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Peachy Keen Films – Apprentice Spy Girls In Training 2/ Apprentice Spies in Training 2

Posted by PornExtreme on 15 January 2017, 16:44

Peachy Keen Films – Apprentice Spy Girls In Training 2/ Apprentice Spies in Training 2

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Alice and Jessi are both training to be spies for the girls of CK. A. O. S. agency. Every night, each girl is tasked with a sexual project to complete before they sleep. They are required to complete this task and always keep their guns ready. Tonight, they are using Ben Wa Balls. Each girl must use them to their best ability, then put them in their pussies and keep them there until they are given permission to remove them. The girls obediently follow their orders and go to sleep.

Each one has a dream. In one dream, the girl is in a room, when another training spy comes in. That spy is unarmed and is shot. Then, the girl plays with her body, eventually pulling out the Ben Wa Balls and realizing something is wrong – she has the same one’s inside her! After both girls have this dream in reversed roles, both wake up with an unshakable fear there is a conspiracy to eliminate the trainees within the agency.

Jessi heads to the master spy’s office with her concerns. He comforts her, then she is suddenly shot in the back by Alice. She shoots Jessi twice more, in the belly, killing the agent, who falls to the floor. Alice goes to the dead girl, fondles both her and herself, then retrieves the Ben Wa Balls for her master. He leads her on for a bit, making her think that he wants her, but, when the moment is right, he shoots her three times in the belly. She falls back in agony and he shoots her twice in the left breast, finishing her. Satisfied with how the project went, he gets on the phone and asks for two new trainees. Instead of calling the cleaners, however, he decides to fuck the two dead agents first.

Fetish Elements: Explicit Sexual Content, Nudity,Violence, Ben Wa Balls, Spies, Masturbation, Dream Sequence Shootings, Lesbian, Multi-Shooting, 2 Back Shots, 5 Belly Shots, 2 Breast Shots, Necro BJ, Necro Sex, Body Play, Body Views, Foot Views.

Apprentice Spy Girls In Training.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Drain My Dick

Posted by PornExtreme on 15 January 2017, 16:43

Peachy Keen Films – Drain My Dick

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Starring Rachel James, Ivy Aura, and Miles.

Miles comes into the doctor due to an erection that has lasted over four hours. When the nurses offer a dick draining instead of sexual release, Miles freaks out. Jumping from the table, and overpowering the girls, he chokes them until their bodies are limp. He slowly starts undressing the nurses, taking their clothes off their limp bodies. He slides his dick in nurse Ivy’s mouth making him even harder than he was before. Soon he moves Ivy onto her stomach and fucks her from behind. He moves Ivy to the other side of the examination table and pulls Rachel’s lifeless body towards him. He takes his time fucking Rachel’s tight pussy, easing his day long erection and filling her tight pussy with cum.

Fetish Elements: Explicit Sexual Content, Choking, Blowjob, Fucking, Limp, Flop, Cumming, Nurse, Scrubs, Stripping, Death,


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Peachy Keen Films – Die For Diamonds

Posted by PornExtreme on 15 January 2017, 16:42

Peachy Keen Films – Die For Diamonds

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: A young woman is in a dangerous game when her work acquaintance hides some diamonds she nicked from their employer and makes a run out of town to lay low and avoid her bosses wrath.

Soon, there is a knock on the door in the guise of a delivery man, but the charade is off when he punches her to the floor and tosses her place looking for the loot.

She gives it up quickly, not wanting to get herself hurt. But, she holds a secret still that unleashes the mans wrath.

He forces her to suck his cock, but when she bites down to try an make her escape, he attacks and viciously strangles her with a garrote.

Once dead, he takes his time with her lovely corpse.

Contains: Violence, Nudity, Explicit Sexual Content, Espionage, Hitting, Forced BJ, Sexual Assault, Begging, Garrote Nylon Strangle, Hosiery, Necro BJ, Necro Sex, Body Views.

Die For Diamonds.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Belly Stab Necro Fuck

Posted by PornExtreme on 15 January 2017, 16:41

Peachy Keen Films – Belly Stab Necro Fuck

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Alex has been seeing a hot chic running by his spot for weeks. His fantasies have run wild. Pushing a knife deep into her belly has fully consumed him. His alarm goes off notifying him she is close as he is sharping his knife.

It’s only a minute before she rounds the corner as she has every day for months. Its perfect, no one around. She is un aware as he moves in for the capture. A blow to the head KO’s her, she is lite.

Once inside she has no were to go. The blade goes in easy. Twisting it feels good. Ramming it in like he will latter ram in his cock into her dead pussy. She mons & coughs up blood. Pulling the knife out is nearly a orgasm. Watching her die is a fantasy long awaited.

Her small frame is easily drug across the floor. Her pussy is tight & wet as if she enjoyed the fell of the cold steel in her belly as she died.

The reward of he efforts is a climax like no other. He will save her for another round.

Belly Stab Necro Fuck.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Wearing Daddys Clothes

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 January 2017, 00:10

Peachy Keen Films – Wearing Daddys Clothes

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Anna loves showing off for daddy and his camera while mommy is away.
She come out wearing his shirt and being coy giving daddy little strip.

showing daddy her perfect body, tits and ass.
she gets on her knees like a good girl and pulls out her daddyТs big cock.
She loves daddyТs cock sucking his cock and balls.
getting all messy as she gags on his cock deep throating it all the way down.

Daddy holds her head down as he fills her throat with cum, she enjoys every bit.

Daddy knows that she is a bad girl and canТt let mommy find out so with one quick snap he breaks her neck.

He is left dead, but her daddy loves her body and decides to fuck it one more time before getting rid of the body.
He fucks her limp body enjoying her perfect young pussy cumming in her one more time.

Fetish Elements: Explicit Sexual Content, Incest/Taboo, Daddy/Daughter, Nudity, Blowjob, Neck Snap, Necro Fucking, Death, Body Views, Foot Views.


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Peachy Keen Films – The Doctor Who Wasnt

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 January 2017, 00:09

Peachy Keen Films – The Doctor Who Wasnt

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Starring Rachel James and Javier Lovetongue

Rachel has set up an appointment with Dr. Lovetongue to take a look at some pains she is having in her stomach. He puts on a pair of gloves and begins inspecting her stomach and testing for pain points and tenderness. He asks her about her diet and checks her pulse.

He decides that she will need to be under anesthetic gas so that he can make sure that her kidneys are functioning properly. He sets up the machine and puts a mask over her mouth and begins putting her under. She counts down from ten and before she hits “two” she is out like a light.

Now Dr. Lovetongue can work his magic. He begins to play with her limp arms, flopping them around and watching them jiggle. He strips her naked and fondles her pussy, moving his fingers gently over her abdomen and caressing her breasts.

He rubs his face and lips up and down her legs and chest before playing with her limp arms a few more times.

But Rachel starts to come to and he must gas her again. As he’s doing so, the real doctor enters stunned to find an imposter. Dr. Lovetongue runs out of the room before he can be captured, but he left the gas on and Rachel begins to cough, struggling to breath before overdosing and dying on the table.

Fetish Elements: Sexual Content, Doctor, Gloves, Gas, Anesthesia, Mask, Limp, Floppy, Playful, Stripping, Fondling, Touching, Kissing, Imposter, Silly Ending, Gassing, Death, Coughing


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Peachy Keen Films – Strangle Me Please

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 January 2017, 00:08

Peachy Keen Films – Strangle Me Please

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Keeley was an escort and decided she would try to spice things up with her next appointment.

Things started out as usual. Super hot, 19yo girl and a 30 something average joe looking for some fun. But, after some touchy feely sucking and licking, it was time to move on. She wanted him to choke her while he fucked her.

So, then began the session. He fucked her as best he could, while she strangled herself with a thin leather cord. In fact, she went out. He panicked at first, but once he realized she was ok, he kinda liked it. Soon, he was strangling her.

After a few times of her going out, they changed some positions. Each time, he strangled her harder and harder. Each time, she went out. Finally, he decided, he wanted to keep strangling her after she passed out. Then, she came back too, struggling for her life. He got her into a better position for leverage and strangled the teenage escort until she stopped moving.

He was excited. What a rush. This made him hard as a rock. He repositioned her, then jacked himself until he came on her chest. When it was over, he took a last look, and left quickly.

Contains: Violence, Nudity, Teenage/Young, Explicit Sexual Content, Brief Toe Sucking, Foot/Leg Views, Multi-Garrote Strangling with Unconscious, Garrote Strangling, Cum Shot, Body Views.


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Peachy Keen Films – Pray For Him

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 January 2017, 00:07

Peachy Keen Films – Pray For Him

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Emma is an innocent, pious girl spending a night in reading the Bible by herself. Suddenly, a masked man enters her home and stands before her. She drops the book in fear and gets to her knees. She begs for mercy but he is here for vengeance; her church has been trying to get his gang shut down. She only wants to make the world a better place and she begs him to let her pray for both of their souls before he silences her for good.

Grabbing a rope from his pocket, he tightens it around her throat, towering over her trembling body as he overpowers her. Spitting and fighting for air, she struggles against the massive man, pounding her tiny hands against his bulging arms. After a lengthy struggle, she dies and he leaves her body splayed out on the floor.

Soon after she is taken to the morgue for inspection. The coroners put on rubber gloves take a full examination of the body. First they undress the body, removing her dress, undergarments, boots, and socks. Then they take photos of the body, nail scrapings, vaginal temperature, swabs from the mouth and vagina, measurements, and then they flip the body to inspect her back.

When the body has been examined internally, they fill the body with embalming fluid and the male coroner is left alone with the body. He removes the cotton balls from the corpse’s mouth and pussy and takes off his gloves, touching her lips sensually, thinking of all the things he could do to her. He takes his cock out and slides it into her mouth, holding the back of her head so he can fuck her face.

When he is finished and the body is dressed and placed in a casket for viewing. Then they close the lid.

Fetish Elements: Explicit Sexual Content, Strangle, Groat Strangle, Rope, Attack, Morgue, CSI, Body Inspection, Boot Removal, Sock Removal, Nail Scrapings, Mouth Swab, Vaginal Swab, Morgue Photos, Body Flipping, Casket Views, Casket Lid Closing, Embalming Fluid, Post Mortem Blowjobs, Necro Blowjob, Rubber Gloves.


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Peachy Keen Films – My Barbie Doll

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 January 2017, 00:06

Peachy Keen Films – My Barbie Doll

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: Rock has been working at the morgue for a while, because he loves the way the bodies look. One day, a young female is admitted and after she has been inspected and prepped, Rock sneaks in after hours and takes her home with him. She is so beautiful and he wants to treat her right.

Once he gets her body home, he sits her up in a chair so he can treat her like the lady she is. Her body is rigid from rigor so he can pose her like a lifesize doll. Rock pulls out his makeup kit, eager to make her up all pretty. He puts on rouge, eyeshadow and lipstick, being careful and metered in his approach. Then he puts on a beautiful necklace that used to belong to his mother. Then he slips thigh high stockings on her cold feet, followed by a lovely pink bra and a pair of white lacy panties. Then he slips a pretty pink evening gown on her body and a nice pair of strappy heels.

Now that she looks so beautiful, Rock takes some photos of her as she sits politely in the chair. Then he lays his beautiful doll on the bed, caressing her hair and nuzzling into her. She may feel cold to the touch but she is so beautiful and radiant in her new outfit. Carefully, Rock slides the panties down her stiff legs, and inserts himself between them. He fucks her body. He loves the way she feels, and tastes, and smells. When he’s ready to finish, he cums on her beautiful face, watching his cum mix with her makeup. Then he wipes it off, because he respects her and she is a lady, and then carries her to the closet, where he keeps her for future dates.

Fetish Elements: Explicit Sexual Content, Post Mortem, Makeup, Dressing, Limp Fetish, Morgue, Necro, Thigh High Stockings, Body Views, Foot Views.


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BangExtreme – Deepthroat Porn Girls

Posted by PornExtreme on 13 January 2017, 00:02

BangExtreme – Deepthroat Porn Girls

Categories: Extreme Porn, LQ, StreamRip, Spanking, Bondage, BDSM, Caning, Face Fucking, Abuse, Amateur, DeepThroat, Rape, Slapping, Gape, Puke

Deepthroat Porn Girls