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Peachy Keen Films – Shooting Experiment

Posted by PornExtreme on 26 July 2015, 05:13

Peachy Keen Films – Shooting Experiment

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A young woman is being held in a seclusion cell, awaiting her execution for her crimes.

A doctor arrives, offering her a one day reprieve and a chance to call her loved ones if she would participate in a scientific experiment.

She agrees.

The doctor gives her a medical exam that leaves her feeling small and humiliated.

The next day, she is escorted to the execution chamber. The doctor is their and he tells her to strip. Then, she is given a special dildo that contains special sensors and must insert it all the way into her pussy. She must hold it inside her throughout the process.

The doctor explains to her that he is shooting her with special, low impact rounds in non-vital areas to gave her sexual/pain response. The dildo inside her will measure her sexual juices and he will be checking it’s reading from time to time. After he has collected enough data, he will end her suffering.

She nods that she understands. She already signed the consent, there was nothing she could do now.

He aimed the gun at her and fired. The first round hitting her in the belly button. She was in pain and shock. It hurt so bad, yet, when he checked her dido sensor, she was already starting to get wet. Could it be she was sexually excited by this as well?

The doctor continued. It was a long, slow, painful process. He would shoot her, check her wounds, check the sensor and shoot her again. Her suffering was immense. She just wanted to die, but he keep assuring her it would only be one more shot. But one more became another and another.

13 shots later and he was finally done. He had shot her several places: breasts, belly, pelvis, pussy. She was delirious with pain and wet with pleasure. She wanted to die so bad.

He took her down.

On the medical exam table, she was barely alive, shivering all over, full of bleeding holes. He asked her if she was ready for him to end her suffering. She nodded.

He placed the gun at her pussy, this time loaded with a normal round. He fired. The bullet easily travel through her body, out the top of her head. She was dead. He fired again–just to be sure.

He spent time cleaning her up to allow for easy view of each would for later documentation. He was pleased with the experiment, but knew he would need more subjects to complete his work. If he could solve the pleasure/pain phenomena, he would be pleased and perhaps, finally, well respected among his peers.

Shooting Experiment
Shooting Experiment.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Liar

Posted by PornExtreme on 22 July 2015, 20:24

Peachy Keen Films – Liar

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: She was just a little liar. She lied to her teachers, she lied to her friends, she lied to get older boys to buy her drink and she was lying today. She sat, grounded in her room after being caught in a lie by her mom for the umpteenth time. She was on the phone with her friend, talking about the bored game she played with a telemarketer the other day. She pretended she was her mom, who was away at work, just to frustrate the caller.

Later, she was doing more of nothing and someone came to the door. She rushed to get into her “I’m a slut” clothes… was a guy, so she wanted to mess with him. She liked to tease.

She pretended she was home from college and promised to buy some magazines if he would take her for a drink afterwords. Then, she snuck off and called her friend, planning to call the cops after they arrived just to mess with him.

When she came back out, he was gone. She turned around and he knocked to too the floor. She screamed and struggled as he tossed her on the couch. He got her into a choke hold and she soon was out.

In the bedroom, she woke up, scared, tried to cover herself. He cuffed her behind her back and forced her to suck his cock. She was frightened but complied out of fear. She was clearly afraid and did not comprehend what her lie got her into.

When he called yesterday, he talked to an older, sexy woman–or so he thought. So, targeting her house, he did not expect to find her daughter. She said she was in collage–but she looked a little young. He would worry about her age after he finished with her.

Forcing her back on the bed, he raped, her, popping her cherry–blood and all. He was impressed that she had stayed a virgin so long. He flipped her over the back of a chair–now it was time to pop her ass cherry.

Curled up on the bed, he did not expect her to look so young an vulnerable. He looked at her homework on the table, nodded, then slipped next to her and let her lay her sweet young head on his lap. “How old are you?” he asked the crying, trembling girl. “I’m 18–I’m just in high school”, he could barely understand her before she started sobbing uncontrollably. ”

So, he changed his plans. Sort of. He comforted her, calmed her down, told her that he would wash her off, clean her up and leave. It would be like it never happened and the whole lie can be put behind her.

She sat on the couch, waiting for him. He walked out, told her the shower was ready and as she gone up, he pushed her hard down to the floor. She screamed and cried–what was going on, you promised. But he hadn’t promised anything really. And, he had never had anyone so young before. He had to experience it–so he moved forward.

He hogtied her tightly. As he did this, she screamed and whined in pain and discomfort. Once he had her tied securely, he straddled her, then fucked her mouth until he came on her tits. She was humiliated and exhausted. She just wanted it all to be over, to go away. Her mom would be home in a few hours, she would be so nice to her. She would never lie again.

It was true. He wrapped the rope around her neck and pulled. She freaked out, choking until he let it loos and she grasped for air. Before she could he pulled again, tighter. Again, he let go, before she was out. She was breathing, in a panic and he pulled again–this time for the last time.

She struggled for a while, a healthy girl like her–good lungs. But, in time, she slowly expired. They always did. The outcome of this procedure was always so reliable. He liked that. He let her head smack the carpet hard during the course of the strangle, but now let her relax. She was dead. Her eyes cracked open, her mouth agape. He rolled her to look her over one last time, then left her back on her stomach–in the hogtie.

This red head schoolgirl was now for the papers and he was off to find the next one. Now, he had a taste for new blood. Young blood. He wandered about her friends. Time to do some research.


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Peachy Keen Films – Single Mom

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 10:32

Peachy Keen Films – Single Mom

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A young mother, who just finished dropping her son off at daycare, is walking home. As she travels the sidewalk in this not-so-nice part of the city, she thinks she is being followed. She confirms her fears by ducking into a parking garage and watching as a man approaches, then walks off. She runs the rest of the way home.

She is talking to her mom, frantic, scared, then her worst fears are realized. The man is behind her–in her apartment. He covers her mouth, takes the phone away and they struggle. She tries desperately to escape. He slams her head against the kitchen sink and she is out.

He lays her on the table. He has been stalking her for almost a year now. He lived in the apartments across the street. He used to sit in the dark, watching her undress nightly. She always forgot to close her blinds. Stupid mistake when living across from a sex offender.

Now, she lay before him, his prize and he would cherish this time with her. He slowly moved his hands over her, feeling her body, admiring the fair smoothness of her skin. Then, he slowly removed her clothing. Everything came off until she was naked before him. He touched her, he felt her breasts and sucked on her erect nipples.

“Oh, are you excited” he thought.

Now, he was ready. He would rape her. He pushed her legs apart, anticipating the tightness of this young woman. He started to slide in her. Suddenly, she woke. It caught him off guard. She pushed him back and he fell. She lunged for the door. LOCKED!!!. She bolted up to her room, but he was on her tail–tackling her as she dove up onto her bed. They wrestled until he could get his garrote out.

He got it around her neck, yanked it tight and pulled her back. She was laying on top of him, bucking and fighting. He twisted her to one side, then to the other–anything to weaken her. She was strong, fought hard. He was impressed, but desperate for her to die so he could finish the job before anyone she may have called came checking on her.

After a while, she started to weaken. Progress, finally. He pulled tighter, not wanting to cut into her, he did not want blood. Not this time.

She was shaking all over, her body tense, her face very red. She was not going to last much longer.

He kept at it until there was stillness. Then, he pulled some more to make sure. He took the garrote off, set her up. A red mark on her neck. He grabbed her around her head, a trick he learned in prison–a quick twist, and he broke her neck. It is always good to be sure, and this was almost full proof. She was certainly dead and now he would not be interrupted.

He laid her down, then proceeded to do what he had come for. It may be a little out of the order he wanted, but as it turns out, this might even be better. He rolled her over on her stomach, looked at her inviting ass and smooth glowing skin. She was certainly beautiful. He pulled her to him and fucked her from behind–feeling her warth. After a moment, he flipped her over, then let her head lull off the bed and she fucked her until he came inside this young mommy.

He did not think about what he had done. He did not think of her orphaned son, or her mother losing her only daughter this day. He only though of himself, and the experience he had with her. She facilitated his fantasy and paid with her young life. He posed her on the bed and thanked her. Then, he left.

Fetish Elements: Nudity, Sexual Content, Stripping, Fondling, Garrote Strangling, Neck Break, Posing, Lifting, Necro Sex, Body Views, Foot Views.

Single Mom
Single Mom.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Loving Sister

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 10:31

Peachy Keen Films – Loving Sister

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: In this perverse tale of murder, a young 18 year old girl is trying to find a new life for herself. She just finished the final stages of completing a blackmail scam against her older brother. A brother, who for years had his way with her in a controlling, incestuous relationship. While she showers and dreams of a better life away from him, HE has tracked her down and now waits in her bed, ready for her sex. She is not shocked to see him and slinks up onto the bed, rubbing his cock through his pants, teasing him. It all proves to much and he attacks her, throwing his younger sister to the bed, ripping her panties off and having his way with little sis as they had so many times before–but this time the controlled lust and forced passion was replaced by anger and humiliation. When it was over, he looks through her things. She sits on the bed, bruised and in some way, forgiving of him. She talks about her new life, her plans, thinking that this was simply his way of letting go. She is wrong—he attacks her again, this time going in for the kill. He strangles his little sis with her nylons. She tries to fight and kick but her bigger brother is way to strong. They always used to wrestle as kids, and in fact, that was how the incest started. Now, he holds her in place, this time with a nylon garrote for the last time. The life slowly leave her face, her body becomes still, eyes wide and mouth agape. He rolls her over and has sex with her one last time. This time he finishes. Then he goes—leaving her for hotel staff to fine. A young woman, just starting her life. Now a cold dead corpse, her lover waits for her at the airport, but she be loving anyone ever again.

Loving Sister

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Peachy Keen Films – Senseless Robbery

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 10:26

Peachy Keen Films – Senseless Robbery

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A young woman arrives home from school. She and her roommates attend the local community college. She has some groceries and was putting them away when her cell rang. It was a good friend. Suddenly, the conversation was interrupted by a man rushing down the stairs. The girl only had a fleeting moment to see him before he fired two 9mm rounds into her chest. The phone flew out of her hand, as she went down to the floor hard on her back. Without so much as a pause he double tapped her twice more and she was dead. He barely observed the girl as her wounds bled out and spread across her cotton shirt and the floor beneath her as he rifled through her purse.

He was a petty thief, but he always came prepared. He did not like surprises and she was a surprise to him. Suddenly the lock on the front door turned and he bolted into another room. Another girl entered, the first girls roommate. She saw her friend and rushed to help. It was obvious that she was dead. She backed away, thinking of calling for help. Behind her, the thief leveled his Glock. She felt his presence and turned, then started to run. He shot her in the leg, then through the lower back and upper abdomen in 3 quick shots. She flew into the couch then landed hard on the floor on her stomach–face down.

He checked her out, dragging her over half-way by her jeans, inspecting his work. The bullets passed right through her. She stared blankly, clearly she was dead. As he rolled her back down the wounds started to bleed, staining her shirt.

He went back over to the first girl. One thing he liked besides robbing and killing innocent girls, was feet. He admired the first girls soles, then rolled her over against the cabinets. the back of her shirt was stained solid with her blood. The bullets had passed all the way through, the exit wounds clearly visible. He left her there in that awkward position.

Another girl entered, she saw her friend in the living room and went to help her. The thief was waiting, taking aim. She begged for his mercy. He fired three shots into her chest and she collapsed on her side–dead.

He was tired of interruptions. he saw a laptop case and started rifling through it. The 2nd girl was only playing dead. She, though gravely wounded, managed to lift herself up to a crawling position and was backing away from the thief, who was turned away from her–otherwise occupied. But, that was not the case, he was very attune to his surroundings and before she was even a foot away, he blindly points the gun behind him and fires into her side. She goes down, this time really dead.

He finished his work and decided to have a look once more at his marksmanship. He went back to the first girl in the kitchen, leaning against the cabinets and rolled her back over. He lifted her shirt and admired his accuracy. He then went to the 2nd girl and did the same.

He decided it was time to go and grabbed his stash and left the 3 dead college girls for the neighbors, friends or family to find.

Senseless Robbery

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Peachy Keen Films – Painted Dolls

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 09:55

Peachy Keen Films – Painted Dolls

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: A young nurse arrives home after a long day at work. Soon, a man comes to the door and claims to have a delivery for her. She reluctantly lets him in. He violently attacks her from behind while she is distracted. He lifts her up off the ground and strangles her with one of her white stockings. They fall to the floor and, after a short struggle, he has her in his lap and is strangling her again. She fights hard and long. Once she is dead, he spends plenty of time with her body. Soon, her roommate arrives — also a nurse. He quickly hides. The young nurse finds her roommate’s clothes disheveled on the floor. Nervous, she searches for her through the house. In the bedroom, she finds her friend dead. In a panic, she tries to resuscitate her. While she is distracted, the killer emerges from his hiding place and attacks her, dragging her out of the room. He tries to strangle her with his forearm, but she manages to break free. He is on her again in an instant and wraps her roommate’s stocking around her soft neck. Viciously he strangles her, jamming his knee into her back and forcing her to arch back. She struggles ferociously and for a long time. They change positions again and she is in his lap and slowly she starts to fade away. Once she is dead, he strips her and plays with her body. Then he carries her into the bedroom and poses her next to her roommate. He applies makeup to both of them, making them almost doll-like. He is about to leave when the phone rings and he hears a most interesting message. Soon, another young woman arrives at her sister’s house. When she discovers a nursing uniform on the floor she hurries to the bedroom to find both her sister and her roommate dead on the bed. She runs screaming out of the room and through the house only to fly right into the killer’s arms, waiting for her upstairs. He flips her around and gets her in an forearm choke hold. Pumped up on adrenaline after killing two other young women, he violently falls to the ground with her. She struggles fiercely for a couple minutes, then he is able to crush her windpipe. Barely alive, her body spasms for a few moments then is still. Now, he has a third beautiful girl to play with and he spends plenty of time with her.

Painted Dolls

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Peachy Keen Films – Pawn Shop — Micah

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 09:52

Peachy Keen Films – Pawn Shop — Micah

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: Two weeks later, the pawn shop owner cleans his counter with the shirt from the woman he killed back then. Her body, long disposed of. The door opens and a hot girl enter.

She is on her way to spring break, but just looking around. She is traveling alone. Perfect.

He smashed her head against the counter. She stumbles back and falls to the ground. He is on her, covering her mouth with duct tape, zip tieing her, then dragging out through his secret door to his game room.

He rubs her and fondles her. She tries to escape, but that just make him mad and he strangles her unconscious.

Stripped, he suspends her upside down, then explores her young body.

She wakes up when he tries to shove his cock into her mouth. Now she was not about to cooperate at all, so he got a rope and wrapped it around her neck.

Hanging upside down, he pulled the rope tight. She tried to fight, but the blood was rushing to her head, her body jerked and tongue lashed out. The rope dig into the girl neck. She had no chance, but fought to stay alive as long as she could, and it took a while.

As she finally slowed down, he crouched down next to her to watch the last bit of life leave her face–then, he let her swing loosely.

He explored her dead body some more.

Once lowered, he kept her legs in the air for easier access as he fucked her corpse. She was warm and very tight. He came over her big tits, then left the room to wait for new customers.

Pawn Shop -- Micah
Pawn Shop — Micah.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – My Revenge

Posted by PornExtreme on 1 June 2015, 09:51

Peachy Keen Films – My Revenge

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: My plan was simple: Kill her. After she left me, the harsh words, the restraining order, it was all I wanted to do, take what was mine and silence her–forever.

She was staying at her friends–she had been for a few days. She was going to start again, pick up the pieces. I hated her friend. She helped drive us apart. She would pay, and I would take something from her in the process.

I kicked the door in and found them in the kitchen. My ex was fast, grabbed and twisted my ear and I let her go, but not for long. I went to the stairs, saw her go up and turn just it time to knock out her girlfriend. I dragged that bitch up to the bedroom where I knew my ex was hiding…either the closet or the bathroom. It didn’t matter–she would eventually come out. All I had is time.

I did not waste any time. I wrapped the rope I had around her friends neck. She came too when I started pulling. I strangled that fucking bitch so hard, her tongue was sticking out and her legs were spasming….I noticed she was quite muscular and that added to the excitement of anticipating her death. Such a pretty, healthy young woman–I would fucking end that right now.

When she was dead, it was suddenly very, very quiet. I could almost hear my ex breathing in the room–where was she hiding?

I stripped this dead bitches body, got to touch her for the first time after so many times, so many boring dinners and nights out looking at her–wondering. She was nice, and so I fucked her. God, she felt good. I fucked her hard, I was getting close, so close, then the door opened and my ex came running out. I dropped what I was doing, and grabbed her.

I dragged her on the bed over her dead friends violated body and got my rope around her. I started strangling her. Oh, she fought hard, she knew this was it, I was not fucking around like the other times. This was the end game.

She kicked and struggled, bucking her hips, tensing up, her muscles quivering and relaxing over and over. Her tongue was out, her eyes big and scared. This is it honey, this is the big sleep.

It took a while–both these women were strong, healthy. When she went, she went slowly, eyes settling half open, mouth slightly agape–tongue a little out.

I spent the next while playing with her, It would be my last time. I moved her around, posed her. She fell off the bed and I starting stripping her. Once she was naked, I flopped her over her girlfriend, then I fucked her. This is what I was taking from her–the chance to say no. No more. I would fuck her like I did her friend and there was nothing she could do about it.

I fucked my dead ex until I came inside her warm tight pussy. Then, I posed her one last time. She was so beautiful. They both were. Somehow they would have me believe that I fucked it all up. I know it my heart is was their fault and now they have paid the ultimate price.

Fuck you both, I am OUT!!!

My Revenge
My Revenge.mp4

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Peachy Keen Films – Poetry & Murder

Posted by PornExtreme on 11 April 2015, 10:24

Peachy Keen Films – Poetry & Murder

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: In the sequel to the Lawyer and the Bodyguard, our poet assassin has seduced another young woman with his poetry. This time, they are alone in her apartment, embraced in passion, drunk with wine. They move into the bedroom where she gives him his poem to read aloud to her while she sensuously undresses for him. When he finishes, he comes to her from behind, playing with her neck. She holds a knife, concealed. Ironically she too is a killer, but she is lost in the passion and the moment to strike passes. Distracting her by toying with her necklace, he grabs her stocking and quickly wraps it twice around her soft neck. The fabric creaks as he pulls it tight. She drops the knife and struggles to live. He holds her upright and tight against him, feeling her ass against his crotch — rubbing — exciting him more. He keeps his hold and she fights for her life. Her mouth and tongue search for air, eyes wide in fear and fight. In a while, she weakens until finally, she is still. He allows her to lean against him, balancing as he removes the stocking, exposing her reddened neck. He lays her down and repositions her on the bed. Then he hears a sound. It’s her roommate, home early. Shit. He hides and waits, exhausted, but anticipating what is to come. She discovers her friend and in a panic, sits in the chair the killer hides behind. She calls the police, at the same time, noticing the poem. She reaches for it, looks at it while talking to the stranger on the phone. She does not notice him until he wraps the stocking around her neck, but it is too late. The phone flies out of her hand, she tries to get leverage with her feet and legs but her nylons cause her feet to slip and slide. With adrenaline, his strength is back and he kills her. It take some time, and she scratches at him, but only succeeds in tearing apart her nylons. When she is dead, he lets her slump forward. The cops are on the way, and he is spent now anyhow — no time to love her beautiful body. He feels her supple, young breasts — exposing them — her clothing he leaves disheveled. He leaves, waiting for his next assignment.
Poetry and Murder

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Peachy Keen Films – Reality Shoot–Janice

Posted by PornExtreme on 11 April 2015, 10:24

Peachy Keen Films – Reality Shoot–Janice

Categories: Death Fetish, Necro, Brutal Amazons, Fantasy Snuff, Petra

Description: This is a custom production that is supposed to emulate the look and feel of an amateur home video. Camera movement, color, and sound have all been manipulated to achieve this effects. In addition, this movie is meant to play out in real time with no camera cuts. In actuality, there are 8 hidden camera cuts, which is amazing because there would be over 100 in one of my standard movies of this length. The results are a very realistic feel to the entire video. Finally, this movie has a lot of sexual content…over 27 minutes that precede the fetish elements. I decided not to cut any of it out to avoid disrupting the presentation. As always, the movie is priced based on the fetish elements. Thanks.

A young woman arrives at a studio for a porn audition. The camera is rolling from the start and captures every moment of her arrival to her untimely death.

After engaging in sexual activity with the women, the two men decide to kill her. While one of the men distracts her, the other strangles her with a cord. She puts up a good struggle, but had no real chance. The mess around with the dead girls body, finally one of the men fucks her and shoots his load all over her torso. They wrap her up in a sheet and take her out to dispose of later. The entire movie plays out in real time with no break of the action.
Reality Shoot--Janice
Reality Shoot–Janice.mp4

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