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New Section: Snuff From Movies over 3500 Clips!

StrangleGirl(z) – Sweet Dreams

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 July 2014, 19:56

StrangleGirl(z) – Sweet Dreams

Categories: Strangle, Bagging, Violation, Snuff Play, NE

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

Posted in StrangleGirl |


Posted by PornExtreme on 11 July 2014, 18:57


Categories: Aliens, Vore, Cosplay, Nude, Porn Action, Violation, Horror, Parody

Description: Our first motion graphic clips using pictures and photoshop combining them with clips to make four different mini vignetttes starring Kitti Vicious. All proceeds will help to build Slainwayne.com restore to it’s previous glory. Our first clip is Kitti vs the Aliens, which is all motion graphics depicting Kitti as some sort of superheroine leaving her highschool when suddenly something lands from space and a bunch of tentacle monsters come out of the ground and attack poor Kitti with their long tentacles. The second clip is a mini trailer of Kitti dancing, shooting and fighting various creatures for Slainwayne.com then we go to Kitti doing one of her more sexier strip tease dance then back to motion grapj=hics with the Arena of Doom 2, the sequel to arena of doom as Kitti fights the Amezonian warriors in the Gladiator ring, then out of nowhere comes a giant Gladiator named Humungus who fights them all, plus you get a bonus of Kitti destroying her copy machine fully bare. And as a bonus we added Kitti vs the Zombies and much more. So for those of you who like a little of everything and or fans of Kitti Vicious, then this clip is for you.



Posted in Sleazegroin |

Sleazegroin – PURE VORE #15 ANACONDA

Posted by PornExtreme on 11 July 2014, 18:56

Sleazegroin – PURE VORE #15 ANACONDA

Categories: Aliens, Vore, Cosplay, Nude, Porn Action, Violation, Horror, Parody

Description: Introducing the Anaconda, the new monster in the Pure Vore series. Allie Jordan is looking for her pet dog that has been mising for a week, she comes upon a suspicious house with a creepy man who claims he hasn’t seen anything nor owns a dog, but a dog sound is heard in the back and she decides to snoop around later. The creepy man leaves the house and she sneaks in only to find a few dogs, being leashed to a cage, she tries to fee them all only to be captured be the creepy guy who chases her, catches her and cloroforms her (shot in super slow motion). She wakes up tied up and naked, The Creepy guy grabs her as she pees in fear, he gets upset over the wet mess and offers her as food for the Anaconda, which explains the mystery of the missing dogs in the neighborhood. suddenly a giant fifty foot snake crawl towards her as she tries to break free, she frees her legs but it is too late as the deadly jaws grab her head and starts srtarts swallowing her whole, it’s deadly curved sharp teeth keeps her from escaping as she gets swallowed up. By request this is the first vore clip with a storyline so enjoy.



Posted in Sleazegroin | Tagged |

Sleazegroin – LEFT 4 HEAD #26 IN 3-D

Posted by PornExtreme on 11 July 2014, 18:56

Sleazegroin – LEFT 4 HEAD #26 IN 3-D

Categories: Aliens, Vore, Cosplay, Nude, Porn Action, Violation, Horror, Parody

Description: Feloy is back! The original Blowie is back and this time in 3-D as she battles the The Splooger zombie and then the Grouper zombie in this short 3-D clip that, by request, CONTAINS NO SEX but a lot of nudity and her big tits and ass go bouncing in three dimesions, she finally finds cover at Bills place who is awaken by her bare ass pulled down pants blocking the door from the zombies, he pulls out his camera and starts shooting and helps her block the door while getting a good dry hump. he realizes he needs to get guns as he goes to the next room a Grouper zombies smashes through the door and attacks Blowie but Bill comes back to save the day.


LEFT 4 HEAD 26 IN 3-D.flv

Posted in Sleazegroin |


Posted by PornExtreme on 11 July 2014, 18:55


Categories: Aliens, Vore, Cosplay, Nude, Porn Action, Violation, Horror, Parody

Description: Bat girl races against time to find Captain Apocolypse secret doom weapon, once in his lair he springs up behing her and attacks, lifting her up as she struggles in super slow motion, she flips him around as he falls to the ground, he starts throwing knives, machetes, even a chainsaw at Bat Girl as she deflects the weaponds with her blocks and kicks enabling him time to get into the doom weapond, a bullet proof exo-skeleton hydraulic body armor equip with a super powerful tri-load machine gun, the bullets starts flying as Bat Girl flies for cover. Once out of bullets she does her super roundhouse kick which knocks captain Apocolypse to the ground, from there she jumps onto him with her ass smothering his face and starts her super suck as she throats his cock and keeps him to the ground with her powerful legs, he struggles but cant hold his cum in as she sucks his cum into her mouth, more sucking later he cums again draining his balls of his super powers. Note: The action scenes are shot in both super slow motion and regular motion, as she does her high kicks you can see her panties. This is a must see for all you superheroine fans as this parody will rock you.



Posted in Sleazegroin |

Sleazegroin – XXX AGENT GIRL

Posted by PornExtreme on 11 July 2014, 18:54

Sleazegroin – XXX AGENT GIRL

Categories: Aliens, Vore, Cosplay, Nude, Porn Action, Violation, Horror, Parody

Description: Her name is Jane Bond and she is on a mission to find the Red Devil. It starts with Jane (played by Sophie) dancing in a strip club as she goes undercover to find Red, she sneaks into the private room in the back pulling out guns when suddenly from behind she gets lifted up by The Red Devil in super slow motion as she kicks and struggles, he drops her and pulls out his twelve guage as a shootout ensues, Red flies in the air shooting and Jane takes cover and shoots back until they both are out of bullets, he pulls out his Nunchucks and she starts kicking into a hand to hand slow motion fast action fight ending with Jane jumping on his face with her crotch smothering him. Out of left field she pulls out his cock and starts sucking on it, Red is speachless and hard for her as she gets a super facial surprise.



Posted in Sleazegroin |

Sleazegroin – SCUMBY

Posted by PornExtreme on 11 July 2014, 18:54

Sleazegroin – SCUMBY

Categories: Aliens, Vore, Cosplay, Nude, Porn Action, Violation, Horror, Parody

Description: A parody of the animated series Gumby and Pokey. It’s Scumby and Porker in these three sleazy clips back to back, Watch Scumby get his ass kicked by a Pimp after he gets a blow job in an ally and doesn’t pay for it, Watch Porker shoot Scumby as he comes up with plans to make his own pornos. It’s Wacky clay porn at it’s worst.



Posted in Sleazegroin |

Sleazegroin – THE STALKER #5

Posted by PornExtreme on 11 July 2014, 18:53

Sleazegroin – THE STALKER #5

Categories: Aliens, Vore, Cosplay, Nude, Porn Action, Violation, Horror, Parody

Description: Exotic newcomer Jazmine Star is walking down Hollywood Blvd. on a Friday night hoping to make some money, she wears a tight mini black dress that exposes her nice ass as onlookers honk and look. She hangs out in clubs and bar hops to score a John then she goes to a seedy alleyway and gets propositioned by a normal looking John but as soon as she turns around he wraps his arms around her neck and knocks her out in a choke hold, he carries her body to his lair and starts fondling her limp body, she soon regains conscience and freaks out, she asks whats going on and tries to escape. the man then holds a knife and threatens her life unless she gets him off, he makes her show off her nice body by taking off her clothes then tell her to get down on her knees and suck him off, she does reluctantly and gives a blow job of her life. He cums all over her face and in disgust she spits the cum back at him (hitting the lens) Out of fury the man then wraps his hand around her neck and starts chocking, she struggles to break free but soon goes out again,



Posted in Sleazegroin |


Posted by PornExtreme on 11 July 2014, 18:53


Categories: Aliens, Vore, Cosplay, Nude, Porn Action, Violation, Horror, Parody

Description: We go back to the Roman era as two Amazonian females battle it out to the end, as the two fight you can see their action in super smooth slow motion inter cuting with the real action, suddenly a wild card Gladiator is throw inti the mix, it’s Minatour a half man half beast warrior that can’t be beat, the girl have to side with each other to bring him down, stab after stab they puncture him but he will not fall, he picks up one of the Amazonuians and perform his signature back breaking bear hug move, they bring him down then fight each other then he comes back ready for more battle. We used the super smooth slow motion feature on the sony HD camera to show some of the action like in the Movie 300, if you like female Amazons fighting, fencing, wrestling, and kicking ass then this clip is for you.



Posted in Sleazegroin |

Sleazegroin – LEFT 4 HEAD #17

Posted by PornExtreme on 11 July 2014, 18:52

Sleazegroin – LEFT 4 HEAD #17

Categories: Aliens, Vore, Cosplay, Nude, Porn Action, Violation, Horror, Parody

Description: This is the complete version of part one and two. Blowie and Phil wander around the city looking for the rest of the gang when they come upon a mutated Zombie, suddenly a grouper leaps twenty feet and attacks Blowie, as she fights of the zombie Phil takes pictures with his camera as her tits get grouped then he pulls out his and shoots the Grouper off her multiple times that it flies and splats on a wall. They finally reach the safe house and only Prances is there to greet them as they enter more Zombies attack Blowie as she fights them off trying to close the door on them, the two men watch in perverted fashion. She yells at them for not helping as she shoots a Zombie in the head and closes the door. They load up on weapons and ammo. Phil finds a video camera and decides to document the post apocalyptic situation in case the world dosen’t know whats going on, he goes to the bathroom and speaks to the camera about the Zombie Apocalypse until he finds a bunch of pills and eats them like candy. As he stumbles with the camera stoned out of his ass he stumbles on Blowie and Prances getting it on. He yells at them for not getting prepared to look for Louie but the sex is too much for Phil’s dirty mind that he decides to video tape them going at it as Blowie tries to deep throat Prances mighty penis, she gags and keeps trying to force his cock down her throat as she gets ready to fuck him while Phil shoots the action, which ends part one of this clip.


LEFT 4 HEAD 17.flv

Posted in Sleazegroin |