UnderWater Serie – Ginary and Starr in a Friendship Ended
Categories: Drowning, UnderWater Fetish, Nude Girls, Roleplay Snuff,
Description: Back Story: Ginary, Starr and Cory are best friends but two years ago, Cory began to fuck and steal her friends boy friends. Cory would fuck the guys behind her friends back and thought her secret was safe…Until today.
Story: The girls were swimming and Ginary wanted to play a game…A breath holding game…”Let’s see who can hold their breath the longest…” says Ginary. Cory easily wins the breath hold battle…Ginary then offers to step up the intensity of the breath hold contest…This time the girls will close their eyes while holding their breath…Cory agreed and naively sinks down to hold her breath…
Starr and Ginary follow Cory down and watch as she closes her eyes…That is when the girls attack and hold Cory down…Cory is in shock and tries to fight the girls off…The girls are too powerful and keep her down…
Starr drags Cory to the deep end and steps on the chest of Cory while Ginary hold Cory down…The air slowly leaves Cory’s lungs as the girls take turns holding her down…Once Cory is lifeless, Starr and Ginary wave goodbye to Cory and swim to the surface…
That is the last time Cory will fuck their boyfriends as the girls slap hands and swim away…

Ginary and Starr in a Friendship Ended.mp4