Crime House (aka Dark Rooms) – Credit Limit

Posted by PornExtreme on 14 June 2017, 14:46

Crime House (aka Dark Rooms) – Credit Limit

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Gun Fun, Bagging, Nude Sexy

Description: Office style, office dresscode, white blouses, stockings flesh-colored, white stockings and black miniskirt, heels, head shot, shot in the chest, undressing, pulling bodies, death stares, elegant poses

A man comes to the bank to take the credit. Two women bank employees are denied to him. The man could not stand it, pulled out a gun and began a brutal massacre. He shot a woman in the head while the manager he shot twice in the chest. Instituted by the received power and private violence, he began playing with the bodies, to undress them and seat the dead dolls.


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