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Peachy Keen Films – Taking Care of Business

Posted by PornExtreme on 11 November 2015, 22:30

Peachy Keen Films – Taking Care of Business

Categories: Strangle, Death Fetish, Snuff Play, Shooting, Abuse, Rape, Bagging

Description: A very pregnant young woman is exercising in her home when a man comes it to kill her.

But first, he had the woman perform sexual favors knowing that she will let him thinking that he might let her live.

He forces her to give him oral, then fucks her hard on the couch, squirting his cum all over her prego belly.

Then, before she can even react to the rape, he shoots her in the pussy. She clutches her wound in pain. He pulls her up and pushes her against the wall.

She can barely stand when he fired two shots into her belly. She starts to fall over, but he keeps her up and brings her back to the couch. She can barely stay standing. He takes aim and shoot her three times across her engorged breasts.

She falls back on the couch. A tiny spasm erupts throughout her body, then a trick of blood dribbles out her mouth. She is dead.

He leaves her on the couch. He executed the bosses lover. His boss will be relieved upon hearing the news that he has taken care of business.

Contains: Violence, Nudity, Pregnancy, Explicit Sexual Content, Crying, Scared, Forced BJ, Forced Sex, Cum Shot, Multi-Shooting, Body Views.

Taking Care Of Business
Taking Care Of Business.mp4

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Choke Chamber – Dreams

Posted by PornExtreme on 10 November 2015, 20:28

Choke Chamber – Dreams

Categories: Strangling, Shooting, Rape, Lesbian, Snuff Fetish, Bagging


A CRIME HOUSE PRODUCTION! Inga is ordinary young woman from a middle class family. I do not know why a strange masked man tried to kill her. When he entered her room, she was sleeping. He put a necrophiliac sculpture near her. Death approached, and the girl in her dreams already sees it. The first dream. She is like a schoolgirl. Schoolgirl having fun talking on the phone with her girlfriend. Manic bursts into the room. The girl is very frightened. Maniac shoot her with a pistol several times. Girl dies in agony, her short skirt rides up. The second dream. Inga is a sexy housewife. Woman gets out of the shower and sees a man with a gun. She manages a plaintive cry when she shoots a maniac. She dies in the shower, in an erotic pose. The third dream. Inga aerobics. Her yellow shorts, a pink T-shirt and sneakers. She is doing exercises when a bullet caught her off guard. Inga is dying in terrible agony, and her body shows a funny ass involuntarily ostentation. Girl wakes up in horror sees that maniac from dreams – it is a reality, she is trying to scream, but the offender hits her on the head with the statue. The girl turned off unconscious. Maniac timidly plays with her body, afraid to touch it, and walks away. Hearing her moan, he turns and shoots her in the forehead. Smer is so fast! Confused girl with a bullet in the forehead and she falls off the bed and lay dead on the floor wearing only panties.

A CRIME HOUSE PRODUCTION! 4 Deadly Situations!
Fetish Elements:

Fetish-form schoolgirl, athletic shorts, tits, gun fun, killing without blood, murder with blood, unconscious, sleepy, fear, agony, surprised faces before death, sexual dead poses, shot in the head, death stares with closed eyes and with opened eyes


Posted in Choke Chamber |

Choke Chamber – Crime and punishment

Posted by PornExtreme on 10 November 2015, 09:53

Choke Chamber – Crime and punishment

Categories: Strangling, Shooting, Rape, Lesbian, Snuff Fetish, Bagging


A poor student rents a room in At Petersburg. It’s payday but he has no money. He reads «Crime and Punishment» by Fedor Dostoevsky and finds himself like Raskolnikov. When he reads about murdering of flat-owner and Liza, he is exited. He decides to repeat a tragic story. But the room’s owner isn’t an old lady at all! Young, success businesswoman and her pretty young long-leggy daughter came to his place for their money. But instead money they find nothing but death! The student takes a gun and shoots the woman to her chest. Mother surprises and dies in quick death agony. Her daughter in the shock and we can understand her – mother she loved so much now is dead with a bullet in her body. Young girl rushes to mummy’s corpse, seats on her knees and cries: – Oh, no, mummy, dear, no! Bastard, what have you done? The student finds the scene of this tragedy is very exiting. He feels himself like «Overman» in Dostoevsky’s and Nietzsche’s proceedings. The girl is so pretty in panic. Her short skirt is up, she touches her dead mother in hope that she can help her. But she can not. The student transforms to cruel monster and makes her to play a sexy game with her dead mother, to touch her hair, tits, to put off jewels from her neck. Young babe wants to live so much, that’s why she does all he says. But he isn’t going to stop. The next his order is to take off her clothes. The daughter takes off her shirt and skirt shyly, and then she takes off tights. -Play with her body! – he orders again. The girl touches mummy’s still warm corpse, but she can’t stand so cruelty any more, she gets panic. -I won’t do it any more- she cries desperately. – Stop it now, bastard! This is her last words. He shoots her to stomach. It pains. This girl didn’t know what is pain. But now she does, she knows this shocking terrible feeling of fear, pain and death coming. She is looking at him confused and he shoots again, now in her chest. Deadly point! She falls on her mum’s body smoothly and gracefully. Two dead girls lying in a body pile. Mothers has a calm face with clothed eyes. Seems she is just sleeping but bloody wound says about she is dead. Daughter has a opened-eyes death stare. Her eyes look like they made of glass. The student comes to the bodies and starts playing with them. He takes off bra from young girl’s big boobs and touches them, smashing spreading blood. He plays with girls, like with dolls made of real girls. Then she seats them is dead-dolls poses, seats near and continues to read Dostoevsky. He touches their faces. He is reading all the evening and when he reads about Raskolnikov’s atonement his courage with «Overman» idea failed.

Mum and daughter are executed together by crazy guy. Then he plays with their dead bodies.
Fetish Elements:

Mother-daughter victims, shooting, blood, forced stripping, surprised faces, body pile with two girls, stockings, playing with dead bodies, much of different dead playing, interesting plot

Crime and punishment
Crime and punishment.mp4

Posted in Choke Chamber |

Peachy Keen Films – The Good Murders

Posted by PornExtreme on 9 September 2015, 00:06

Peachy Keen Films – The Good Murders

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: The Story

Steve and Chris are bummed on life and decide they hate women. They are determined to murder as many as they can. They are new at this, so they must start simple and work their way up.

The Whores

When Steve emerged it was time. They were a little unsure, but more or less knew what they had to do. Chris knew where he wanted to do it and laid a blanket out in the game room. They both brought her in. Her blindfold had fallen off, but she was still gagged and cuffed. She was shaken, disoriented. She expected they would put her back in the car and leave her off somewhere. She would report it to the police, they would do nothing, business as usual.

They set her down on the blanket and Chris asked Steve if he had the cord. She knew this was different at that moment. From the feeling of hurt, betrayal, sadness, and self-pity, now became fear — absolute fear that she was about to die and every single muscle in her body responded to this threat. She nearly got free; instantly she was a squirming squealing insect. Her body shivered and withered. Steve was desperately trying to get the cord around her neck, but she kept trying to avoid it and them and any sort of touch at all. Chris got her legs and clamped down on them, but her torso kept bucking and twisting. Then the cloth came out of her mouth and the yelling began. Chris cringed, wondering if the neighbors would hear. He encouraged Steve to hurry and he was doing his best. Finally — finally! — he got the garrote around, but there was yet to be pressure. This was hard, harder then it looked in the movies. He kept pulling back and she kept going with him — it would not get tight. She was still able to breathe.

Then, she went forward and he backward and the airflow stopped. The sound was shocking to Chris — he had never heard it before. Neither had Steve and to him it was beautiful, the gagging music to his deranged ears.

She bucked and spasmed. Chris held her legs, Steve kept the garrote tight around her neck. Her face was almost against the floor, her tongue and globs of drool hitting the dirty, filthy carpet. She spasmed some more, lashed out her tongue, eyes wide with fear.

After several minutes, once she finally slowed down and eventually stopped, Steve let go. Chris let go. It was done. They were exhausted. In the struggle she had moved off the blanket. Now, they picked her up and laid her back on it. They talked about disposal. She woke up. She was just unconscious.


Chris told Steve to do better, to be sure this time. Steve got the garrote around her neck again. Luckily she was weakened, not as crazy. He was able to put his sandal on the rope, pinching one end to the ground. Now, he could take the other end with both hands and pull more confidently. She struggled for a while, then finally slowed down, but this time she lay for the longest time, barely aware, eyes open and tongue out. She looked at Steve and Steve looked at her. She faded and was gone.

While Chris went to prepare, Steve sat and stared at her, looking closely at her wound on her neck. Looking closely at all of her, like she was a specimen he found. She was his first — she was their first.

But, she would not be their last.

Earlier they had learned that the other girl was a close friend and were now determined to eliminate her as a witness. They found her in the same spot. After getting her in the car, she turned and saw her friend, dead in the back. She freaked out and Steve punched her hard, knocking her out.

When they got to the house, they carried her unconscious form to the bedroom. This time it was streamlined. They had done this before, not two hours earlier. They stripped her off, she woke up and was raging to leave. Steve ran out of the room to get the cord, while Chris punched her several timed to calm her down. They got the cord around her and Steve tried a two-handed strangle again. This time he was determined to make it work. She struggled and spasmed. Chris tried to help, but Steve just got more and more intense and made him watch, but not touch. He was… different than the person he knew from the bar. He had changed after that first kill.

Steve worked on her for a while… her body not ready to give up. Her eyes were wide, tongue out, drool and sweat all over her.

When it was over, her last glint of life was a single tear streaming out of her eye. Chris noticed a single tear coming out of Steve’s eye at the same time. There was no explaining this transition. Steve was a killer, and Chris knew after this day, he would be too. Together, they would find their prey and kill them. And, not just whores. All kinds of women, from strippers to church girls. In fact, he remembered a cute college student he saw the other day in the park. Maybe he would have Steve watch her for a few days, see what her pattern was. Maybe they could get themselves a cute little coed next…

The Dancer

They picked her up at a strip club. It was a fluke. They were always looking, but everything had to be planned. They had a system, a script that they worked from. Now it was 6am on a bright sunny morning and they were driving a young woman home. She had fought with her boyfriend that night because she did not want to go home when he did. Chris and Steve were there. Chris, used his manipulation skills to act as her rescuer. In the van, Steve sat quietly in the back — waiting. Chris convinced her that they needed to stop at their place, and further convinced her to come inside.

Once inside, Steve bashed her in the back of the head and she went down hard. They brought her too a room in the house and made quick work of stripping and cuffing her. She woke up, instantly yelling and struggling, but Steve was quick to get the rope around her neck — the same rope they had used on the whores.

She lurched and struggled, but her fight was quickly waning. She was covered in sweat and half gone with lack of oxygen. Her hands were batting around at anything and nothing. Her eyes wide and mouth fishing for air. She slowed and slowed and finally was still.

Steve was amazed at how easy it was to get this girl. He was almost invigorated by this, as if a new Steve were starting to emerge. He was ready for the next girl… a girl Chris had been stalking for the last several days. He would go to the park in a few more days to see her with Chris. But now, a task was at hand. They tossed her clothes on her body and each grabbed an end and they carried her out for later disposal.

The Student

The door burst open and they brought her into a small room–forcing her down on her knees. Her gag was gone and she was begging for her life as her whole body shook in fear. Chris asked if he can do this one and Steve let him. She started to panic even more as Chris is handed the infamous garrote that has been used for all the killings. Chris fumbles with it, then gets it around her neck and pulls. His grip is wrong, he does not know what he he doing. Kala’s air is cut off, then back again and she gasps and freaks out at the same time. Steve tries to help Chris and, while they are momentarily distracted, Kala starts to crawl away. It’s a pathetic attempt; nothing, really. Steve grabs her around the waist and sets her back in her spot on the plastic like disciplining a child. He then shows Chris how it is done and gets the cord around the weeping girl’s neck and pulls. Many kills later, and Steve is a pro. He had the garrote wrapped twice, tight against her skin–Kala has no air. Her legs are trapped underneath her in an upright position. Her face strains and her body shudders as she tries to fight.

Covered with sweat, hair matted against her forehead — she is no longer the pretty collage girl, but a dying, sticky, mess. Her body betrays her with shudders and spasms. Her mouth fills up with foaming drool with oozes out in a long stream from her chin to the floor. Steve lays her back down, letting her legs free to weakly kick and buck, but she slowly fades out.

After observing thier new victim for a moment, they wrap her up in the plastic she was on, leaving her covered in sweat.

The Faithful

At the table, Steve and Lexxi brainstormed ideas while slowly in the background, Chris approached. When he was close enough, he placed the chloroform-soaked rag over her mouth and nose. She struggled a bit, then was out. They each grabbed a part of her and lifted her up and out of the room.

When Chris cut of her air as her body instantly and intensely bucked and gyrated against him. Her legs went crazy, but they were tied up so she could do little but struggle and try to take a breath — a chance she was not given. He strangled her hard for a few long minutes, but he began to get tired. Steve cannot believe this and yells at him to get out of the way. He unties one of her hands and Chris looses his grip on the garrote as he struggles to get out and let Steve in. Lexxi gasps for air and swings her arm, trying anything she can to live. Steve quickly gets into position and Chris grabs the rope on her wrist and reties it. Within moments, Steve is pulling on the rope hard and it digs into her flesh — the marks from he previous strangle session now clearly visible.

Lexxi struggles hard initially, but, already weakened form being strangled by Chris, she slows considerably, finally she is dead. Steve roughly unties her and shoves her to the side.

The Neighbor

Months later, they have killed whores, strippers, college girls and church girls and many others in-between, always looking for more. Today, one would be delivered right to them, except this one was different then any they had killed in the past. This one they knew.

Finally, it was time. Chris had been having trouble strangling. The last time with the church girl, he physically was worn out and had to switch with Steve. So, to this day, he has never actually killed anyone. Today would be different. The cord was wrapped around her neck and they each took an end and pulled — thus sharing the kill.

She fought and struggled hard, but there was not much she could to. Her hands were cuffed, she swung her legs wildly, but the two men just kept pulling tight, smiling down on her demise. Her face was beat red, her eyes wide and mouth open with tongue out. She struggled for a long, long time, but eventually she weakened. Once she was dead, staring at them — the men who murdered her — they looked back at Mrs Jones with love and lust and want and a delirious euphoria.

They wrapped her up in the blanket they killed so many on — no longer will they be using it. Later, they sat, looking at a map of the world, for now, it was their oyster…

The Good Murders
The Good Murders.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Strangling Twins

Posted by PornExtreme on 9 September 2015, 00:05

Peachy Keen Films – Strangling Twins

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Twin daughters of a local politician are brought into a room. The girls are bound, hands behind them. The first twin, Casey, is the sweet girl-next-door…now in a panic and calling to her stronger, tougher sister, Star, for comfort

He could tell Star was going to be a problem and quickly stripped off some of her clothes to humiliate and subdue her. Then, he went over, untied Casey’s wrists and forced her to strip. Once she was naked, she rebound her by her wrist behind her back, then, as an added measure, tied her ankles so she could not extend her legs all the way.

Next he got the web broadcast ready. Then, because he anticipated trouble, he looped a rope around Star to keep her from coming to her sisters aid.

When it was time, he held Casey in front of the webcam, pointing a pistol to her head and waiting for the instructions on his sat-phone.

He was told they would not adhere to their demands and to kill Casey in front of the webcam. So, he got out his garrote, wrapped it around the young woman’s neck and began to strangle her. Star freaked out as she watch her twin sister being murdered in front of her. She tried hard to come to her aid, but the ropes would not let her.

Casey struggle violently, thrusting her pelvis in the air, legs spreading, eyes wide, mouth open. She twisting and bumped, jerked and gyrated on the floor. All the time Star, who was gagged earlier, is moaning in despair watching her only sister be murdered. She, could do, nothing….

Finally, after a long struggle, it was over. Casey was dead. Star collapse, her gag finally coming loose, she spit it out and lay on the floor sobbing. Her sister was dead, her life was over.

Next, he turned the webcam onto Star and went through the same process, but like before, he was given the instructions to kill her. He told her coldly, that her parents did not care for her, right before he started strangling her.

She fought for her life, she wanted to live, if only to ask why her parents would forsake her. She would never get that chance. She struggled long and hard like her sister, but the ending was the same.

Once star was dead, he finished undressing her. Then arraigned the bodies for photos he would have to take later.

Strangling Twins
Strangling Twins.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Strangled Witness

Posted by PornExtreme on 2 September 2015, 00:15

Peachy Keen Films – Strangled Witness

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Two girls fool around on a bed. We discover that one was picked up by the other in a bar earlier that night. And, we learn, this was not a coincidence. Melissa is a hired assassin to take out Meira because of her potentially incriminating testimony at a local area trial. The intimacy Melissa shows Meira up to the point of the kill is both calculated and a job perk for her, but when she has her fill of this girl’s flesh, she turns into a cold-blooded femme fatale. Only giving Meira a moment to realize what is about to happen, Melissa grabs her bra and pulls it around the girl’s neck. She slowly strangles her, obviously enjoying every moment of the young woman’s struggles. When she is dead, Melissa gives her luscious body one last feel, kisses her on the cheek, and walks out.

Strangled Witness
Strangled Witness.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Shooting Experiment 2

Posted by PornExtreme on 28 August 2015, 22:06

Peachy Keen Films – Shooting Experiment 2

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: 16 Shots Total!!!

A young woman is being held in a seclusion cell, awaiting execution for her crimes.

A doctor arrives, offering her a one day reprieve if she would participate in a scientific experiment.

She agrees.

The doctor gives her a medical exam that leaves her feeling small and humiliated.

The next day, she is escorted to the execution chamber. The doctor is tells her to strip. Then, she is given a special dildo that contains special sensors for the experiment. She must insert it all the way into her pussy. She must keep it inside her throughout the process.

The doctor explains to her that he is shooting her with special, low impact rounds in non-vital areas to gave her sexual/pain response. The dildo inside her will measure her sexual juices and he will be checking it’s reading from time to time. After he has collected enough data, he will end her suffering.

She nods that she understands. She already signed the consent, there was nothing she could do now.

He aimed the gun at her and fired. The first round hitting her just below the belly button. She was in pain and shock.

The doctor continued. It was a long, slow, painful process. He would shoot her in various places, pause for a moment and shoot her again. He would occasionally check the sensor. Her suffering was immense. She just wanted to die and was having trouble holding herself up.

13 shots later and he was finally done. He had shot her several places: breasts, belly, pelvis, pussy. She was delirious with pain wanted to die so bad.

He took her down then dragged her out of the room.

On the medical exam table, she was barely alive, shivering all over, full of bleeding holes.

He took pushed the barrel of the gun in on her tummy wounds, causing blood to seep out of her pussy and her to writhe in pain.

He placed the gun at her pussy, this time loaded with a normal round. He fired. The bullet easily travel through her body, resting somewhere in her skull. She was dead.

He fired a coulpe more times into her crotch.

He spent time cleaning her up to allow for easy view of each would for later documentation. He was pleased with the experiment, but knew he would need more subjects to complete his work.

Shooting Experiment 2
Shooting Experiment 2.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Next Comes Death

Posted by PornExtreme on 28 August 2015, 22:04

Peachy Keen Films – Next Comes Death

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A young woman, alone in a room. She is handcuffed to the wooden chair she sits on. Her legs are cuffed as well. She has been their for hours, the bruises on her arms and legs–evidence of pain and torture. She is glistening with sweet. A fan blows nearby, the only thing to keep her alert. She looks around, tries to pull at the cuffs, but the bruising around her wrists and legs remind her that she cannot escape. He walks in…a man, she does not know him. He grabbed her, as she was walking to her parents house. Why–she did not know. He taunts her, torments her, then when she does not expect it, he hits her hard, this time in the face. Blood comes out her mouth, she cries in pain. He continues to torment her. There is no reason for her to be here–he has no agenda. He hit her some more. At one point, he grabs her nose piercing, squeezes/twists it, leaving a smudge of blood…again, the cries or pain. That is, of course the reason….the suffering of an innocent girl. His power comes from this, what he was doing now. He punched her in the gut, again and again. She was delirious with pain. He checks her cuffs, tightens them until they dig into her flesh—bruised and bleeding. He hits her again, this time, she is out. He wakes her up. He just returned from the store, like so many times. He tormented her some more. Then he cuts off her white panties. He wets his finger and slides it into her cunt. He finger bangs her. She protests, crying, saying “no’s” and “don’ts”, but it is for not. He decides it is time. He pulls out his cock, forces her to suck it. He tells her if she does a good job he will let her go. He has to work hard at it, she resists. He tells her again, more clearly. She complies. She starts to do well, very well. She starts to get into it and he finishes, cumming in her mouth…..she takes it—she wants to do good so he will let her go. The cum runs off her tongue, down her chin, onto the floor, mixing with the blood and sweat from so many hours of pain. And, it was good. He punches her in the head as a reward and knocks her out. He returns and she is awake again. He tells her it is time. She almost believes him. He is behind her. She waits. He brings the scalpel around her neck, quickly slicing it across. Blood sprays out, then pours out, running down her breasts. She chokes, gags, spasms—her body jerks, her head leans back, her mouth open, her eyes wide. She spasms a bit longer, then slows, slows, slows down until she is still…staring….dead.

Next Comes Death
Next Comes Death.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Stewardess Fancy

Posted by PornExtreme on 8 August 2015, 21:37

Peachy Keen Films – Stewardess Fancy

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Two flight attendants commonly share a hotel room during layovers. On this night, the younger of the two, 18 year old Chrissy, is excited because she picked up a guy in the hotel bar (she maintains a fake id for such occasions) and is anxious to tell her roommate, Emma, who is just arriving from a cross-country flight. Emma sacks out on the bed, wanting to snuggle in with a book, but Chrissy is bouncing around with her news of her hot date.

A knock at the door and she bounds out of bed to answer it. Chrissy’s bar guy is a tall, swaggering man, smelling of booze and the ability to womanize. Chrissy knows she is gonna get lucky tonight. The man tries to introduce himself to Emma, but she gives him the cold shoulder, only wanting to read her book and wash the long day away. The man turns his attention back to young Chrissy, probably half his age, all the more of a score for him. They collapse together on the bed, making out fast and furious — clothes start to ruffle and lips plunge together in wet smacks.

Emma, disgusted, tries to ignore the bodies groping like honey teenagers on the same bed as her — then she remembers one of them *is* a horny teenager. She still tries to ignore them.,/p>

Soon clothes come off and the big scene is about to commence. Emma can hardly wait, figuring he would last a couple minutes with the horny teenager and be asleep and hopefully out of here soon. But Chrissy needs a moment and runs to the bathroom, shutting the door and flipping the noisy fan on. Emma is stuck with the smelly bar guy. He leans over, asks her about her book. She never gets a chance to answer. He quickly loops his leather belt around her neck and yanks her back. Her oxygen is cut off instantly. Her eyes grow wide, she bucks her hips and legs while desperately clawing at the belt and trying to smack at the guy. Like a choke chain on a dog, he keeps it tight, and by doing that, he keeps her relatively under his control. Not able to get leverage to escape, she can only kick her legs, open her mouth wildly and search for air with her tongue. He repositions her a couple times, exposing her breasts and pussy in the process. As she slows down, she starts to jerk her pelvis and legs. Her arms spasm, her face looks pained and hopeless. Finally, she is slow, slow, slow, and finally still. Just as he realizes she is dead, he hears the toilet flush and quickly flops the girls body over and repositions her in order to get her under the covers.

Emma looks like she is asleep as Chrissy comes out to finish want was started. The bar guy is waiting for her, only looking slightly winded from just murdering her poor roommate. She pulls off her panties and climbs on top of him. He tells her he wants to try something, then loops the belt around her neck and pulls semi-hard. She tries to keep going, but it is really hard for her and then she starts to panic. That is his cue and he yanks her down on the bed, partially over the legs of her dead friend. He pulls for real now and her body lurches up, thrusting upward, legs spread. Her face becomes contorted — eyes wide, mouth really wide and tongue popping in and out. She kicks and twists and tries to get her fingers under the garrote. Her tummy and legs spasm, and her whole body jerks, doing whatever it can to find air — but, there is no air to be had. Lungs burning inside, she fights for the life that is slowly leaving her. She weakens in several stages, then her legs shoot at for a last reprieve — spasming and twitching, spread out. Her face begins to relax and finally she is still. He picks her up and tosses her to the other end of the bed. He then poses the two girls side-by-side. All of a sudden he feels the urge to write this all down for some crazy book he is researching and leaves. The camera stays to slowly showcase the dead stewardesses.

Stewardess Fancy
Stewardess Fancy.mp4

Posted in PKF |

Peachy Keen Films – Rave Date

Posted by PornExtreme on 8 August 2015, 21:36

Peachy Keen Films – Rave Date

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Jake found the best place to pick up tight pink pussy was a rave party. Fresh high-school and college meat always awaited him there. Tonight was no different. When the girl he was watching broke away from her friends, he made his move, dancing in, grinding against her, making sure his package was pronounced. It always worked. So many girls fell for this. He offered her a drink, but she made it really easy for him and offered to go to his place. Save a Rophie for next time.

At his place, he looked into the eyes of this sweet girl. He made the usual conversation. Then, he attacked her. He had her pinned to the couch, his hand on her neck. He would choke her out, fuck her, then dump her off somewhere on the East side. But this one was squirmy and slipped out. She was on the floor, crawling away from him, but he quickly grabbed her by the hair, roughly yanking her up, then slamming back down on the couch. He was on her, trying to hold her while reaching for his garrote. This would get the job done. Just as he got it firmly around her neck, she managed to get her boots against his stomach…she was strong, probably a cheerleader or ballerina. She shoved hard and he fell off of her. Again, she was loose, hollering for help, but he got the rope looped around her and yanked her back. This time it was for real. No escape, no surviving, he was going to fucking kill this little bitch.

Her face turned beat red as he pulled on the rope. It dug into her soft skin, her body heaved and bucked, her face contorted making every move to draw in air. Her arms swung wildly, trying everything they could to get away. She hit him, tried to grab at the garrote, at his arms, tried to him some more, tried to push herself off him. Nothing worked and she was loosing the battle.

Her legs stretched out, muscles locking and stitching. Her hips thrust upward, her arms started to involuntary spasm, her fingers grabbing at bits of carpet.

After a long struggle, she grew weaker and weaker. Her look became acceptance, her body became still, and she was dead.

He took the rope off of her neck, revealing redness, soon to bruise. He rolled her dead weight off of him. Then, he rolled her back to get a better look at her. She stared, blankly, no life in her eyes, yet still the beauty that attracted him to her at the club. Now it was his time to be with her on his terms.

He did not rush. Every part of her would be looked at, touched and, most importantly, smelled. Oh, he loved the smell of a woman and she was, though young, a woman indeed.

He spent time with her on the floor, exploring her, rubbing her. He played with her limbs, used them to rub herself. He lifted her up, removed her shirt. Then, he explored her more. Finally, he lifted her up on the couch.

There, he spent time on her pussy, removing her panties, touching and smelling her small, pink little pussy. She was fresh, a virgin perhaps. She was his for this night.

After exploring, touching, licking, he slid is cock inside her and fucked the school girl. She was tight and warm. After a while, he tried her mouth, slipping his cock in and out of her lips. Then, back inside her pussy, watching her face as she stared lifeless–blankly. He came on her belly.

Satisfied, he carried her body around the room, talking softly to it as was his ritual. When finished he rolled her up in the new carpet he bought, just for such occurrences.

Fetish Elements: Violence, Nudity, Explicit Sexual Content, Catch+Release, Hand Strangling, Garrote Strangling, Boots Left On, Necro, Ragdolling, Carrying, Uncut Directors Version.

Rave Date
Rave Date.mp4

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