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Tag Archives: Jacquelyn Velvets
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VelvetsFantasies – Rage Within The Machine 3
Posted by PornExtreme on 9 September 2017, 21:30VelvetsFantasies – Rage Within The Machine 3
Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F
Description: Starring Jacquelyn Velvets, Sumiko, and Jasmine Mendez
After having stolen Jacquelyn Velvets’ patent for her newest FemBot technology, millionaire / fake entrepreneur Sumiko is invited over to her old partner’s home. Deviously curious, Sumiko accepts…ready to mock any and all of her former partner’s remarks. The grinning Velvets informs her that she’s forgiven her for her sins, and wants to introduce her to the FUTURE of FemBot technology. Sumiko scoffs at the idea, but within seconds Velvets brings in her newest creation via remote control. A tall and beautiful Latina FemBot known as “Jasmine” enters, stunning Sumiko with her realistic skin, movement, and overall marketable sexiness. Sumiko gets lost inspecting Jasmine’s frame, thus leaving herself open to a sudden signal from Jacquelyn’s remote control. Jasmine immediately traps the devious thief in a vise-like bearhug, squeezing her unconscious and letting her drop to the couch! Jacquelyn decides to have a night of fun, ordering her FemBot to knock her rival out repeatedly, rag doll her, and even strip her down to her lingerie.
There’s even an impressive throat lift that truly shows off the new FemBot’s strength…all leading to a final sleepy spray KO that goes awry when Sumiko makes sure some of the KO drug hits Jasmine in the face! The FemBot starts to malfunction, much to Jacquelyn’s horror, and before she can re-wire her creation, the Bot lifts Jacquelyn into the air by her throat, knocking her unconscious and letting her slump to the couch. She sits, staring blankly, as the two ladies start to come to. They make a break for it but Jasmine catches them in a double choke that quickly sends them back to Dreamland!!
With her creator and Sumiko down and out, Jasmine goes into shut-down mode, her eyes fluttering slightly as she slumps backwards, leaving a pile of three women (two of them real) on the couch, each one destined to be out of commission for quite some time.
This movie contains bearhug KO, throat lift KOs, head crush KO, sleepy spray KO, double choke hold KO, over the shoulder carries, cradle carry, rag dolling, limp limb manipulation
Posted in VelvetsFantasies
Tagged Jacquelyn Velvets
VelvetsFantasies – Staying In And Going Out – With Becca
Posted by PornExtreme on 9 September 2017, 21:30VelvetsFantasies – Staying In And Going Out – With Becca
Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F
Description: Starring Becca and Sleeperkid
After leading the lovely Becca (debuting in her first sleepy role ever!) into Jacquelyn Velvets’ “audition room”, Sleeperkid explains to the eager young actress that they’re going to film some “staged” KO segments for Miss Velvets herself. Anxious to get a job performing in Velvets’ productions, Becca is more than happy to take a soaked rag across her nose and mouth…only to find out the supposed water moistening the cloth is ACTUAL chloroform! Becca eventually fades away, only to be roused by the wicked Kid. What follows is a series of KOs, rag dolling, carries, and subtle humiliation as Becca is forced to beg for a spot in Velvets’ roster, only to take a final karate chop knockout in front of the camera. SK smiles as he delivers a final carry, one destined to take Becca to meet Miss Velvets herself!
Filmed entirely in ONE TAKE!
This movie contains chloroform KO, blackjack KO, sleepy spray KO, dust mask KO, neck pinch KO, teasing chloroform KO, neck chop KO, cradle carries, fireman’s carry, over the shoulder carries, eye checks, emphasis on rag dolling
Posted in VelvetsFantasies
Tagged Jacquelyn Velvets
VelvetsFantasies – Staying In And Going Out with – Sahrye
Posted by PornExtreme on 8 May 2017, 18:27VelvetsFantasies – Staying In And Going Out with – Sahrye
Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F
Description: We fade in on a familiar scene: Sleeperkid sitting next to a beautiful model DYING to work for Velvet’s Fantasies. What could possibly make this a special event? Well…it was shot at Fetishcon 2014. That, and it features the copiously talented and beautiful Sahrye, a Puerto Rican actress whose performance will blow you away. In this completely unedited, single-take clip, SK interviews Sahrye…telling her that she’s been scheduled for some “pretend” KOs in order to impress Jacquelyn Velvets, who’s watching live through a closed circuit camera. Soon enough she realizes that she’s been tricked into some REAL trips to Dreamland, the first being via chloroform!
She comes to later and is asked if she wants to continue, a question she answers with a doubtful “yes”, right before SK puts her out via a series of knockouts and knockout games, including a drugged dust mask that leaves Sahrye face down on his hotel room bed! Folks, when we say you’re gonna be stunned by Sahrye’s debut, we truly mean it…and by the time she gets the “job” and celebrates with a self-chloro KO, we promise you you’ll be convinced of her talent, presence, and a true desire to return to Velvet’s Fantasies: an event you’re gonna WANT to be ready for!
This movie contains chloroform KO, neck pinch KO, chloroform gas mask KO, blackjack KO, neck chop KO, self chloroform KO, over the shoulder carries, cradle carry, limp limb manipulation, rag dolling
Posted in VelvetsFantasies
Tagged Jacquelyn Velvets
VelvetsFantasies – No Hose Barred
Posted by PornExtreme on 8 May 2017, 18:25VelvetsFantasies – No Hose Barred
Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F
Description: We fade in on Niki Lee Young and Arielle Lane, working away in their home office and celebrating their recent bids for a dual promotion within their Agency. Turns out they went through a ton of competitors, rendering dozens of girls unconscious and taking their clothes as trophies and as proof for the Big Boss. It ALSO turns out that there’s a team of two ladies they kinda forgot to eliminate…two ladies that are currently breaking into their house! We see Jacquelyn Velvets and Jinx tip-toe into the hallway and barge into the office, knocking both girls out with dual neck chops! This then leads to an intense game of cat and mouse, as each pair takes turns taking karate chop KOs to the neck, each team trying their best to overwhelm the other. What starts off as back and forth knockouts then turns into a rite of humiliation, as each lady eventually has her clothing removed after getting sent to Dreamland!
In the end, Team Jacquelyn and Jinx manage to take Arielle and Niki out in the bedroom for what APPEARS to be the last time, running off with their clothes so the Big Boss can give them the official win. After they call him in the living room, however, they find out that the Boss wants their opponents pantyhose as proof, a fact that comes a little too late for Jacquelyn and Jinx…as their rivals sneak up and deliver a final set of karate chops that put their opponents out for the night! Niki picks up the phone and learns the new rules…as well as an extra provision to the contest. She and Arielle remove the KO’ed pair’s pantyhose, laughing at their helplessness as we see Niki gingerly step behind Arielle…and take her down with a final neck chop KO!
Turns out there’s only ONE position available in the Agency…and Niki Lee Young’s the one who’s gonna fill it!
This movie contains multiple neck chop KOs, double neck chop KOs, 4 girl neck chop KOs, foot pressure point KOs, quick KO reactions, uniform and pantyhose stealing/swapping
Posted in VelvetsFantasies
Tagged Jacquelyn Velvets
VelvetsFantasies – Crossed Out
Posted by PornExtreme on 8 May 2017, 18:23VelvetsFantasies – Crossed Out
Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F
Description: There are all kinds of knockout fans. Some of you love drama. Others: suspense. And then there’s that percentage of you that love a little comedy with your passion. The sight of lovely damsels suffering a KO blow…only to react with crossed eyes, the occasional protruding tongue, and an over the top performance from the victims at hand. In this 2-in-1 release, Jacquelyn Velvets stars alongside two beautiful victims (Ivy Sloan and Hannah Perez) in separate scenarios that focus on the “silly” KO style a lot of you have been begging to see. Whether it’s a competitive “knockouts game” (Jacquelyn and Ivy, performing custom “fixed eye-crossed stares” that never close) that sets the stage for such antics…or a simple series of unfortunate mishaps that keep sending Jacquelyn and Hannah to La La Land, this release is SURE to please those clamoring to witness the more light-hearted side of this little dream we all share!
Crossed Over
Starring Jacquelyn Velvets and Ivy Sloan
This movie contains goofy KO reactions, tongue hanging out, crossed eyes, crossed open eyes after KO, remote control head bonk KO, wall slam head KO, punch out KOs, sleeper hold KO, reverse bear hug KO, door slam KOs, head bonk KO, kick KO, neck pinch KO, chloroform KO, double neck chop KOs, double bear hug KO, over the shoulder carries, dragging, limp limb manipulation
This movie contains goofy KO reactions, crossed eyes, crossed open eyes after KO, door head slam KO, refrigerator door head slam KO, fallen object KOs, double head butt KO, tea kettle head swing KO, dragging, limp limb manipulation
Posted in VelvetsFantasies
Tagged Hannah Perez, Jacquelyn Velvets
VelvetsFantasies – Very Merry Knockout Part 5
Posted by PornExtreme on 1 May 2017, 20:41VelvetsFantasies – Very Merry Knockout Part 5
Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F
Description: Starring Jacquelyn Velvets, Remi, Serena Voxx, Heather West, Candle Boxxx, Sumiko, Avery, Sleeperkid and
Photognome as Santa!
We fade in on the brat we love to hate as he wakes up on Christmas morning…only he’s grown up a bit since his last encounter with Santa’s sexy elves. This time he runs excitedly into the living room, freezing in shock when he sees a MASSIVE Christmas gift by the tree! Soon enough, however, he finds out that the box is merely a teleportation device to and from the North Pole. One by one, Santa’s beautiful elves emerge, and one by one the bratty Kid sends them to dreamland. This time around, however, the Kid’s changed his stance on gadgets versus girls, opting to have a little more fun with his unconscious victims! In a way, the brat’s learned to APPRECIATE his Xmas gifts, though not quite the way Santa (or his elves) intended!
Speaking of the Jolly One, he makes one heck of a cameo after each elf has been knocked unconscious and let in an epic pileup on the ground. After causing a massive 7 girl faint, Santa proceeds to discipline his employees, sending them to sleep with some effective KO spankings. After multiple OTS carries, the elves are laid out across the couch, their lovely derrieres exposed as Santa prepares his sleigh for a long trip home…followed by some much-needed elf training!
Will that bratty Kid ever learn the TRUE meaning of Christmas? That one’s still up in the air, but we’re thinking the fans of this series are rooting against that!
This movie contains candy cane head bonk KO, ribbon smother KO, lollipop neck chop KO, sleepy spray present KO, tinsel choke out KO, gift bow smother KO, ornament head bonk KO,
7 girl fainting KO, spank KO, over the shoulder carries, cradle carries, fireman’s carry, cradle carries into OTS, rag dolling, body piles, spanking
Posted in VelvetsFantasies
Tagged Jacquelyn Velvets, Serena Voxx
VelvetsFantasies – The Doll Trap
Posted by PornExtreme on 1 May 2017, 20:40VelvetsFantasies – The Doll Trap
Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F
Description: Starring Saya Savage, Jacquelyn Velvets, and Sleeperkid
Based on a custom script! Ever had one of those days where you’re a real estate agent showing a lovely lady like Saya Savage a house, only to let her wander around for a bit, leading to her finding a rare box that upon being opened conjures up a warlock (played by SK) who turns your potential client into a fem bot…only to eventually do the same to you when you walk in on the now frozen Saya?
Yeah. It happens to all of us…but this time it’s Jacquelyn Velvets who shares our fate, but not before we get a nice long look at the evils this magical lord unleashes on Saya Savage. He forces her to freeze, act out different roles, pass out, and take several knockouts…in between dragging scenes, rag dolling, and more. When Miss Velvets enters she falls into the same spell, leading to an epic finale of frozen females, KOs, eye rolling, body piles, and dual trips to Dreamland. There’s even a costume change via magic that leaves both ladies in shiny one piece outfits that make them PERFECT for the warlock’s already-massive collection!
This one’s a must for fans of frozen femmes, humiliation, rag dolling and some truly magical sleepy encounters!
This movie contains hypnosis, fem bots, freeze fetish, sleep command KOs, KOs with freeze commands, neck pinch KOs, hand smother KOs, doll posing, dancing commands, over the shoulder carry, draggings, rag dolling, body piles
Posted in VelvetsFantasies
Tagged Jacquelyn Velvets
VelvetsFantasies – Staying In And Going Out With – Sparrow And Cassie
Posted by PornExtreme on 1 May 2017, 20:40VelvetsFantasies – Staying In And Going Out With – Sparrow And Cassie
Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F
Description: Introducing two new girls: Sparrow Summers and Cassie Moxy! We fade in on Jacquelyn Velvets’ assistant (Sleeperkid) filming an audition tape for his boss. It seems that the next big Velvets production is in need of some fresh blood, and SK’s got his hands full figuring out whether to hire the blonde and bubbly Cassie Moxy…or the petite and sweet Sparrow Summers! What follows is a sudden game of bait and switch, as SK tells the ladies that they’ll only be participating in simulated knockouts, only to apply a healthy dose of actual chloroform during the first round! The ladies are a bit thrown off by this development, but both gals are DYING to be the hot new thing at Velvet’s Fantasies, so they go with it. Sleeperkid does his job, demonstrating tons of knockout and carry techniques on the two eager actresses, until he finally decides to pick Cassie as the new lead. Always one to add a twist or two, SK tells Cassie that she’ll be receiving a cash bonus…AND that Jacquelyn would be quite impressed with a few feats of loyalty. Not only does SK get Cassie to knock her rival out, he also ends the tape with an impressive self-chloroform KO from the excited winner!
This movie contains chloroform KOs, sleepy spray KOs, dust mask with sleepy spray KOs, self chloroform KO, over the shoulder carries, girl/girl over the shoulder carry, cradle carry, body piles, limp limb manipulation
Posted in VelvetsFantasies
Tagged Jacquelyn Velvets
VelvetsFantasies – Baun Voyage
Posted by PornExtreme on 1 May 2017, 20:38VelvetsFantasies – Baun Voyage
Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F
Description: Starring Jacquelyn Velvets, Baunfire, Bambi Buttons and INTRODUCING Monica Jade
We fade in on the trio of Bambi Buttons, Jacquelyn Velvets, and Monica Jade as they settle in for a much-needed slumber party. The girls discuss that night’s planned events, and Miss Velvets happens to ask why her buddy Baunfire wasn’t invited. Bambi and Monica giggle as they roll their eyes. Apparently, Baunfire is just too “weird” for them to have over…a fact that Jacquelyn had not been privy to before coming over. As Bambi and Monica continue to discuss why Baunfire wasn’t on the invite list, we cut to the 6’3 redhead making her way through the front door, a bag of KO tricks in her hand. Furious at the insult, she makes her way to the bedroom and starts to fill the room with a custom-designed sleeping gas. Soon enough, all three ladies fade into a deep sleep, leaving Baunfire free to toy with her victims before slinking off to play a little game of tall cat versus tiny mice!
What follows is a series of single and double KOs, rag dolling, body-piling, eyerolling, and the slow reveal of each of Baunfire’s victims’ undergarments and bare feet, all while the unlucky slumber party guests try to find their unseen attacker. In the end, an act of pure loyalty from Miss Velvets convinces
Baunfire that she’s been on her side all along, leaving the two to re-plan a brand NEW event: one that features Bambi and Monica Jade as a lovely pair of unconscious party favors!
This movie contains 3 girl gassing KO, neck pinch KOs, black jack KOs, sleepy spray KO, double chloroform KO, double neck chop KO, body piles, rag dolling, limp limb manipulation, girl/girl over the shoulder carries
Posted in VelvetsFantasies
Tagged Jacquelyn Velvets
VelvetsFantasies – The Stranger Inside
Posted by PornExtreme on 26 April 2017, 14:30VelvetsFantasies – The Stranger Inside
Categories: Death Fetish, SoftCore, Gun Fun, Non Nude, Non Sex, Girls Play, Amazon, RolePlay, F/F
Description: Starring Galas, Jacquelyn Velvets, and Brian. Galas and Jacquelyn are all dressed up and waiting to head over to a costume party. Their ride, Galas’ new boyfriend Brian, was supposed to dress up and go to the party too, but after witnessing the girls all dolled up in his favorite superhero outfits, he decides to keep the party to himself with some sleepy fun even if it takes a little hard convincing! Galas and Jacquelyn put up a SUPER fight to hopefully keep Brian at bay, but in the end he gets his sleepy way!
This movie contains fainting KO, chloroform KOs, head bonk KO, multiple punch out KOs, sleeper hold, temple drill KO, cradle carry, over the shoulder carries, dragging, light bondage, rag dolling, limp limb manipulation
Posted in VelvetsFantasies
Tagged Jacquelyn Velvets