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Search Results for: russian
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Inshadow – S.T.K…Snatched, Tortured, Killed!
Posted by PornExtreme on 26 January 2015, 02:51Inshadow – S.T.K…Snatched, Tortured, Killed!
Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian
Description: The hichhicking girl has got into the wrong car…the guy laying in the back looked like a junkie, watching her with obscenity, and the driver, a nice guy at first sight, turned into a jerk after a while…She started to feel very uncomfortable and after she realized they were taking a sideaway road, insisted to get out of the car… The driver smiled and showed up a gun as answer…He pulled the car out and forced her, at gunpoint, to move on the backseat…The junkie gagged, cuffed and fondled her while she was driven to a basement where the two maniacs started to enjoy their prey…They tied her up, forced her to blowjob, then suffocated/drowned her, applying a scarf on her mouth and nose and dropping water on it while raping their victim…
Posted in Inshadow
Posted by PornExtreme on 26 January 2015, 02:50Inshadow – MAFIA PRINCESS
Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian
Description: Gina, a mob’s girlfriend is actually lesbian and very interested in their new maid Sylvana. As they are alone for a moment, she starts to kiss and touch the shy girl who can not resist for long to gina’s arguments…She forces the maidon the couch and fondles, kisses and gropes her. The maid eventually gets in the play as well and they have sex…humping each other, using dildos and strap on’s…
After several orgasms, a dildo inside her, Gina reveals her true fantasy, as Sylvana is still fucking her with the strapon, she gently push the maid backwards and, riding her, suddenly wrap her hands around the fresh girl’s throat. She squezzes it, while enjoying the “ride”, and the twitching maid’s body. The maid struggles not to avail, trying to get some air, her mouth gasping and legs kicking widely, till she eventually passes out.
Gina keeps on enjoying the now unconscious girl, rubbing herself against the maid’s leg, having another orgasm….but it is not enough…the young maid starts to recover, coughing from the chocking. Gina grabs a pillow and suffocates the girl, loudly enjoying it!
It is soon all over…The young maid is dead this time. Gina disposes of the body on the floor, and masturbates on it… Unaware that a silent assassin, sent by her boyfriend’s enemy, is sneaking behind her… He watches the scene a moment, perplex, then strikes….
He quickly wraps a plastic bag around Gina’s head, still jerking on the corpse, and pulls her backwards, then suffocates her…
The two bodies are left to be found by the mobs as he returns…
Keywords: Explicite lesbian sex, G/G manual chocking, G/G pillow suffocation, M/F plastic bag suffocation, strugglings, …
Posted in Inshadow
Inshadow – Useless Girl
Posted by PornExtreme on 26 January 2015, 02:48Inshadow – Useless Girl
Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian
Description: A cop investigating a drug trafic finds Mya masturbating after her lesbian friends left… He is very violent guy and wants to find what he is looking for. He chokes Mayar till she passes out, finding nothing, he will rape her and strangle her to death using a thin white no witnesses left…
Keywords: set up, lesbian, girl masturbating, cop intrusion, manual chocking, , strugglings, forced blowjob, rape, garotted with thin white rope,…
Posted in Inshadow
Inshadow – Alice in nightmareland
Posted by PornExtreme on 26 January 2015, 02:47Inshadow – Alice in nightmareland
Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian
Description: Alice is still in fantasyland, playing with her favourite toyfriends…Ted the bear, Oscar the elephant, Daphne the cow, Barf the dog… She dressed a bit kinky for them tonight, short dress and stockings, but she suddenly enters into a darkest world when a masked intruder surprises her from behind and strangles her with a rope… Help might come from that nice guy ringing at the door…but is he really so nice? Or will he take advantage of Alice, raping her and suffocating her using Bambi doe…?
Posted in Inshadow
Rumspringa Films – Dead End Part 2
Posted by PornExtreme on 4 January 2014, 10:38Rumspringa Films – Dead End Part 2
Categories: Strangle, Hanging, Rape, Death Fetish, Maniac, RolePlay
Description: When a beautiful reporter goes searching in the deep woods for a meth lab, she becomes the story. She is kidnapped by a Russian femme fatale, stripped and taken to an isolated area where she is tormented, then hanged to death. Her body is hung upside down while the Russian and her accomplice take pictures to send back to the newspaper as a warning. When they are through, the reporter’s body is loaded into a tractor and removed for burial. Some time later, the girl’s body ends up on the medical examiner’s table, where she is cleaned and examined for evidence.
Posted in RueMorgue | Rumspringa
Rumspringa Films – Dead End Part 1
Posted by PornExtreme on 4 January 2014, 10:37Rumspringa Films – Dead End Part 1
Categories: Strangle, Hanging, Rape, Death Fetish, Maniac, RolePlay
Description: When a beautiful reporter goes searching in the deep woods for a meth lab, she becomes the story. She is kidnapped by a Russian femme fatale, stripped and taken to an isolated area where she is tormented, then hanged to death. Her body is hung upside down while the Russian and her accomplice take pictures to send back to the newspaper as a warning. When they are through, the reporter’s body is loaded into a tractor and removed for burial. Some time later, the girl’s body ends up on the medical examiner’s table, where she is cleaned and examined for evidence.
Posted in RueMorgue | Rumspringa
Inshadow – Kept In Good Shape
Posted by PornExtreme on 30 November 2013, 22:16Inshadow – Kept In Good Shape
Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian
Description: A hot sexy slim girl gets in the bathroom after some jogging and outside physical training, she is obssessed by her body and do everything to keep it in good shape. She grabs a towel and wipes her sweaty face, then drops it on a chair and drink water from a bottle… Someone sneaks in her back…her ex boyfriend? A jealous lover? or someone else…? He silently takes the towel and tightens it between his fists…then suddenly attacks her, choking her from behind, till she loses consciousness… She is raped and wakes up to be strangled again and hand smothered till she eventually quit kicking…for good…
Posted in Inshadow
Inshadow – Failed Contract
Posted by PornExtreme on 30 November 2013, 22:16Inshadow – Failed Contract
Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian
Description: A hitwoman has been hired to kill a man. But as she sneaks into his house, things don’t turn out as they should be. He knocks her out and has her tied on a chair. He wants to know who sent her, but the young woman is defiant and won’t answer. He will slowly garotte her to death…..
Posted in Inshadow
Inshadow – The Ex Lookalike
Posted by PornExtreme on 30 November 2013, 22:16Inshadow – The Ex Lookalike
Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian
Description: Emmanueele is a sweet girl and loves to live…she just has one default, she is not aware that she looks like Paul’s ex girlfriend. He kidnaps her as she gets in her car, threatning her with a gun, and takes her to an underground place. He puts a piece of tape over her mouth to gag her, then forces her to undress. The crying girl doesn’t have choice. She gets undress in undies. Then he ties her hands and feet, using tape, and starts his ritual… He forces on her to wear the dress his ex girlfriend was often wearing, she is tied up so he puts it himself on her as he can, then sprays his ex’s favourite perfume all over her body…All this is a part of his ritual, what makes him horny….He rapes her, then tapes her tighter on the chair before leaving her there..struggling and moaning for a while..He comes back…to abuse her again…but it is just the beginning of her torment, he shows up a dildo….
Posted in Inshadow
Inshadow – 4 Killing Hands
Posted by PornExtreme on 30 November 2013, 22:15Inshadow – 4 Killing Hands
Categories: RolePlay, Death Fetish, Rape, Russian
Description: Emmanuelle walks to her car, opens the door, and sits down into the driver’s seat. Before she can get a chance to close the driver’s side front door, two perps spring out, one dashing into the backseat directly behind Emmanuelle, the other dashing into the front passenger seat. Emmanuelle has no time to react, just a few gasps and a terrified scream. Before she has a chance to get up and out of the car, the front passenger perp grabs her and yanks her into the driver’s seat, giving the perp in the backseat enough time to get a garotte around Emmanuelle’s throat.
She needs to put up a hell of a struggle, giving the perp in the front passenger seat a difficult time securing her arms. After several moments of intense struggle, the backseat perp sees how much trouble the front seat perp is having, and he tightens the garotte with his right hand, and with his left hand reaches in the front to secure Emmanuelle’s left flailing arm. The front perp will then put all of his focus on securing Emmanuelle’s right arm, which he will do more easily with both of his hands. Once the front seat perp has a strong grip of Emmanuelle’s right arm, which he will secure off to her right, he will grab a fist full of Emmanuelle’s hair, cocking her head toward him and causing increased pressure to Emmanuelle’s neck causing her to nearly black out. But she doesn’t – eyes roll back a second but she continues to fight for her life. At this point in the strangulation, Emmanuelle is seriously in trouble. Both of her arms are pinned, her right arm held off to her side by the front seat perp and her left arm being held up toward the backseat perp. Her left hand is trying to grasp at the garotte. She futilely claws at the top of her car seat or her hair. She is still struggling significantly but it is more of a trapped, squirming struggle, as she is physically being overpowered by two men and simply lacks the upper body strength to really free herself. The front passenger perp will see how incredibly sexy their little trapped victim is and let go of Emmanuelle’s hair with his right hand, and initially begins feeling up Emmanuelle’s boobs over her blouse. He roughly and forcefully feels up her boobs and torso over her clothes, and Emmanuelle, upon realizing what is happening to her – that she is not only going to die but also is going to be molested while she is dying – makes one last ditch effort to break free, squirming considerably. This seriously turns on the front passenger seat perp, and he starts tearing open her blouse. The front passenger seat perp then tries to yank her blouse as far down her right shoulder as he can, and also pressing it further onto her left shoulder, since the way her left arm is secured, it cannot be pushed completely down. Emmanuelle is now completely nude torso. As soon as the Emmanuelle’s top is stripped off, the front passenger perp goes nuts with her boobs, grabbing them with his right hand forcefully and squeezing them and doing whatever he wants with her boobs. Again, with much force and energy, and with enough force that it hurts Emmanuelle. Emmanuelle squirms even more. She is completely pinned, unable to breathe and now a dude is feeling her naked boobs up. She struggles, but her face gradually takes on a more confused resignation as she begins to die. Her struggling will soon become just reflex and she appears as one who is no longer aware of what is going on. Her eyes begin to stare and her struggling becomes more diminished, all the while her boobs are being felt up. The front passenger seat perp undoes her jean shorts and open them as much as he can. Emmanuelle is sitting, so taking off her shorts is not be feasible, so the front passenger seat perp will go back to ravaging her boobs. Eventually, Emmanuelle’s strength starts to be so weak that both perps will release their grips on her arms. They will then use all of their hands to push away whatever clothes remain so that her blouse is completely pushed down her arms, and they will fondle and grope her boobs. Emmanuelle is still struggling, mostly reflex now, so the backseat perp will use the garotte with both hands. Once Emmanuelle becomes mostly limp, staring off into nothing and give little jerks of her body, the backseat perp will eventually move his left hand down to Emmanuelle’s breasts and feel them up too, joining in on some fondling fun with the front seat perp. Backseat perp will continue to hold onto the garotte tightly with his right hand, but he will feel up Emmanuelle’s boobs with his left. Both perps will continue feeling up her boobs for some time, the front seat perp with both of his hands, the back seat perp with his left. Once Emmanuelle expires, the back seat perp will lower the garotte, and he will then wrap both of his hands around Emmanuelle from the top behind and feel up her boobs with both hands.
After several minutes, all the while Emmanuelle is dead with eyes wide open and staring in a random direction, the perps decide They will throw the dead girl into her own trunk and drive away for more fun . They carry the dead body to their garage, where they will sexually play with their limb victim,..blowjob and “sandwich”, one perp fucking her in the ass while his pal enjoys her pussy….
Posted in Inshadow