neck, her pussy gets really tight around his cock. Then, they change positions, and she is riding his cock. All of a sudden, he wraps a garrote around her neck. The mood of the dream goes dark. He strangles her until she is dead, and he keeps fucking her, all the while knowing he killed her and that is what made him the most excited.

Suddenly he snapped out of his daydream. Janice was trying to talk to him. He was covered in sweat and strangling her poor teddy bear. He let go as she sat down beside him. “We need to talk”, she said. He knew it was over. He always seemed to creep the girls out.

But this time, something in him snapped, and he just acted on impulse. He lunged at Janice and started throttling her. She fought and kicked harder then he had imagined it would be like. Then, she grabs his nuts. Instead of collapsing in a ball of pain, he punched her in the head. Then he wrestled with her, trying to get a garrote he found around her neck. She broke free, but he grabbed her legs and pulled her unwillingly to him. Then he had her, the garrote around her neck, and he pulled with all his energy.

The cord dug tight into her flesh. Just like the dream, her face turned red and her veins popped out. She made all sorts of expressions as she was trying to breath, but no air was getting in. She grabbed and swipped at him, but he was determined to kill her.

Her heels dug into the carpet, her hips bucked, she spasmed and jerked like crazy. Over time she got weaker. It took a long long time for her to does, but right as she did, she peed a little on the carpet.

She was dead. He took the garrote off, the marks on her neck indicating where it had been. He lifted her on the sofa, stripped off her panties and liked her wet pussy. Then he posed her, arching her over the end of the couch and stripping off some of her clothes. He took off her heels, then fucked her—her head hanging off the couch bobbing in death.

He got up and came on her mouth, then as suddenly as he showed up, he was gone, almost like a dream. But this was no dream. Janice was really dead. Her cum-soaked face staring at the ceiling. Her body slightly on and off the sofa–violated. As the moments past, gravity took effect and her body fell to the floor with a thunk of her head.

Happy Valentines Death.mp4

Happy Valentines Death.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Choke Chamber – The Cleaner

Posted by PornExtreme on 26 February 2015, 10:00

Choke Chamber – The Cleaner

Categories: Strangling, Shooting, Rape, Lesbian, Snuff Fetish, Bagging

Description: Beautiful, asian goddess Angel Face allures her fans yet again with another erotic, goodie filled with close ups of her pretty feet, gorgeous legs, and sexy body called \”THE CLEANER.\” Wearing just a white blouse, a sleek, nude pantyhose, and black stripy sandals, she climbs on the bed and phones a lover for some \”kinky time.\” She seduces her cell buddy with her native Vietnamese language, and caresses herself in the process. Meanwhile, an uninvited intruder makes his way through her living room, ransacking her things. Oblivious to other inhabitants in the house, the burglar makes his way into the bedroom where Angel is. Surprised by her presence, he tries to make a run for it. Tough as nails, Angel springs out of her bed and attacks the intruder. She taunts and interrogates him, until he finally reveals his true identity… he\’s the cleaning man! Plus to add insult to injury, he was there to clean her out! She starts to beat him, until he finally loses control and slaps her dizzy. He then pulls her closer, and chokes her unconscious. While she\’s out cold, he plays with her body, caresses her legs and kisses her feet. He then whips out his manhood and molests the sleeping beauty! She awakens only to face her final, fatal nightmare!

The cleaner

The cleaner.mp4

Posted in Choke Chamber |