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Extremely Comics Collection – 4
Posted by PornExtreme on 23 February 2013, 19:14Extremely Comics Collection – 4
Categories: Gore, Bestiality, Torture, Extreme Insertion, Futanari, Ganguro, Big Breast, Pregnant, Tentacles, Inflation, Anal, Elf, Dark Skin, Stomach Deformation, X-Ray, Mind Break, Scat, Ecstasy, Bondage, Fisting, Schoolgirl, Femdom, Humiliation, Pain, Dog, Lactation, Pig, Guro, Birth, Dragon Quest, Worms, Hell Girl, Glasses, Nipple Insertion, Double Penetration, Enema, Zombie, Urination, Nipple Fuck, Dicknipples, Modification, Breast Expansion
Description: 48 PhotoSets | 2850 Pics
Format: JPG
Comics Name: Budou Bekkan – Burenhiruto Sensei Kansoku, BureibuMeidenKaninSange, BusouMegamiPieceofGirls2, ButterflyKiss, CandyLucky, CarnivorousGirls, Case2InukaiFumie, Celestial, Cevoy – Allure, ChijokuGakuen3, Chikasato Michiru – Candy Girl, Chikiko – Juukan Butakatsu, ChinKoi, ChoKusoMeido, Circle GGM – Yattsusaki Ryoujoku! Onna Darake No Heishi Gundan, CircleOuterWorldMidgardHael, CitrusFlavor, CloseUpGendaiRemedialLeona, CombatMonMonAnaToYome, CrossDragon, CultPrisoner, CuteyHoneGagabuta, Cyclone667Kai, CycloneSinclair, Da Hootch – Heroine In The Cart, DaHootchFukouKishi, DailyCertainPerversionOfScience, DarkPingPongClub, DarkWirbelVol1, DarkWirbelVol2, DarkWirbelVol3, Dashigara – Chijoku No Echidna, Dead Line Pop Mania – Dress Code, DeathDevice, DelusionAllergy, DemonSense, desudesuIsakoRokurohKawa, desudesuKenJyuuRetouch, desudesuPetWife, desudesuRokurohIsakoCouple, DiaryOfDespairMeasureExposure, DinarangerVol1, DinarangerVol2, DinarangerVol3, DinarangerVol46, DinarangerVol78, DMMC – Mission 1, Doku-Pepper – Animal Girl Games 2
Language: English | Japan
Extremely_Comics_Collection_-_4.rar 1.52GB
Example Cover:
Posted in Comics
Extremely Comics Collection – 3
Posted by PornExtreme on 23 February 2013, 19:12Extremely Comics Collection – 3
Categories: Gore, Bestiality, Torture, Extreme Insertion, Futanari, Ganguro, Big Breast, Pregnant, Tentacles, Inflation, Anal, Elf, Dark Skin, Stomach Deformation, X-Ray, Mind Break, Scat, Ecstasy, Bondage, Fisting, Schoolgirl, Femdom, Humiliation, Pain, Dog, Lactation, Pig, Guro, Birth, Dragon Quest, Worms, Hell Girl, Glasses, Nipple Insertion, Double Penetration, Enema, Zombie, Urination, Nipple Fuck, Dicknipples, Modification, Breast Expansion
Description: 48 PhotoSets |v2700 Pics
Format: JPG
Comics Name: Arsenothelus – Twin Dungeon-Princesses Vol. 5, ArsenothelusFutariNoMeikyuuOujo4, ArsenothelusManyaIta, ArsenothelusToaruKurokoNoMikotoKanzenKouryaku, ArugoraguniaEvilCourseHollow2007LalOmegaGrado1, ArugoraguniaEvilCourseHollowHellPromotionHellGirl, ArugoraguniaEvilCourseHollowHellPromotionLoadHellGirl, Arumaji Nebukuro – Tomo No Asoko Wa Kikakugai, ArumaTherapyNodokand, AshYokoshimaEatMePlease, Azuma Kenji – Dark Age, BadGirls, BagGirls, BaiAsukaMasterServantRelationship, BaiAsukaMonzetsuOZenshuu, BaiAsukaSinfulMotherVol1, Bakunyu Fullnerson – Extreme Mix Vol.2, BakunyuFullnersonBurnHerBurnHerBurnHerAgain, BallFestivalMasturbationMaidsTruth, Bathtime, BayonettaBitchAndFetish1, BayonettaBitchAndFetish2StupidSpoiledWhores, Behind Moon – Dopyudopyu Sunshine, Behind Moon – Dulce Report 14, Behind Moon – Futanari Erection Girl, BehindMoon – Phallic Girls 3, BehindMoon Recycle, BehindMoonDulceReport1, BehindMoonDulceReport10, BehindMoonDulceReport11, BehindMoonDulceReport2, BehindMoonDulceReport3, BehindMoonDulceReport4, BehindMoonDulceReport6, BehindMoonDulceReport7, BehindMoonHamekkoDoubutsu, BehindMoonPhallicGirls, BehindMoonPhallicGirls2, BehindMoonSquallMartianSuccessorNadesico, BeniKageInu, Betsuyaku Shou – Nurse, Biohazard2, Bitai – Hiai No Shoujo, BitchBokujouToLoveHiPlus, BitchsBlade, BitokuNoFukou, Black Onix – Yendolfin 11, BlackTime2
Language: English | Japan
Extremely_Comics_Collection_-_3.part1.rar 1.76GB
Extremely_Comics_Collection_-_3.part2.rar 166.32MB
Example Cover:
Posted in Comics
Extremely Comics Collection – 2
Posted by PornExtreme on 23 February 2013, 19:07Extremely Comics Collection – 2
Categories: Gore, Bestiality, Torture, Extreme Insertion, Futanari, Ganguro, Big Breast, Pregnant, Tentacles, Inflation, Anal, Elf, Dark Skin, Stomach Deformation, X-Ray, Mind Break, Scat, Ecstasy, Bondage, Fisting, Schoolgirl, Femdom, Humiliation, Pain, Dog, Lactation, Pig, Guro, Birth, Dragon Quest, Worms, Hell Girl, Glasses, Nipple Insertion, Double Penetration, Enema, Zombie, Urination, Nipple Fuck, Dicknipples, Modification, Breast Expansion
Description: 48 PhotoSets | 2300 Pics
Format: JPG
Comics Name: Amano Ameno – H, AmanoAmenoSwanPinksCapture, AmanoKazumiDemiurge, Amatake Akewo – Harahara Heroine Fan Kanshasai, Amatsukami – Burg Sex Object Princess 1, Amatsukami – Burg Sex Object Princess 2, Amatsukami – Burg Sex Object Princess 3, Amatsukami – Burg Sex Object Princess 4, Amatsukami – Burg Sex Object Princess 5, Amatsukami – Burg Sex Object Princess 6, Amatsukami – Megami Jutai, AmatsukamiNaniKaGaMinagitteKuru, AMonstrousApparition, AnalJusticeEjaculatingCockTales, AngelsStroke44, Anglachel – Ninja Chichi Gyakuden, AniheroTeiLustDemonsAssault, AnimalPleasureFifthPartTwo, Anthology – Boku No Imouto Ga Dekirumade, Anthology – Comic Unreal Ishukan Maniacs Vol.4, Anthology – Hametori Vol. 2, Anthology – Jigyaku Shoujo Vol. 10, Anthology – Jintai Kaizou Vol. 2, Anthology – Jintai Kaizou Vol.3, Anthology – Juuyoku 07, Anthology – Kasshoku Heroine Vol.2, Anthology – Mekakushi Vol. 2, Anthology – Punish A Cat Burglar, Anthology – Sanran Vol.2, AnthologyCherryMoonSUPERVol3, AnthologyFechikkoVSSeries2MikoSanVSMaidSan, AnthologyHigyakuChoukyoshitsu, AnthologyJuuyoku01, AnthologyJuuyoku02, AnthologyJuuyoku04, AnthologyJuuyoku05, AnthologyJuuyoku06, AnthologyKemonoForEssential10, AnthologyKemonoForEssential6, AnthologyNakadashiHaramaseVol4, AnthologyRealSadismEXComics, AnthologyRinkanGakkou, AomizuAnDoreiShijouNoOuNoNichijou, Araburu Kumaneko – Oogui Musumetachi No Hibi, AraiKaikanJoshikouseiReido, AreGatsuKotoroku, ArsenalSistersEcchi, Arsenothelus – Climax Transsexual Poison
Language: English | Japan
Extremely_Comics_Collection_-_2.part1.rar 1.76GB
Extremely_Comics_Collection_-_2.part2.rar 814.28MB
Example Cover:
Posted in Comics
Extremely Comics Collection – 1
Posted by PornExtreme on 23 February 2013, 19:03Extremely Comics Collection – 1
Categories: Gore, Bestiality, Torture, Extreme Insertion, Futanari, Ganguro, Big Breast, Pregnant, Tentacles, Inflation, Anal, Elf, Dark Skin, Stomach Deformation, X-Ray, Mind Break, Scat, Ecstasy, Bondage, Fisting, Schoolgirl, Femdom, Humiliation, Pain, Dog, Lactation, Pig, Guro, Birth, Dragon Quest, Worms, Hell Girl, Glasses, Nipple Insertion, Double Penetration, Enema, Zombie, Urination, Nipple Fuck, Dicknipples, Modification, Breast Expansion
Description: 48 PhotoSets | 2400 Pics
Format: JPG
Comics Name: 17in – Ao No Sato 2, 17in – Hunt, 17in – Ikase Ya 3, 300UnknownMangaPictures, AbarenbowTenguKotori6, Abe Morioka – Shake Hip, AbeMoriokaDrStampede, AbeMoriokaHariHariHoney, ABLaboratoryAido10, AbradeliKamiYouDidSayWaitBut, AcidNoelPhobiaForHeaven, Agake, AirKasouninPu, AitaNikovCastleTownOfShame01, AitaNikovCastleTownOfShame02, Akane Shuuhei – Anal Anguish & Anal Anguish, AkiyamaProductionClaymoreNastyBeastLover, Albireo 7 – Let’s Blue Cleaner, Algolagnia – St. Margareta Gakuen COLORFUL! 9, AlgolagniaHijiriMarugaretaGakuenCOLORFUL1, AlgolagniaHijiriMarugaretaGakuenCOLORFUL2, AlgolagniaJadouou2007GurrenLagann, AlgolagniaJadouOu2007Naruto, AlgolagniaJadououDLVol1, AlgolagniaJadououVSJanshiBrandNewStars, AlgolagniaKonekuri, AlgolagniaSeiMargaretaGakuenCOLORFULvol5, AlgolagniaSt.MargaretaCOLORFUL3, AlgolagniaStMargaretaAcademySpecialEdition, AlgolagniaStMargaretaColorfulBlack1, AlgolagniaStMargaretaGakuenBlack3, AlgolagniaStMargaretaGakuenBlackFile2, AlgolagniaStMargaretaGakuenCOLORFULvol8, Alice No Takarabako – Hello All You Female Idols, We’re Your New Sex Trainers, Alice No Takarabako – MC Highschool 1th Period, Alice No Takarabako – MC Highschool 2th Period, Alice No Takarabako – MC Highschool 3th Period, Alice No Takarabako – MC Highschool 4th Period, AliceNoTakarabako1, AliceNoTakarabako2, AliceNoTakarabako3, AliceNoTakarabako4, AliceNoTakarabako5, AliceNoTakarabako6, AmaeJiru, Amagi Michihito – Megapai, AmagiMichihitoMaidenOfTheGate, AmanoAmenoAnimalFive
Language: English | Japan
Extremely_Comics_Collection_-_1.rar 1.42GB
Example Cover:
Posted in Comics
Vomit & ThroatFucking(Extreme Collection) – 248 – Slap Me Spit On Me Make Me Gag
Posted by PornExtreme on 15 September 2012, 16:19——————————–
Vomit & ThroatFucking(Extreme Collection) – 248 – Slap Me Spit On Me Make Me Gag
Crime House (Dark Rooms) – Bloody SuperGirls 1 – SuperGirl Origin
Posted by PornExtreme on 19 December 2024, 16:22Crime House (Dark Rooms) – Bloody SuperGirls 1 – SuperGirl Origin
Categories: Russian, Pretty Girls, Strangle, Non Sex, Snuff Play, Shooting, Gun Fun, Bagging, Bloody Games
File Info: File Size : 569.24 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:10:36
Video : H264 (High) :: 7 183 kb/s, 25.00 fps
Audio : MP3 :: 320 kbps, 48000 Hz, 2 channels :: Eng
Description: Starring: Nata
Supergirl arrives on a Spaceship. Demon like creature approaches her. She tells him to turn his ship around and not to attack Earth. he comes up to her and punches her, and hurts his hand. she hits him back. he goes flying backwards. he presses something on his hand and continues to attack her they hit each other back and fourth until supergirls punches and kicks start to get weaker and weaker. Then her punches and kicks have no effect he punches her in the stomach, bruising her instantly he then knees her in the crotch and she clutches it backing up slowly he digs his nails into the back of her thigh, right below her ass (maybe catching the bottom of her ass) and slices into her thighs going from the back to the front He then slices into both both breasts, cutting them open he then slams her head first into a window, cutting the side of her forehead and then she sees it, a red sun she says no, my powers, the red sun he then pinches her ass repeatedly he punches her in the back, bruising her back he then places his hands between her legs and squeezes her crotch, causing extreme pain he then throws her to the ground and she lands on her back, hitting the back of her head hard, cracking it open and bleeding he then lifts her skirt up with his leg exposing her panties he spends a moment admiring the view then he stomps down hard on her crotch.
she screams. he repeats the attack once her panties are torn up a bit, and her crotch is bruised and slightly bleeding he turns her over onto her front he then lifts the back of her skirt up and again pauses to admire the view then he stomps down hard on her ass she screams .he repeats the attack. once her panties are torn up a bit, and her ass is bruised and slightly bleeding he turns her over onto her front. he then picks her up from her blood-soaked hair he lets her stand on her own to feet, his powers do not allow her to fall down then he punches her in the ass repeatedly, until her panties are torn up and her ass is bloodied he then punches her crotch until her panties are torn up badly and her pussy is bloodied He then cuts off her pussy lips and shows it too her he then beats her mercilessly every part of her body is either bloodied or bruised she is still not allowed to fall down he approaches her pulls back for a powerful punch, she can only watch in horror. There is a white flash he is taken a back a bit, but notices nothing has happened to him she shrugs and with all his might he punches her in the stomach, tearing a whole in it he pulls out some guts, then allows her to step forward she walls face first to the ground in a bloodied mess he turns her over and says now for your planet she whispers no, and dies
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Posted in Crime House | Dark Rooms
Peachy Keen Films – Shooting Experiment 3
Posted by PornExtreme on 16 May 2023, 15:16Peachy Keen Films – Shooting Experiment 3
Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging
File Info: File Size : 751.55 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:22:23
Video : H264 (Main) :: 4.42 Mb/s, 29.97 fps
Audio : AAC (LC) :: 158 kb/s, 48000 Hz, 2 channels :: Eng
Description: Starring Contessa
Agent Tessa has been chosen for a very select mission. It’s a strange mission, but it’s considered a high honor. She will be testing an experimental new drug that is designed to prevent otherwise fatal bullet wounds from bleeding. As an added twist, her lover at the agency Aaron will be conducting the unorthodox experiment. Just in case things go wrong, the two spy lovers have one last fuck befoe the experiment. Tessa strips off her top and pencil skirt. She slides off her panties but leaves her stockings on. Tessa wraps her lips around Aaron’s thick hog and gags down the length of his shaft. Aaron pins Tessa down and impales her tight pussy with his big cock. He flips the petite spy over and rails her doggystyle. Her tight twat can barely contain his massive meat. The two lovers climax and briefly cuddle before proceeding to the exam room. Aaron helps Tessa up on the cold steel exam table and opens her robe. He sticks the IV in her arm and begins pumping the experimental drug into her veins. Tessa’s nipples harden in the cold room. Aaron rubs her with his warm hands to soothe her nerves. They make awkward smalltalk while the drug sets in. Time to see if this drug works. Aaron aims his silenced pistol at Tessa’s left breast and fires without hesitation. The hot round slices through her tender flesh and sears her insides. There’s some blood, and surely a lot of pain, but Tessa is still alive and conscious. Aaron proceeds to fire a few more rounds into Tessa’s lower abdomen and right tit. She writhes in extreme pain and Aaron notes that the drug definitely seems to be stopping the bleeding. It’s working! After examining Tessa’s bullet wounds more closely, Aaron is very pleased with the results. He fires another round into Tessa’s uterus. She shrieks in agony, but there’s only one spot left to test: inside the pussy. Aaron inserts the silencer in Tessa’s cunt and fires three rounds. Hot leads mingles with Tessa’s blood and Aaron’s cum. She convulses in pain. The experiment was mostly successful, but it’s become clear Tessa will not survive it. Her sacrifice will save countless agents’ lives.
Fetish Elements: Explicit Sexual Content, Stripping, Skirt, Stockings, Blowjob, Fucking, Hair Pulling, Medical, Silenced Pistol, Belly Shooting, Multi-shooting, Blood, SFX, Pussy Shooting, Twitching, Convulsing, Death, Body Views, Foot Views
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Posted in PKF
Belly Punching Serie – Cosplayer is Beaten Up By Real Punching Villains!
Posted by PornExtreme on 18 March 2016, 16:30Belly Punching Serie – Cosplayer is Beaten Up By Real Punching Villains!
Categories: Cunt Busting, Torture, Belly Punch, BDSM, Beating, Slapping, Pussy Kicking, Gagging, SubMissive, Trample
Description: A cute cosplayer is never cute for this bouncer because he caught the woman stealing some stuff at a bar. The buff bouncer isolates the cosplayer in a room and forces her to stand in a corner. The buff man suddenly punches the air out of the woman’s stomach. The cosplayer is in so much pain that she sits and mopes in extreme pain.
PunishedBrats – There’s A Man In The House
Posted by PornExtreme on 18 February 2016, 19:32PunishedBrats – There’s A Man In The House
Categories: Hand Spanking, Red Ass, Punishment, Domestic, Discipline, Family, Bare Bottom, Panties, Strap
Description: Adriana desperately needed a night out after a week of looking after her bratty sister. She was thinking of what a nice evening she had when she walked in on Lexi and a gentleman she attracted by way of the internet. Once she dispatched with Lexi’s “friend,” an irate Adriana returned with a hairbrush. At first Lexi thought, “not again,” but soon she realized that this punishment was to be like no spanking she had received before. Every whack of the brush was delivered with all of the force Adriana could muster. Little sister’s pleas for mercy went unheeded and her punishment worsened once her panties came down. After giving Lexi a hard punishment with the hairbrush, Adriana had her kneel on the couch so that she could continue the onslaught upon her little sister’s bottom. Adriana’s anger was based on fear for her sister’s well-being. She had always contemplated life with an organ other that her brain and the poor judgment she showed in having this man from the internet put form to the fear. After she was thoroughly spanked, Lexi was told to remain in position on the couch. All Lexi wanted was the extreme pain emanating from her bottom to go away.
Posted in Spanking
SandySimmers – 56 – UR BALLS MUST DIE
Posted by PornExtreme on 25 March 2012, 13:23——————————–
SandySimmers – 56 – UR BALLS MUST DIE
Categories: Ball Abuse, Interrogation, CFNM, Humiliation, Face Slapping, CBT, FemDom
Description: This is part3 of Psycho Nurse Sandy Loves cock&Ballbiting Slave as had a thero urethra exam with my steel Sounds. I still have not released the elasterater just yet. I torture his cock and balls with my sharp teeth a bit. Now, ur balls Must Die. Time to say Goodbye to ur manhood. Please, mistress don’t do this, slave cries. I mock him saying, PLEASE MISTRESS, PLEASE MISTRESS as I unclasp the jaws of the Elasterator. Releasing the Band cutting off all blood flow to his testicles. He begs me to take it off. Oh this does not come off. The only way it comes off is when ur balls are completely dead. Unless, you want me to try cutting it off with my scissors? I’m quite certain i would hit an artery in the process causing you to bleed to death and we don’t want that now do we? Besides, I’m not done torturing you yet. Nurse Sandy wants to play some more, I have some needles I would like to stick into your dying balls. Slave is in extreme pain he can feel his balls dying- the band is crushing into his cords causing the dying balls to throb. I stab needles into his throbbing balls as they die. This clip has Castration, CBT, Cock biting,ballbiting,Needles pinned through balls,Nurse play and femdom. Want to cum play with Nurse Sandy? Do you have the balls? Didn’t think so Pussy.
Posted in BallBusting | CBT
Tagged Ball Abuse, CBT, CFNM, Face Slapping, FemDom, Humiliation, Interrogation, SandySimmers